SURF FISHING TIPS- Where to fish and what to fish with

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] how's it going guys today's video is going to be a little bit different man uh the Water clarity's not been very good for the past three or four weeks I ended up getting sick out of work for a week took me about two weeks to recover we are going to talk about how you could catch fish every time you come to the surf for those of you guys that come down here on vacation you don't live here and you want to be able to catch at least you know some whiting or something like that when you come down here you don't want to waste your time like a lot of people do when they come down here when I was a teenager guys and when I was like 10 years old 11 12 years old I'd come down here on vacation maybe once twice a year sometimes more and I'd come down here and I'd grab me I'd go to academy and grab me the wrong kind of line the wrong kind of leaders pretty much the wrong kind of weights I mean everything you could think about uh also I would go first thing I'd do is go get some dead shrimp you know and I'd come down here to Surf and I wouldn't catch anything for years and years and years today I'm going to show you how you could come down here and have a really good time fishing it's not about how big of a fish you catch it's about just having fun and you know catching some fish at least so we're going to start with I'm gonna show you the the clarity of the water I'm not actually dressed as you guys can see to be surf fishing I caught my hey dudes on and stuff like that the beaches are packed today guys it's double lines of car cars down that way here I'm uh just north of uh packery Channel I'm almost a Mustang Island you are definitely going to need four-wheel drive to get over here because you can see where the sand is wet here but this is what you're going to have to drive in right here to get to where I'm at and believe me it got a little bit of scary there back there because I slowed down big time and almost got stuck but as you can see the water I'm just going to try to not keep not get my my hey dudes wet it seems to be getting a little bit better now today I would almost say and the birds are hitting the water right there man I'm not dressed to fish but if I keep seeing that I'm gonna be hooking me up a gold spoon uh there was a sign on the beach when you came in that said heavy currents Riptides and stuff like that so water Clarity seems to be getting better I think by this weekend it should be a lot better to where I can get out here and maybe catch you guys some fish man it really is a lot of people this is Fourth of July today happy Independence Day there's a lot of people on the beach man I was lucky to find this one area where I could shoot this video let's go ahead and start out with the kind of rod and reels you probably want to show up with down here oh wow check it out Portuguese man of war guys we're going to go ahead and show you the rod and reels you want to come down here now it doesn't make any sense to buy cheap rod and reels that you get at Academy for 29 bucks 39 bucks and come down here you're probably going to say well I only come down here once a year so you know it's worth it well once you take that pole home uh you can rinse it do whatever you want by the time you come down here again that thing is probably going to be froze up I'm going to show you the rod and reels that I suggest you use coming down here if you're going to be throwing lures and stuff like that like gold spoons top Waters you don't want to get anything more than eight foot I use these pen battle 3 combos it all comes together right here there's three of them this is my favorite one the limited edition blue and white and uh I use four thousand and five thousand Series right here and they're about eight foot rods I think this one here is 7.6 or something like that but these are the ones that you really should get because if you get these they're gonna I've had this one in this one for three three and a half years and this one maybe a year and a half these things are awesome you don't have any problem with the handles freezing up uh I've never had any problems with them I'll oil them once and once in a while I've never had to take them apart I just oil the handles and other places but they perform every time I come out here I can guarantee you I can pull it off here and it's going to work good so there's three different ones here I don't know which ones the four or five thousands I think this is a 5 000 and these are fours but anyway for about 150 bucks on Amazon you could get you one of these and and have this every time you come down here so again guys don't waste your money on cheap stuff and then if you're going to be throwing some lures now you could use these uh you guys have seen me catch big fish on these using uh gold spoons and top water and DOA shrimp if you want to have a light Rod set up and you want to really feel how that fish is I would suggest a pen Fierce 2 or pen Fierce I think they make a pen Fierce three and an inverse rod these things are pretty freaking cool again I'll put all the links in the description for you guys so you could get them now you're probably wondering what kind of line I use I use nothing but braided line that's all I use I love it it casts so much better than any other line that I've used now in this pole I use about 20 pound test braided and there's multiple colors I use gray on here I use 12 pound on my light Rod setup 12-pound test 20 pound test here blue this is my sister's pulse she doesn't care for braid so this is I believe mono here and it's 20 pound as well so those are the rod and reels that I can tell you that I've had not one issue with them whatsoever neither one of these they all every time I pull them off here I guarantee you they're going to work whereas the cheap stuff guys I can't tell you how many times I pulled the rod reel off there and the handle has been froze up or the actual spinning mechanism has been froze up something goes wrong with it and now it just sits in my garage [Music] [Music] now we're going to go over some baits that you could use out here there's all kinds of different baits that you could use catch different fish I I do use mullet and I don't I don't really have that much luck on mullet some people do but I don't I've used live and dead the best bait that I've had luck on out here and probably the best bait in the golf is going to be Lady Fish or skip Jack that cut up is is awesome bait you can catch sharks you can catch redfish you can catch trout you can catch pretty much everything now you're not going to catch Whiting or you're not going to catch flounder because it's you're going to have too big of a chunk on there so that's one bait that I can tell you right now is perfect if you get some lady fish if you come out here and you see Lady Fish hitting top of the water get you a little three ounce spoon and throw it out there and you'll catch more than enough bait you can even catch them off fish bites too I've caught them off fish bites but that to me is by far the best bait let's go over here and I'll show you a second bait that's going to guarantee you that you're going to get something out here I'm not showing you how to catch big fish every time I'm showing you how to catch fish you want to guaranteed catch fish every time as long as the water Clarity is pretty good and it's not completely dark Sandy looking you can use fish bites you can buy these at Walmart you could buy them on Amazon and I'll put the Amazon links to all this in the description underneath the video when you use fish bites you want to have multiple colors pink and white easy shrimp and then you have just a regular pink easy shrimp and then we've I brought a couple they also have fluorescent green I mean they have all different colors so you want to make sure you have a couple different colors and I also have easy clam and easy crab all you want to do with fish bites is you just want to put a little tiny piece on the hook and that's it about that big I'll show you in a minute because I want to demonstrate how I can catch a fish anywhere I could pull up on the beach let's get this baited up and I'll show you how to bait this uh this Pompano rig with fish bites and we'll get it out in the water here you go guys that's how small you want that the fish bites just real small pinch it on the hook about like that make sure the Hook's coming through both lines and we're going to cast it out into the first gut because I'm not getting wet the hard head another hard head that's probably all we're going to catch out here with this water like that you got to be real careful with these little things they'll get you I'm gonna show you the best things to use if you're surf fishing there's two different setups I use first one I use is called a Pompano rig and these are stem filled tackles Pompano rigs right here which has double hook so you can bait it up with some fish bites you know two little small pieces of fish bites or you can use some salted shrimp and put on these I also use what he calls as a richer rig if I want to catch some some redfish some bigger fish like redfish or big trout I'll load this up it's a single hook with some cut Lady Fish or mullet live mullet or maybe I'll have some live piggy perch and I'll use that what are these people are going to do when I put a pole out because I'm going to be running it from my Jeep but anyways here's another one a single hook it's a smaller hook you'd catch some trout and redfish on this and some drum just a single hook you can get those from Stanfield tackle as well the only time I use these guys is when I run out of Stanfield tackle stuff you could buy these on Amazon these are all right I just like sand filled tackles better because you don't have the painted Hooks and stuff like that and the hooks are a little bit smaller those are the only rigs that I will use out in the surf there's a couple size weight different weights that I use and depending on how rough the surf is out there is depending on what weights I use like today I'd probably use about a four uh test it out and see if my line goes down the beach if it doesn't then we're set but I'll use sometimes fives and six now these weights aren't cheap right here this is I believe this is a s uh a six so this is a six this is when it's real real heavy surf this works really well when it's yellow flag or green flag I'll use pyramid weights and usually I'll run anywhere from uh a four to a six when you use the Pompano rigs there is a place to put the actual weight this right here if it's green water that's what I use right there and I believe this is a I don't know it's probably a two or three but those are the type of Weights that I use this is what a Pompano rig looks like when it's when it's on your line you see the two hooks and then the weight at the bottom also guys when you come out here and you're using dead shrimp you want to go ahead and salt that shrimp before you come down here uh even if you're in a hotel go to run to HEB get you some kosher salt you can get it in a box for two bucks or whatever put it in a container stick your shrimp in there overnight and they'll be ready in the morning the reason why you want to use salted shrimp is because it'll stay on that hook better I've actually reeled in Fish with the shrimp still on there you're not going to do that with regular dead shrimp that you get from the uh the bait store if you get shrimp from the bait store you're gonna have to peel it before you put it in the salt it has to be peeled what I do is I go to HEB and I'll buy like jumbo shrimp that's already peeled and I'll use that or I go by Paul's Seafood down here even in Port Aransas I think there's a pulse Seafood there and buy a pound of shrimp or however much you want stick it in there leave it overnight and you got your yourself some tough shrimp and the fish fish will eat it just like regular shrimp and it'll stay on your hook a lot longer especially when you cast for those of you that cast and your shrimp flies off hey it's very simple man costs you two or three bucks for a thing of salt and then whatever the shrimp is so I would use salt to trim using live shrimp out of here you're going to get things like hard heads and and Whiting and small fish like that just eating that up so if you want to spend 16 dollars for a quart or whatever it is to lose most of it to these small fish then go ahead but I I never use live shrimp surf fishing I use live shrimp back in the bays and I'll use it off a pier or something like that but never never surf fishing or off the Jetties on the channel side I also want to show you what kind of lures I use if it's yellow flag or if it's gold flag and the surf's not too bad first one's going to be what's called a rooster popper if it's green flag and there's hardly no water movement then I will use what's called a rooster popper I'll put the links to all this down in the description all right they have uh the green and kind of white bottom with blue speckles is my favorite one there's different colors and I've caught fish on each and every color now they have this one here and then they have the bigger one then you got the gold spoon which I left in the wrapper because these hooks are kind of really sharp it's a three ounce gold spoon this is what I caught in this video you could watch up at the top here whichever side it comes up I use the gold spoon to catch all those fish now I also use a silver spoon that's the same uh three ounce silver spoon works well as well but the gold spoon seems to outperform the Silver Spoon now I will use six ounce spoons when I'm at the Jetties and places like that because there's you know giant big giant fish out there there's big giant fish in here you never know what you're gonna catch but if I know there's some big Kings or big jacks or you know it's it's uh big bull Reds and stuff like that I will throw a six ounce off the Jetties but there you go right there and these are a little bit expensive but they're well worth it just follow follow those few little steps I showed you and and you'll end up catching some fish even on a worse day man you usually pull in Whiting so I wanted to get the video up guys because I haven't put up a video in a while from being sick and the surf looking a mess and uh but I've out I've been out fishing I mean we went 90 miles clear up to almost Port Lavaca and fish some fresh water and I caught one good sized uh catfish you could see right here but that's about it and then we caught uh Saturday because it's no it was uh Sunday no this past Saturday we caught a couple of hard heads like at the 20 mile marker down on pins me and my sister and her husband but anyway guys uh just wanted to get a video up and touch base with you guys and tell you I'm still here I'm still waiting for surf conditions to get better because that's what I enjoy to do and there's a lot of little white birds set in the water out there now what you want to do guys is you want to look for any Cuts in the waves the breaking waves you can see right there where there's one wave that's breaking to the left and one to the right but there's nothing right there in the middle that's where you want to throw your line that's where the bait fish are going to be coming through and you're going to have your your Predators waiting on the other end for the bait fish to come through with that heavy current that's getting squished through that little column of water so that's where you want to throw your line so always look for that when you're driving down the beach trying to find a good spot to throw your lines and to spend the day also you want to move around if you're if you're on the beach and you're sitting there for about an hour and you're not catching anything well pack yourself up and change location now sometimes I know you guys got kids and you got a wife and everything and you might have a canopy out and stuff like that and you don't want to do that well that's perfectly fine but if you're by yourself and uh you're not catching anything within an hour go ahead and move on down the beach there guys I don't claim to be a professional surf fisherman or anything like that so all this is just my knowledge that that I've learned since I've been down here some of you guys well quite a few you guys have messaged me on Facebook or Instagram or YouTube and ask me if I do like a guide service where I take you guys surf fishing I would love to do that I just don't have my license or anything like that I guess that person doesn't know you're not supposed to drive in between the cars like that but it's Fourth of July 4th of July weekend there's a lot of dummies down here but anyways let's get back to what I was saying oh they drove through there because they didn't want to go through the high sand um I'm not a professional surf fisherman someday I hope to be you know as far as as as being down here and learning from people like Nick at Breakaway tackle and a couple other people that I watch uh my biggest problem guys is trying to read the surf it's not as easy as some of these guys make it sound like it's just easy you know it's not really that easy so to be able to read the surf is a big key of if you're going to catch some big old trout or redfish you could pull usually anywhere on the beach and catch Whiting that's not a big deal but if you want to catch some trout and redfish you need to be in the right spot and uh there's all kinds of techniques that you can use to find to make sure you're in the right spot and one of them is just earlier I've seen two Pelicans sit in the water out there and that was them with them Reach if I waited out their waist deep so if you're driving down the beach and you see a bunch of birds hitting the water you want to immediately stop and put you on some kind of lure like a top water or a gold spoon or a silver spoon and just wait out there and just cast in there and keep casting in there I guarantee you're going to cut something all right so that's one one sign of there's fish in the area another one's going to be where you see the waves breaking there and you see the waves breaking there but right there in the middle see that they're not breaking and you keep watching that if it happens again and again and again that's what they call a cut in between the sand bars so there's a lot of current coming through there which is gonna wash the bait fish through there you're gonna have the Predators eat it on the other side waiting for the bait fish so you just watch the surf and where you see you know a cut where the waves here waves here and nothing breaking in the middle you want to you want to throw your line in there uh also if you're able to see a Riptide where where the current's taking the water straight out from the beach that's another excellent place fish I know some of you guys got kids and stuff like that you got a wife and everything like that and your wife and kids they just want to go to the beach they don't they don't care about fishing or whatever so you just basically got to pull up on the beach wherever wherever you can so kind of stall your wife and just drive down the beach and just tell her I'm looking for the perfect spot man and don't say anything about fishing because she probably is if she don't fish she don't care about fishing so just say I'm walking I'm looking for the perfect spot and uh just drive down the beach until you see something that's that's kind of looks unusual you know even with the water hitting right up here even with the water hitting up here if you see one area hitting way up here and both sides are real low stop right there so there's all kinds of different techniques that you can use all right so I showed you guys the rod and reels most of them I use are under eight foot now I do have two 12 Footers but I made the mistake on the rule that I told you guys about buying cheap equipment and I bought cheap cheap 12 Footers the whole combo for 60 bucks a piece and guess what they're both failing and I I tell you truth I've never caught a big fish on them yet oh my big fish have been on these pin battle threes and that little inverse rod with the pen pen Fierce two so you know the good thing about 12 foot and 14 foot rods is if you're afraid to get in the water because you're afraid of sharks or you're afraid of stingrays or anything like that then you could stand on the beach and you could hit the second gut from standing on the beach I'll put uh Breakaway tackles uh YouTube channel where he'll show you how to cast and stuff like that I'll put the link underneath this video when we talk about guts we're talking about the first cut and the second gut is usually where you're going to want to fish so when you throw a line out you want to throw your first line in the first cut throw a line in the second gut and then throw one in between the first and second good you do hook up with a fish if you keep hooking up a fifth with a fish in the first gut then you know you want to throw your other lines in the first cut I appreciate you watching this video hopefully this will help you guys out that come down here on vacation or maybe some of you guys that are local that maybe don't surf fish a lot you fish more in the bays and maybe own boats in a Bays or whatever it's a very simple you know use the right equipment and uh you'll get the job done appreciate you watching the video all the links of everything I talked about will be in the description uh there'll be Amazon affiliate links you guys don't pay any more but every time you buy something or whatever I make a little Penny or two and it helps support the channel hope you guys have a great Fourth of July hope you guys catch a lot of fish peace guys we'll see you next video when we catch some fish [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Texas Beach Bum
Views: 15,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, salt water fish, saltwater fishing, south texas fishing, corpus christi, texas fishing, gulf coast fishing, red fish, texas beach bum, SURF FISHING TIPS- Where to fish and what to fish with, how to surf fish, how to surf fish texas gulf coast, surf fishing texas, texas tips for surf fishing, catch fish from the beach, pompano rigs, penn battle, penn battle 3, catching trout surf fishing, catching redfish surf fishing, easy surf fishing tips, tips for saltwater fishing
Id: Cq9JDwixWFI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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