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[Music] all right so we're about to go surfing this is it's a live long word he's gonna let Tina Tina Tina get side we're going surfing boom Tina I don't think we could use my sharp border you can ride that longboard oh that one let's follow my short port no no no just just straight up now not even thinking about us do you have this major this is like almost this is like a tail pad with a front pad connected to it what you think whoa whoa so little so my fin is like like that yeah well you're going high Pro today okay yes I funny I suggest psyche I'm gonna got forever wall five copies one row no speak English ah Guinea Alaba Alaba hey hey your hair matches your board I got psyche juice look at this guy's got SEC juice bye stay psych we're gonna get him on the same program you think you actually ride the way is the way pretty fat that's kind of like me like today better pull a Red Bull real quick breakdown we're gonna go surf I think the fattest right ever and I'm kind of fat right now and Tina's gonna go longboard and yeah we're got some fun Sun is out and it is looking beautiful psyching ah out of the mud [Music] go we're gonna load up in the truck and drive down the road it the way is actually a little bit more down from the other wave they saw in the previous vlog and yeah this place is uh absolutely beautiful I'm psyching the sun's out this is good gonna get sunburned to do hi buddy you go in the I I what you got I booked hi I think it kind of likes me Michelle you know buddy I would like to put your nose but I'm scared of you he said sit a dog has a rope swing just kind of weird kind of weird is he sick what happened oh [Music] [Music] coconut man I think pretty sick I was a sick rig right there checking the spot right now we just pulled up but apparently there's a lot of people down there and if these little goes down there he's gonna get attacked by millions and millions of fans [Music] nice parking spot apparently I'm carrying the longboard as a service to Tina so she could possibly get some Laster the walk cycle are we parked right down the road and we ended up finally good spot so that's good it's carnival around here right now so it's definitely really crazy a lot of people lotta loud music and Bellus head over to the surf spot come here ever walking through someone's house to get to the beach in your be yeah nice shortcut Italy yeah like yeah hello better than I thought I kind of talk some smack there's a little cruzi right looks a little shallow and then it kind of rolls off over in here into a perfect Tina wave relevee a good guy it's my motto no black dumper okay so we found a perfect right for me Tina sighs so I'm really excited start the music [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's allowed I gave it did you get some fun ones yeah by doing any wax no wax yeah well that's why she was slipping everywhere maybe the math relaxes in the bag yeah okay we're gonna search the bag oh there it is really give it back this guy's out of control everyday stealing any wax you get it's a serious problem yeah well sorry maybe what hey we just packed up the truck we are heading out fun surf real quick on Jamie O'Brien shop comm we got hydro Flass these things are amazing but please buy the blue ones because we're running out of black ones well they're not supposed to say that link will be in the description below I really good - they're great but he's always carrying on the black one I have the blue one but where is it I forgot it well anyways link will be in the description check out the store I thank you guys for the continued support we're gonna cruise back to the house and I made intercession good thing we're still alive Oh Jamie O'Brien gsella but you just told me so today one guy in the water tell me the job is surfing here and I tell who is job we're gonna go for a little surf around the corner top secret mission new board we're gonna plan a higher air than me yeah sure of course she said of course he's got a good pretty good chance doesn't look like there's any wax on there well Jackson's got all the laughs we're gonna attack Jackson when we see him you get a nap in no I did yeah everybody napped for like two hours for me you know what are you just doing editing in the vlog why good luck I don't know you might go too fast well apparently we're gonna go check this wave and on the way there there's some sand dunes and he invited Tina and I and Justin right there go for ride he's really excited about this really exciting to me interesting I think all the sand came in from what we're about to do they said that this might be last time well nervous now how much is a trio you scare anything happen if you blue rolling around yeah I just hope you hold here and yeah just here and you guys here no hands outside okay [Music] I'm gonna die in Brazil [Laughter] Hey thank God shades on it was just like beaming straight through my eyes we were going so fast like I've I was like if something happens I'm done done here in Brazil guy drives like a maniac a little laughs little right that's pretty sick it's definitely not straight off shore though got him did you flick with mati in there yeah I was here in the front I was like ah I wasn't she doesn't want to ride in the cart no more yeah I was a flip I'm traumatized I need some time to go again yes always when I'm with each other in the car I was like please don't do it please please don't do it yeah so he's not a good driver [Music] Wow let's fry some eggs on Kashi she's back straight out [Music] [Music] oh hey you guys start the music you're on right over there by the beach still way down my boys from the airport I don't even know what's happening but black snapped new board thing now I think I got in this air contest site no it's reverse the Grom we're having a contest you and me I it's a low he's already in the final and one we're stuck in the semis ain't gonna lie I was pretty scared and then that card I was like there was like a lot of times I thought I was gonna die the whole time you can actually see I was coming oh my god I was like it was like really scary you did that in your sleep earlier like sleeping off okay I was like was she laughing about we're battling yeah era contest yeah I don't even care of it the chopped-up I'm beat you girls yes ready start your music booth okay guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that last aired into flats was so gnarly that she just went down it slow is absolutely ripping that's exactly why he's world champion this is why I am NOT a competitive surfer I was cooking it every wave out there but I still had fun this way is really cool and can't wait to surf it again because really good house that era they smell good say something did you break the other board oh no just change more blowers let's head out of your ass the girl how'd it go you know fun yeah and you broke your heart yeah I decided to sit up my fans and go over the falls that really hurt though that's really fun thanks to farted a few boys going through Thanks warden board I haven't broke apart a pipe in a while no I try I tried like this backside shove it and just landed like this like Oh going over the fall like oh my god I tried this thing for no I have deep friend angle yeah maybe maybe I'll surf better all right you guys thanks for watching another video hope you're enjoying these videos from Brazil hanging out these two though we're having a blast out here it doesn't matter if it's two-foot get out there and have fun and enjoy the times with your friends and you know we only live once so let's have a blast and you guys don't forget click the link right here to subscribe and right here to watch more videos hit the side counter make sure you check out Jamie O'Brien shop calm whoo we got more Brazil video it's coming I'll promise I'll surf better than that but I'm almost out of boards we'll see
Channel: Jamie O'Brien
Views: 619,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JAMIE O BRIEN, jamie o'brien, STAY PSYCHED, hawaii, surfing, WHOISJOB, waves, surf, jobvlogs, WHOISJOB 9.0, surfers, wipeout, fail, redbullsurfing, catchsurf, travel, PIPELINE, surf trip, vlog, big wave surfing, psych counter, psych, crazy, crazy wipeouts, exploring, red bull, professional surfing, professional surfer, pro surfing, pro surfers, pro surfer, oahu, hawaii vlog, funny, honolulu, BARRELS, banzai pipeline, FUN, beach, big waves, wsl, surfing videos, brazil, italo ferreira, world champion
Id: cPCsOFveL0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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