Superpowers You Can Get RIGHT NOW!

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strength speed and visibility flight and superpowers are as vast and varied as the people who created them but it's also what's left us wanting our superpowers of our own and what if I told you they may be closer than you think I'm Bob from world 5 list join me as I tell you about 10 superpowers that you can get right now number 10 telekinesis now it may seem odd that arguably one of the most beneficial super powers is so low on my list but it's going to make sense before long telekinesis is known as the ability to move things with your mind seen by such comic-book characters as Jean Grey and Professor X and the more strong your mind is the more control that you have over your power and the more you can lift now there's no doubt it would be great to bring an object to you or to get an object to do something without having to do any work but there is a science out there that now does use the power of the mind to move certain things but a computer is also required it's called BCI or body - computer interface and right now it's being used on the paralyzed so that people with disabilities can move around without guidance all they need is a few interfaces yeah technically this is a more limited superpower at the present time which is why it's so low on my list but the potential is there to grow the practice so you soon may be able to get that remote control without having to get off the couch or you could even move the couch to the remote it's your call really number 9 immunity to pain now another interesting one but also one that's dangerous in its own right is not being able to feel pain and you may think why would I want such a thing well when your body feels pain it doesn't just affect your body it affects your mind and your emotional state you have to react to the pain or focus to block it out and if you don't have to do that you're going to be in a much better place should you be in trouble recent takes on this super power include Ajax from Deadpool and Sampson from arrow season 5 both were able not to feel pain and thus were able to push their bodies to extreme limits as far as how you can get this superpower it's actually a disease called congenial and sensitivity to pain which literally means your body over produces the endorphins that help you to numb it out now before you begin asking for the superpower know this there's a danger in not feeling pain that's because you feel invincible when you're really not and people who suffer from this disease often have bit off parts of their own body like their tongues or fingers because they didn't feel the pain of doing the action number eight an iron suit if there's one thing that comics have taught us over the years it's that you don't need to have real superpowers to be a superhero characters like Batman and Wildcat and even Iron Man prove that if you have the skills and the cash you can do whatever's necessary to get the job done of those three Iron Man has one of the most desired quote superpowers in the form of his Iron Man suit regardless of the version or the weaponry that goes with it and its capabilities everyone wants the feeling of flying and going into battle in their own customized suit just imagine being able to boost your strength many times over through the suit blasting off into the sky or just blasting away anything that gets in your way plus you have an AI companion so that's a bonus as it turns out though it's actually closer than you think Japan has developed the hal v it's an exoskeleton meaning you wear it on the outside of your body that can do some pretty incredible things it's meant for lower tier things like working in a factory or helping out with disasters and it obviously doesn't have the ability to fly yet but it is a working suit and with each advancement in technology it's even going to get better number seven wall-crawling spider-man may be one of the most popular superhero characters of all time and probably because he's beloved for many of his powers one of the biggest one being wall-crawling now while it's true that it isn't the cool list of Spidey's powers it really can't be ignored for it's more than just wall-crawling spider-man can essentially stick to just about any solid surface which is incredibly handy and many in the real world agree with that assessment because they've made prototype gloves and other devices that do exactly that in fact the ideas become so appealing that DARPA apparently has a device that's going to let you climb up walls it's pretty cumbersome but it is a beginning and moreover there are two different theories on how you can improve the process some people use a nanotube technology and think it's the way to go as it'll hook into the thing that you're connected to on a molecular level while others feel that a special kind of glue is the best way as you're literally going to stick to the surface either way you slice it we're well on our way to being our friendly neighborhood spider-man number six bulletproof but before I move on to being able to catch bullets why don't you subscribe it'll bring you more great videos like this one in the future today's world is violent massively violent in fact and one of the biggest perpetrators of this violence is people with guns many people fear being shot so you wouldn't exactly be laughed at for wanting to be bulletproof there are a lot of characters that are bulletproof for one reason or another Superman because of his connection to the Sun Luke Cage is legendary for his whole body being bulletproof because of an accident but what about the common man what can we do to be bulletproof well the obvious answer is to get a bulletproof vest but obviously that raises problems because you can't wear it all the time believe it or not there is a company in Columbia that makes bulletproof clothing it's actually really clever if you think about it because you can now be bulletproof without drawing any attention to yourself as long as whoever's trying to shoot you aims for your body and not your head I'd take that bet with bullets flying naturally there are other options that include a flexible body armor that's used by soldiers around the world but either way while you'll never have full protection it'll be nice to have it little number five the power of healing made most famous perhaps by Wolverine having a healing factor is going to be dramatically epic get a cut well it'll be healed up in no time get stabbed the wound is going to seal itself and theory your body could heal itself so completely that you could live forever just like Wolverine and unsurprisingly people have been trying to develop a way of self healing for a long time and it's interesting for sure now apparently pharmaceutical companies are working hard on a self healing drug we're able to fix up small cuts and even gashes but the bigger the problem gets the more the need to find something like this is in the cards in theory it could even help those in dire conditions who don't have the healing factor in them there are many different variations on how it can be done some believe in nano machines while others well they think that using the body's own system is going to help make healing go that much faster number four invisibility now when people ask each other what superpower they want invisibility is often near the top and it's not really hard to see why get it get what I did there see and it can also be used in your everyday life it makes perfect sense while you'd want it and so are we all that close to it well actually yes certain variations of invisibility are available right now there's a cloaking device that can actually shield items from view and it does so by making sure that the light of the world or other various objects bounces off the object in such a way that it renders it invisible when you enter into a dark room you don't see anything right that's because the little light that's within the room doesn't let you visualize it and the same principle applies here however the cloak that I mentioned does have a key flaw one that bends the law of physics if you move light has to bounce off of you in such a way that your form is revealed light had to bend or bounce off of something right a plus to it though is that the cloak is apparently made of silk we is very fancy and also very soft number three super speed another one of the Holy Grail superpowers is super speed I mean come on the flash Quicksilver Jay Garrick and more I mean why wouldn't you want super speed all of these characters of wielded speed for all sorts of great things and bad things but that's besides the point anyway various governments are working hard to try and make their next soldiers even faster and stronger which is why this superpower is technically available now there's an exoskeleton like object that can let a person run farther and jump higher and there's also a jetpack of sorts to help the runner not just get faster but also not tire out while doing it no I bet you forgot about how you get tired when you run this special suit will actually deny that which just shows you how well that it's constructed still there's no way at the present time to go the kind of speeds that flash or Quicksilver does though we can hope for the future right number two super strength the other major Holy Grail superpower is of course super-strength being able to lift up cars with one hand or punch through solid stone without a scratch it's very pleasing and intriguing even though some of us would just want to be the Hulk so we could smash things not me though definitely not me you know so where do we get the special superpower anyways well like many of the ones on my list you have options first there's something that you can make stronger on your own it's called adrenaline the special chemical that's inside of you gives you enhanced strength speed and reflexes and a whole lot more in one of the most famous cases of adrenaline ever a lady moved her car because it was pinching her child however for those who don't want to test how your Adrenaline's going to hold up there's other options currently on the market there are exoskeletons that help in moving things around and they can be quite efficient in getting those things done though they are a little bit flashy if you're looking to be Superman though a man with so much power he doesn't even know what to do of it you're going to have to wait just a little bit longer number one flight out of all the superpowers the one that ranks highest in the polls is flight so many heroes and villains and characters fly that there's no time to run them all down however the appeal of the power is worth talking about now imagine being able to soar into the skies above the ground and over the seas going just about anywhere you wanted to and it is possible scarily possible in fact but practically it's always been an issue that's because jetpacks and rocket packs have been around for decades and each attempt with them aims to bring us that much closer to where every man woman and child has won I predict however they'll be the new cellphone craze in a number of years there are numerous versions and prototypes and they're all owned by the government more or less oh and as mythbuster said there's no backup so feel free to stay on the ground for a little bit ok thanks for watching which of the superpowers would you like to have or do you want one that I didn't mention let me know all about it in the comments below leave a like on this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: World List
Views: 6,818,222
Rating: 4.6829319 out of 5
Keywords: world 5 list, superpowers, super powers, real superpowers, super power, real life superpowers, superhero, superhuman, superpower gadgets, real life superman, super human, superpowers caught on tape, unbelievable, technology, superpowers you can get today, superpowers you can get right now, superheroes, superhero gadgets, amazing superpowers, invisibility, superhuman strength, flying, telekinesis, iron suit, batman, superman, spiderman, healing, top, top 10, top ten, top most, list, facts
Id: a6QmVdBTf0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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