Superyacht Raven Takes Flight - OnCourse Ep29

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[Music] alone on a beast of a boat an extraordinary race around the world Splash time is revealed to the America's Cup plus a double helping of dog [Music] talk but first in episode 26 we ran a piece on the extraordinary foiling super yach Raven over 300,000 of you took a look so I guess many of you will know what I'm talking about built in secret by Baltic in Finland she's 111 ft long and designed for fast cruising by looks alone she's clearly a weapon and has certainly stirred up some debate especially when it came to the use of those foils towards the back end of the Baltic season last year she went out on sea trials and this is what she looked [Music] like according to her Builders over the course of 10 consecutive days of testing Raven hits sustained speeds in the high 20s unlike the America's Cup boats that lift completely out of the water Raven uses her beamy chin Hull and the LD foil to generate additional writing moment the transom remains immersed and is fitted with trim tabs which can be used to alter the 4 and half trim the result is a very powerful lightweight boat and one that will eat up the miles clearly it's still early days but hitting the high 20s so quickly is an impressive performance for such a radical super yach where the number where the where the where [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] fore as many of you already know the beginning of the year saw the start of an incredible single-handed race around the world the ARA Al Team Challenge breast six Skippers set off aboard their 100t long triar on the 24,000 Mi race we ran a feature before the start about Ares Bank popular so when it comes to getting a view on what's been going on in this extraordinary race who better a person to tell us than de kafari who knows a thing or two about solo trips around the world D it's been an extraordinary race hasn't it I mean I guess you've been following it pretty closely I have right from day one because I think this race was really everyone going is it really possible can these massive beasts be manhandled solo all the way around the world and the interesting thing for me was this rule that allowed them to have a pit stop cuz what it's actually done is allowed them to keep racing I mean as we speak now out of the six that started we've got five still on the race course unfortunately Lazar had to retire they went into Cape Town really bad dagger board damage um in the foil casing there I mean the damage videos are incredible um so he's retired from Cape Town the boat's on a ship coming back but Bank popular with arales they stopped in rifi to do their pit stop and repair allowed him to go into the Southern Ocean with confidence Anthony Marshall and um Eric Heron also um stopped in Cape Town they fixed their stuff so they were confident for the southern na and then we've recently um had a stop from sadio Thomas Caville stopped in Hobart did his repair and the race is still on Charles cordelli has had an amazing race on jitana that is just not he's managed it all they've not stopped at all and he rounded Cape Horn literally squeezing between two really big weather systems phenomenal achievement but actually there's a race within the race so Ares and Thomas Kil on sedo are actually challenging each other as they go towards Cape Horn and the others are still on the race course so which proves that the pit stops worked well that's that's good to hear isn't it because um so often we hear these things where they just well we knew they're pretty fragile boats and there was a there was a risk that um they wouldn't get round I want to just before we go on to where we are at the moment let's go back to the start and the first few days at Sea what was that like when they came off the start it was a fairly benign start wasn't it it was a benign start but don't forget these guys didn't pick their weather window so actually the race start started them and we were actually starting the transatlantic race at a similar time and the weather systems in the Atlantic were all mixed up there were no trade room Trade Winds established there was a big low depression coming across that everyone was fearful because of the sea State and these guys all set off from breast heading down the Atlantic having to face all these challenges that were coming their way so actually that first start of the race was really comp complex weatherwise so they couldn't relax they couldn't get into a rhythm and it was a bit I think difficult conditions the fact that nobody stopped until just before the Southern Ocean when they do all their checks and think this isn't a good idea you know but there was a big gaps created at the beginning uh and I think that was as a realization of that weather system if you didn't get in the same weather as somebody else then you fell behind and I think that's what we saw happen and Charles got out in front right from the start didn't he Charles could did well they were literally having a match race with Tom Lees on larti and they were side by side the whole way and it was almost like the other race then was AR cles with bank pop and sadio traveling together kind of toing and fro with each other but I thought we were on for a match race all the way around the world and the thing is we've seen that with a vonde globe where when the two boats are together side by side they literally push themselves harder and harder and harder and it helps the other person push themselves harder but these boats being so fragile was that going to be a safe option so I think everyone was glued from the beginning of oh my God can this last can they literally endure this kind of intensity and they didn't sadly sadly yeah because that have been a battle for him to get to the start didn't he he'd only just made it to the start he had massive repairs just before literally a week before was the first time the boat had gone back in the water from the repairs so he had literally gone back in the water just tested everything worked delivered it up to the start I mean that's not the way you normally want to start a race with confidence in your boat but fair play to the team around him the boat was performing really well he was just unfortunate and I think it was um Coming hitting a unidentified object that I think was the ultimate cause of the [Music] demise so once the fleet was in into the Southern Ocean it hasn't been straightforward at all isn't it because if you look at the tracks um some of the tracks that go a long way North and they're not as straight line as as you might think why is that well and I think the really interesting track was with bank popular who actually went through Bast Strait so above Tasmania and Below Australia and then to the north of New Zealand now we hardly ever see that but it is literally about picking the weather that works for these boats and I think they they pick the weather they want to be sailing in they don't want to get hit by the big sea State because that violence is too much for these boats so they're picking the wind condition and they've they've been sat on the front of depressions at 30 to 40 knots of wind and they've been doing 30 knots I mean they've been averaging between 750 and 800 miles a day average and I think we've seen some 825 mile days which has really helped them kind of cover the distance and I think it's only now a Das with Eric that's really struggling with a light wind patch that's made him kind of fall behind a little bit so he's looking for that next depression to get him going but I think you know now I think Anthony Marshon is looking at picking up a weather um system in the Pacific and he'll ride it all the way to cap [Music] porn [Music] [Music] it's been it's described to me that actually the foils are part of part of the reason they can do this now because the foils are allow the boats to go quick in all directions rather than just in a in a particular downwind sort of sector do you think that from looking at their tracks and looking at the way they've been trying to work the weather systems do you think the the rules or the theory is being Rewritten with these new boats are we seeing a new style a new way of going around the world I think it's definitely a different thought process even the way they communicate what their plan is it before it used to be sit on the front of the system and try and stay in the same place now they're thinking oh I want this size wave so I just want to position myself just a little bit over here cuz that's better for my appendages and how my boat performs and they're not looking at um at being overtaken by the systems you know they're they're just positioning themselves for the bits they want which is quite interesting but I I think you know this whole pit stop was frowned on by some at the beginning of really is that around the world race is that really how we're going to do it but actually it's allowed every body to still keep racing and the race to be alive and you say um Charles Gia hasn't hasn't stopped certainly as we speak now he hasn't stopped and let's hope he can do a Non-Stop lap but interestingly when he went round Cape Horn he then slowed right down he almost had his own self-imposed it wasn't a pit stop but he it looked like he'd almost stopped I what was that all about well it was interesting has he approached Cape Horn he actually slowed down a little bit there CU he was literally between two systems and he wanted to time it so that he'd round Cape Horn between the systems he didn't want to be on a Lee Shore with a big system on him because the ice gate so far north so the actual Channel they've got to work in between the land mass and the ice gate is quite small it doesn't give them many options so if you've got too much wind there they got nowhere to go there's a lot of ice and they actually saw ice further north than the ice gate and so they had a media person down there Yan Ryu was down there to take some footage of him rounding Cape Horn but actually the race Direction asked him to go out and just check the ice ahead because the ice had been seen further north and he was going through La Mer Straits and they wanted to check that the ice was clear for him and they're now going to impose that on all the other boats that are coming up to cap horn now so there's the same level of safety for the boats for spe [Applause] for Magic so how narrow is that gate then that sounds yeah well when you're on a big boat averaging 30 35 knots that the space gets taken up really quickly I I'm starting to learn this now in my experience with multi hols but yeah everything happens a lot quicker and you cover distance really fast and he slowed down again when he came around to Cape Horn didn't he so he's just literally slowed down and it again you think oh something wrong is this going to be you know his pit stop and everybody started looking but actually you only need to look at the weather the model he had quite a violent sea State and it was still 6 to 8 meter waves and there was a big system ahead of him and he just wanted to let the worst of the wind go through before he then could carry on and arales did the similar thing after he led um the north of New Zealand he actually slowed down and he did his own checks just off um Australia before he got to New Zealand just in the Lee of the land there just to check everything was okay and then he was off again so he kind of hurtled in at 35 knots spent an hour or two at three knots four knots just to check stuff and then off you went again at 35 knots so as I say as as we are now they're not too far away from finishing at least Charles cadr isn't too far away what do you think the chances are of him setting a new um record or is that out the question now well I had a quick look um as he rounded Cape Horn and everyone's starting to think of the estimates of when I get in um but actually the parameters of not picking your weather window and having the imposed ice Gates there changes the route a little bit it changes how you leave and that momentum that slingshot you get to the South so I think we're going to be looking at just over 50 days which isn't going to give him the record but actually when you have all those restrictions put against you that's a pretty fast lap it is isn't it it's incredibly quick now you've obviously been watching it very closely because you're in the in the early stages of your own campaign just remind us a little bit about that yes so I'm part of the famous project and the ultimate goal for us is a crud all female crew on a all team to take on the Jules Vern record and that's planned for 2025 and at the moment we're picking the team and getting the experience and the mileage in on a mod 70 and June this year we have IDC back in the water and uh ready for action for us to jump on so we've been watching what these guys have been doing quite a lot and that's a boat that knows its way around the world pretty well isn't it well yes she currently still holds a record of 40 days and 23 hours uh set by Francis Joy on seven years ago and I know it's on many of the boats that we're just been talking about it's on their list to uh Stand By and try and do and now we've seen them go around the world but you know there's no rules to the jws F there's no imposed ice limit there's no start day uh but there's no pit stops as well so what have you taken out of what you've seen so far that you can you think might help you well I think what I'm learning when we're sailing is that intensity of sailing fast and getting comfortable with that and actually it's amazing how quickly you do become comfortable with it but it's knowing when to slow the boat down and how to manage slowing the boat down because if you're not in the right position with the weather system or you're not in the right sea State your risk to the boat is much higher so managing that it's it's as important to go fast as it is to slow down and manage and control brilliant well we wish you all all the best you had a great trip across actually I should have asked before it sign off I should have asked how that trip went on the transatlantic race it was good I mean it was good to be under pressure lined up with Argo and Zulu they left us behind but actually to have seven days crossing the Atlantic with no moon and just getting comfortable sailing at 20 to 30 knots was just mileage you just can't take away I mean it was amazing we all finished with a big smile on our faces a lot of learning and uh definitely taking it to the next level what's the fastest you've done Atlantic Crossing before that it definitely wasn't faster than 7even days that's for sure and you know boat speeds in excess of 30 knots it's just not normal so I now it's becoming my comfortable normal place so uh I'm getting better have you been surprised by that about how quickly you adapted to it uh scarily surprised to the point where you only have to be one or two knots slower and you're already hunting for more speed and you're like when you sit down first at the helm and it's the middle of the night it's pitch black and you're hurtling along the focus is there the concentration is there and then you just you get actually really comfortable doing that kind of pace and now I understand how they talk about it in cell GP and on the America's Cup that 50 knots is intense but actually how quickly they get comfortable with it and how they can have those normal sounding conversations at that speed I'm now experiencing that kind of Journey of how to get comfortable at that speed you're going to get addicted for the Need for Speed aren't you I can see it already I'm loving it I'm really genuinely loving it yeah good good stuff well great to see you again deep we'll have another little catch up with later on cool from caess code zeros to structured love technology and plenty more Doyal sales are proud of the developments they've made in the sale making world now they say it's time for another they call it hybrid and say it's a new Ultra lightweight product but having announced it they're koi when it comes to revealing any more details other than they believe it'll be the next Generation in lightweight sales they also say that the tests are going well and that'll be launched in the Grand Prix Market first and then into the Super yach and Performance Racing scene what they are Keen to reveal is that they've hired Brad Marsh the former technical director at SGP as their Chief technical officer and that he's been closely involved with hybrid given his track record on and off the water along with Do's appetite for new technology we're intrigued to know what hybrid is there's nothing new in water ballast on Race Yachts but there's been plenty of development in the way it can be moved diverse performance systems have been supplying and developing systems for a wide range of boats from 45 Footers through to Maxis like bele their whole scoop valves minimize airation at speed and retract when not in use to keep drag to a minimum their high-capacity pumps can shift up to 900 L of water a minute and a large B crossover pipe means that water can be transferred from side to side in 5 to 10 seconds Under the Skin the system is even smarter with sensors that know when a tank is empty or full along with knowing which valves are open or closed the on Deck controls are simple for the crew to operate when it's all kicking off mccon boats have been at the Leading Edge of raceboat construction for a long time during which they've seen huge changes but not even they were expecting what came next as detailed in the cup protocol foiling Chase boats powered by hydrogen fuel Sals are a must for all the current America's Cup teams having instigated the rule Emirates Team New Zealand led the way with the design and build and launch of Chase zero the first hydrogen powered foiling Chase boats capable of speeds of over 50 knots and a range of 165 nautical miles now working in conjunction with Emirates Team New Zealand mccon boats are building a 13 M version powered by Two Toyota hydrogen fuel cells the VIP foiler has been designed to be built in two configurations one with an enclosed cabin the other with a Cabret roof and wraparound screen with a bimy and it doesn't stop there 12-seater version has been drawn that could be used privately or as a commercial high-speed Ferry it might not be Splash time just yet but we now know when three of the six contenders for the America's Cup will launch their AC 75s the boats that will be used for the challengers selection series and ultimately the America's Cup itself under the rules teams need to give two months notice as to when they're going to launch their new boats there's been a a fair bit of speculation as to what the tactics might be especially for the Defenders given that many consider the Kiwi as the favorites waiting to see what the challenges have produced before revealing their own machine might be an advantage on the other hand you could argue that the key design details for the AC 75s were made months ago and that delaying the launch simply reduces the amount of time on the water available to test and train but now we know the kiwis are Keen to get a float and be launched in their 75 in April El lingi Red Bull Racing are doing the same as our lunar Rossa pra of pelli as we recorded this the other three inos Britannia American magic and orent express racing team had yet to announce when they were going to launch theirs having said that on the day that the Kiwi announced theirs ban anley confirmed that their ac75 was about to leave the builders in Southampton and head to Barcelona in the case of the French their ac75 design package came from the kiwis so you could argue that out of all of the challenges theirs will benefit from the Kiwi expertise and have fewer unknowns but at the end of the day hours on the water is frequently what counts the other recent news is the announcement of the full America's Cup schedule which is now being published the racing kicks off with a third of the America's Cup preliminary events on the 22nd of August this will be the first official Racing for the new AC 75s the Challenger selection Series starts with the Louis vuon round robin on the 29th of August and once that's done the America's Cup itself starts on the 12th of October so as you ink in some of those dates in your diary you'll see that with the addition of the youth and women's America's Cup along with a jclass event it's going to be a busy old time in Barcelona from mid August to the end of October one other bit of gossip that's been doing the rounds is what we can expect to see when the boats are launched typically extreme boats don't win the America's Cup yes I know Australia too had a radical win kill but that wasn't the sole reason for the historic win generally designers need to strike a balance between Innovative design and an allround performance that can cope with a variety of conditions this is especially true for the challengers who have to be competitive across a longer period and therefore a wider set of weather conditions but this time around there are some who are saying that given how far ahead the kiwis have been on the technical front a middle of the road booat simply won't cut it to win the cup you're going to need to get radical which starts to make sense of the chatter coming from lunar Rossa that suggests that we should prepare to see something radical in the meantime you may also want to check out an interview we did with kiwi boss Grant Dalton when we're in jeda just before the team heading back to New Zealand for their summer plus we sat down with Ben ay and Hannah Mills at the launch of their Athena pathway program both will be posted on our America's Cup playlist since 2021 clothing manufacturers slam have been on a mission let led by 470 and star world champion enrio keffi the Italian company has taken some bold steps one of the first was to focus on working with some of the best teams in the Leading Edge of the sport here the America's Cup is an obvious Arena that kefy knows well from previous cup campaigns today the slam partnership is with cup Defenders Emirates Team New Zealand operating at high speeds mean the designing kit for those on the water is now on another level typ for clothing is important in high apparent wind speeds to reduce drag while being comfortable and easy to move in short races and hot temperatures were additional considerations as was designing for the cycl laws clearly not all of this kit will be suitable for the rest of us but it's an impressive and demanding environment that will no doubt deliver advantages down the line for the broader sailing world not all asymmetric Sals are equal of course they're not but as UK sales explain there are some key points to help get the basics right the straight line measurement between the maximum hoist position and the TAC the tack to the sheet and the sheet back to the top are the fundamentals every percentage point of difference between the mid girth and the foot and L lengths changes performance and ratings The Lu length helps determine the projection of the sail another crucial Factor when considering what's required required for either Winwood leid courses or offshore reaching then there's the fullness in the Lu a1s 3es and fives will be designed flatter a2s and fours will have deeper more rounded sections and these are just the starting points be it displacement boats planing machines inshore or offshore understanding your boat and what modes you're aiming to be quick in is fundamental to success sale furlings in Rec 's DNA their latest launch is a new Design Within the SE said range of Code Zero furlers with an angled Drive designed to be mounted either on the bow or inside a bow sprit the electric and hydraulic versions are both available with working loads from four to 16 tons with no exterior moving Parts under the deck they can be fitted more snugly into the bow a new chain plate attachment for the underdeck head cell furling gears is also available this means that the load is taken by the bow structure rather than the deck so no reinforcing is required rickman's in boom main sell furing systems have been evolving too with drives that are at the front of the boom to reduce the loads at the goose neck in the event of a crash J the configuration also keeps the power supply as short as possible and makes servicing easier [Music] too as always thanks so much for watching make sure you subscribe to us on YouTube it's free and tick the notification Bell so that you know when we've posted new content we're also on Facebook Instagram and of course our website stay safe stay well until next [Music] time
Channel: PlanetSail
Views: 111,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #americascup, #ac37, #EmiratesTeamNewZealand, #etnz, #AC40, #seaventures, #americanmagic, #alinghiredbullracing, #orientexpressteam, Spinlock, #Dee Caffari, #lunaraossa, #lunrossapradapirelli, #ArkeaUltimChallenge, #circumnavigation, #soloracearoundtheworld, #offshore, #balticyachts, #superyacht
Id: 7uhelqmwyDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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