supergirl humor | winn being an absolute dork

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you're an alien yeah i used to change his diapers uh i'm not exactly sure you have to tell them that no i think i i really do oh my god you're a lesbian is that the lexo suit that is awesome it's gonna be awesome when supergirl freaking destroys that thing cuz that you know that is dangerous our clark kenny is superman i mean she wasn't into either of us there's no way she's into this guy right he knows you told him i'm in i i said it first trade visioned him for foreign objects like a cybernetic data core of course what do you think nice job mr sharpton i love it are you crying no no that's fine i flew here on on a bus oh superman and martian manhunter are gonna fight this is terrible this is awesome what i saw clark do this week get back oh man i wanted to see that awesome is that a kryptonite arrow why do you have a kryptonite arrow in case an evil you ever showed up settle this like women what there's more you guys here than me oh he's coming toward me i have a million questions okay when lex luthor set off the earthquake in california did you gauge the focal depth with your extra vision breathe take the other cuff off of the martian i got it a pretty sweet ira over at capco does that transfer over here or earth dirt but it is from the 31st century are you serious this is this is future dirt you're late it's really bad traffic just like that perfectly placed shot to take out the death star i don't need a star wars reference right now and i need a plan i mean if you really want to thank me you could uh let me take this out for a test drive just saying are you shorter so funny seeing you here i was just having the loveliest chat with your president about you i was telling her on my earth we have a department of extranormal operations which deals specifically with aliens she thought it was an excellent idea she also loved my pitch about reassigning you to antarctica maybe next time you're a little nicer to strange visitors from another planet welcome to the deo mr shot thank you hank or director henshaw or what is it jean or martian manhunter what's what's the protocol sir will do just fine yes sir hank but you're strong the strongest car no not even close nope next time let's uh let's let's really hang out yes personally i always that ring literally costs more than this entire ship also it hurt yes leave us in charge and by us i mean alex because i should not be in charge of anything you're on cranberry sauce for thanksgiving dinner tomorrow when am i supposed to go to the grocery store the truth of the old earth could be quite upsetting how bad can it be okay it's okay so wait lena killed lex and then he came back to life and james was a small town newspaper and mentors children that's that's adorable and you you were what you were russian yes cassinian but that wasn't really me and so evil lex now owns the deo yeah oh but let me tell you about the doppelgangers who came through a wormhole [Music] what i like this shirt you don't leave this building you don't breathe unless i tell you to is it understood affirmative good may i breathe now someone's trying to kill me oh things are not chill what is there to be upset about um haley starts working full-time the deo tomorrow got it that's that's a good reason bathroom to relieve myself you don't know where it is you haven't you've been here for like three weeks and four days i should know it was my first arrest i'm sorry that would that would have made you 17 when you arrested him yeah that that tracks you know you never found me but of course i did your address is 775 gladiola drive second floor corner apartment your phone number is 55580 you stop at bob's diner every morning and order an extra super large coffee milk no sugar okay yes that he's not nearly as stalker is that just all came out as well why didn't you call you told me to find you not call you director danvers president marsden is arriving for her yearly visit when now what agent dox was supposed to give me a warning before you arrived well i believe i did right before she entered trying to track kryptonian heat signatures but all we're coming up with is you and your cousin which i will say though is nice because i know where he is do you play pool yeah what it is it is geometry with sticks folks pool is easy let's go do it alex my money's on your girl yes thanks me too
Channel: yvonne edits
Views: 1,235,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supergirl, flash, arrow, dc legends of tomorrow, kara danvers, alex danvers, kara zor-el, lena luthor, hank henshaw, nia nal, brainy, winn schott, superman, clark, kal-el, barry allen, james olsen
Id: xB_n4-Z1OwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 12sec (372 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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