Supercharge Your ESP32: Boost Program Memory by 2.5x Instantly!

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the standard esp32 has 4 megabytes of memory and by default 1.2 megabytes is reserved for the program code I am going to show you how simple it is to increase it 2.5 times to 2 megabytes for the program code let's get started let's plug the esp32 into the computer using a USB cable now go to the Arduino IDE and here I have my esp32 board selected which is connected in the country port of the computer and I have an empty sketch so let's compile it and see how much program space it's taking up in the memory of the esp32 so my empty sketch is actually taking 70 percent of the maximum program space which is around 1.2 megabytes so it's taking up 220 kilobytes of memory even though it's an empty sketch and that's because um when you compile an empty sketch for the esp32 the resulting binary file will contain more than just your program it includes the bootloader the program to handle flashing updating your program the Arduino core library and many more so these things take Subspace even though the actual sketch is empty and don't contain any code now here is a very simple way to increase this memory space the program space which is 1.2 megabytes so you go into the tools menu and in the partition scheme by default the four megabytes are separated and for 1.2 megabytes for the program space and 1.5 megabytes for spiff storage so it's kind of a file storage so instead of selecting the default let's select the huge app partition scheme it will be reserving 3 megabytes for program space and just one megabyte for the file storage so if we select that making sure that it's selected the huge app let's compile it and this time you're going to see that the program space is much higher and the actual code is taking less space on the esp32 so this time my code which is still 220 kilobytes he's thinking at just seven percent of program storage space and now the maximum is around three megabytes so you have a lot more storage space for your program so if you like this tip please like the video and subscribe to my channel and thanks for watching
Channel: The Last Outpost Workshop
Views: 6,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, esp32
Id: NTbiKssK8_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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