Superyachts - Balk Shipyard

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superyachts are highly-evolved chips built with passion dedication and skill these vessels cruise the wealth providing unrivaled comfort and style some showcase pioneering technology others most exquisite craftsmanship 65 meters 300 films Morgan II completely shield in epoxy three masters else unearthed in superyachts we reveal the tricks of this most glamorous of trades and introduce you to the people who make the dreams of the globe's richest tycoons come true this is super yachts you Birk a former island next to leg ISIL is a busy town with the biggest fishing fleet and fish processing industry in the Netherlands one of the country's oldest shipyards can be found here run by the same family that founded it in 1764 the arts main focus used to be the repair of wooden fishing boats that all changed in 1932 with the completion of the off slide deck this famous Dyke was necessary to guard the Netherlands against floods but it caused a huge decline in the Dutch fishing fleet the firmly adapted and started to make hulls and private yachts and then in 2004 they started to build super yachts Don Volk is now at the helm of the company making him the seventh generation to run the shipyard the beauty is always to work with with people or employees the customers and the combination between the project and everybody who's working around them the current fashion for ever larger yachts has forced the company to grow they now have three slipways and up to 130 people work at the yard on a daily base but it hasn't lost its family feel lots of relatives still work here would it dance bra Stella doctor obviously not see in the favelas on life yeah even she was also technical Catholic he'll mention unlearn gasps applause Wow yes man after year to Nadine death not Aniki the for stone landed much dude Eco polka-dots machine up hold on enough gold we had a new sample even my father was even more personal involved and he forgot about it that at the end of the day we have to run a business and and I feel that also has a responsibility for the whole company that at the end of the month of course we had we have to earn some money to keep things going and sometimes he was forgetting about that yeah the shipyards latest project is that Miguel is Ferran solve the biggest classic sailing ship in the world entirely made of wood it's 65 meters long and 10 meters wide classical on the outside and radical on the inside front office unique because he's at the moment the largest wooden sailing yard I think she's unique by the traditional way she's built the build started at a Turkish ship yard but now the initiator and driving force of the project the Larry stepanenko wants the ship to be completed in the Netherlands mr. Flynn stepanenko is a person who likes tradition he likes the old way and that's how this yard is building so that makes her quite special military soil erosion Yosh Takata boiler pastrami is laminar on a drive escena yeah marucho Stowe pikia had a villa Pastrana but if not he'll I mean Iran had revision I mean tragic you Blair animal skill France a very silly pup reward store was both known as polska first world war shall resume it's a complex project the Larry has huge ambitions for the yacht the McHale s felons off will be a three master with eight sales and a total sales service of 1500 square metres built for an anonymous owner who believes in the Larry's vision otamatea territory which window imaged also is reason ya hu stubborn our Alisa Wallace yanari Elizabeth Valerius taken extraordinary steps to live his dream he built a shipyard in Turkey especially for a new yacht no chances of a pro pro special movie do a tutorial a lawyer ya sadati cherish interiors Nigel a total inclusion Adhamiya a kawaras mira Nico zetsu story earnest royal those two storage the immunity interest building a ship from laminated wood requires special skills and huge amounts of materials added revision is Africa he is was tamale where more Lisa but kadai was reserved many even Nestor sided Norway nil but Valeri needs Dutch skills to finish his ambitious project the heavy mahogany hull needs to be moved to the Netherlands towing the ship from tagging to the shipyard in I will take six weeks a logistical nightmare for Don they bring her out of the shed on a pontoon all the way till here in front of the shipyard and there we unloaded her with three huge screens to 800 tonus and a 500-ton and we needed to lift her out of the from the pontoon into the water and then we lift her again with her own sleep way out and transported her into the shed now that the ship is in the shed Dom can hardly hide his enthusiasm 65 meters 320 thumbs Morgan II completely shield been epoxy three months to sail sooner at the moment we have special equipment in our c8 wet but humidity that the wood is not starting to crack but that's a special computer who does measurements 24 hours a day 7 days a week to keep the humidity about 60% in the shed well you haven't woke up off the home position you know we can see what it finally should should look like this is a mock-up we checked it with the owners and they feel were comfortable with this so this is not ready for further engineering and then things will be rebuilt a currently biggest challenge is like with every boat it's always too small to have all the equipment in sight that's always always your thing preparations are made for the construction of the interior I had Timmy that I shaved the hailer boat in his hand and had followed a descent has a bottom flat America and opted abuse but I forget interviews about and that move down and click in a passion but the build of the Veron sod has some particular challenges the Turkish shipyard only focused on the main construction which means some important details now have to be implemented afterwards the portholes for instance might skip Rochelle modest opt black Avada portals going to see the happy addition Massif stick out from that sentiment and you haven't dug this tunnel earlier it's under some - cake - who can I have it out hunting and dumper he ain't jumbo - Arcanum a Libyan aluminium carbon-fiber both available Ashish for the mood to do and it is a healer who needed him and and skip from massif Mahoney out this is a this is the woodwork how do the ship for sir brought with us there's quite a lot of work to do a lot of details we have to Martin flanking a lot of seams we have to collect coming up the team get a surprise visit from their demanding clients a nerve-wracking experience these more experienced two to put the pressure on it that you you're getting nervous or you're feeling uncomfortable the build of the world's largest wooden sailing yacht of an unsub has been moved from Turkey to the Netherlands the solid wooden hull was constructed according to authentic building methods but to raise the finishing work to modern levels the ship needs serious modifications so parts of the ship have to be torn down and rebuilt very helpful construction mubahala verbum dei Messina camera now both to heaven stick sticky floor wet Moodle at tapajós nominated to another store on the aft if I can be native dipping the Bashara foot dipping and X Delta and that have a halo flue construction material and abdullah rain buddha said the mounting plates for the massive masts are a crucial detail for a sailing yacht three masts are due to be fitted on the 65 meter vessel they have to be strong enough to hold eight sails with a surface area 1500 square meters the giant boons must look like they're made of solid wood but if they really were it'd be too heavy missing Fiat in block sale 25 kilometers from the shipyard an international team of specialists are creating the colossal masts and their bones the aluminium masts are built in the Netherlands that the booms will be made in France from a mix of wood and ultralight carbon-fiber a special technique is developed that creates a traditional look whilst concealing the high-tech material all the aluminum work the masks are built in Holland and this is the carbon fiber our carbon fiber facility and this is the place where the booms have been built first a layer of wood is added to the mold followed by several layers of carbon fiber it's a difficult technique because the materials do not adhere but it's the only way of achieving the effect from the outside the 17 meter long boom looks like a regular wood construction but because of the usage of carbon fiber it's a lot lighter and stronger than regular work if you want it takes exactly the shape like so come on you see we have exactly the same surface it's and it takes to the same shape because there is some water in the wood at the beginning we pick up these water doctor because it's very bad for the structure and for Cabo special about this boom is that they had to look like classic wood and had to be strong so that's why carbon the difficulty about this boom is to getting the wood around the carbon we had to go through a whole circuit of developing the the carbon boom system because you can apply the wood later but for the future that could create problems so we had to invent a new system and and the guys here did an excellent job in creating the carbon wood structure and impractical the wood is being part of the carbon it's one it's not glued later the wood is the first layer of the carbon to be I cannot tell you how it goes because it's a secret simple as that in the Netherlands the Larry stepanenko pays the shipyard a surprise visit the doctor morning was good I could yeah yep not really myself well I do and it was that Joey person it's been three months since he last checked up on the fur on soft and this time he's brought along his business partner for down and his team it's a rather unnerving surprise he used to run a very large companies he's more experienced to do to put the pressure on it that that you you're getting nervous or you're feeling uncomfortable sometimes it's hearts and sometimes you you don't sleep very well for the night surprise inspections like these are often rigorous and there is tension mother this macha oh macha yeah is the highest position it can go so go lower yes no no Subic adultery also says lazuli doors you have to think a little bit about yet when you will open this must be champagne today me once again together with you complete everything if you are maneuvering if you are up and over in you have to stay here all right all right then then you can see the ball otherwise you're going to have this high step we have some discussion about the high from the decked the strength is too low for seeing the bow and if we make it too high it's not convenient to step on so we have now some discussion going on which height do we make two steps three steps is it fine for them to stand on the bank but do you have to make them see what the problem is and then most of time you listen to us she liked it not so bad nice idea better dog Valeri wants to spoke wooden carvings on the stern and bow but he still has doubts about the final design whether or not to have a crest and whether the carving should be intricate or more modest are the sort of decisions that weigh heavily on the budget this is a that is if everything to do with taste do you like it don't you like it and they are still communicating they they don't like it not yet it's routes I picked up already that we have to modify the ones boy but it has to be made out of massive teak wood so I don't mean very expensive piece this is we make by special artist evoke work over over a year about it almost an old templates have to be made here you have to mount it to the shape before we long here so this is already over the deadline yeah then you come to personal position that is not a doll heads Adam West Omaha and poza yellow schedule slips I think we will talk a little bit later in a vacuum and pressure my video safety equipment is vital on board a ship the sprinkler system is of great importance it has to drench the compartments if there's a fire today the fresh water storage tank is hold into the yacht it is the ultra tank ultra tank what fabric for a brand blue system I used and Theodore isn't little Bart Hoshi Ella has blunted the captain and sensor of a number naval PD hood hey Lamar mates over album safety measures have to be taken on every ship but a wooden vessel like this needs extra precautions the Wonder from the machining our chain from Fonfon style that the bay ha flit and romp what does Donna officially at that Yoko pan and a closer brown closer I'd called the rock special obey before the new foreign and Houghton volt have a and plaform tested on that is any Talia Hobart and MIDI test have a to seventh grade on abdomen ear had plaforms around Silas vector said there's finally agreement upon the design of the wood carving so craftsmen have started work immediately it will take about 2,000 hours to finish the automated car no less than 20 layers of epoxy resin are used on the laminated teak wood veneer this material is easier to bend along ships curves less by Futuna calm out is did let's form our home we are at the consulate surely cannot need for water can abandon this is also his left on well play for this air can be correcting it may happen that you need all tied a hood on welcome play for some hardship does not want to take from Haley post article coming up the Verone South appears to be overweight and is put on a scale the entire ship has to be lifted in the air ashemark Slavkin Warren on happy della paura Tina Elmo shipyard owner Dan bulk is on his way to Genoa in Italy to inspect the my Brazil a 29 year old yacht that is fallen into disrepair it's an urgent need of a refit if live it ever the private plane of the customers to mi Brazil I have to get a feeling with it but what are they doing now and it says something what's okay and safe to add the growth with the new owners want to know if their ship is safe enough to cruise during the summer vaccinations for today are first see online King systems running and I hope we have a good see trial and after that the year we go over the end of the day the 40 meter yacht needs a refit and Dan wants to find out what parts of the engineering have to be replaced it doesn't look good the mechanics are working hard to get the ship ready for her sea trial okay then we're whether they have hardened against butyl is just walter zulan oh yeah so beetle is good by here everything about the party you got I got only drunk yeah you know on the mother cell of the little sphere yeah Don uses the time before departure to assess the yacht well as you can see a lot of pedaling on ceilings have to be redone you just take one apart to have a check what the actual situation is right now yeah we offer the full paint job on the exterior here we see a lot of corrosion but that's a yeah there are many examples why we have to take it out here for example by the windows you see us as well as here's a lot of corrosion coming out so these windows have to be taken apart as you can see the TIC deck has totally gone so we have to replace thick on all decks this is the rake off in your uncle Vince but this gasket this loose from the from the stainless steel that need to replace but even all the bearings are out and many many many things for the yeah it's time for a big refit and that's why we are here yep in the Netherlands it's time to put the solid wooden sailing ship the vorontsov on the scale it's vital to know the yachts precise weight this helps determine its center of gravity and exactly how deep it will sit in the water yester of the new condo mr. Volker made a verbal mentally ever the boat from the water Elma Chicago lead from but wife avasta that they knew had Laden and al Khaimah 17,000 acres at Oak Bay doctor with now that a whole bird well and I'm saying with the smell of a glad today the team wants to find out if the ship's hull is still on target for an estimated weight of 301 tonnes the ship is carefully prepared for the event name a homebody pulled off and on we have Kagan out and blue so so November on Blizzard a button yeah the yellow cradles that carry the vessel need to be able to lift off freely so any obstructions are removed docprops/app.xml for dramas i a new elevator fun ever dissolve a multi ally to stop and - aamir the free paper from euroversity of initiative in our op that they own a storm of away of the dream goliath on a dildo belong a cultivator on deja fires all valid to this and mattered a middle print from a Soviet on in the data that is the bow awakening made our data chips all day annoyed by the passion vivoli hydraulic cylinders are placed under the yellow cradles the cylinders only lift the cradles with a colossal ship in them a few centimeters of the ground this is just enough to wait so how did this moment it's colloidal the water method or filler Phoenix or Fischer Allah and and now hello I should add / gone or Annette on there Adam happy to declare palutena normal further on Soph weighs in at 306 tons 1.5 percent more than the target weight architect Gil is worried this will prove to be too high causing the vessel to lay too low in the water but floor manager Hank is convinced it's safe I said the dormouse Gilligan action so he only acolyte card over this field well discussion McGill has been discussed over the last kilometers yep and tolerance he found solver percent and us out of a dick bin and done is at him and actually did on board Acosta Oklahoma center if it like to fall behind me is it killed Ivana believe door and form a ghost clan in general after a two-hour delay down in the crew of the Brazil are almost ready to leave for the she trial the reef it will take six to eight months but the new owners hope to cruise this summer which is just two months away we are going for control of mainly two hours and then you're coming back okay they start the see trial with an endurance test the super yacht will sail at full blast for two hours are we now starting off and not puts up a good let's fold in this installation they're ready to take up no we will see but the endurance test has to be cut short there's a the cooling system the white foam machine on the XR that indicates that we have not enough coolant rather so that the ending we have nothing of Rossi water so we have to look at that one and it comes a little bit not well when that proves that that's another game the test proves beyond doubt that a refit is required but as long as the yachts not used for long journeys at sea at high speed the owners can enjoy the help during the summer in the Netherlands the electrical system is installed on board of the vorontsov the energy usage should be as clean as possible the main switchboard is supplying energy throughout the ship supplies energy for the engine room locally and it has the main power to the distribution board in the for ship and the distribution board in the our chip but it's looking at the power demand of the system and decides whether to start generator or get power from the battery or as two generators on yeah complex system here we have the main switchboard we have to generate over there and on the other side as well what we do if we run a generator for let's say generate a capacity of 100 kilowatts and the demand on the ship is 50 kilowatts then we use the 50 kilowatts which the generator can deliver to charge the batteries that way we burn fuel efficiently when there's more energy demand onboard the ship we can use the energy stored in the batteries to contribute to the power of the generator that way we have a very nice efficiency yeah for the electrical system - this is a project of large numbers well we're for engineering that's a couple of thousands for men hours designing the system work onboard is about roughly 10,000 working hours we have about 80 kilometers of cable throughout the the whole ship and power that we can distribute is 180 kilowatts the rods off will have a red wine cellar a technical challenge given the unpredictability of the sea the fragility of glass and the value of the vintages the wine cellar is completely customized due to the fact that we had to make it completely in the shape of the hull of the ship the wine cellar is at the bottom part of the ship and that's being designed in that area because there we have the least movement in the in ship and in the wine cellar to preserve the wines for eight full months three people have been working exclusively on the simply honest wine cellar it will be a special feature of the storing 300 bottles not only does it keep the wine at the correct temperature it holds the bottles in place even when the ship makes the sharpest of turns the biggest challenge was to get the boxes in when the ship was in the beginning of construction the wine cellar is made 150 bottles of white wine all difficulties of red wine very undie trace where the bottles are stored under an angle of 15 degrees and the trays are very narrow to each other this will make sure that the bottles will stay in the trays even when the ship is in big movements rigging and navigation equipment of the bonanza are incorporated in the masts and when the eight sails are not in use all 1500 square metres of them can be rolled up in the aluminium construction so this is the mass already being in a very finished stage the profile build up in two extrusion sections is you get a good look to this one there's a welding here and this this this section here and the section here so it's a mirror of its of its part the most important thing inside inside this profile is the reinforcement engineering thinking about it to take all the forces from the stage from this from the spreaders so what you see there on the outside it's not only on the outside it's completely fixed to the inside as well so it's completely engineered take the lows so the difficulty of this profile as well is to keep it straight it's a plate folded section these two extrusion pieces with all the equipment built inside a lot of building a lot of heat which is making the master going in everywhere I will normally say like like for each mass we need to time like delivering a baby so it will take nine months on this respect me talking about three babies this is two years later the height of the masts can limit where you say if they're too tall for the Panama bridge you're in for a long voyage around Cape Horn these masts will be 50 meters high small enough to sail the Panama Canal but they don't come cheap if it's a normal normal shape profile then we'd be talking about different figures than the falafels this older play for the pieces and the reinforcement there and then you're talking about getting close to half a million amassed at least without the without the rigging the construction of the lightweight booms is finished and they have arrived from the factory in France from the master there to the master thesis like to to these booms it appears to look like wood but this is scar wood this is a difficult process but they came out with a very nice finish giant masts can exert all kinds of forces on the body of the boat running up to 600 tonnes the potentially damaging effect of these forces is kept to a minimum by using large stainless steel plates that spread the stress across a wide surface at the moment I think the limits are a move away ahead of us they are designing projects of hundred meters with sloop we shall have a mass of at least 110 meters so the limits are just there to be challenged coming up the world's largest classic wooden sailing yacht is ready to be launched and the 50-meter masts are ready to be placed work on the 62 meter mahogany schooner Miguel Esperanza is progressive the engine room is nearing completion the chiller unit for the air conditioning has to be lifted into its white spot placing large units like this is a delicate operation the team doesn't want to cause any damages to the wooden structure of the ship would matter I'm gonna locate the plane at the makya proceeded what but that came to making problem that my Mahler mood to council and I am avoiding all taco Susana so that way I'm so so red mode M&A denominator cannot fly them where are the best respondent near the machine Oh Carmen yes Tonto Bordeaux I feel more infinite of the engineering this hell blog like budgeters died and she stay me Annette Mont sorry Bella Coola ding aha Monty era done she is taxed at the power company enter in a zinc owner yes I move the Easton plant Marga found a VSDs and now I was in derived and did skip is it helbling right over the front of order coordinator oak Mohammed lighting verdict of the afterburner want as the unit as it come to the nearby crammed all this technology into a very limited space you need 3d modeling the entire ship is measured accurately by lasers after that everything is drafted out in detail find me the planned equipment is positioned and connected now how are we even locate image yeah the driver Michael so by it is he had a northern crowd you Moochie for Stella the Polish fostering Electra the AIRC of the pom-pom but al ahmar in days around hastily it and the marks flow kept you down eats me around to Matt home that it's and door hung is and corridor hate being at this oaken Hale Butantan admit escaped Christ just and outta that this homo help us and ladies yeah I think affect the yeah mood order for the other mapping and I'd like Nick's car versus that habit everybody works hard to meet the deadline for the launch the masts can only be placed once the ship has left the shed that weather conditions make it difficult to meet the schedule stepping a must for this project as an extra dimension because weather conditions in Holland are changing by the day I almost would say by the hours along at icy winter sabotages the team's efforts and the launch has to be postponed there's no other option than to wait for an early spring five months later than planned the yard can finally prepare everything for the launch but the delay hasn't influenced the team spirit ah if some commonality met sting adding up that need fire shames are they for all others Vogelman innovate to do and on pocket in yana body pocket will be open about a hand like see that area fish and Moulton on how a new data park atomic-powered lap at the last minute the anonymous Russian owner of the valence off decided to attend the launch and he insists on inspecting the inside of the yacht before the ship leaves the shed made damaged roof so the team is working frantically to remember all those protective layers of plastic and caramel meanwhile Henk prepares the highlight of the launch the market the flesh of a temporary cloud this is a scuffle about the shop inflator alcohol what this summer the boat Obatala her as a skip Nevada hark I hear a new father has ordained a master door opener what a tethers elbow here as to how the village provides the deal all of the venomous loss the woodwork of the ship was finished on time yeah now it's narrow elegance has taken more water it's in the data of different fillings Jefferson area performance is a low stress shielded this yeah it needs show villainy I found out I hope that see you opening from a chip on the years okay my business builders the elevated other the phone F house now barricades and I had is that also yet afraid over doubled up at house abilities anything it can stuff yeah may fok guys not bust not a year after birth hacker Disick travel away my firm a travel in the moment has come to tow the verón sock out of the shell live next photo IDs her the rails or Kojak Elena drop more and I can attract after 18 months of hard work the 500 ton wooden ship is ready to shoot daylight for the first time for her yeah yeah was an exciting moment if you plan things like that you can have a stormy day and so circumstances are perfect as well as I think we will be fine system Laura you know how was the so suin Erica I still get guy laughing yeah you close the lid yeah by the Korea so what now that the ship is out of the shed the team has to move her towards the water this is done with a special ramp car but moving a ship of this size and weight is never an easy job there are a few lumps in the ramp cars railway so cautions one I spied although beginning of it philosopher level in here - beg pardon - my position little rain or crawl goes well and even the baptizing mission is a smooth operation almost yeah super the anus of our example Chadha home the magnet icy flesh Makka pakka the rest is called a clerk at the bay all dark I'm a beta as a flesh apini normal controller this is subject for modern I think leverage over them top more applause and proud faces as the parents of hits the water for the very first time there's another important step to take before she's a true sailing yacht a week later the team gathers at the harbor to step the masts the verone's off gets 3 50 meter masts and a bow sprit in total weighing no less than 27 tons rigging included that's half of that over the last three my sad little chatter leviston the Moose Creek and the the four master opposite for that is the ruling of the mainmast and missing my little brother I love for berating proper this kind of an identity mess alert others pistol to successfully complete an operation like this preparation is everything I would say the most difficult part is making sure Thank You fall of everything and not forget anything because once you're going up you can't get to them why we check everything at least two or three times because when it comes down and comes on with a big bang to 200 ton cranes needed to lift the ape top masts the smaller crane helps to lift the mast horizontally and to control the tilt the main crane has to give the mast enough height to place it on board the ship it's very important that the main lifting strap is kept straight and stable at all times they can't risk the master suite you can imagine if part of the mast is already in the ship and for whatever reason to top the crane or waves make it move then the bottom was like moving and if you do a lot of damage because it won't stop you have seven thumb going around in a stream luxury order that's why it's crucial that the masked foot fits perfectly onto the mounting plate despite meticulous calculations there's never a guarantee that it won't encounter any obstructions you have two systems that never meet up and you bring them together and it has to fit so you test everything bit by bit but at the end you never know if you will really succeed that they the mast is carefully lowered into the ship but there's a problem by something about you can a whole mess up anything you know the repetition area does it would ever eat them all okay this is not the ring hiding the shaft for the end mast is too narrow Calem light from elena the muscle rather hang out all over the leaks and out of carbon and the lack of the hardened be able yes dr. Conrad on the consult a memorial that agreeing that all day me Mom under the mainmast company often and especially mentalism their official building they ain't Eliquis elbow drop of element or muscle escort and thanking Madame Bolduc live in filth alert gamma finger once the mainmast is placed and secured the same procedure is repeated for the mizzenmast the rear mast of the three and at the end of the day the but also vis the proud segment shimshi was intended to be places of power this hosta Gomorrah this Omaha's neglectful over who's here and are punitive ideas live healthily the final JP afternoon hustling obey as from a Oakland person to disagree as to how the yesterday I got a coke at more may help our and think of the some Thai citizenship and hilari already has plans for a new deal which is just abort that Moses yes loser the moodle potion for this is correct sure where you go buddy that's the future today that Miguel Esperanza is the largest whole wooden classic sailing yacht in the world
Channel: Think Yachts, Think Holland
Views: 116,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HISWA, Yacht Valley, Think Yachts Think Holland, Balk Shipyard, Dutch Yachts, Yacht (Ship Type), Luxury Yacht (Ship Type), Shipyard, Shipbuilding (Industry), Discovery Channel (TV Network), Luxury Goods (Literature Subject)
Id: Kux96aQ76tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Mon May 05 2014
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