Supernatural Top 5 Badass Death Moments

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[Music] what did you do what did you do to this town i was very generous with this town one demon for every able-bodied man and the rest of them in there i know it's awful but these horsemen are so demanding you'll have to excuse me midnight is calling and i have a ritual to finish don't go anywhere not that you could if you would [Music] now repeat after me we offer up our lives blood soul soul to complete this tribute [Music] what they're just demons [Music] oh hello death it started to fix it look at in eternal don't tell me that's caso yeah yes okay so and uh quitos the malice homemade by yours truly i know you know what this is i know you know what it can do i've tried to fight it i've tried to beat it on my own and i i can't i got no moves left except you well i never thought i'd see the day my goodness dean winchester has tipped over his king but i won't kill you dean you're death and that mark on your arm is the first curse nothing can kill you okay well forget killing me can you get rid of it i could but creatio ex nihilo god created the earth out of nothing or so your sunday school teacher would have you believe also genesis is a lie shocker before there was light before there was god in the archangels there wasn't nothing there was the darkness a horribly destructive amoral force that was beaten back by god and his archangels in a terrible war god locked the darkness away where it could do no harm and he created a mark that would serve as both lock and key which he entrusted to his most valued lieutenant lucifer but the mark began to assert its own will revealed itself as a curse and began to corrupt lucifer became jealous of man god banished lucifer to hell lucifer passed the mark to cain who passed the mark to you the proverbial finger in the dike well that is just fan freaking tastic isn't it so i could remove the mark but only if you will share it with another to ensure that the lock remains unbroken and the darkness remains banned i'm not doing that not to anyone what if i told you i could relocate you somewhere far away not even on this earth where you'd still be alive but no longer a danger to yourself or to others set what's with you and cheap food i could ask you the same thing thought i'd have a treat before i put the ring back on heavier than it looks isn't it sometimes you just want the thing off but you know that not hungry look i think you know that i flopped so there oh by the way i uh i sucked being you i screwed up the whole natural order thing but i'm sure you knew about that too so if you could go back would you simply kill the little girl no fuss no stomping your feet know what i know now yeah i'm surprised to hear that [Music] surprised and glad yeah well don't get excited i would have saved the nurse okay that's it i think it's a little more than that today you got a hard look behind the curtain wrecking the natural orders not quite such fun when you have to mop up the mess is it this is hard for you dean you throw away your life because you've come to assume that it'll bounce right back into your lap the human soul is not a rubber ball it's vulnerable impermanent but stronger than you know and more valuable than you can imagine so i think you've learned something today [Music] i don't know what i think [Music] i think you knew that i wouldn't last a day i have no idea what you're talking about i lost fine at least i have the balls to admit that it was rigged from the jump most people speak to me with more respect i didn't mean we're done here it's been lovely but now i'm going to go to hell to get your brother's soul why would you do that for me i wouldn't do it for you you and your brother keep coming back you're an affront to the balance of the universe and you cause disruption on a global scale apologize for that but you have use right now you're digging at something the intrepid detective i want you to keep digging dean so you're just going to be cryptic or about the souls you'll understand when you need to wait with sam is this wall thing really going to work call it 75 percent bobby open the door what happened now away from me don't yes um i'm gonna put up a barrier inside your mind it might feel a little itchy do me a favor don't scratch the wall because trust me you're not gonna like what happens please don't do this no no you don't know you don't know what'll happen to me please no no no good job thanks for returning that join me dean the pizza's delicious so is this the part where will you kill me you have an inflated sense of your importance to a thing like me a thing like you well think how you'd feel if a bacterium sat at your table and started to get snarky this is one little planet one tiny solar system in a galaxy that's barely out of its diapers i'm old dean very old so i invite you to contemplate how insignificant i find you how old are you as old as god maybe older neither of us can remember anymore life death chicken egg regardless at the end i reap him too god you'll reap god oh yes god will die too dean well this is way above my pay grade just a bit so then why am i still breathing sitting here with you what do you want the leash around my neck off lucifer has me bound to him some unseemly little spell he has me where he wants when he wants that's why i couldn't go to you i had to wait for you to catch up he made me his weapon hurricanes floods raising the dead i'm more powerful than you can process and i'm enslaved to a bratty child having a tantrum do you think i can unbind you there's your ridiculous bravado again of course you can't but you can help me take the bullets out of lucifer's gun i understand you want this yeah i'm inclined to give it to you to give it to me that's what i said but what about chicago i suppose you can stay i like the pizza in volco mortem tay in maya potestate de fixi [Music] eternum um hello death you're joking sorry dad this isn't what it seems seems like you bound me for good reason okay just uh hear us out um fried pickle chip not the best in the state that easy to soothe me you think this is about sam's hallucinations i assume what sorry sam one wall per customer now unbind me we can't yet this isn't going to end well we need you to kill god fun kill god you heard right your honor what makes you think i can do that you told me why should i because we said so and we're the boss of you i mean respectfully amazing yes i didn't want to kill you but now you can't kill us you've erased any nostalgia i had for you we ain't gonna die even if god pulls a trigger annoying little protozoa aren't they god you look awfully like a mutated angel to me your vessel's melting you're going to explode no i'm not when i finished my work i'll repair myself you think you can because you think you're simply under the weight of all those souls yet but that's not the worst problem there are things much older than souls in purgatory and you gulp those in two irrelevant i control them for the moment wait oh what older things long before god created angel and man he made the first beasts the leviathans leviathans i personally found them entertaining but he was concerned they'd chomp the entire petri dish so he locked them away why do you think he created purgatory to keep those clever poisonous things out now castiel has swallowed them he's the one thin membrane between the old ones and your home enough stupid little soldier you are why because i dared open a door that he shut where is he i did a service taking his place service settling petty vendettas no i'm cleaning up one mess after another selflessly quite a humanitarian and how would you know what are you really a fly swatter distance is what you i think unless i take you first really bought his own press this one please cass i know god and you sir are no god all right put your junk away both of you i'll call him what you want just kill him now all right fine thank you should we kick bucks now i had a tingle i'd be reaping someone very very soon don't worry not you well he was in a hurry [Music] [Music] i'll try your walking pal [Music] so [Music] nothing lasts forever well i do but great what's the bet don't roll your eyes dean it's impolite thanks for watching wayward winchester subscribe for more awesome wayward content till next time as always no chick flick moments [Music] you
Channel: Wayward Winchester
Views: 1,211,880
Rating: 4.8463306 out of 5
Keywords: Supernatural Top 5 Badass Death Moments, badass death moments, badass death, top supernatural deaths, supernatural badass moments, Supernatural, death i'll reap god, supernatural kickass moments, supernatural death, top 10 lucifer badass moments, dean badass moments, lucifer kickass moments, lucifer badass moments, lucifer, Jared Padalecki, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, top 10, Jensen Ackles, death powers abilities, death reap god, supernatural season 15, dean meets death
Id: sMGr-1K8lqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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