Supermarchés vs. voleurs : La guerre est déclarée

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One o'clock at the checkpoint of a hypermarket near Rennes. Eric, the security manager, follows for a few minutes two individuals. ostensibly totally normal. We have two clients. One of them stole Nivea creams which he put in his pockets. We're going to get it back in checkout quietly. If Eric seems so sure of himself, it's thanks to the surveillance cameras, device today present in all hypermarkets which allows to detect suspicious behavior. He is taken the product in hand. He looks up to get the position of the cameras. It's a sign that means that he is going to do something stupid. The most important thing for us is to look at the hands and the products. This is what interests us. We walk, we search a radius that is quieter. The other stands in front to close the cameras, during this time, his friend puts away the product. When they are two, a person hides and the other stores the products. A mechanical that Eric knows by heart. These two people therefore become the number one priority. To intervene, it is necessary to note the flagrante delicto, i.e. crossing of the checkout line. Julien and Yannick, here we go. Thirty-seven. I go into the tunnel, and you take the other sides? The flight is confirmed, Eric leaves intercept the two men. You take it there and me on the other side. You take them there. An intervention that has become commonplace, because there are thefts every day. Follow me please. I can pay them. We settle quietly. It will be fine. There will be no worries. OK. Yes. You stay there sir. With me it goes to peanuts, you are warned. It's possible, but that would be a shame. We'll settle it quietly with your colleague who admitted the facts. What did he do ? He did stupid things. Foolishness, that's it: two deodorants. In a small sheltered room glances, the young man is questioned. According to his version, it's a first, but Eric doesn't believe it. Do you have anything to pay? It is always the first time. When we are told that this is a first we show them that it is. It's usual. The young man takes his act lightly despite the gravity of the situation. After 20 years in business, Eric is no longer surprised. The thieves, he met all styles. We take all ages. Both men, women, young, old, everything. i will ask you fill in the date, time, then write the sentence ''I recognize the facts''. Once the facts are known, the thief is escorted to reception to pay his dues. Thirteen euros fifty eight. Before our eyes, he will leave the place, the smile on the lips. Goodbye. Have a good day. A totally inappropriate attitude but recurrent among fraudsters. By regulating the subtilized products, this man knows that he risks nothing. These last years, Éric had to adapt to a clientele more and more pilferer, but he relativizes. He did something stupid. There's no point in being here the target of people's curiosity. We keep our safety, but also his intimacy. He did something stupid we settle it quietly next door. With the crisis, these petty thefts are become the daily life of hypermarkets. In 2010, they represented a loss more than five billion euros for large retailers. The bill keeps getting heavier. Theft becomes commonplace and security teams are without stop on the alert. To protect himself, colossal budgets are invested in material state-of-the-art surveillance. A total amount that rises to more than 1.5 billion euros. As for road safety, the more you invest in safety equipment, the fewer accidents you have. The more efficient your equipment will be, the less markdown you will have. The markdown, it's the plague of hypermarkets. She represents all products stolen without their knowledge. To fight against, all of employees is now mobilized. A shopping center accepted to open its doors to us to investigate on this delicate subject. You will discover Eric's work, security officer. His goal ? Decrease flights and ensure everyone's peace of mind. Commerce is a place who needs peace and quiet. This is the purpose of trade. Éric works with a dozen security guards, like Cyril. For more than ten years, he invests all his energy in the fight against theft, by exposing oneself sometimes in delicate situations. You have to go see how much does the product cost. You are dead ! Calm down ! -You are dead ! This fight is also waged by cashiers like Jo. Today they have become key players, are no longer satisfied to collect customers. Hello Sir, what you are doing is wrong! Exclusively, we have been authorized during our shoot to enter the most coveted place by the robbers, the safe room. A secret place where employees are instructed to remain anonymous. Here, it is shadow service. The people who work here are not widely known store staff. Here is the daily life of these men and of these women who fight without ever forgetting a golden rule: nothing should show. In Brittany, about ten kilometers from the city of Rennes, near a national, is the Giraudais commercial area. Here are located restaurants, several major retail chains, but above all a shopping center 28,000 square meters and its gas station here on the left. Each week, on average, 50,000 people come walk the aisles of this mall in which is a hypermarket, a cafeteria and 45 shops products of all kinds. Here, as in any what mall, the fight against theft is ubiquitous. In 2011, the markdown of this hypermarket was estimated at €300,000. Faced with this observation, all employees are now mobilized to watch for fraudsters. to start by the cashiers. Hello. Here is Jocelyne, but here, everyone calls her the Jo. How are you, my little darling ? How are you, my little heart? How are you. It's good. Hello, are you better than yesterday? -Hi ! It's better, I have stomach pain. Was it a stomach ache? It's better ? It's perfect. Every day before starting, it's the round of kisses. For five years, the Jo has been part of of the 76 cashiers in this hypermarket. Here she knows everyone, even customers. Ladies and gentlemen, hello. My little neighbor How is it going ? We came shopping ? The little girl is there too! Hello, how cute is she, like the granny. They are cute like the granny. Jo's strength? Recreate in the hypermarket the atmosphere of a local business. Come over here ladies, please. I am known even in the shops. I go to the shops, people always greet me, it's nice. Under his sympathetic airs, Jo has eyes everywhere. As she scans her products, it also scans its customers, because some take advantage of the passage in the cash register to conceal goods Good evening ladies and gentlemen, so you have nothing to report? Thanks. Please ? Very well thank you. We check if there is nothing below their water pack, or if they concealed something between two packs. Especially below. Jo is also obliged to play policeman with customers who do not respect store signage. Hello Sir, what you are doing is wrong. Look at the sign up there. Where am I going to go? I'm sorry, but look at the little sign. Yes, I haven't seen that one. That's the exit over there, please sir, thank you. Prevent people from going out it's not my job. It's not it's up to me to do it. It's instinctive when I'm at checkout number 1, if a customer leaves, I send him back, he has to turn around. Exit through the east store entrance a technique well known to thieves To escape faster to security guards. For Jo, every customer is a potential thief. If she witnesses of an offence, she must immediately call on Eric's team. All day long, security guards observe through these screens their customers. On average, they are 10,000 a day. In fact, every step what you do in a hypermarket is monitored by a dozen cameras. Smile, you're being filmed ! We see thanks to the video system the sales area, the gallery but also the reserves, the parking lot and the roof of the store. We observe our entire center. It helps us for everything what is delinquency and theft, as well as removal of doubts in case of fire or in case of illness. With video, we go three times faster crossing the store than on foot. In terms of video, we have cameras which are domes that rotate 360°C. In terms of zoom, we really have a very good zoom. Thanks to some forty cameras, not a corner escapes to security officers. Their lethal weapon, that's it. In this tube hides a camera on rails which completely passes unnoticed by all. The big advantage, is that she walks in a tube, she can follow customers in each department. An indispensable tool, because it covers the 10,000 square meters of the store, in less than a minute. Controlled with this joystick, he alone represents an investment over €40,000. As Eric presents his device, a security officer has a doubt about a client It's either this one, or the transparent green bag. In there? We have a client who took products on the shelf and put them in his pocket. We followed him, he found his wife a priori. He took the products out of his pocket and put them in his wife's bag. We will follow them to see if they take out the products at checkout or if they forget to pay them. For several minutes, Eric and his agents will follow the couple until they arrive on the checkout line. The moment of truth. He released the product. The product has been placed in the crate and out of the bag. RAS for us, he's a normal customer. False alarm. At the same time, other customers will catch their attention. They laid him down, they didn't take it back? They left it on the shelf. -Yes. He didn't take it out? OK. It had to be done bother someone. We have a couple who took a CD, removed the packaging, left it on the shelf, they took another product. A priori, it is a plush from which they removed the label and they hid it in the stroller. Is that right guys? We will follow them to see if they check it out. It's good for us. He may not pay the plush without the tag. As to whether they have stole something else, we'll see. The flight is confirmed a few minutes later. The couple checks out without taking the stuffed animal out of the stroller. This time it's Cyril who will intercept them. I'm heading south. They came out of the crates, you can challenge them. Are they out or not? Cyril has a few seconds to reach checkout line and block thieves Fortunately, on the other side, another officer has already arrested them. You can open the stroller, please? Can you take it out? You have a receipt please ? On all races? You confirm that the object is yours? We saw you on the cameras. We see you doing the crime. Do you have anything to fix it? Sir, do you have anything to fix it or not? Alright, how do we do it? The young woman denies the facts completely. The dialogue begins more complicated than expected. As required by procedure, Cyril must check the pockets of the suspect but without searching it because he is not sworn. You can open the pockets? What do you have in the sleeves? Calm down ma'am. Obviously, this couple from of the travel community did not steal other products. Do you have ID with you, ma'am? I'm sorry sir, it has to be settled. You concealed it well. I've seen you. The couple refuses to pay, gets angry and forces the passage. I offer this to you. We refund the product, you pay for the plush, that's all. That's not the problem, we will do things calmly. Can you open? As Cyril leaves check the price of the product, the young lady becomes hysterical. You do not have scolding me so shut up! You stop Madam. Open, open. No, ma'am, wait. We want you to understand that we are the victims of theft. It seems when we see you that you are the victims. Despite Cyril's patience, the situation will completely degenerate. Calm down, calm down! Calm down ! She's your wife which upsets me. Please calm down sir! You are dead ! We do not want get to the hands. I'm not angry, I stay calm. Screams, howls and even death threats. The case is serious but Cyril must absolutely keep calm and try to control the couple. Don't start with us, otherwise you are dead. Let her out. I let you out but you calm down, Madam. The young woman manages to open the door and starts screaming to attract attention. Come with me sir, please. The couple escape Cyril decides not to take take a risk by letting them go. At this stage, he can do nothing more. It's over, they won't pay. Can you follow them on the 33? Amount of damage: €11.99. We will follow them because there were death threats. The plush, €11.99. That's starting to end badly. Everything has its place, and vice versa. You don't have to to exceed the limits. There are rules, we have procedures. The security guard is not not a law enforcement officer. You don't have to go beyond its limits. The couple who left very upset, Cyril goes to the parking lot to make sure they don't commit any act of vandalism. Before his eyes, they flee. We do not have the registration plate. You will have it on the 33. It's white traffic. They pass on the back of a donkey. We will wait for the police. If they are nomads, they must be around. We more or less come to know where the corners are. If he is a sedentary person, so much the better, we'll see what happens next. Nomads, they are travellers. Few months ago, a camp has been set up just behind the shopping center. Cyril was right, on the spot, we found the couple's van. A presence that has become a threat to the hypermarket because their behavior is unpredictable. We couldn't take the plate. This kind of problem can quickly degenerate. We start talking kindly, courteously. Afterwards, the tone rises, it's starting to get hot. Often, with this kind of character, Finally some people it starts with threats. It is not insignificant. Following altercations like these, it can very quickly degenerate in the evening. In these conditions, difficult for Cyril to remain calm. Eric decided to file a complaint with the gendarmes. On average it does once a day for shoplifting. In addition to surveillance cameras, Eric also relies on vigilance employees on the shelves. Some are more sensitive than others especially that of cosmetics. They place right here. Manuella is loaded to supply this department. Every day, bad surprise, they find empty packaging. I found an empty package. This is theft. I will inventory it and put in the basket and count it right after, before nine o'clock. Does this happen to you often? -Unfortunately yes. They are well hidden. They will empty a box so they can put the cheapest box in it. dressings, makeup, perfumes, often expensive products and easy to hide. Condoms too it is a sensitive product. We often find empty boxes or open boxes when they take it some. The vibrator often we find it empty, here for example, it was opened. It's an example, he is still inside. The box is more beautiful. The problem is that we are not always behind customers to control. In a basic perfumery, there is someone to take care of it all the time. We put on the shelf and we leave. Just the cameras that are there for monitor, which are not everywhere. Employees and cameras who cannot see everything. So to rectify the situation, Eric equipped some goods from another weapon against fraudsters, locks. For example on razor blades, the most stolen product on the shelf. It is a very sensitive product, which flies very well, which resells very well. It's very expensive by the way. These are really products attractive to thieves. Here for example, we placed a lock inside. Here, the lock is inside the carton. If you want to steal the product, not only must the shell be removed, but also open inside. According to Eric, without these protections, he would be robbed every day. On multimedia products, he also went into overdrive with its alarms called spiders. Liquor bottles are provided with magnetized labels, but also products which we do not expect at all. This product hides in the pocket no problem for a customer. So the supplier locks inside. To remove the lock, you have to open the package. Once opened the seeds fall, which is a shame. That's antitheft. All are anti-theft. For these products, it is more a everyday customers. Mr and Mrs any who buy a small packet of seeds. Industrialists have even put to the point of the systems directly integrated during the manufacture of the product. The lock is inserted in the sole. If you checkout, it's ringing. If you want to steal them, the sole must be destroyed, which is a shame because they will serve more. Front, big locks damaged the shoe, now it's the supplier who puts it in the product. This whole device costs Eric several thousand euros and allows him to cut flights in half. These protections are removed by the hostesses during checkout. But sometimes technology plays tricks on customers. What do you have inside? A small tag lying around? I am sure. The wallet of this young woman is protected by a magnetic label that she did not remove after buying it. I take it away from you? Yes. I have all the necessary equipment, in my box. In addition to monitoring its customers, Jo must also ensure to the banknotes she cashes. For a few months, those of 20 € are increasingly counterfeited. €20 banknotes, it was not common. Counterfeit €100 or €50 notes, but 20 € never, we weren't used to to control them. Whereas now the 20€ notes, you have to look carefully if the line is there. This money raised All day long is returned to the hypermarket at the time of closing. Gentlemen, we're closing in two minutes. Attention, the boxes will be blocked. Once his office was cleaned, Jo starts by checking its overall figure for the day. That's my recap, that's the job what I did during the day. My figure of 2:15 p.m. 9:15 p.m. is correct. In seven hours Jo collected €6,141. To do her accounts, she goes in a private room. After checking his box, she puts everything in this little satchel that she deposits in this kind of mailbox. I put my bag in the trunk, I close it. I check that she left well. The hatch in which Jo put his money hide the most secret place and the most protected of hypermarkets. Today, like banks, these stores are also victims of hold-ups. On this Belgian surveillance video, a man points a gun in broad daylight on staff for grab the cash box. A growing phenomenon recurring in times of crisis, which obliges hypermarkets to take many precautions. Exclusively, you will enter the room in which all the robbers dream of entering the safe room. To get there, we had to get up very early, especially do not film no access route. While the mall still sleeping, two employees are already at work. For security reasons, you will not see the faces of these two people. Out of 450 employees, only about ten know of the existence of this piece. Hello Aude, hello Christine. How are you ? Nothing in particular ? Everything is going well ? According to our estimates, nearly €300,000 pass through this place every day. This is where the store recipe is counted daily. Here it is a little bit shadow service. The workers here are not known by all staff from the store which is rather sad. This is where we deal store recipe, where we see cashier errors, where we explain all anomalies. Discretion is key and anonymity a golden rule. That person, whom we will call Isabelle, works in this supermarket for more than ten years. However, she does not know almost none of his colleagues. I don't know them physically, it is with the number that I know them. When I talk to the central cash register or to Mr Kittel, I say tell him that a number made a mistake. I don't necessarily know the person or their name. I give his name but I have never seen him. Every day you have to check nearly 80 bags belonging to cashiers. During three hours, vault agents matter, verify and track down the slightest error. This morning, there is a problem with Jo's. We will check soon ticket by ticket. Normally, I must fall to zero, but not here. We will look for the error. You have a differential of how much ? I have less than 60€ and I have to search why she has 60 €. I checked these tickets which are good because i find the same thing that she said on his sheet. It's the same for parts. In total, as a difference, I must have zero. If I don't have zero, I need to know why. I have to control and search. It may be a bank card that has no not been recorded or has not passed. There are reasons. We do not have the right to error. No, no room for error. For it, everything has to be sifted through. Coins, notes, checks, reduction coupons, restaurant tickets. Nothing is left to chance. A colossal responsibility that weighs on the lives of these employees on a daily basis. I do not like too much talk about my work. I don't want any questions. There are always people who want to know more. I do not have the right to say what I'm really doing. Which is normal. In the world we live in, we're not always safe either Here, the supreme fear, it's the robbery. To protect the vault agents, this camera connects them to the security PC. But that's not all, cash couriers come daily get the recipe from the day before. To cover their tracks, they always present at a different time Once there, the security guards never take your eyes off them. We follow the car, by the video evidence we can know if there is a problem. Once inside, there is no problem. In the airlock reserved for them, they barely have five minutes to recover the bags containing the money before leaving the premises, always under watchful eye security officers. Thanks to this system, this hypermarket has never been the victim of robbery. A chance, because today, it happens every week in France. In this mall, other employees are also very early risers. At the back of the hypermarket, since five o'clock in the morning, the trucks are coming deliver their goods. Gildas, the fresh produce manager, activates before the opening of the supermarket. How many parcels in the butcher's shop? One hundred and five. I have already taken just now. How many ? Seven or eight, I don't know. Fish, vegetables, meats. Gildas manages the products the finest in the store. If not directly faced with theft, his warhorse, it is the loss. You have to be very responsive. It is a continuous monitoring all the day is a living product. Fruits and vegetables, meat, fish are live products. If I have three pallets of melons this morning, I find them a little ripe. I need to start a promotion to be able to sell everything during the day. These melons were withdrawn from sale this morning, they are not anymore marketable. It's heading for the scrapyard. Nothing more can be done about it. breakage, it's Gildas' obsession. Every day he takes stock with its department heads, like Sebastian responsible for the butchery. Today, you have less 20% on the pork? It's been 5002 to do today. The promotion, it is Gildas' lethal weapon. It allows him to sell the products which are approaching the expiration date. Two days before the DLC, she takes the products, we sell them at minus 30%. Like that, there is almost no breakage. Customers are demanding right now, in times of crisis. So since I'm here, I'm doing this. We see a product like this, initially we sell it for €5.90. We are the three today, it's coming as DLC on July 4. We sell it for four euros. You go around at noon, it will be finished in the radius. Everyone will have taken them. To reach his number daily business of €8,000, while avoiding loss of goods, Gildas has also set up a replenishment system, especially in the meat section. We cut continuously, as the ray empties, we will restock all day as needed. We do not anticipate the needs, except on weekends of course. If there are big promotions, we anticipate, we manufacture more for sale. Otherwise, we work like in a bistro. When the bartender is behind his bar, the customer arrives, he asks for pressure. We serve him his pressure, you don't pull 15 pressures in advance. It's the best way to have as little breakage as possible. Once the store opened, Gildas turns into ray font. He does not go regret his inspection. I remove anything that I don't like. I put myself in the place of the consumer. Here there is a big blow of knife in the muscle. There is also the plastic film that sticks to the muscles, Which give this greenish appearance on the surface. The customer again, he buys a visual and a prize, and he won't buy that. This tray at €11.40 will end up in the trash. A dry loss which is unacceptable to Gildas. To eradicate this kind of problem, he complains every day from its suppliers. This morning at the reception, I meet a concern for quality on a filet mignon. You will have to try to work on the range with a tray a little deeper. The concern is that filet mignon touch film, automatically, it gives us a green stain. It's medium for the consumer. This tray, I'm not going to sell it. Alright, thank you sir. Goodbye. When I call a supplier, it's to improve the Cora product range. If it does not improve it? In this case, it will give accounts at all stores. Fifty nine stores that make credit note requests for the same product, it can be expensive. This head of department, whose salary would oscillate between 3000€ and 4000€, is non-stop be on the look-out. After the complaints office, Gildas resumes his inspection. You still have mussels behind Denise? This style of products, it should not be left on the shelf. It's not just damaged products which bother Gildas. He too finds more and more empty packaging, especially in the butcher's department. In some hypermarkets, this merchandise is even anti-theft. A very recent initiative which also made the headlines. This controversy in Lille. Imagine that in a city supermarket, the most expensive meat trays have recently been fitted with anti-theft devices. A management decision of the store that shocks Lille residents, also internet users. Some see it as a sign the scale of the economic crisis. In the Gildas hypermarket, the meat is not yet protected, but he too is concerned by this kind of theft. The people they surely a small plastic bag in the handbag and slide steak. It happens sometimes, and especially on the pieces the most expensive, like beef tenderloin. When we find the empty tray is too late. Too late ? Not necessarily. Again, the security team set up a parade. Every day, Cyril observes the checkout line discreetly. I look at everything that could get out of the checkout lines. It's all that can be concealed, in strollers for example or the bags because they could stand between the shopping carts. All that hostesses and cameras couldn't necessarily see if they are concerned by something else. It allows us both to have an eye on the hostesses and product releases at the same time. Very quickly, Cyril is arrested by a customer's shopping cart. Firstly, he inquires with the cashier. Have you seen the kibble bag? on the customer's shopping cart? No. Nope ? Have you seen the bag? This client failed to present this kibble bag, but not only. He also concealed a dozen products in a shopping bag. Go for it ! The kibble bag, please. You have nothing left in the bag ? If I hadn't introduced myself, the customer left with merchandise, I found myself with one of the marks away from the spokes. Thanks to Cyril, the hypermarket has just saved €60. Each month is several hundreds of euros which are recovered. After the checkout line, back to the checkpoint. Once again, an individual stirs up agent curiosity. I think it will pass. We can't do better. It is enormous. This is typical of the customer who wants to do it. This man just hid in the light aisle a television decoder. For Cyril and Michael, this individual does not do this by chance. He will return on the shelf right now. It's possible. He will go and check the position of the guards. He watches. Firstly, this client will do mine to leave the hypermarket. Then he will come back and confirm the suspicions of our two agents. I'm a bad bettor, but I would put €100 on the table. That's it, we're there. It's confirmed. The individual continues to wander through the shelves before going to that of fruits and vegetables. You see, he mixes everything up. I do not know what he took. Cherries with peaches. He will hide everything. But logically, he has to weigh that to get the price. There is no price there. The man has no intend to weigh the cherries. Once he crossed the checkout line, Cyril and Michael go to intercept him. Am I going to the counter? No, come! He went out ? Hello Sir, Cora Security, can you follow us please? Behind closed doors, the interrogation can begin. The dialogue will be complicated because he does not speak French. You speak French ? A little. A little ? You know why you are there ? You know why are you here? Yes. You can empty your pockets please. Can you settle? The man did not wish the presence of our camera. We therefore follow the arrest from the security PC. After some explanations, he accepts to pay for the goods, i.e. €13. In reality, this individual wanted test surveillance teams to check if he could fly without difficulty the hidden decoder in the rays of the lights. Once escorted at the reception to settle his due, he leaves the mall like any customer. Good afternoon. To finish the job like it should be, Cyril leaves to recover from the rays the decoder that the man had hidden. It is not open, it's good. Monsieur was trying to steal it, to conceal it. He turned in the store, looked, searched, he watched if there was security on the corners. There is not only the interior which is monitored. 200 meters from the shopping center, the gas station is another strategic point, more specifically this little cabin. There it is, thanks. Good day and goodbye. Last year, flights of fuel increased by 20%. To fight against misdemeanors, the ten pumps of this station are automated, but from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., five are managed by Rachel, responsible for paying customers. Good day and goodbye. Unlike hostesses from the hypermarket, Rachel doesn't have a security guard to watch over her. To protect her, its cabin is fully armored, on the inside, it has an emergency button. I press it and it is directly related to security. He's just below. With the knee, I can type on it without any problem. A mandatory device because gas stations became a favorite target of robbers. On this video, manager gets mugged while she is to do his cash. Two individuals, obviously armed, take her by surprise, hit her and try to steal his recipe. To call for help, she is going to use her emergency button and chase away the two robbers who finally leave empty-handed. In these conditions, out of the question to leave Rachel with too much cash. As soon as his box exceeds €500 in banknotes, she sends to the vault a withdrawal of money thanks to a rather unusual system. I take the shell, I place the envelope inside. Then I place the shell here. I press the button and the shell went off. The shell comes directly in the safe room. It's pressure of compressed air. There we have a button. We press on it, it puts pressure. The shell is sent with pressure, it comes so far doing a few kilometers. There's no cash which is carried by a human being. The shell arrives, we open it. We get the recipe. We put it down for the next day's treatment. Essential measures to take the least risk. In this hypermarket, the robbery is so dreaded than another device has been set up. Rachel, it's Christophe on the phone, it's 7:10 p.m., we're coming to get you. I'm here in three or four minutes. See you soon. Christophe is part of the team security officers. Every evening, at 7 p.m., he goes to the gas station. We will recover the cashier. We have to accompany him for money transfers since she has its fund. If someone had decided to want steal his fund, we have to be there, in protection. Mandatory escort because Rachel cannot send only tickets via the shell system, and its cash fund contains a part of the day's receipts, on average €50,000. There it is, it's finished. I recover this. Thanks. You check. Its good. Were there people today? -Yes. Michael, it's Christopher, you can come to the point get rachel back and bring it to the vault? You're feeling safer? Yes, that's a plus. Alone, I cannot. In any event, I do not have the right. Once arrived, another agent escort him to the safe room. With money, you can never be too careful. Whereas the end of the day is approaching, Cyril and Mickaël are getting ready to close the mall. However, they must increase vigilance, because thieves take advantage of this moment to take action. It will be confirmed during our shoot. One hour from closing, a problem arises in one of the shops from the shopping mall. Apparently there was a robbery on display in the Mim store. My colleague is going to look on the shelves if he finds the two individuals in question in order to settle the problem just in case. I have nobody. The suspects are these two teenage girls Michael surprises outside the gallery. Go through the north airlock instead, they go north. To intercept them, Cyril goes in the store parking lot. He has to bring them back to the shop for them to explain. He will escort them to Mim, he will see with them whether there is something or not. They seem to comply so I think it's good. In this kind of situation, to confirm the flight, you either have to find the products, or take the merchant's word for it. The flight is confirmed since there was the product in the bag. We arrested little young people. The problem, is that they are minors. If the parents are not present, Cyril will have to call the gendarmes. In the meantime, the fathers of the two teenage girls showed up in shop to settle their dues. Obviously they will pass a bad quarter of an hour. For Cyril and Mickaël, it's another mission accomplished. We are going to attack the closure, we left. In reality, closing a shopping center in 28,000 square meters takes time. In all, it is necessary to lock more than 70 doors and start all alarms. There is someone ? What is that ? It's an alarm, a growler. For us, it is a visual and sound medium. If there is an intrusion or an exit by this door, there is a report at our place. This allows us to detect the intrusion. It is also the occasion to pass behind the employees who left their desks on, like this radio. When you leave your apartment or your house, you don't leave the TV on. Here it is the same. For example this. That I can't. My fire extinguisher is cluttered. I will attract attention another for the emergency exit. It's when you close that you realize just small problems. After half an hour, the hypermarket can finally ring the closing time. It's 9 p.m. Your Cora hypermarket closes its doors. We ask our customers to go to the checkout counters. Management and staff wish you a pleasant evening. Thanks to the security guards, but also to all other employees, thousands of shoplifting are avoided every year in this mall. Essential monitoring to retail trying to reduce an annual deficit estimated at more than one billion euros.
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Documentaire, reportage, vol, magasin, supermarché, hypermarché, grande surface, lutte, sécurité, agent, coulisses, enquête, immersion
Id: 2fEIOtg7SZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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