Surf and Turf Sandwich

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today we're making a surf and turf sandwich it's a steak and lobster situation we're starting with a perfect F Monon on the bottom there and then we got Lobster pile that meat on spicy garlic Cajun cream sauce top all that off with some chives close it up shove it in your mouth let's get started so get your Lake cruset fill this up with about a/ inch of water get your sharpest knife cuz this is a shell and it's kind of hard to cut through we honor you for uh the blessing of your meat and your [ __ ] delicious awesome tasting of food okay stick your knife you see this little hole right there W Bingo get the rubber bands off but careful of the claws into your pot this guy just saw what happened he's like wa so while we wait for our lobsters to steam uh we're going to make our Misan PLO for our cream sauce um the lobsters about 6 minutes but look for just that full orange color on the outside that's how you know it's completely cooked through boom all right let's chop a couple veggies up just a rough chop with your parsley get yourself about like nine clothes of garlic it's like a bulb and a half maybe and chop it all up beautiful woo look at that our Lobster done get yourself an ice bath or just like a one of these things and fill it up with ice in water and I mean this is like spa treatment they're getting a massage a hot tub and then a cold plunge hey buddy and this just stops the cooking cuz you don't want to overcook your Lobster now I get to show you how to break down a lobster so get yourself a rag to put this Lobster on from Salt lovers this is the apron you can get a rag Loop you have a easily accessible rag at all times you basically just boom tails off set that aside here's your arms rip them off lobster tail get a knife and cut it in half and yeah y out the meat one tail goes in the claw you want to cut like a/4 in deep right here and then twist it bingo in a perfect world this would stay attached and you'd have like a nice perfect Lobster cloth but we want to just kind of get this out so yeah sorry bud and then you can use that hole that you just made to shovel that Lobster me through ler claw perfect let's recap what we've done so far we cooked the lobster we filled the bowl up with lobster meat now we put the lobster meat in the refrigerator okay moving on really quick I have a very very special announcement I got a cookbook I'm I'm sorry I'm freaking out right now this is a very exciting moment for me I've been uh waiting for this my entire life so pretty pumped um and it's all cuz of you guys it's on pre-sale now salt Hank there's me that's the sandwich I'm obvious viously eating a sandwich on the cover and it's in the description all right let's make a sauce yeah we're going to use a half a stick of butter or three no just one half stick and we're just going to slowly melt this on like medium Heat this is one of my favorite sauces of all time for multiple reasons all right it's got garlic it's got Spice and it's from my coke book I've been waiting to tell you guys for so long I'm so sorry that it took so long for me to tell you why I couldn't put the recipes in certain areas I mean you sign a deal and then like 2 years later you get to announce that you you got a cookbook so I've been waiting for like 2 years for literally this moment right now with you guys once your butter is nice and melted get your garlic lots of garlic in there as you can see nice big spoonful cabber and chilies wow already the smells are insane in here give these a minute to kind of just sauté a tiny little bit yeah okay okay it's a cream sauce isn't it heavy whipping cream I don't know how much that was probably about 2/3 of a cup let's get that mixed up make sure it doesn't break it's going to break anyway it doesn't really matter to thicken that up we're going to boil it down but we're also going to add some Parmesan cheese all up in there I actually don't know if that's in the recipe but do it so we're not really actually doing a a recipe for my book oh that's good season it your salt lovers Club [ __ ] sandwich dust personal favorite of mine so about a tablespoon of that so we have store-bought alfredo sauce I don't know this brand very well uh but this has like changed the way I make sauces is mixing pre-made sauce with your sauce so about I don't know half cup maybe a little less boom okay we're not going to stop right there I think the book says beef stock we got chicken broth today and then crank the [ __ ] heat up we're going to boil this down till it's nice and thick this is when you add your citrus when it's a little more thin squeeze a lemon a little freshness in there some acidity all right and let that stew until it's a nice viscus kind of [ __ ] thick sauce while we let this reduce we're going to make our steaks most important week for selling this book is the first week you announce it so please run those numbers up we're doing a giveaway three people that buy the pre-sale uh will get the 10 pack salt bundle so comment if you went and bought the pre-sale right now and you get the book which is great main courses appetizers fermented and pickled sauces sandwiches obviously it's all in there all right it's a it's a banger little tiny bit of lube for you nice Hefty pinch of salt both sides po that up fresh cracked pep both sides again all right get your pan ripping hot if you want to check if your Pan's hot enough hold your hand like an inch above it if you can hold it there from for more than 5 seconds it's not hot enough to put your steak in not hot enough yet but we'll get there soon in the meantime let's Lube her up avocado oil oh yeah that's the noise you want to hear full surface area contact press it down 3 minutes on this side then we'll flip and then we get the base with butter and aromatics look at that crust boom flip her over whole [ __ ] shitload of butter goes in crush garlic here going in we have Sage time little Rosemary mostly sageing time all right base for like 2 or 3 minutes feel it see where it's at that feels medium to me so I'm pulling it all right let that rest like 10 minutes it's time to cut in one more time book is on pre-sale link is in description I love you guys this is all cuz of you thank you again I love you I love you I love you sandwiches this we're going to fry off in some butter in that same pan look at that you see a little Speckles of herbs in there and garlic thinly slic your steak that's exactly what you want a fet to look like let's fill the sandwich we have our extra cheesy sauce that looks [ __ ] good our steak oh my God this is how you warm up Lobster in a pinch little quarter stick of butter your cold Lobster in the bowl microwave so now what you got is is butter poached Lobster and before you said cold Lobster a whole lobster for each sandwich okay I love that extra amount of butter little da sauce There we go thinly sliced chabes pile those on there oh [ __ ] yeah let's Top This [ __ ] ready Jim okay oh our Surf and surf sandwich is done it's a [ __ ] Beauty crosssection oh my God I can't wait to take a of that that looks so good [ __ ] surfing Turf let's [Music] go all right here we go oh my God holy [ __ ] it's so I mean that's so good this cheesy sauce that we made perfect addition to both of these meats holy hell this is uh this is one for the books top three I think God damn all right wow oh my God Jimmy yours is falling apart you got to come eat this dude this is so this is so good I mean how could it not be this looks absolutely incredible it's everything you could ever like want the sandwich here we go cheers oh my God there's nothing even to say about that yeah it's it's it's really that cheesy sauce that turned into it like cheese sauce real quick and it is good yeah this yeah isn't actually what's in my Cookbook by the way this is a completely different thing I put a bunch of cheese and [ __ ] in it but it turned out [ __ ] amazing holy [ __ ] that might be one of the best I always say that and then it Jim's like dude wait come on we say that every time but this actually I mean these are two of the best ingredients you can get in the world book is now on pre-sale guys I love you so much if you feel inclined to buy it it would literally mean the world to me it's the giantest favor I could ever ask from you um Jim knows the food's good Jim will you let them know it's good it's really good that was a Serv T sandwich that's Jim I'm Hank we'll see you next week I won't die [ __ ] [ __ ] y day [ __ ] did you do this is the best thing I've ever had in my whole life it was so [ __ ] good I just love that everything on it so much Lobster it's like perfect yeah everything was perfect man it's perfect it's a per it's a perfect sandwich
Channel: salt_hank
Views: 26,711
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Id: csakjFJu5uQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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