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there we go oh all right easy win wow no she has some kind of super user oh okay I thought maybe he was pre-moving but I guess he's not this might be too hard for him okay this is fine uh this is fine this looks fantastic that's fine uh-huh all right maybe we should think a little bit uh you know what I don't need a pod oh Queens are off okay easy draw I guess he's like okay at end games so this the true chess Pros you didn't even send an invite you just started the match okay um all right I have an idea oh what am I doing my idea may have been bad chat you're making me nervous please stop telling me that he's good at chess kind of bird can I play this or does he take my horsey I need to read I don't want to get into tactics here okay yeah that was probably not not the best idea but let's just play faster okay he has 19 seconds blood hair is hot um oh he's coming in for the tickle I don't like this what are we gonna do about that well we're not gonna panic he has 17 seconds okay this is maybe resignable all right all right all right respectfully okay let me resign respectfully that was a warm-up that was a warm-up I'm requesting a rematch I'm not forcing him into it oh like this okay stop being so nervous you fold Under Pressure this is true I think you deserve lesson come on Alex okay hang on take my time 30 seconds all right well adjust his claw because he did not see it dude he's adjusting the board okay there we go he messed up his board okay I'm waiting till 30 seconds Magnus might must really be bored he's playing chess with me and he stayed with the chess bras which is the bigger red flag okay what if we just copy him yeah he's not gonna see that coming who's the real Magnus I don't know could be could be either of us honestly it has like a small set of openings but she knows all right this seems okay oh no London all right sister [Music] um I'm a big lurker I know this stuff yeah yeah I was looking okay yeah that's that's annoying can I play this probably not a good move but we're gonna try can I come in yeah what's the worst that could happen was that real she definitely did that for the memes oh my God thank you thank you I'm so sorry came back from vacation too much okay [Laughter] this is mine you know I I sensed it was a bad idea but I did it anyway oh I gave myself 30 seconds are you drunk that seems more fair all right okay okay okay oh that was just three minutes wait I have a lot of time why am I playing so fast David looks like a GM okay God damn it there we go okay he's asking if you're drunk okay now she's expected it is 3 P.M on a Monday so the answer is yes aha I got it okay sorry sorry actually I used to play Slowly though oh oh oh oh oh oh wow I hate I mean oh Who's Laughing Now is the Magnus Gambit Who's Laughing Now you got the bug house no but I learned it all right I beat mittens down tonight I could beat Magnus it's like super strong he's like puzzle Rush Maniac no that's a free Pawn no she's really taking her time let's just get out of the way is this your chance this is your chance I'm just Glory oh yeah oh I'm not sure you know what extra space is nice no okay okay um all right nearly there yet but I have some hope now my Spidey senses are tingling all right I'm gonna give him that pawn it's just a pawn oh Dairy me it's going slightly perfect what is he threatening I have to ask myself because David has a drawing I'm trying not to blunder can I play this yes I can we're gonna trade and it's gonna be okay would you like to trade Queens no he knows he knows not to trade Queens let's go here okay all right all right no no she started really fun okay David don't uh how's he doing on time not so good uh okay whatever the insta follows why are you just trolling me you have three minutes yes I know but uh it's very nerve-wracking yeah gaining a lot of fun here I am a little afraid and offended that he asked if I was drunk okay okay let's just be safe yeah uh let's go here oh no I just lost my knight Armenia okay you know that's touch and go oh God I love how you're not pre-moving here it would be such as well that's the way she goes sometimes yeah she's really good at it yeah we got she's gonna go back F4 oh that is a nasty move if I may say so myself that's cynical [Music] all right that was nope she taught me the rule of the square you know sorry for a video on on Tick Tock or tick no not on pickups on Instagram shorts okay no but I seriously didn't know the next one I didn't understand that I I don't know the rule of the square okay stop asking me it's very complicated I would guess okay give me a little time back please he instantly knew he was winning okay now I'm gonna give him is he adjusting his board again 30 seconds I need them okay there we go there we go all right I'm gonna fix his time because now he's probably getting nervous 30 seconds nice thank you all right let's let's mix up our openings okay this is cool uh huh let's not let him push I just need to be a little bit slower and a whole lot better A whole lot better let's play here I I don't like the Checker is that a weird Slaughter [Music] um he is trying to come in yeah but I'm alone Magnus learned the rule from the Square from both his life well yeah what can I say end game Prodigy over here faster faster faster okay this is this is good why is he attacking things I learned the rule of the Square from David's forehead that's actually quite good okay let's maybe go here sure trade oh God oh God yeah no that's the problem um I got excited traded off pieces yeah like some make me want to cry so I'm just yes all right he has 20 seconds all right we're gonna we're gonna go for this line I was waiting a piece which is well it's at least do something to his Pawns water Winner's drink water we can totally recover this I got so much compensation uh this is uh it's crazy I don't think okay let's push him away just a little bit um maybe take here even though you shouldn't trade when you're down but I did want to hold the line Hold the Line okay everyone go here no the yeah that's okay okay change A5 he has 11 seconds time to flag him just hoping for a miracle now I think uh-huh what are my better do I try to play here okay yeah let's just be complicated okay oh now he's gonna uh he's he has moves okay gotta shoe the bishop first let's just keep it oh God I didn't see that well it's still good eight seconds okay well I could draw this probably not yeah I don't know that was better yeah that okay was better that was better it's the rule of the square every single time no dad I know I know minutes left almost okay you got to use your time too quick too quick too quick so the lesson today is if you know the rule of the spirit you could you can get really good at chess okay this one is mine this one is mine um okay Dave's drinking gin nope oh we got the same okay I should probably knows this one we're gonna play this line see now we're playing Theory I don't know who's gonna know it better the beginner could be anyone really like somebody's okay okay I'm gonna tip my hat to some of these ones all right I guess we're gonna take this seems better this seems like you know good things could happen ah I'm lured into a false sense of security because there's less pieces on the board so I am getting some Advantage now but okay he's threatening to take here that is disturbing um and I cannot protect it so I'm gonna play and attack his pawn and now ha ha ha ha you didn't you didn't see that he he probably saw it it was probably the best move okay I gotta go for uh steak why is he giving me all these pawns oh this is my game El Magneto is about to crumble please stop taking my pawns though jeez wow very greedy okay okay okay so settle down okay it was it was going well for a while oh you're not rooting for me um you got too much hair I can't read anyone with so much hair come on Alexandra yeah okay we're gonna play this and we're gonna play here and I'm gonna get a pawn too that seems fair not asking for much okay we're trading for this is fine he has 14 seconds just don't blunder all right um can I go here no because he gives checks can I go here yes that's what we're gonna do and now we're gonna go here bring it up okay all right hmm I need to avoid getting adopted you're doubting yourself I would honestly just be ashamed to the family name so did Kyle seek David that's annoying oh wow can I go here no because I lose my Pawn hmm thank you pinkish okay that is annoying I'm gonna lose my Pawn regardless yeah well if I lose my Pawn regardless why not live a little here's what we're gonna do perfect moment to stream stuff that doesn't work oh man he's gonna try to meet me oh this is not going to be easy off off with him I just need to not lose that quickly I have to gamble in some of the previous yes seven seconds are there any last tricks nothing to do with the face seven seconds this is I am tense okay that's a free piece yes okay uh do something dirty at some point that's that's her I mean she could maybe survive um okay trade now I cannot lose the phone four seconds uh this is not enough time is it well prove it I think he was going to but he has not even close Alex Alex you can take him take him down take him down he's getting to uh I'm not gonna get adopted though I'm not getting adopted each each game I'm getting better okay I should just read out more like even more roasts when you're getting down to two seconds okay all right oh no he probably has some tricky line here um well what if I play this confusing move yeah yeah he probably doesn't expect it probably looking it up right now actually has built up to this one moment oh it's almost 25 now well no I'm just gonna get out of there 24 this uh defend oh no please don't push that looks of course he pushes that look Ed absolutely terrifying desperate times David when are you expecting your baby he's told that black is swimming okay Alex Alex you cannot play like this let's go here this is not gonna go oh yeah God damn it oh can somebody ask Magnus to play E4 I would like to play my French see if she's tilted okay can I just play the French you're the one with three screens yeah I'm pulling this room oh yeah that's true
Channel: Chess Press
Views: 5,535,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnus carlsen, carlsen, drunk magnus, drunk magnus carlsen, magnus hikaru, world chess champion, nakamura, chess24, magnus rapid, magnus blitz, hikaru blitz, hikaru rapid, alireza, anish giri, gothamchess, botez, lichess,, magnus blunder, best chess channel, hans niemann, chess, magnus carlsen vs hans niemann, hikaru nakamura, magnus vs hikaru, bongcloud, andrew tang, magnus carlsen stream titled tuesday, magnus carlsen stream, magnus, andrea botez, alexandra botez
Id: CyE_qPxd520
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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