Surprising a Noob with a Brand New Base

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is a noob's base no offense my dude all right but what my man doesn't know is that we're about to upgrade his base into a bad boy brand new luxury mansion and not just him but every single house that we can find on the ey server today so if you want to go from poor to rich on this live stream just join using the IP address play dot it works on bedrock and Java all right so let's get started my man this house what can you give me give me a tour right let's Chuck down a signed here uh give me a tour of your house let's I'm really not sure uh what he's going to say to this but uh I guess this is the best we've got to do show me around is there is there anything up the very stylish modern window here pure design lovely guys let me know in the chat down below what do you guys think of this man's base he's confused he's like I cannot compute I do not understand what you mean by uh two ways like uh there is not much to do look at his black face he's like this is it this is the house well yeah we could definitely see that my dude so I'm about to change that for you right here and now ah but to upgrade a base you guys all know what we have to do guys let me know in the chat right now should we do it all right I want to see what are you guys saying yes or no to the TNT explosion yes or no what are we going to do hello guys let's see let's see in the chat what are you guys saying I'm not seeing a lot of but let's explode them I'm thinking that's what we got to do guys come on come on let's see it let's see it all right and we are ready to go oh I'm sorry man for what we're about to do but it's okay we're gonna upgrade his base piling the hall I'm sorry my friend I am look look at him [Music] demands just disappear no white man's left the server oh no what hold up we're gonna teleport him over here what was his name like uh oh my gosh she left he left the server guys it's okay though when he comes back we're gonna have a brand new base to surprise him with oh man I'm feeling really bad right about now guys but it's okay it's okay we're going to upgrade this you know what we're going to start off with a nice New Foundation so let's get some Stone going on here all right very nice and then from here hmm I'm thinking what kind of floor do we want for his brand new base guys thinking a little bit we got to do a pattern right we gotta upgrade so maybe some chiseled quartz blocks ah lots of ideas guys I've got plenty of ideas as to what we can do maybe we get chisel quartz blocks missed in with some cyan terracotta oh dried kelp blocks that looks really really Swanky let's Chuck this in here all right for when he rejoins the server all right and I think we might do we'll start over the base of dried kelp blocks so let's do this from either side set dried underscore kelp block very nice and then we'll do some beautiful patterns here with our quads our chiseled quartz blocks what are we thinking guys in the comments down below do we think this is gonna look good bad ugly let me know everything in between guys all right oh looking good I like the design on that very nice all right let's uh Chuck some over here oh looking good there guys I'm just gonna turn down the volume a little all right and then bring it around the side oh very nice I likey I like that okay now for the sides of the roof do we go cyan terracotta yeah we're gonna go with a little bit of a modern design cheer y'all all right let's bring this down and then we'll put this on all the signs I reckon all right let's do uh Slash walls cyan terracotta now guys this video is not me saying you should go and Destroy other people's houses all right do not do that all right that that is definitely mean and you should not do that um it's okay because I'm upgrading this guy's base all right it's only okay in that scenario please don't go griefing other people on this server or you might get bad now while I'm putting together the walls here guys if you want to get your base upgraded in today's video it's as simple as join the server if you don't know how to do that all you got to do is go ahead join on Chuck in that server name and IP put in the port and hit save really really simple right there all right we got ourselves the walls and now we need a roof uh okay we got to put the doors on I'm thinking double doors yeah he's got a nice little double door action there we'll smash out the side I think we could even build him a little bit of a garden what do you guys think let me know in the chat right now all right okay okay okay I like where this is headed here and then so we come in looking really nice and swanky and then for the roof Gold Blocks we're gonna beat up a serious upgrade here guys we're giving them straight up Gold Blocks all right oh yeah oh yeah this is like design wise this is not very good looking but as far as upgrade I mean even if even I like the bass man's can just sell off the gold block Roof oh yeah look at that and uh design sense of saying this is really ugly so we do definitely need to do something here to make it look a bit better maybe we can use like some stairs blocks I don't know saving this is going to be a little bit hard oh wait wait wait we can do like an upside down staircase around the sides guys what do we think I want suggestions what do you think we should add to this man's base in order to surprise this poor poor Noob when he gets back onto the server guys what should we add I don't know we gotta I want your suggestions y'all all right and we'll put that around the sides and then to make the sides like stand out really cool we can use some uh this is a really great technique guys if we use like some uh stripped logs here we can bring this up on the sides look at that look at how clean that looks looking so sweet all right whoa all right I can see a couple of you guys in chat there questioning my decision to use gold blocks for the roof look all right this is my design all right I'm building it some of you are saying we should give him diamond blocks oh thank you to Cameron there who just donated all right I appreciate that it's cheap guys all right and oh yeah now if you guys want to go ahead and help out the channel or get a shout out in one of these videos or maybe be the one for me to upgrade the bass to you can always become an ey member on the channel guys it's super simple just hit the join button next to the Subscribe button there oh yeah we're looking good we got some nice design and then finally to top it all off we'll grab ourselves some fences put this out the front oh yeah check it the doors are not centered you didn't see anything you didn't see anything cut oh cut that you didn't see anything whatsoever I'm kidding guys we're still going on with the video all right let's have a look here uh and then we'll use hmm I want to use a slightly different design just for the entrance here so maybe some like waxed top I don't know I've never really used wax company build before but I feel like this could be kind of kind of cool I I say that but then I'm not I'm not feeling the Vibes guys I'm this is not oh wait wait wait no no we're coming up with something here oh nice I like that I like wait actually it'd be even better if we just use straight up like copper wax copper blocks here on the side oh yeah nice nice and then we'll grab a chain and bring down a lantern like so all right so we've done the exterior it's time to go ahead and upgrade that interior for him what are we guys thinking let me know in the comments down below how should we upgrade this man's interior and we go oh beautiful entrance there I like that okay thank you to chaos for donating one dollar we appreciate that all right and hmm inside so first off obviously gotta have some beds I wish he was still here so I could ask him what his favorite color is but uh unfortunately he left I really hope he doesn't unsubscribe I hope he watches this live stream and realizes that we're actually helping him out here now obviously he ain't poor no more he ain't no Brokey he's got himself not just one bed but three all right we're not letting this man down all right let's grab some Spruce trap doors and we'll Chuck this here on the side oh yeah looking very swell grab that grab that we're gonna do a massive bench here all right and Chuck that on either side oh oh looking good looking good I like that and then we'll grab some fences Chuck them up like so and I reckon this man deserves like uh like banners over his bed like drapes do you guys know what I'm talking about like this Ultra Rich have like drapes let's grab some red banners here and Chuck them on the side oh yeah what are we thinking y'all that looks up a class and of course guys this is still a survival world so we need to give him some stuff that he can use so crafting tables you know all that jam where where do they keep those in the inventory guys have I lost I look like such a noob right now I don't know I don't know where to find them it's fine I'll search for a crafting table manually all right so we'll grab ourselves a crafting table we'll totally upgrade them before you only had a crafting table we're giving him an anvil we're gonna give him a brewing stand uh a cauldron all of the good stuff right bang cauldron and maybe an enchanting table all right and put that over here we'll grab some bookshelves um this is not quite fitting so well I didn't think I didn't think this one through a guy's bad bad bad thoughts okay there we go that will do and then put an enchanting table just in front so we can get all of those sweet sweet enchants nice and uh of course guys we gotta give him those chests he needs that storage space so let's give him some of those I want the storage space to look really cool and because the space is quite small we don't have a ton of room to work with so maybe if we can how can we make the design of this chest looks good something like that oh yeah I like that I like that and then we'll do it so it's like upper shelving guys nice all right and then we'll grab those fences as well put them that what do we think what do we think y'all that looks super sweet we got himself some chest storage I still don't think that's enough though so maybe some like bedside tables here with the chest nice and of course you can't have bedside tables with a bedside plant guys so we'll Chuck some leaves either on either side thank you guys for donating right there and oh Veronica Patel for becoming an ey fan that's what we like to see now guys did you know that if you become an ey fan you get VIP rank on the server which gives you access to a ton of stuff or guys if you don't want to become a member you can jump onto the ey store just like that and all you got to do is type in on Google jump on there you can see there is VIP there is uh the next rank MVP and there is a legendary rank have a look at all of those stuff you get right you get a ton of perms and all kinds of special things you can also get coins to get all kinds of crazy ranks on the server guys it's awesome all right I'm thinking this guy's base is pretty much upgraded but for the final touch as an apology for you know blowing up his house what we're gonna do guys is if you didn't know you could do this on the ey server you can do slash vote and this will give you uh abilities to get all kinds of special rewards on the server right it's super super simple and you can get something called crate Keys all right this stuff is also I'm going to show you how to do it basically if you go to the server Hub right if you do slash vote you have a chance of getting a Crate Key we're going to jump into the I can't get into the survival server right now there's too many people I'll just over you guys are smashing it all right and then uh wait do we go sport how do we get back we need to get back to the sport guys okay nice here we are here we are perfect so basically there are these things of the spawn called crates you can see we've got spawner crate ultimate crate and vote crate which you can get from voting uh and we're just gonna give ourselves a crate key right now so I can show you guys how this thing works all right it's ey stream ultimate one perfect so you get this Crate Key and you could use it on the crate and it's gonna give you a bunch of really cool random stuff all right what do we get bro infinite Cobblestone that's so dope and if you want to see all the stuff you get we're going to do slash uh this is just by voting guys all by donating it's really simple you can do it on the Airways Airway stream store as well um let's just give ourselves the all of the items there look at all of this stuff you got like the Genesis bow this is like custom items only on the ey server got the Genesis sword Genesis pickaxe this this look this bow I gotta show you what this does all right let's jump back into the wild here guys back to uh my man's house hopefully it teleports us back there we probably should have saved that location oh no wait no I was gonna give him all of this stuff guys wait I don't know how to get back I didn't save my point big mistake uh oh wait no I mean we upgraded his base but I can't get back to him has he joined the server yet no he hasn't oh no wait wait maybe we can teleport to his home if we do slash homes and his username was underscore uh hopeless sloth I think I really hope I'm remembering that correctly and then home the player you entered could not be found wait maybe I can do slash back please tell me this works nope that guys returning to previous location wait wait wait wait it's okay it's not okay it's all over it's all it's all over guys I I can't I was gonna gift him all this stuff but you know what that's fine we're gonna leave this stuff for the next person's base we upgrade I was hoping to leave a side out of his base and be like sorry for blowing up your house but I guess I guess hopefully we just have to hope that he joins back and doesn't unsubscribe awkward it's a little bit awkward guys I made it back to this bedspace I did it I did it that's right that was all a diversion for you I figured out a way back all right we're going to go ahead and give this guy a bunch of this stuff not all of the stuff right because you know you still gotta vote on the server guys if you want to grab some of this stuff for yourself but we're going to Chuck in a couple of that oh my gosh thank you to the dude who just donated what was that 10 gifted members holy thanks man you are a legend to all of the people who are getting that today all right let's Chuck in a bunch of the stuff you know what we'll keep this stuff for out for the next person but there we go that is your gift man and then we're going to Chuck out a nice nice little message so that this guy hopefully doesn't unsubscribe guys if this happened to you would you unsubscribe or become a member let me know in the comments down below that's what I'm trying to figure out okay okay um sorry for blowing up your house ey uh hopefully this is a good replacement oh man all right done at Dustin guys time to find our next move actually just before we do let's go ahead and I think it's FTP so basically now all of the people on the server who have Legend rank can teleport to me again if you guys want to get Legend rank jump over to the ey store but they should be able to teleport me and we're gonna let them see this base all right so we've got people like uh not TP not one Lord to me or right bang let's bring them over oh I have teleportation disabled that that's awkward uh I don't know how to I don't know how to re-enable my teleportation guys this is this is awkward all right well it's enabled here guys they can come to visit the server let's go find ourselves the next Noob all right bright auras bright Aura noob well she's I don't know this dude kind of seems like they know what they're doing when it comes to their house they don't quite have a base for me to upgrade so you know what sorry bright Aura not today let's see the bones the bones is out here in the debt don't tell me this is his base what what is that what is this guy's definitely a noob but he doesn't really have much of a base for me to upgrade that's all I'm saying y'all oh that's awkward or Keys oh all right let's see uh groco Clips do we have that like okay out of the ocean no we're looking for a base we can upgrade here uh Autumn DVD let's see nope no base guys you're missing out if you want your base upgraded go jump to it right now because I'm teleported oh what is this bro where did she get all this pink where did this person get so much is this pink Coral what wait what is this brain coral fan where did they get this is their decoration this this is the deck this bro what the door oh my gosh that's what the door is two trap doors oh man this base is bad oh yeah all right this guy needs a donation thank you to aznat who's giving out memberships we appreciate you for donating but oh I'm oh my goshening bro I can't even get in the base what what is going on what okay we did a breakthrough that I need to ask Let's uh can you give us a tour I don't know I don't know if there's much of a tour to be given here guys think of her of the base oh man holy this is it that's the tour great thank you I you're too lovely I love it um you guys know what we have to do you guys don't you know you know what we have to do she didn't even notice bro they didn't even notice not one Lord has come to uh visit us here um not one Lord don't don't tell them what we're doing don't don't await the firebird that's awkward the the fire the fire burnt out uh let's uh grab ourselves some uh TNT don't say anything don't say anything all right shh it's a secret it's a secret oh man I'm about to feel very TNT will not destroy blocks above sea level wait wait quickly gotta see oh no you did you didn't see anything there's nothing wait KFC in the chat is full on exposing me bro bro bro you guys are out of here get nope nope these guys aren't allowed to teleport to me anymore see you later you guys just exposed me I trusted you and this is what you did no no I don't care that you're Ledger drag bro bro get out of here get get out of here all right we these guys got to go they they exposed me guys they exposed me uh okay let's uh Go slash TP can we disable I want to disable our ability for these guys to teleport to us all right so we got the base I'm sorry for what I have to do I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this is it they don't look happy I'm sorry I gotta break the base I gotta do it I gotta do it we're gonna upgrade it I promise to stick around don't leave please don't go anywhere okay let's start upgrading the base I kind of want to get rid of this big brain Carl but I know they really like it so I'm not gonna do that instead I'm thinking this time we're gonna switch it up Tree House guys all right they clearly like nature so instead we're going to give them a serious Treehouse upgrade all right let's grab out the four jungle saplings all right oh my gosh they look so sad I promise you I promise you it's okay wait wait can we get the the four jungle saplings here hold up there we go let's plant this up mango tree this is awkward the mega the mega tree ain't hap where's my jungle tree bro wait wait I think we need to get rid of some of the the trees over here is that are they blocking this this is the guys this is awkward why is the bird build not working why why okay mega tree ain't working maybe we do like one tree okay okay okay okay we do one tree and then what we'll do is we'll put another sap like on top of that tree we're gonna build a super Tall Tree House all right here we go here we go bang oh yeah all right all right and then we'll grab ourselves a ladder and we'll go all the way up here guys this is gonna be a really dope tree house all right bang bang bang bang bring it up oh yeah this is already an upgrade all right there's already plenty more space and this property this one comes with a view that's all I'm saying all right it comes with a view so let's build all the way up there oh very nice you got a view of the bees you can get a view of all your pink Coral again I really don't know why that's there but you know what I'm not here to judge I'm not here to question okay now I'm gonna Chuck the floor and roof on here now guys if you want to get your base upgraded you just gotta check it out on the screen right now that's all you got to do to join all right very dead simple okay easy easy okay let's uh choose what kind of I reckon we're gonna give her a ton of space here all right we're going all the way out here slash set and then we've got to stick with that jungle planks oh but then I don't know they really like the flowering Azalea could we maybe do something to match with that firing Azalea I don't know can we use leaves as a floor ah my Minecraft brain says no but I think this person clearly loves pink and they will love a cherry Leaf floor let's grab ourselves some cherry leaves and set that as the floor oh I didn't think that I didn't think that through no the leaves aren't going to grow because they're not attached to Wood okay no no no we can't do that maybe we can do it some uh hmm in that case they like pink oh I don't like the pink wool guys it's an ugly block oh okay no no it's okay I'm putting my we're gonna make pink concrete work all right this is going this is my challenge for today all right we're going to make pink concrete work okay oh my gosh I don't know how we're gonna I actually don't know how we're gonna make this work bro this is this is a challenge guys I need suggestions right now how are we going to improve this thank you Chris Christmas Prancer for donating six dollars we appreciate you all right now if you really want to help out the team become a member you get access to all kinds of exclusive content and you'll even get a shout out at the end of the video if you become an ey Mega fan all right we're gonna try and round out this uh bass so it's not square square shaped stuff guys I'm giving you a building tip right now ain't the vibe all right you need a bit more shape to your base it creates more interest and especially for tree houses it really is going to be something all right we've got some help here from not one Lord our Legendary player guys remember if you want to teleport to me on the server you just have to get legendary Rank and then well like this guy you can teleport to me all right and bang we need to get a pretty even Circle going on here so we've got two one one and then two that side's good it's just the frontier that we need to get lined up all right yeah I think that's almost something something is very wrong with this side here what is wrong something is gone awfully wrong okay oh no this is one more app that's why that's why yeah nice all right we've got a nice even oval going on all right we're gonna I need I need daylight conditions to work guys all right no Night Time stuff okay and then so they can climb up here and get through we're obviously going to need like a trap I think a trapdoor might be a little too much for this um we need like a nice entrance they love like we need like cute leaves guys I cute is not my expertise how do we how do we transform Peak he needs concrete all right all right all right we got the tea we got the boys on all right let's uh let's Chuck this guy some stuff all right here you go have some concrete is that is that the right color okay and then oh you know what we could make this more interesting by combining it with pink stained glass guys I think this might be recoverable I have an idea I have an idea all right we're gonna use a nice little uh Pink stained glass kind of outline around the sides here this also is kind of the best part of having a treehouse base is that view so we definitely want to make the best use of that okay and we'll kind of wrap that around here oh yeah nice nice I like it I like it I like it all right let's bring that all the way through here perfect nice okay I think that's looking pretty swell okay so we have that on the outside that's creating a bit more interest with our build and then we're going to add some carpet as well that will also just kind of tone down the intensity of the of the pink here guys all right we're doing like this and I reckon this person they love hearts so we're gonna he needs I don't good I what I don't know what he's saying I don't understand guys someone please translate all right I reckon we if we do like hot carpets can we do we have enough room to make hearts okay maybe not maybe we could do like circles guys this is really a challenge I don't know I have bit it off more than I can chew I've never tried to make a pink tree house before maybe if we go like we connect the carpets like that that will look okayish no that that looks awful guys that looks that looks so bad although that's not oh wait wait wait wait hot hot I'm doing it I'm doing it guys guys POG is in the chat I did it I did it I made the heart work awesome all right so got that up now we actually need like walls for this thing that can't forget about that uh what matches with pink what matches with pink why does pink not work with anything but more pink guys I I don't know what to do this is really this is testing my ability to build right here guys if you've ever seen me struggle to build it is today you know quartz quartz quartz that's that's the block we could use quartz no that's not working wait wait wait what has he got the chest in here um maybe we could use I don't know I don't know what this one got wait oh my God no don't tell me you're using two trapdoor not again not a I'm building the Mansion upstairs and this person here is using two trap I can get I could give you a real door look look please don't do that real door much better please don't use two trap doors all right oh my gosh okay all right fine if they've look all right I blew up their other base I guess if that's the entrance they want but that's what we're gonna do I I don't know I don't know what to do oh that's it I've got it I've got it I've got it I know the perfect thing to go with uh to go with this all right my dude I need your help all right we're gonna put Birch fences all around the outside like this all right like this comprendo all right good good good we got someone helping out on the base here and then we're gonna put like um like bits that go up like that what's up yeah yeah oh it's coming together it's coming together guys this treehouse is gonna look so dope in a second okay good good good good good good the design brain is working all right so we'll go up there oh nice nice nice okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool uh and then on the side see I think that's what we did on the other side as well perfect okay so now we need the roof and I don't want the roof to be the same block it needs to be something else um what else goes with pink some sort of slab I'm thinking uh uh oh tricky one Tricky Tricky Tricky maybe like Smooth stone or guys what do you record let me know in the chat right now what do we think what materials should we be using for this video Chuck it in the chat right now we're gonna see all right let's uh have a look here um okay maybe like wood I I don't want to use more Birch I think that's going to look too intense maybe crimson oh yeah Crimson all right my dude here's the crimson all right we want to go ahead and we're going to Chuck crimson like that okay do that and connect the entire roof all right and then for the second layer make it like one up like this all right we've got to get layering into this roof okay that will make it look really really good and then we can use uh what are they called the the stone things I don't know what they're called guys I know what the block looks like but I want like the cool lodestone lodestone oh yeah and we could use these as like pillars oh oh this is looking so much better nice nice all right bang boom okay nice all right put that there and ride around guys what do you reckon oh yeah yeah yeah it's coming together where's our where's our person go guys the person we're building a base for is just like ditched bro not again not again where did they go how do we lose this person yo I don't remember that name can you put their username down in the chat rewind and check for me because why did they disappear why why I just guys why someone tell me why I I don't get it someone please explain to me oh man okay so we're putting we've got a not one the Lord putting together the roof looking very good um and then what other things I guess from there we've got to start putting in some detailing okay I think this guy needs more Crimson slabs Let's uh let's give him some more Crimson slabs there just in case he needs that okay so that will go on the roof we've got the heart here and then the heart will be pointing to the center bed uh I don't want to use more pink let's maybe use purple purple perhaps we'll go with the red I think so yeah yeah all right all right triple bed again I don't know I reckon we're just gonna do a single one bed this time something like oh we're getting a little bit of lag oh no oh no lag lag lag all right and then we'll grab the Birch slabs here and we'll put oh far think you came back thank you also thank you to Mike slays the rec room King who donated a hundred dollars you're a legend we appreciate you man uh this guy's also a member bro you got to get VIP on the server right that's all I'm saying jump on get it now guys if you want to get a legendary rank so you can play with me on the server you can see here it's really really simple just jump on Chuck down store.ei that's all you got to do you can get yourself the rank you can also get VIP rank as well as MVP rank or you can become a member and get a VIP rank for free it's that simple y'all all right let's go ahead and Chuck on a few more things onto our house here great hey that's looking pretty good all right and then I'm thinking like a maybe like a quartz top oh no no wait we've got to match the roof here we got it not with the sign definitely not with the sign is that gonna work no that's definitely not gonna work that that was definitely one of my worst decisions in uh in the design here okay something like that get a little bit of a roof going guys I know this is not the best design y'all have ever seen but I've never built with pink before right I wouldn't say it's exactly my favorite color this is definitely more of a craft spurt design if you all know what I'm saying uh and then we'll get a banner ad here Chuck it Dan nice wait maybe we could do like a a heart or something I don't know how to make a heart on a loom we're about to find out if we get like a red red dye Chuck in the heart oh how do we make maybe with a red circle uh uh this is not this is not working y'all I don't know how to I don't know how to make this is bad this is very bad uh maybe if we go like top half red wait I'm gonna need pink dog I'm gonna need Pig die okay let's grab that and put the pink dye on top if you do something like that and then the top I mean that's it's not the worst but it's not quite a hard but that will do the red watermelon that that's what we'll do all right cool we got a bed there looking pretty swell and then of course guys she's gonna need that survival stuff so let's start chucking that down gonna need some crafting tables oh you know what I realized I forgot in the last base furnaces all right we're gonna grab ourselves a blast furnace so that you can get those ores super quick we'll get her a smoker as well grab some anvils very nice oh yeah looking good some Brewing stands as well let's Chuck those to the side of course you can't have Brewing stands without cauldrons so we'll need to put those I don't know how do we do the cauldrons do we maybe go like up no not a fan oh you know what I do put the cauldrons and then put the Brewing stance on top that looks super swell all right so we've got that side sorted and then over here we're going to do a little bit of an enchanting station so let's whip out some bookshelves all right very nice okay cool and then we'll oh you know what we'll build a really cute like bookshelf corner like a book Nook a book is that what they call them book Nooks we're gonna build one of those for our for our friend here all right and grab ourselves an enchanting table the problem though is the enchanting table won't be scented so what happens when you can't Center on the enchantment table you get two enchantment tables I don't have another solution for that and I feel like we can decorate this it'll look super cute at night if we put some like lanterns around here oh yeah oh yeah I'm loving I'm loving it all right and then we'll Chuck some lanterns over here as well guys what do we think let me know in the chat below would you take this base all right would you would you grab this base rate at one to ten in the chat right now what are we saying what are we saying in the chat one to ten what do we think of this base guys let me know all right so we got that in there the bases oh I love this roof um I reckon we use some magenta stained glass just to kind of top off that roof there if you guys want as you can see it's really simple jump on the ey store to get yourself some rack no problems whatsoever oh yeah oh yeah he agrees with me let's get that magenta glass going on nice I like it okay that looks so good that looks so good and finally guys we're gonna grab ourselves some flowering Azalea since that's what she loves she seems to love this flowering Azalea biome so we're just gonna like Chuck this over and just kind of like do some overgrowth here all right oh yeah check it check it guys that looks good and then even to take it to the next level some of you guys are rating this build three out of ten serious I thought this looked good all right you know what I reckon it's just because you guys don't like pink is that what's going on you guys just don't like Pig all right we're gonna give ourselves a barrier block so that we could wait hold up we need to give ourselves a barrier block so that I could create a really cool design here's a little build hack for you guys um it's ey stream barrier if you grab yourselves barrier blocks you can make some really cool Hanging Vine stuff so if we grab those we can bring this down here and then bring the vines down like so check that out how cool does that look all right guys I know some of you don't like pink I promise the next build will not be pink all right pink ain't my favorite color either but we're doing this for the fans all right I blew up her base we got to give her an upgrade all right let's Chuck that down oh look at those Vines look at that look at the overgrowth we're almost done here guys with this base let's see I want to know guys would you buy this base wait someone rated it negative nine nine nine nine nine out of ten come on guys come on come on it ain't that bad is it no okay look I know my building isn't that good but negative 999 that's a bit rough that's a bit rough okay all right let's uh let's check that down and then we'll put down some barriers get the vines hanging and that's it base upgraded looking so so good here I don't know and and Farthing is just sitting down here oh my gosh bass is done what do you think that they're just opening and closing the door oh they're heading up the person who who love a a pet turtle or something let's let's give them a pet turtle all right here we go there's also a pet turtle to join your ranks all right and you know what in honor of Lucy guys we're going to name this Turtle Bruno we don't talk about Bruno no no no no do turtles die out of water I don't remember I I really hope they don't that would be very awkward right now if this Turtle just straight up died okay thank you for joining us perfect hopefully you like the bass um I don't know if my server admins will get mad at me for this guys but I'm just going to give her the 64 barriers I I really hope I don't get bad for doing that I might I'm just gonna hide the Minecraft footage there guys because I I actually might get bad for doing that oh there's no one show this to the server admins all right no one's showing please please please all right I totally did not give her barriers guys cover it up in the chat right now all right cover it up with the chat all right now we've got to find who is our next Noob that we've got going on okay this base here from Fierce look I would love to give you an upgrade my dude but this space actually looks good it's got detailing design look at that he's used stone walls to get detailing I'd never even thought of that like I'm sorry man your base is too good I can't help you out I can't help you out today man I'm sorry I'm sorry all right let's see who else can we go and upgrade Slappy kid wait this is it oh no we gotta help it we gotta help him guys we have to what is this what is this is like a camping tent this is one of those one block bases no not gonna do it I'm sorry man I'm sorry we're gonna give you a base upgrade here we go I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry you guys already know what we're gonna do he doesn't look too happy about that what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait his thing just to this thing just did his thing just ignore my explosion what what is this infinite base y'all doesn't matter doesn't matter you cannot stop me you cannot stop me I don't know how this man he's stopped oh he's he's not a yes oh he wants the base upgrade he knows where it's at he knows what's happening right now guys what have you done ay um uh fun things that's that's what I've done I've done fun things I promise I'm not able guys I promise I promise we're upgrading bases okay so what do we think we don't have a lot of room to work here uh with so maybe we can start by let's knock down these trees all right let's get rid of these um okay slash replace Spruce log uh air I think that's the command and then replace uh Spruce slash replace Spruce leaves air as well all right we've got a bit more room to work off let's start by uh clearing this out all right not one Lord my Legend helper can we go ahead and knock out this grass here right we need to flatten the land all right it's that simple now if you guys want yourself a bass upgrade just like this it's super super easy you just gotta join the server play dot works on bedrock and Java Edition you can see it on the screen that's all you got to do it is dead easy all right that's what I'm saying not hard at all okay we've got a pretty good room here now what kind of design we're thinking guys let me know in the chat right now I want to know what are you guys thinking what should we upgrade for this man all right what do we got what do we got here um I'm looking at the chat what are your recommendations guys I'm waiting for them uh oh we could do like a we've done modern we've done treehouse maybe like rustic we could do like ancient or overgrown we could make him a horse stable I feel like that's a bit me oh um maybe we do like what do we got y'all I need your suggestions right now what are we thinking for the base block out someone said Block House guys this is Minecraft all houses are blocks that's that what doesn't work like that um an underground base yeah let's do that let's do a really cool underground base that's a great idea we haven't done something like that okay we're gonna start by building a staircase um my dude not one for Lord can you start building the staircase down here all right similar pattern to what I've already got going on down here uh just go down a little bit deep and then we're gonna build out like a I'm gonna build like an entrance to this thing so we'll grab some walls here and I'm going to show you some really great detailing you guys can do with some of the blocks oh you know what we're going Blackstone theme this is what we're doing we're going Blackstone theme all right we're gonna go like here for the entrance or something like that or or maybe what's the other blocks anvils anvils anvils anvils anvils we can use the anvils for the entrance like that and then build up oh yeah that's gonna be a really dope entrance and of course this is a spruce bomb so we've got to match that design here with some spruce all right come on guys I need your help to dig down bro I'll teleport you both away if you're not planning on helping all right I need your help to dig down here okay we need to dig that cave all right I want to go right down deep for this underground base and then we want that to kind of like curve around so we need like some sort of slabs uh I don't want to use Spruce because that's a bit boring I think mud will look really unique yeah okay cool we'll also need some like other mud blocks and mud stairs my blocks also grab in the mud walls okay cool and then we'll grab that all right bang let's Chuck that there oh no I don't like that maybe like upside downstairs will work better hold up hold up hold up okay let's get the upside down stairs going oh yeah oh yeah I can see that working okay cool cool cool there look at that entrance that's so cute guys I love it and then we want to like build this out to the back uh okay that will come out like that and then this needs to like slowly come down so if we build like an anvil back here as well and this will be the back so we'll get some stripped wood I love strip wood guys like my favorite blocks okay so we'll use that as the backing and then this has to be like a staircase up maybe like using the stone stairs since we used Stone from before okay and then put those on either side okay it's coming together I like it all right and then we'll go uh underneath yeah build it up like that okay perfect wait I think that will look better if it's a stair yes yes yes yes okay and then we'll build up with stairs what do you guys think in the comments down below how do we like this look okay and then we'll copy this look with the stairs and then perfect and then build that down one oh I like it I like it and of course guys this thing's gonna have to be used at night and we've been using Lantern so I'm feeling like a soul Lantern will be a nice little twist oh yeah and then on the sides here we use uh polished andesite check it out check it out guys look at that look at that oh wait I didn't think about the Anvil falling that was dumb that was dumb all right and let's let's put that around there put the anvils back nice all right and we've got the perfect staircase built in here all right guys I've got a mission for you this is gonna take a little bit of time all right these walls here we want to change change those all right into maybe like polish deep slate yeah that will look so good all right guys here we go I'm giving you a bunch of Polish deep slate Legends you gotta help me out all right here's the Polish deep slate let's get some of the Polish deep site on that yeah stairs are great as well let's do polish deep slight on the walls like this and then we'll use Spruce stairs okay cool cool I'll give them some Spruce stairs to finish this off oh guys this is gonna look so good once we're done all right let's go ahead and Chuck that out bang bang bang perfect looking but listen more I like you I like it right we're going all the way down here and this is where we've got to build the underground base and I've got some really good ideas for this so you guys aren't going to want to miss it all right so let's start by building out our space actually to make sure it's like perfect in both directions let's go uh bang and then we want it three block high so we'll go slash uh Slash copy slash stack we'll go five in that direction stack five in that direction looking good and then from here we'll go stack uh five ten I think that's pretty good wait hold up we'll copy that and grab a little slash copy slash attack 10. great oh I missed the ceiling guys that was okay grab that and then we'll might go like two blocks extra okay and then we grab that side fly over here we're gonna clear out this entire area let's check it all right bring that up to about there slash set air oh I went one two I went one too low set air again wait wait wait what have I done what am I there we go there we go the server's just lagging a bit right now guys I can barely change game modes holy oh nice nice that's looking so swell guys I love it all right so now that we've got that here we want to set out how did I I swear I got the this is a five here and this is four how did I stop still messed up the all right so we got that down here and then what block do we want to use for this you know what this is a serious base we're going to use straight up diamonds and Amethyst all right this is gonna be a serious base so every time he walks on this ground it's gonna make music all right this is gonna be so swell I'm gonna go into four directions so we're actually going to set this up so we can expand this base later all right so we're gonna set it up going up in four different directions and that way he can build more rooms afterwards right I'm not just upgrading I'm setting this guy up for life all right Let's uh bring this all the way to the sides yo I love that and then we'll grab some stair blocks now the question is what stairs go with amethyst that's a bit tricky maybe we could keep it our mud theme oh yeah the purple and the brown I don't know it looks it looks a bit odd but I love it I don't know what to say this is definitely a unique building design I know some of you guys aren't gonna like it I just want to shout out to dragon from her in the chat who just became an ey fan you're a legend my dude prepared to see a ton of exclusive content and of course if you want to upgrade to an ey Mega fan you guys know what you're getting you get a shout out at the end of a video right you've seen it before and you know you want it all right let's do that and what's really cool is we can grab water water buckets here and we can water log in the stairs all right let's uh let's do that now I know this definitely looks out there guys but I'm trying to do Unique Designs right now right I want Unique Designs we don't want to do any kind of boring stuff that would be too easy y'all all right let's uh kind of go right into the sides there um I like it okay fill that in perfect okay he's doing the wall in the Deep slate pattern as well I like that's a good decision I I agree I support that decision all right and then we'll go up with the sides there I think we might do that with all the sides here just to kind of round off the endings or right looking pretty nice great and then what we're going to do is put up one of these sides definitely needs a nether portal so let's I I just searched nether portal bro I might I'm supposed to be surprising noobs with the bass I might actually be the noob today okay and then we'll check obsidian across the bottom and the top Bro Look at that my portal fits perfectly this is what you this is called a Minecraft pro move away I can't stop the fire there we go nice that's looking so dope all right so we've got the nether portal on that side and I think this side here will be a chest storage area so let's uh build this out real quick okay um maybe something like this I I don't know if we do like something yeah that looks really good wait wait and then we'll go out like that one extra block and then we'll put the chest there but before we can put the chest we need to turn all of this uh all of this Stone into deep slate so let's uh grab the corners here we're gonna do a massive replace all right let's do that so it all matches and this is the design that we're going for uh polish deep site uh Slash oh wait no he's doing like a pattern wait that's actually genius we could build on to that what about acacia wood oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got it we got it we're gonna replace stone with Acacia uh log I think oh that looks so good except for the roof I I this that the roof looks awful wait that's not good I don't I do not like this floor I don't like we need to change the floor to something else hold up let's uh fix this is gravel and andesite there let's uh wait my dude can you help me out can you go ahead and replace this gravel here with oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh replace the this wall here with the logs please all right while he's doing that I'm gonna fix this floor out because I really don't like it I think the Polish andesite is probably no maybe we go all mud all mud for the floor guys what do we reckon in the chat below let me know guys in the chat do we go all mod yeah that's such a unique design I honestly haven't seen a base like this ever okay let's do that nice we're using only new blocks guys mud and amethyst and then maybe we can make like a pattern with stairs here oh yeah look at the cute pattern dude look at that I love that okay and we'll do that on this side too uh if we go like that wait I think I made it different on this side no no I love that that's so cool bro's struggling to do this side okay cool and then over here we'll make this site different because this is going to be where the chests are at so just to flex a little bit of wealth oh no that's gonna look so bad I want to put diamonds there but it's just gonna ruin our entire aesthetic that we've got going on right now guys I think we're just gonna have to keep continue with the mud yeah yeah let's continue with the mud here bro what do you want give me purple concrete all right don't ruin my design bro here's some purple concrete it's a purple Terry oh that was purple wool my bad my bad my B my B my B this guy's been helping us build so far so hopefully uh hopefully it looks not too bad all right and then we'll Chuck this down here all right perfect looking really really good nice okay and so this is we're gonna be where our chests are going perfect my dude's just watching Slappy kid two five is like ha he's so confused what's happening right now okay and then we'll Chuck in this now here's a little trick if you guys didn't know you can actually put upside down stairs as your roof I haven't decided what roof uh block our roof's gonna be yet I think we're gonna go with the Polish deep slate but uh you can actually put upside down stairs like this uh like that and if you put stair blocks see normally if you put a chest here see this you can't open it you can't open the chest but if we go ahead and put down now if we put the chest check it out you can open the chest how cool is that thank you man Bob The Blob for uh donating you said you can't join the server because it's outdated that's not quite right the server is currently updated for the newest version what that probably means is your Minecraft is updated so you might want to go ahead and update that guys if you're trying to join the server and says it's out of date that actually means your Minecraft is out of date so go ahead and jump over the app store or the Google Play Store and update your server so you can jump update your Minecraft so you can jump on to this server all right there we go add in a nice another little s Cube perfect I love these little patterns we got going on my brother my brother in Christ would you please kindly move aside thank you okay wow this thing's really coming together we got a chess storage Heather we've got a nether portal I really don't like the roof though like that's that's not my vibe so we're just gonna grab these two sides here and I'm going to set that to the polished uh polished deep slight I think is what I kind of like the look of let's see what that looks like yeah dope dope dope now all of this is going to need lighting so let's grab ourselves some lanterns and we're going to Chuck these across the top oh yeah oh yeah right at the main points here bang perfect all right let's Chuck that there a little bit of lighting there nice we'll put the lanterns in front of our nether portal and also oh wait I've stuffed that one up guys filled that in nice great and we'll put that two lanterns there I like it and this can be like where you can expand later all right we'll just kind of leave that open for him he can build another room off to the side there I think we're pretty much good to go with this one guys we'll Chuck on a couple of item frames just over here that way he can label all of his chests with the types of stuff that he wants to put in there I think we're good oh we may as well give him some beds as well he's gonna need those um to match with the the amethyst I'm thinking like the oh yeah oh I like that I like that I like that let's do that oh and then we'll just grab a nice little painting just to top it off perfect put that right there I think we're good and you know what this guy's gonna get a small extra thing we're gonna give him shulker boxes which usually you have to go to the literal end to get to but I just think that that some nice bedside storage nice all right and that there is our base complaint what do we guys think of the chat I got the chat up on screen right now let me know what y'all are thinking okay I'm thinking this is really really swell I like it I I really like it guys I think wait I think this is good we got the we got the top we got the bottom got a nice little base here I think this is good to go congratulations Slappy kid on your brand new base you are no longer Noob and poor you are rich and pro congratulations all right can you do my next one I don't really have one bro you got Legend rag all right you're a pro I'm only upgrading noobs bases today all right we helping the poor we're being Robin Hood at you all right that's what you guys got to do help out the poor that's important all right um now we've got to find our next person to get to all right now I'm thinking um who should we go to next I'm thinking maybe we should you know we've been building out these bases but why don't we do something a little bit higher all right okay we don't have any scams on the server which is a bit sucky uh me too my base got griefed oh my gosh Okay so we've got hmm we've got to figure out who we're gonna upgrade next guys what do we think you know what we're going to do the most obnoxious upgrade you'll have ever seen that's what I'm saying right now the most upgrade obnoxious upgrade you'll have ever seen oh this is about to be this is about to be bad this is a bad to me really really bad if you guys want to jump on the server right now the IP is on the screen let's find someone's base you guys are not what I'm about to do oh my what is okay girly girly girl oh my she's built the same base as the other person from earlier in the live stream why why why why why would you do that why why would you do that they just love acacia wood apparently girls love acacia wood and pink that's proven fact apparently okay now this time I don't want to like ruin her base that's what we've been doing so far instead I'm Gonna Make Her base the main attraction of the most obnoxious upgrade y'all have ever seen known as Diamond land yeah I know sounds crazy right um you're just gonna have to trust me on this one okay wait we're gonna come down to this side bring it out over to here and then we're going to come up and go slash walls diamond block [Applause] I reckon she's not even going to keep this once guys bet in the chat below what's the bet that she doesn't even keep this upgrade instead all she does is uh instead all she does is just destroy destroy the diamonds and take them for yourself that's what I reckon she's gonna do right now okay let's put that there this is the this is the entrance oh my gosh this is this is bad this is okay we're gonna get rid of that bro this is so obnoxiously ugly he's dead walls I don't even know what I'm doing right now okay I did the floor right grass obviously can't be grass all right if you're Mr Richie Richie Rich right you can't just have regular Green Green Grass no no no no no real rich people they don't have grass as their floor they have Emerald blocks [Applause] oh my brothers okay um I don't even know how we can make this look better I don't I don't actually know let's get rid of the grass for starters that's a that's a good start okay um I don't know what what do we do I reckon you know what they're the right blocks let's make blocks of netherrite the little inside floor of this house see I'm not destroying the house this time we're doing a full-on upgrade this is next level stuff dude I don't even know I don't even know what to do what what is this what is this oh my God what okay so now that we've got that um let's actually try and upgrade this house okay so I don't want to destroy the house we're going to try and expand on what we've already got all right so we're working with Acacia this is actually probably going to be the hardest challenge of today's live stream right we're trying to figure out how we could upgrade a really ugly house okay so if we build up that's going to create some depth all right depth is always the first thing you guys want to try and do when it comes to upgrading a house all right and you can do that using stairs and slabs and those kind of blocks although it can be pretty tricky Mangrove Mangrove maybe that's like this chat the Strat and we could use like doors signs some Roots I'm just hoping this works guys I actually don't know does Mangrove work I don't know I think it kind of does it kind of does it's not like the best but this could work this could work okay and then so we'll make that like the sides okay and then we'll build around the here ah guys I I don't know if the end product of this is gonna look good but I'm really hoping it will all right and so we'll put Mangrove on all four sides there perfect nice nice that's looking pretty swell I'm liking I'm liking it and then for the detail let's Chuck Mangrove signs on the side here right we're creating depth this is what you guys want to do if you want to create really cool designs you create depth and you can do that with signs with trap doors with stairs with slabs it just really helps that design stand out yeah nice okay and then okay we've got that wait is that a zombie bro bro save saver she's at the craft she doesn't know wait no Savor guys attack that was way too close okay maybe we need to put in some zombie protection we'll sort that out in a second okay um and then you know this upper area I don't know quite how to achieve this um I want like uh like a nice little Japanese garden type thing so if we bring a ladder here we can bring that up oh looking swell great and then trap doors for the walls look at that nice and then she can use this as a garden she can upgrade it however she likes as well to her own taste bang bang bang and then you know what we'll put some uh put some flower pots up here grab that perfect put on some flower pots around the sides and I'm thinking some Acacia saplings I guess to kind of match the acacia Vibe she's got going on right let's put those on all four sides lovely so now she's got a second floor I consider that a bit of an upgrade it's these walls that are really annoying me I need I think she needs some windows um let's grab some glass panes here I'm gonna Chuck these in here just to give this house like a little bit more like depth and light nice I like that okay cool and then we'll do the same thing over here great and then a window out the back as well okay I like it I like it good look it's still got the original charm I don't know if charm is quite the work correct word to use but it's still got the original charm of the initial base all right I haven't completely ruined it all right it's still got some of the original bass left but at the same time it's a it's upgraded I think this looks pretty good guys we didn't completely ruin it but we still created a unique design which I think definitely go to camp for something nice nice nice nice and then we can use some buttons here some Stone buttons just to add a bit more depth I think that looks pretty good other than the fact that we've got a giant diamond and emerald thing but you know what I call this an upgrade I think we did a pretty good job so once again guys shout out to all of these legendary members who've been helping me out the live stream if you guys want to become a legend just head over to the ey store search over in Google hit enter that's going to bring you over to that ay store you can get a bunch of different ranks including the legendary rank to play with me and guys if you want to join the server just jump over to servers go down add server you can also get VIP rank if you become an ey fan or a member on the channel but without further Ado guys I think we've upgraded enough bases today if you want me to upgrade your base let me know in the uh chat down below and I'll see
Channel: EYstreem
Views: 1,172,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, eystream, minecraft, family friendly, funny, prank, secret, hidden, tutorial, minecraft phone, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft livestream, eystreem livestream, suprising a noob with a brand new base, surprising my friend with a brand new base, surprising a noob minecraft, pranking a noob minecraft, fooling a noob minecraft, i fooled my friend, surprising a noob with a minecraft base, surprising a noob with a brand new house, upgrading a noobs minecraft house
Id: Ee2VO8cC_co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 9sec (3669 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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