Superman Saves the Shuttle! SuperHeroKids Episode 3 - "Freefall"

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[SuperHeroKids Theme Music] [heroic theme music] [heroic melody] [alarm clock blaring] [loud hit] [door shuts] [door opens] [heat vision boiling] [city traffic sounds] [office sounds / people chatting] [typing] Whoa, a new DanTDM! I love "The Diamond Minecart!" Yay! [Man] - Kent turn on your TV Huh? [Man] - Wayne Enterprises' Space Plane's in trouble! What? [Anchor] - This is a Fox News Alert. Right now we are receiving reports that the FAA has lost all contact with the experimental suborbital passenger space plane making a test flight from Los Angeles to Gotham City. The space plane is only carrying a flight crew of four and no actual passengers since it is still in the certification process. The craft took off from LAX just after 8AM local time and right now it seems to be flying out of control after re-entering the atmosphere. Moments ago Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises — the space plane's manufacturer — had this to say. Wayne Enterprises' flight control is working with the FAA trying to re-establish contact with the Yassara Space Plane. At the moment, we're not sure what happened, but, we're doing everything we can to solve the problem and ensure the safety of the crew and everyone on the ground. [Reporter] - Do you know the flight path of the space plane? It's on trajectory to Gotham. That was Bruce Wayne, CEO of Wayne Entrprises, and it seems the space plane is on a collision course with Gotham City. [crowd gasps] Hopefully they will be able to regain control soon. We'll be right back. I have to help Bruce. This is a job, for Superman. [heroic them music] [wind sounds / cape flapping] [silence of space] [sonic boom] [rocket engines get louder] [heat vision burning] [metal door creaks] [space ship noises and beeps] [fighter jet afterburners] [suspenseful music] Oh my gosh. [computer beeps] [rocket engines and jet afterburners] [Pilot 1] - Giant Killer, Victor-Lima 327, 328, tally-ho. On station along side Rider. Negative comms from flight crew. ["Giant Killer"] - Roger that 327, maintain tracking while owner attempts remote link. [Pilot 1] - Giant Killer, be advised we're buster just trying to catch up. Approaching bingo-fuel in 10-mikes. ["Giant Killer"] - In ten minutes this thing can be in the center of Gotham. Maintain track and stand by. Go hot if they can't get control. [Pilot 1] - Roger that. 327 out. [Pilot 2] - Hey Freezerburn. They just give us a splash order? [Pilot 1] - Sounded like it. [Pilot 2] - Hey! Is that Superman? [Pilot 1] - Wow! I've never seen him in person before! [Pilot 1] - Hey! He saluted me! That's so cool! [Pilot 2] - Way to go Hal! [impact] [Pilot 1] - Graywolf, I've got a bogey inbound, from our 6 o'clock. Do you see it? [loud afterburner] [Pilot 2] - Unidentified aircraft. Squawk ident and declare intentions. Military pilots, this is Bravo-Whiskey-Zero-One. I'm flying along side. R-T-B now, I've got this. [Pilot 1] - My autopilot just kicked on! [Pilot 2] - Mine too - - [Both] - Arghhhh! [jet whisps by] [Superman - innaudible] I know I'm Batman, and I'm awesome, but I still can't hear you. [comm device beeps] What are you doing here? It's my plane! What are YOU doing here? Saving the day, it's what I do. What happened to the crew? Are they alright? There is no crew. It's flying by itself. WHAT? I said there's no crew, it's empty! I heard you. I just didn't believe you. [Computer] - Autopilot engaged. [computer trills] It's being flown remotely. It's auto-gliding off course, directly towards - - [computer alarm] - - Wayne Tower. [traffic and police sirens] One of us has to stop this thing while the other finds the crew. [Superman] - We have to work together, Bruce! [Computer] - Initiating uplink. [Batman] - We need to shutdown the engines. I'll tie the Batwing into the Yassara's flight control systems. Then, once I have control, I'll restart and put her down safely. [computer trills] [Computer] - Access denied. I can't access it. I'm locked out. I have to do it from on board. Watch out, I'm coming down! [Superman] - There's no time! You go and clear Wayne Tower! I'll stop it! It's my plane, don't break it! It cost me over a billion dollars! It could sink my company! And, you can't afford to replace it on a reporter's salary! Dude, I catch falling planes out of the sky, like every other week! I got this! Go! [Computer] - Autopilot disengaged. I mean it Clark! Don't break it! [jet afterburner ignites] [computer warning / power up] [suspenseful music] Uhoh! Arghhh!!! [heroic music] [two sonic booms] [heroic music continues] [freeze-breath blowing] [impact] Ughhh! [two sonic booms] Oh, gosh!!! [large splash] [Batwing powers down] [seashore sounds] The bay? Really? You couldn't just put it somewhere safe? Sorry. It was Wayne Tower or the plane. I had to choose. You can fix it, though. I traced the signal. It came from a warehouse outside Sedona. Area police found my missing crew. They're alive, but don't know anything. It was your space plane, aimed at your building. Someone has it in for you. I know. I just wonder who. We'll find out. Don't worry. Hey... thanks. You're welcome. Bye. [seashore sounds] [wind blowing / cape flapping] [city sounds] [Perry White] - Great shades of Elvis, Kent! Where have you been all day? I want you to fly out to Gotham and interview Bruce Wayne, and anyone else involved with this space plane fiasco! Now go! Go! [heroic melody fades out]
Channel: SuperHeroKids
Views: 22,337,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: superherokids, super hero kids, Super Hero Kids, kids, little heroes, kid superheroes, let's play, adventure, superboy, batkid, clark kent, Smallville, Gotham, superhero fights, comics, funny, dark knight, teens, Superman, Batman, space shuttle, Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, gamers, flying, boys, new sky kids, superhero battles, in real life, cosplay, kids dressing up, fun for kids, batman cosplay, superman cosplay, Justice League, video, lex luthor, lex corp
Id: --FZ2Hd5InY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2015
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