Surprising My Dogs with Early Christmas Gifts

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[Music] good job so I would life I think so yeah you see people not yet I hope this time it works I really hope it works okay then take my phone ah this is so stressful guys can you please let us know if uh the life is working if you could hear us if you see us okay I got a real life that means real life so hello everyone definitely not from the first take but we're backlight um I'm really happy to see you I've been postcoding this life for weeks months because we were busy but today uh I prepared something fun for you and my dad's so um we will be opening some early Santa gifts with Leo tagger and Nala yes um and yeah I'm super excited but before we start this please let's take a moment and appreciate their uh beautiful Festival tires yeah right I got Cindy here oh we forgot to help you here you go wait where do you say come here oh my goodness they can do you look sad I'm here I'm gonna give you some chicken that kid is forever hungry that's okay tiger I'm gonna give you some chicken but can you please come here show me come on let's show them your bandana come here tiger come on kid do I Got a Boy Cynthia sit sit and tell your brother to come here come here okay no give me your chicken but you need to come up come on all right all right sit sit yes vanilla oh again oh my goodness okay I'm not gonna make you worried for long but just five minutes okay fine so let's appreciate their festive costumes look Nala has the sweetest bandana and it matches with Tiger's bandana and actually um we got them the cutest vowels that are supposed to they're supposed to wear them but because he has his huge fluff you're not really uh seeing them so we'll switch to the bandana and also look isn't that amazing I don't know that we forgot your hat Noah was supposed to wear this hat I mean come on yeah a sweater pup oh you're like the little elf you're a Santa's helper oh my goodness the heart is melting she's so cute hopefully she's gonna wear it for more than five seconds okay here can you please sit can you please sit okay guys since we haven't talked in a while this live is supposed to be like ketchup it's like a dialing between friends spiritual friends because we are friends here right so before uh you start uh writing down your questions I will start unpacking their early Christmas gifts because this pups have been waiting for it forever live in leave it leave it okay thank you thank you Miss meow can you not show your bum please thank you sit sit down Santa come on good boy okay kids okay Mary come here the timer and the first thing look I want to guide you let me let me remove the tag first okay one second I had the magic scissors wait go away okay we're good wait there's another one now we're good hey kids what do you think about what is it is this one chick you'll love it yeah give us a moment Nella what do you think yeah oh yeah what is someone here what's up buddy come up go grab it go grab it and what do you guys think is it a hit or miss okay Nella remove your hat and I totally get it it's more supposed to be worn during pictures rather than um long events okay uh let me see I didn't see any messages yet yeah you do good okay let me uh activate the oh wait okay it is like um it's like completely cheap because I didn't see anything so kids something tells me you like it oh come here come here okay let me turn off the camera oh look [Laughter] [Applause] okay okay they're both they're all three of them are enjoying this toy and it's just the first one oh my goodness it's so good to see your chat oh I didn't see your messages on my phone for some reasons okay I think this is sold right now hey oh my goodness there are so many of you [Music] okay until these kids are enjoying their toy let me quickly uh quickly look for the chat okay so someone asked about our bird dog tiger wait for the chicken so um I guess maybe you know that Leo had 11 puppies and uh we shoot them on the channel so you can go check it out on our videos and Nala as her name her name is Nella uh she's one of them she's the onlyist who uh got this you know reddish brownish uh fur and we loved it and it was loved from the first sight but um the truth is she's going to be staying with my parents because you know they have big house and uh it's it's okay for them uh so yes you're gonna be seeing her um in our videos maybe not so often but she's definitely a part of the channel uh and I don't know if you remember but um we felt um some videos with another pop his name is Simba if hey hey don't do that I just started the second time okay okay until I uh tell you the story let me quickly give him the second thing wait wait wait wait wait I have to remove the tag first okay that will be quick oh my goodness there's such a big mess in here hey Nala wait I know you're impatient but you have to wait okay okay good now tiger oh this one is squeaky I guess okay so what do you think he was lazy he's always very sad but it's okay so if you remember we had two pups earlier in our videos so um we are also from Leo so there's puppies and uh in fact uh why she her name is Nala it's because it's Simba Nala and I'm sure many of you know uh when we are we got our inspiration from so we should know the movie the Disney movie let us know in the comments that would be really nice out of you okay um where is the ever pup so good question um the other pup is actually staying with my boyfriend's close family because you know we love this book so much so we wanted to really find him a good family with whom we could communicate with com with whom we could see each other often and so you will be seeing symbols well yeah he's in very good hands and he is so loved he has a great family uh Merry Christmas Merry Christmas you guys oh I got home from Siberian Husky oh my goodness just in our life okay so kids playing what is it oh I mean let me hide this okay technology okay fun fact about Nala the reason I'm reading rule in our house right if you uh lose something in a house or if you can find your keys or whatever sauce or whatever you you lost it's a nella's crate okay so this girl what she does if you live something unsupervised on the floor or if she can wrap something really fast she'll bring it immediately to her cream just show it just show her crate so what is in there oh look how much my birth okay great I loved them a while ago so my morning routine has changed because now the first thing I do when I open my eyes I have to uh basically go find my slippers because Nala likes to grab them and bring them to her crate so yeah and the boys when they want their toys when they want to play they also have to go and ask Nala nicely to keep their toys yeah okay whoa careful this door a little potatoes okay somebody asked what ages um tiger tigers is actually a small puppy he's not even one year old yet his uh 11 11 months straight his 11 months guys and he's already taller and bigger and fluffier than Leo and uh many of many people actually think that kids is older but he's not he's just a big buff and that's fine these do their flea Buddies they play they like to share their toys and they like to take naps together so if I you know get to find them in the house they are close to each other they are nothing together and that's supposed to be actually now I discovered that uh Tiger has a big fluffy and cozy tail and she never misses the chance to just go and land his tail and she's fine okay let me uh let me quickly go for the chat okay who's who's more Angry nobody's angry they're just playful and when the when the game is really really really uh interesting it yeah they're they're a bit aloud about that happy Christmas Happy Christmas you guys Hello friends Serbia wow amazing [Music] okay shall we look for the other choice because you seem to be getting bored of those two what do we have in here guys hey tiger what the hell here grab my scissors of course tiger you have to try it first so another squeaky friend in the house what do you say guys come here come here come here yes no no no give me pop come on Tiger Come on come on you can do it and you're doing the voice sip sit missed her what is it I said are you camera shy hola I'm for all yourself girl your kids come here hey you guys have got it it was Nala she has the boss around the house okay uh what is the golden retriever puppy name in IH uh this is Leo for those who don't know uh and he's uh two and a half so two years and a half and Nella she's just free Mouse foreign oh by the way another great Amazon fight oh my goodness uh I just can't look at this cap isn't it great I tried putting it on putting it on the Tiger's hat but obviously because of his ears it's not very comfortable but it's so cute shall we try and put it on Noah's hat let's try hey girl can you please come here all right come here sit wait let's show them how festive and wait oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay let me fix it I wouldn't think isn't this good actually sits Leah really good but we'll live Leo to enjoy his toy ah Merry Christmas you guys are so cute thank you so much it warms up my heart to read them okay let's see what I got uh I'm gonna put this Christmas attire in our place because it gets messy right oh my goodness just check it out cute and we got matching uh stuff for the young tiger so I hope you're gonna be seeing them in our future videos um yeah we're going to talk but we're going to talk later about our plans and you know future things we want to do but let's quickly go for the through the toys and then we'll talk okay is everything all right okay great kids another dinosaur and this one is also squeaky Tigger Tigger sick yes it if you ask me nicely sit good boy pretty yes there you go oh my goodness I feel like we got them too many toys at this point okay but let's see okay I'm gonna be unpacking the toys until they enjoy them because it takes quite some time what is it do you want some chicken you do I'm gonna give it in a minute okay do I miss something in the chat oh hi people oh my goodness makes me so emotional to see all of you in our life it's so good to like catch up and talk to people it's our dearest community thank you so much for being here we really appreciate it we feel your love thank you okay okay I feel like tiger is gonna love this one way tiger wait what is it you guys come here come here closer look they have a ton of toys around right but there's this one toy that they both have to play with does it happen with to you okay let me go through the for the comments real quick uh someone is asking is Tiger going to have puppies when he's older like Leo wow the plan is to yes of course because why not I'm sure tiger would have very beautiful puppies and we're looking forward to that but uh he's very small too so we're not currently thinking about that is he's not even one year um he's supposed to be at least two two and a half so yes looks like Melody awake for me to to introduce next to why so good girl good girl good girl oh my goodness look I got you some ham yeah are you excited to have some ham she's not real hard but still whoa oh did you see that jump oh my goodness yeah and Gregory is crazy sometimes so I'm really excited by this story actually do you wanna let's try it tiger do you want to try it I feel like he's gonna like this one okay oh my goodness you can't stop stop tiger wait okay okay I think it's supposed to work like this right okay kids try this out come on come on get it get it oh come on get it you're not supposed to carry it come on are we doing things right okay I hope so okay the kids will figure it out oh my goodness it's tough it's rough around here what is a tiger are you left out oh my goodness the Moto flop in this house is crazy oh someone said that they're having a German they actually have a German shepherd and he's also hungry and very quick like tiger yeah that's actually what I like most about give yourself things very quickly is the quickest in this and yes he's forever hungry very clingy but he's so sweet and he's a great bug hey you're supposed to have it on the floor all right yeah wait look it's moving yeah it's funny okay your business figured out hi from us here you hi where are the Albert puffs well the truth is that most of the pups are actually in uh in their forever homes I think they're like maybe two or one pup or two free pups I'm not quite sure uh left but I think one of them is actually staying with the breeder so yeah um yeah the entire family is live and we have this new puppy with us Nola okay could you suggest me a name for my golden retriever that's a good one I don't know um I really like the name Bruno if it's like a darker uh color you know I love this thing but now there's a girl so I couldn't call for Bruno it wouldn't work but I really like this name and then I don't know I really love Sunny for a girl and uh whatever names do you like do you have something in mind I had a list somewhere but yeah I just recall this once they're really adorable thank you um someone asked about a shredder yes she's a little Shredder she shreds everything and if you live things around the house um you know she's gonna destroy them I have slippers they have a hole in them and um I'm like wearing them for a couple of days not even a week I guess so yeah okay trigger you wanna play [Music] cool I can't get it yeah foreign treats okay let's do that instantly got it I want to give you some chicken right come here come here oh let's show you some magic quotes taste it Mala can you stick mommy could grow you can see it yes waves tiger you're a patient dog are you here you go here to go Canada yes yes she knows two commands so far uh she knows to sit and to lay down but you have twice ask her really nicely and to have something good preferably chicken um what is the name of the younger's girl uh her name is Nala yeah he always very innocent yeah he's a good boy He's Just Not So active he's not a you know in our house it's tiger and Nala or the like the energy balls this one is more calm he likes to sleep to take naps he's you know he has his own speed oh my goodness okay hi guys my goodness we have people from Germany from Italy from and where else from Canada wow let's say one oh my goodness that's what I love about you do the both lives and about internet in general would I meet you in real life low chances but YouTube gives us the support you need hey kids yeah as expected this is their tug of war they really love this game back [Applause] yeah they really like to play together yeah did you this girl is not going easy home now show them who's the Boss come on oh my goodness okay shall we see what we have next hey kids oh my goodness you need such a mess okay coming next not even sure will you be excited for this tiger what do you say come here come here come here boy come on do you want it sit at 156 sit down look I don't know what was that jump Ed on this dog come on children once again come on give me pop come on Tigger hey there you go this dog is loud wow okay almost cheers oh my goodness stop tiger okay tiger don't be so loud tiger is not fully grown he's just he's not given one as they said before so we expect him to um to be cognitive and more fluffier and to to grow like to gain some some weight so yeah he's gonna grow because he's not fully grown ah Kate where was Tiger doing our vacation so um we didn't take tiger on our first vacation for a couple of reasons first of all it was our first vacation with dog we didn't have this experience yet so we didn't really know what to expect from it um in the end it all was even better than we expected um for those who don't know uh this summer it was the first time when we were with Leah on the vacation we were in Greece it was protective our big dream come true but we're planning to take tiger in our next vacation which hopefully will be very soon so stay tuned uh but yeah did you guys ever go on vacations with your dogs if yes then uh where and just let us know because uh we're brainstorming um tell them about the vaccines because he couldn't come with us the second reason why we did take tiger uh it was because he was too small yes it's just small and to be able to um take him yeah yeah uh you are supposed to have a special victim which is done in life a period of like three four months and we couldn't make it in time so yeah but now we solve this issue he has this fixing so we can take him on vacation anytime we want so yeah tiger is coming with us on our next vacation okay let's see what's uh happening in the chat I was someone who's asking for us to make videos longer we will try but we will see what we will really try it somebody said you must be kept so warm all the time with free fluffy dogs in wintertime yeah exactly in wintertime they're like the perfect addition to a family because now they're feeling cute but they also keep it warm so yeah especially if we all lay down in the on the bed or on the couch yeah you're right there I'm still here Ryan Merry Christmas for our family to yours and uh this relates to everyone who is in this life thank you so much for being here it makes me oh my goodness makes me so emotional and I'm so happy hey kids we're not done yet we we still have some toys here left right let me see [Music] hey girl hey girl goodness she's gonna join the scarf even before he gets to wear it I'm gonna take it okay okay let me put the ball with this so he's he has his festive attire on okay much better what what do you guys think isn't it perfect and tiger is wearing his bandana let's just appreciate this woman for a while okay uh so many people in the travel love dogs yeah that's one thing that unites the soul that's okay oh look wow okay you're gonna be excited for this come here hello yeah look we got cheese oh my goodness okay we're outside you're ready for a taste dress I think this is your favorite or these are some new ones okay let's see yeah and tiger yeah good girl you know it's a very picky eater oh my goodness this carpet is such a mess right now do you guys like it somebody's writing glue is probably unscented boot boy least well is tiger on a good boys or naughty boy at least the question here is definitely on a Google at least tiger he's a good boy as well but he uh is uh more he's a high energy dog so you're you would just expect him to you know to do stuff around the house but my personal opinion all the dogs on the good uh voice sent at least yeah you're gonna get gets the gifts anyway you're right okay Merry Christmas you guys oh great to see you all Fabrizio I I hope I got your name right hi he's a very frequent coffee Turner Channel hi um Scooby-Doo smells so much they're brilliant very Christmas and happy New Year to you all thank you so much yesterday and why ah poor boy and always definitely the naughtiest because I told you she grabs and Carries all the things lying on the floor to her crate so yeah but she's a puppy so um you'd expect that it comes from India thank you so much oh my goodness this the smell is so strong I can't believe they like these things but yes it's their favorite Leo likes it now do you want more here we go what is this by the way this is beef Gene hey are you okay hey my goodness gluten-free bug coloring and flavoring okay we trust you the boys like it so you know beautiful puppies thank you so much a dust tiger think his uh same age ages Nella I don't know what he thinks but he definitely behaves as as a poppies now so yeah they think likewise okay hi guys hi everyone now that has a lot of energy yes it's um but you know what from my experience with dogs she's gonna grow up and she's still gonna be that high energy dog because looking back at uh tiger and Leo being the puppy Leo was always calm wait well this one this one she has so much energy and she's always up to something and she's always grabbing you know scratching or doing something she destroyed my slippers so you know that's gonna be fun with her but she's very spacious she loves to cuddles she loves attention and she wants when she sees you like that tail stops starts wiggling and never stops Merry Christmas for me pray thank you so much uh what do you think your GSD only pedigree or something else too um right now tiger is on kibo because I don't know we've been after that recently and uh yes we've been told that it's better to keep him on the keyboard for a while but eventually you'll want to switch to meet and to vegetables and to stuff like that because they tend to like it more they're not very excited about cable there is one cable that the real light by the way it was the sponsors of sponsor of our latest video and they like that one but generally my dogs like Foods so I love your gallery shirt can I get a high five on the pause so let's try it yo do you want to do the high five let me grab a chicken Cleo to give a high five Theo come here come here buddy okay I know you're you're fine okay fine high five oh Nala no she's not gonna draw the book if I come out of class yes good boy Tigger if you want to give me a high five come on give me a high five oh Nella let's see here Tigger give me a high five come on let me pop kind of chicken no pot right tiger that's Drew okay uh where's my phone it's right here okay uh oh by the way we have something really good it's not everything yet you want to try it Kevin yeah like okay now Stars the magic are you ready to show some tricks yeah wait you guys by the way if I miss a question feel free to let me know okay okay this life that is fine hey wait what time you sit thank you what made you want to get a GSD as well as your golden oh oh Early Childhood I was actually choosing the queen um when I was a child in fact I thought that labs actually grow up to be fluffiest golden retrievers because I didn't know back then that this is a separate breed and it's called Golden Retriever so I got a lab and I kept asking my parents when are they gonna get fluffy and they never got so when I grew up I knew that I want to have a Golden Retriever and a German Shepherd these are like my favorite greens but there are many upgrades that I also like but like German Shepherds and golden retrievers Trading My Heart tender smart boy let's let's show them what you can Leo can you come here please come here come here come here oh my goodness it's oh my goodness look at all his toys let's make some space okay oh my God yep sit thank you inika good now yes wait tiger wait come here come here good boy yes well that one there you go do you want to show them something sit speak my love work see no not pretty I want you to speak come on don't be shy speak okay down weight up legs okay that was awkward come on relax take your legs no tiger what is what is going on next come on tiger thanks yes good job yes yes Nella okay sit no no wait girl down down yes okay they like the pits that's a good sign okay uh did I miss the question or something no what is labs labs it's Labradors sorry I shortened it it's Labradors I'm not sure it's the broader of a golden retriever brand but you have to Google for that how did you trade them so good actually they they're they can do better but how did I treat them I have good treats that I really like and enjoy and instead of for instance uh giving them you know food you could just grab a portion like the equivalent of that portion of food and treats and just train them you want them to see it if you want them to lay down if you want them to really gentlemen whatever trick you want them to teach this is the the best thing to do um okay I think you can teach tiger to invent this relationship for Traders and he will learn it easily whatever that means but these guys there they will do anything for the kids that's that's for sure um the pups look healthy yes they do they're healthy um they're good so yeah we try to never miss the appointments so they're good okay um okay before I open up the special gift for us old there's some gold I know someone will really enjoy it right tiger gray tiger am I right am I right this bowl is so big yeah okay go get it tiger Mark they have to be so loud really okay so I think this is a 10 out of 10. right here oh my goodness he looks so handsome with his ball you guys look so pretty today what are your brothers doing here okay hey hey hey hey hey okay let's make some space for the for the ultimate surprise guys come on come on guys who is who are the more uh jealous Leo or tiger they see you uh cuddling Nala or like patting her or they both instantly come but um if I think I actually think well tiger is more more vocal so if you want something or if he's jealous or if he has like a special um you know feeling he's gonna let you know well Leo he um he's gonna look at you very sadly so I don't know both of them are jealous at some certain uh points though I don't know but jealousy is a normal it's a healthy thing dogs do experience it as well so that's okay yeah so it takes time for them to use to get used to each other especially when there is a new little puppy in the house and a very bossy one okay but the most important thing that I really wanted to open up for quite some time is the YouTube button play button right and the truth is we have two of them so if you don't know if if you're following us for quite some time then you might know that we actually have a second channel that is currently called as uh Leo friend of shorts we're not very active there but we're simply pointed and then for Leah fukare we also have another play button which we're so excited for so let's unbox it I found the scissors hey kids please leave me Royal one with the scissors okay do you want to take a look as well Noah yeah wait a second oh my goodness okay it's hard to it's hard to open it especially if you have two left hands as me oh my goodness okay whoa took me some time okay let's see come closer damn tiger oh my goodness we have a ladder oh oh my goodness just afford it 100 000 subscribers I'm afraid to hang it off the wall we go yeah they don't care they have their toys anyways I'm super excited it looks so good look [Music] okay okay so um yeah it's our first play button so thank you so much guys for this because uh we wouldn't be here without you so big thanks we fill our love and I hope we give our love to you for our videos through our interaction and the content that we post so yeah big mouth thank you so much what do you think isn't it pretty smell it come on put you you want to take a look yeah no there's no Chimp in there I'm sorry vanilla Nala doesn't care oh my goodness have to okay and then the second one it's how we all started actually it's from this very first channel this is so sweet actually it's all thanks to you guys oh my goodness we're gonna have to play buttons in our wall wow pretty right okay let's put it aside ah okay guys since you've opened up all your gifts what do you say if I give you some chicken but let's let's tidy this place off a little bit oh my goodness oh my goodness okay are you guys ready to train you want some chicken I think you do and let me know if there are some questions I will be more than happy to be respond to okay oh the blue part right no tiger stop it come here come here guys come on come on sit sit test I feel like a magician tiger down never down yes Nella do you think you're an exception you're not lay down girl what what sit all of you sit sit Noah now listen good girl good boy I'm not a good boy okay sit Tigger yeah good boy let's do it yeah boy yeah it's your turn come here legs good boy thank you they are pretty yeah well done yeah can you please speak does he pick you come on thank you guys say thank you see that's a very pretty thank you to you all machinella can we please lay down come on lay down for me yes good girl me pop come on well done maybe no tiger she'll wait for your turn sit down go down no no I want you to lay down come down here that's not the right surface okay okay guys I think that's enough oh my goodness look look at her mouth she's like tell me rabbit up shall we wrap it up no shall we continue with the trees bring it up down with your chicken that's by the way an entire kilo of chicken just for this guys yeah that's it sit thank you here you go here you go signal good girl good girl come here said Noah look at her ears what happened to them girl take her down come here yeah take it down yeah come on boys lay down down no what else are you doing girl are you going crazy down Leo now down lay down no come on down oh my goodness this girl is just going crazy the girl good boy come on y'all yeah can you hold Nola for a little because she's like a little trouble maker Nala Nala good boy well done see yes good boy pretty pretty yes well done I want to lay down lay down yeah wait wait Tigger my name is [Music] foreign just a little trouble maker yeah Nella yeah that's you okay boys come here now you stay there sit thank you here you go can you have your paw airport yes oh no [Music] yes good job take it down here did you lay down lay down Noah thank you oh my goodness oh my goodness igloo sit don't sit Tigger no I didn't see jump I said pop come on sit okay thank you sit good girl speak foreign so you too we get chicken hey you want to play patch no see I'm not dumb okay training for today yeah Nella Nala doesn't think so now that has over thick plans come on let's play a little bit guys come on well live the chicken for later all right you'll agree and let's see let's see what that is your favorite Pizza [Music] yeah ready come on three three good boys good girls yeah do you have Circle koi the boys what is it what is it or you said the chicken is gone yeah yeah yeah okay boys I think we'll show we'll wrap it up for today thank you all so much for being in this life it was so nice to talk to you and to interact with you to Simply say hello and thank you for being with us so um I will let you guys know when we're doing our next flight so until then love you goodbye kids and Merry Christmas and happy New Year alrighty I'm Tiger Come On Noah come here uh oh she missed the bathroom okay let her use the bathroom
Channel: Leo Fucarev
Views: 174,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: puppy surprise, puppy, christmas, surprising my dog, surprising my dogs, surprising my dogs with early christmas gifts, dogs open christmas gifts, dogs unbox christmas gifts, dog videos, cute dogs, leo fucarev, funny dogs, try not to laugh, funny dog videos, My Dog's BEST Reactions, golden retriever, funny animals, funny pets, life with a golden retriever, my dog reacts, funny dog reaction, funny dog compilation, best compilation, german shepherd
Id: Y9tyoaMd534
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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