SURPRISED at the experience of Old Welder | How to make Metal Vise tools extraordinary
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Master Q
Views: 75,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: master q, how to, make, how to make, diy, build, idea, secrets, tools, diy tool, know, useful, handyman, homemade, handmade, do it yourself, homemade tool, amazing tool, vise tool for metal, bench vise tool, welding 3g, master tools, making tools from metal, metal work, tools making ideas, ferramentas caseiro, herramientas casera para taller, herramientas casera, herramienta casera, herreria casera, kuli welding, asia welder, Ipunk Crow, welding vise grip, welding apprentice
Id: lOT9nNsBmbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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