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what' you think pretty sweet right I thought a monster and a robot oh man being a superhero is awesome yes we saw that because we were there anyway you have chores and homework to finish and you were supposed to make dinner all week and you haven't now make dinner jeez fine I'll make dinner should we order a pizza just in case no let's give her a chance dinner superheroes don't make dinner or do chores I want to fight monsters and robots they can't tell me what to do I've been waiting my whole life to be a superhero they're not going to ruin this for me no I won't let them I smell butter hello butter fingers you but how I melted you down the drain you did but all drains lead to the ocean butter fingers yeah exactly so I went in the opposite direction well then I'll just have to send you right back down the dream waa slick move you haven't seen anything yet H sounds like buttercup's making something good in there so hungry hey what did you get new superpowers no I just figured out how to use yours how are you beating me I can fly so can airplanes but I can beat them up when it comes to super power it doesn't matter what they are it's about what you do with them we should make Buttercup do the dishes too oh what's wrong getting tired I'm just buttering you up you had all that [Music] potential but you slipped up you're right I'm sorry now I realize I've got to embrace my powers and be myself I'll give you your powers back whoa really no I love being you and I'm not giving that up now time to mop you up for good wait where'd she go right here butterf fingers huh I I did it I'm back life was hard as a stick of butter being melty all the time and then I realized it's not my powers that make me a superhero it's me Buttercup I'm great so I embraced my new body and I fought hard but now I'm back sisters and I'm going to make everything right from here on out thanks for holding on to the hope that I would one day return Buttercup is this just another excuse to not make dinner what wait did you guys not even notice I was gone come on bubbles let's go order that pizza give me give me give me MH I don't remember ordering a mystical demonic trumpet but uh oh well free [Music] shipping pickles it's been a while let's see if I can still blow some Hot Licks oh yes still got it a giant evil Lava Monster let's go wait maybe it's one of those good giant evil lava [Music] monsters maybe that was an accident maybe look who's come by toing back Erica the great evil is here and it's too powerful you have to help us never once an earth breaker always an earth breaker all we did was question you about hurting the mayor and didn't you say the code of the most extreme Warrior States a true warrior always asks most extreme questions you may be wimpy a fist but I see that you are clearly the smart one hey release me and we will dis destroy the great evil with most excellent violence okay let's go girls wa if we are to battle we must do so with honor raise your SWS Borg do you agree to fight alongside my most cruel fellow Warriors but if a warrior is acting most uncool then we shall talk with them we do it is done what's that Earth called I made it up just for us for We Are Better Than Warriors we are warriors for H yo flame brain let's Rumble yeah let's look try picking on someone your own SI the great evil is a most worthy vult it's too strong what do we do I must summon the most powerful legendary sword the endbringer now that's what I'm talking about baby forged in the fires of flame bear muted by the ye nights of Glacier fall hold by the jungle beasts of f Ali I summon the [Music] endbringer [Music] W that's your legendary sword don't worry it's very sharp but I need to get close no problem Erica okay girls plan [Music] ramrod hey Mr gr evil h [Music] ER Victory she is ours you are awesome we are awesome for we are warriors H this is the last time I order something from discount cheap things Warehouse come in yeah anyone here order some pickles quick well they're just distracted by Blossom stupid diplomacy what up ladies what some bubbles cold I'm so cold why don't you zip up your jacket oh yeah time for seconds re block get your city hall I'll hold him on Butler we're not leaving you don't worry old friend we'll meet again in a better place AR we all going bowling tomorrow [Music] exactly looks like we're in quite the pickle oh be careful all right the coast is clear now all we have to do is get the tape to the VCR and prove our innocent Derby tons come out and play I don't remember this part but I like it we know you took out Smashley and you're going to pay I'm going to take care of this once and for all no if you fight Tess there's no way you'll make it out of there who cares about the death ball way I care it may be weird it may be dumb but the death ball way is my way you got to believe in something and this is it for me death death death death Death I didn't think you had the guts H you going to talk all night or we going to [Music] dance do it death ball rules mean no mercy it's the death ball way death ball rules aren't perfect hear me death ball sisters death ball is great but it what cost we've lost too many friends too much juice has been spilled we can change the rules without changing Who We Are don't listen to her she's just saying that cuz she took out Smashley that's a lie huh and I'll prove it it was chess she took out Smashley no I did it for Russ she was going to change everything I'll show you I'll show you what Case Closed listen up death bers I hereby declare a new rule elies are no longer permanent you can now undo alies if you tapies tses who's with me this is the best movie ever now that we've all TAPS in twice I'd like to thank the Derby tun for their heroism and for making death ball stronger than ever and now for the announcement I was going to say earlier wash your jerseys people it smells worse than a sewer in here and we're actually in the sewer Yay see change can be good I guess the py swine was old bubbles all along lock me up guys butter cuts the par spne wait a minute butter cuts the alien R Moo's nose off oh no three more years on this everyone good news Buttercup is not the monster yeah you jerks I ran some tests and this sample marked B for Buttercup tested negative for porus Swang DNA Professor all of our names start with a B I know that but in this case I U because you see oh dear we're about to square one it's still could be any of you well have fun H you heard the professor yeah have fun no it could be anybody AKA not me well it's not me not me and it's not me [Music] they all still suspect me don't they even though it's clearly them it's all of them working against me like that one time we played Marco Polo in the pool and blason got out and still kept yelling Polo just to fool me this is all a game of Revenge to Buttercup but she's forgetting one thing that Moto knows those three puny Puffs all share a brain they're all monsters which only leaves one question what if I start spelling bobbles with an O instead of a u in the middle then I'd be bobbles bubbles has gone mad get her no Blossom has gone mad get her I'm mad as a CIF flow get me no get me I mean help me Professor are you okay the professor's of porous wine we got to help him help him who's going to help us it stopped where did he go I don't see him maybe it got bored and went off in searched of nachos I know that's what I would do girls look it's the antidote someone's going to have to go get it yes but who h [Music] no there Mojo has gotten the antidote now what's the plan help Mojo Mojo Mojo needs your help come on girls we got to get that anote oh Mojo hey ugly you hungry hey pig face over here here piggy piggy piggy and it's it's time for Mojo to Gojo what the professor we're so glad you're okay oh thank you girls that was truly scary well it's all okay now and everyone safe excuse me it'll help here it's go time the name of the game is peanuckle hey what was that bubbles did you leave the garage door open again that's how we get raccoons I know that's why I did it Dappa Dan doberan go find those raccoons and plug them with Gast now see here you uncouth raccoons come quietly and I'll deal with you forth with huh Show Yourself who who goes there you wor nightmare deidan come in he he's just not answering boss oh so there's raccoons upstairs too he knows me too well car your triplets take them to the cleaners on it [Music] boss closet's clear nothing's under the desk clear over here terer triplets teria triplets oh boss they ain't answering I thought you said there W nobody else in this house we did and I can't lie you're too adorable listen up gang I want you all to search this whole potato and if you find anybody do this to him what why was schedule but programmed to feel pain huh huh Mony Rocco Frenchie what happened to your boys I'm should have fine yeah they're probably just having a tea party with the raccoons that's enough out of use now stay here while I plug this problem Gerald now to take care of business butt sniffer come on that's obviously a trap stay away from that trap butt sniffer no don't even look at that trap butt sniffer booty is T sniffer B sniffer let the utonium family go who is that that voice sounds familiar it does who said that I ain't afraid of you I got the Choppers how about we discuss this over dinner today is not schedule Bots day it'll take more than that to stop pug face pully you may got the bark but I got the punch sounds crazy out [Music] there surprise ah so it's you the gray one time to say good bite bad do get back bad dog bad dog sit heel stop what what is that thing get away get [Music] away you owe me one1 bajillion [Music] dollars you're the leader so it seems that my Crobot captured the Powerpuff Girl's third in command third now you shall fight for my amusement [Music] seriously Professor how's it almost done hang in there honey what do we do what do we do what do we do I can't do this without blossome who did I think I was fooling oi you [Music] leads get a hold of yourself no I stink but you've gotten us this far and we have a dad and a sister that needs saving you think I can do it of course you can and you know I can't lead remember what happened last time oh yeah that was bad right now get us into that evil volcano layer you're right let's go works like a time stop right there salamander wrong evil volcano layer [Music] oopsie oh come on jeez how are you so powerful am I the only one aware of how useless all of your henchmen are let's see if you're still singing the same tune after you've battled my most deadly Beast Larry the wombat now you're down to regular animals you shut your face that's what no salamander you shut yours bubbles you did it I mean it took you a little while but yes some would say it took too long WR for my doomsday magnifying glass is complete sorry girls the bolt is Titan when I press this button it will raise the largest magnifying glass ever created directly into the path of the sun focusing its Rays into a giant beam of heat to cook the Earth itself why' you wait until we got here to deploy it simple to show it off uhoh bubbles what are you waiting for we have to stop him do something um okay now we're all [Music] do oh no it's night rendering my plan useless yep I stalled on purpose stalling how did you think of such a great plan cuz she's bubbles and she's a great leader thanks Blossom I had a great time leading but I got to say I just don't think it's for me it's not fair it's not fair after all this time I the Gat was finally going to have my revenge on you Powerpuff Girls once and for all frying you like humans have fried bugs with magnifying glasses for so long dude who are you the net the net can we beat up Jimmy here and go home Blossom absolutely come on girls let's smash this bug way to go girls well now that this magnifying glass is done I guess I'll just move on to building the destructor Ray [Music] H oh don't you want to stay for the show it's going to be a blast in exactly one minute we won't need that long to defeat you yeah I'm only going to need 7.5 seconds One Mississippi you have beaten moo before but this time the deck is stacked against you seven Missi no you only have 50 seconds h no problem it's going to take more than parlor tricks to stop us smoke bomb where'd he go this trick will knucker you out 35 seconds we have got to get to that bomb time to stop playing around and get focused [Music] yay a space bunny can we keep it Blossom Bubbles look out huh looks like time is disappearing 20 seconds time to use some magic of our own plan Presto [Music] Cho oh hey Mojo t i a magician ooh I love a magic pick a card any card uh that one wrong see Mojo we've got some tricks of our sleeves too Resto Cho face it you just can't beat the Powerpuff Girls Aren't you for getting [Music] something what the bomb wasn't real silly Pei Puffs why would I want to blow up the moon what would the cow jump over besides Mojo is just the opening act alive from his most fantastic fantabulous secret lir high above Townsville he's the most evil sensation that's sweeping the nation it's luster than luster oh thank you thank you you're a wonderful audience H we are what's going on here Mojo isn't he great Powerpuff Girls you've always been there to keep Townsville safe accurate until today whatever you have planned Lester we'll beat you yeah cuz we can beat anyone anywhere with any hair the first rule of magic is to be one step ahead of the mark oh my name's not Mark silly now you see Townsville now you don't a what a luster mean by now you see Townsville now you don't Emergency Signal oh hello girls if you're done on the moon there's a big white light in the sky and it's coming mayor we have to get back to Townsville right [Music] now it it's gone where are you guys no Blossom please what's going on over there stop hurting me uh what are you doing more like what are you doing Buttercup Bubbles help me Blossom attacked me what she's lying the hearstone is messing with her head dude what's with you you're acting crazy with me it's subna that's acting crazy yeah you keep saying that but you're the one acting like you're a few fry short of a kid meal oh dear here I know what's happened I'm afraid Blossom has ice Madness ice Madness you mean polar paranoia the chil silly the Frozen phobia the below zero FAL huh never heard of it I don't have ice Madness su's the crazy one don't worry Blossom I know how to deal with this thank you Bloss give it a rest dude I'll let you go if you stop being so nuts in the brain Meats something is crazy you guys need to trust me you had your chance there there it is the heart stone look at it isn't it beautiful didn't you say there was a monster guarding it never mind I see it okay nuto feel free to be crazy over here get the Heartstone get it aw good three-headed puppy stand back everyone buttercups got this [Music] wow got it the heart stone it's so perfect let me see it h okay here you go but don't give it to her it's a t t ice Madness oops no you dropped it you fool I'll destroy you huh ice Madness sorry I had to knock some sense into your Up N ah it's okay girls now that you freed me from the power of that Hearthstone I can finally go back to my research on these caves good luck saving Townsville girls bye s oh no we forgot about Townsville how are we going to save it without the Hearthstone you mean this Hearthstone how I dropped a stone but not the stone I made a couple spares last night nah no cool you didn't really think I'd give the Heartstone to Suna did you but I thought you didn't trust me don't be dumb you're my sister of course I trust you a thanks Buttercup come on girls we got a town to save lead the way Bloss I've been wandering around the Labyrinth for 2 years looking for whoever ordered this pizza I'm looking for my sister's Blossom and Buttercup they look like about my height my eyes my face my dress but different oh forget it they're impossible to describe anyway have you seen them nah sorry bro I haven't seen anyone or anything although they could be behind that crazy door but it it's like impossible to open there's something written on it if freedom from this maze seeky give this Dorman's eyes to see h I know I've read this thing like a million times no idea what it means I think it means you have to put eyes in the skull to make the door open wow you are a genius me no way my sister Blossom is the genius she'd unlock this door in no time she would say your hair ties look like eyes why don't you try putting those in the door huh wait a minute they do look like eyes wao they do now the skull will be able to see you have given this doorman eyes to see now enter oh no my head Jee it's open we did it you did it but now your hair is all crazy here take my hair tie thanks Pizza Guy now let's find my sisters no way dude I'm staying here where it's safe Pizza [Music] Guy Blossom Buttercup meow what is this place the heart Zone I found it wait Buttercup wouldn't run she'd fight this monster head on like this well that didn't work maybe I cannot smart him like Blossom Mr follow me right this way over here looks like you're all tied up and that's how it's done oh it's no I'm out of ideas and I didn't even find Blossom and Buttercup I'm just alone just bubbles wait just bubbles just me that's it my sisters are great but I am too Mr Snake I'm going to defeat you bu time grp I did [Music] it bubbles we've been looking for you for hours hey you got the Hearthstone yeah I guess I did I think I broke the curse curse yep I couldn't get this emergency exit open for years years bubs how'd you get the last Hearthstone by yourself you scaredy cat I was the scy cat I was a regular cat well whatever bubs race you back to Townsville you're on hey my pizza righteous well here you go it's cold I'm not paying for this a how did you actually I don't care I'll just blast you and get it over with no no no wait Mojo is here to apologize so what do you want all Mojo asks for is one last chance to prove what a great evil assistant Mojo could be fine one chance and if you blow it I blow you up deal presenting the Great and The Powerful Mojo the JoJo seriously for my first trick what's in my hat get on with it O A Lester poster what a goodl looking guy true wonder what I'll find this time wowe a Lester party balloon now this is a party I would not miss I agree there's one more thing in here and this one will Knuck your sucks off but I might need a little help let me [Music] see oh Lester we could have made magic together moo you know you can't beat me Mojo knows he can't but they [Music] can this feels anticlimactic I'll take that thank you hon that pathetic monkey has a point sooner or later you Heroes will be a thorn in my side it's better to just destroy you now [Music] Tata stop huh [Music] what [Music] du what is happening why don't I have control over the hearth stones wait a minute of course you don't we do yeah because we earned the hear Stones so they belong to us we beat the Cerberus we sold the riddle of the jellyfish I overcame my fear of being alone and ouch I'm okay I I I I I've beaten you before I can do it again I think it's time to show Lester some real [Music] magic [Applause] [Music] [Music] W now let's cut Lester down to [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sid so you're cool with keeping an eye on Lester van loser oh yes he'll go great on the Shelf in my bathroom well now that the town is restored everything is back to normal or is it for Moto is nobody's partner Moto is a leader honk let's fly
Channel: The Powerpuff Girls
Views: 680,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: powerpuff girls bliss, Powerpuff, the powerpuff girls, powerpuff girls, powerpuff girls 2017, powerpuff girls full episodes, powerpuff girls theme song, cartoon, powerpuff girls 2018, powerpuff girls z, powerpuff girls song, new powerpuff girls, blossom, bubbles, buttercup, mojo jojo, cartoon network, powerpuff girls movie, power puff girls, powerpuff girl, animation, cartoons, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, bliss, princess bluebelle, townsville, powerpuff, girls, classic
Id: tiv0ntSbz6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 49sec (2389 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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