Super73 - RX Mojave After 100 Miles

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hey everybody um quick disclaimer here i'm not a professional youtuber i don't review products um don't really care if you subscribe or thumbs up or whatever definitely not even an e-bike enthusiast i'm just somebody that bought one of these things and thought i would share my opinions on it after riding it 100 miles i just help you out if you're curious about it there's not a whole lot of videos out there with this updated model so i'll give you my thoughts we'll take it for a spin on a little bit of different terrain this is my first e-bike and i really bought it just to play around on and maybe cruise with my son a bit and i do plan on taking it to work every now and then which is only a few miles away from where i live but before i decided on buying this bike this particular model i first wanted to decide on the company because i think that's particularly important for an e-bike as is the case with a lot of emerging products and markets where there's a race to build the biggest and best these companies should probably be around long enough to refine and iterate upon each generation of their models and you know a lot of these little e-bike companies they pop up one day and they're gone the next i know a few other reputable companies out there aside from super 73 but it doesn't take long to figure out that super 73 has got a pretty big following also i i saw a youtube video of their offices which i don't know they seem large with the actual people working there it's more than a lot of these e-bike companies can say anyways their website also seems to be having decent software powering it their service is great uh those are all indicators that super 73 is not gonna quickly disappear uh which is important in case you need anything from them which you might who knows i've never bought one of these things so i don't know what i could need from them i hope not much but i've i've heard um that if you need anything they're always there to help you i've personally used their chat feature a couple times to asking some questions uh seemed like a good experience all right to the bike itself so when i decided to get an e-bike what first drew me to the rx mojave um was its looks and i think that's kind of a low bar to meet because there's a lot of other e-bikes out there that and they just look like cheap toys or i mean something like the 40 year old virgin would ride around town you know a good example of that is the aerial rider grizzly which this bike gets compared to often and uh you know the grizzly it's got better range torque speed than this rx mojave does but that that aerial rider grizzly it's just in my opinion ugly is sin and at least as of the filming of this video it only comes in one two-toned red and black color um and even if they make better colors in my opinion it's still going to look like it belongs on the discount shelf of walmart and if you're spending thousands of dollars on a bike you at least want to enjoy looking at it not feel uh weird to be a grown-ass man riding it to work at a professional job so the rx mojave here seems to meet that bar for me it looks premium it looks badass really and it's because it is uh you pay for it but uh but it's worth it you know i think um you know i i paid almost four thousand dollars when all is said and done with tax and shipping while the design drew me to this bike initially what made me really happy that i bought it are two things that didn't really jump off the page when i was looking at buying one and that's the suspension and the brakes both of those things the suspension is so cushy soft comfortable it allows you to tune it but for me how it came was perfect there's nothing in this class that even remotely competes with this suspension and let me tell you even if you don't plan on riding trails or rougher terrain with this on a stiff frame or even on a frame with an inferior suspension at 30 miles an hour you're going to notice the slightest bumps and divots in the road but not with this this is a treat to ride and when you combine that suspension with these piston brakes it's amazing it stops on a dime you could be going full speed slam on the brakes and you're going to stop in what feels like a few feet your tires will barely skid and the suspension absorbs everything and it gives you a nice little rock back and forth like a baby so guys and gals suspensions and brakes may not be the most interesting things to look at when you're in the market for one of these but i i can see how that's the difference maker and it's evident when you look at the the competition and if you find a bike that maybe you think is comparable to this maybe it's a little less money a grand or so less you know i'm thinking about juiced which which also makes some some pretty good bikes i guarantee you where they're going to cut corners is the suspension and the brakes it's too easy for them to do it they may say that they have good ones but when you dive into it it's completely different technology uh and again this this wasn't something i was looking at when i bought it and it's pretty boring to talk about but uh those those two things are now the first things that i'm going to look at if i ever buy another e-bike as far as accessories go i really didn't do too much and you know i've already said one of the reasons i like this bike is because of the design and even though people say that super 73 makes these bikes to mod and accessorize i really don't think you have to just because you can doesn't mean that you should if you want to go for it but you know if one of the reasons that you bought this was the design probably doesn't make sense to put a bunch of saddle bags and cages and nets and extra lights and all kinds of earrings on it you know they paid good money to make sure that this is a really good design so it's pretty good just how it comes out of the box and it does come in a box by the way very big box on a wooden pallet but it was pretty easy now i did add a good ram phone mount it's not a cheap phone mount compared to what else is out there but um you know it just doesn't feel right to only spend 12 bucks on a piece of plastic made in china from amazon and then go ahead and put a 1500 phone in it and throw the whole thing on a four thousand dollar bike that you just paid for and drive it down the road at 30 miles an hour so yeah um spend the 60 bucks or whatever it costs to get one of these ram mounts uh or something stronger um i like this one i mean as you can see here i can pick up the whole bike just from this mount so that's good enough for me uh and and also um you know i've got a big phone uh with a big case and there's not a lot of phone mounts that really fit that well this this one does there's not a lot of room left but it fits good uh you know and i like using google maps to ride around town uh help me explore some new trails or paths and it works great i also got an abus bordeaux granite x plus 6500 folding lock i don't know why the name on that is so long but whatever i mean it's the strongest folding lock i could find as far as uh whatever the rating system they use for these things is but um you know i also threw on a little bluetooth speaker to play some music which is nice it's not a very good one but it's loud enough and i just had it laying around the house and then for my boy to cruise around with me you know he's smaller so he sits in front of me it's where we feel the most comfortable i'm just going slow i got these foldable foot pegs on amazon and you know there's not a lot of great options for foot pegs like these that you mount on bars up and up this way towards the front of the bike but you know if you all know something better let me know i ordered like five or six of them and ended up only keeping one the angle of them it's not quite right and they feel a little flimsy um but they work and his feet fit great on them and they fold out out of the way when not being used i also put some rear pegs on here from a company called cane belt and i um you know you can use them for a passenger or you can rest your feet on them um you know whatever's most comfortable but when i got them they actually rattled a little bit there was a little pin and washer in there um it's tight it's it's very sturdy but there was a little bit of noise and you know overall this thing's quiet and i don't want the pegs to ruin that so you know it's just this little pin on the outside and so a little super glue keeps it quiet if you have that problem you can probably put some other epoxy or something on there but um you know i know this bike is rated for two people weight wise i think 350 pounds or so but you know one thing i'm disappointed with is this seat and don't get me wrong it's a great seat in pretty much every other regard but i just don't know why you would make it sloping backwards like this i mean the form looks cool that retro cafe racer style seat but it just functions horribly i mean i don't plan on taking a rear passenger on this bike for miles and miles but even just to scoot somebody across a parking lot i mean they're not going to want to be on there that long for you and especially if it's their first experience on an e-bike and they don't want to drive and they just want to like hang on to you it's not a great experience i mean it works in a pinch but come on guys all right um so i'm going to cruise around a little bit i'll start out on this bike track and i'll hold my phone in my hand and this bike is so stable i feel fine doing that i'm on this nice smooth track called the velaway or velowway here in south austin in texas and uh for for those of you who are wondering if this is allowed if they allow e-bikes on here um or particularly for you antique cyclists who just spent maybe four grand on a specialized or trek bike and are growling at me when i pass you yes this is allowed and according to texas legislature where i live and i'm reading from chapter 551 of the operation of bicycles mopeds and play vehicles the excerpt is that a motor driven cycle means a motorcycle equipped with a motor that has an engine piston displacement of 250 cubic centimeters or less the term does not include an electric bicycle which does mean a bicycle that is a designed to be propelled by an electric motor exclusively or in combination with the application of human power b cannot attain a speed of more than 20 miles an hour without the application of human power and c does not exceed a weight of 100 pounds and with the settings on this bike i meet all of those qualifications i am not a motorized vehicle nor should i be treated like one i do not have to register this i do not have to pay insurance i do not have to get a motorcycle license i can go anywhere you can on your regular antique bicycle without an electric motor and just pedals anywhere bike paths bike tracks bike lanes whatever you want to call them it does not matter uh and really i i think that's the best part about this bike you know on a car or a motorcycle or a gas scooter there's probably only one or two ways to get where you need to go that are feasible but on an e-bike i mean there's dozens of ways to get around to get from point a to point b and it just feels safer because you know i've got options for how i get there and it's also fun and it's allowed me to see the area that i live in in a completely different way that i didn't notice before you know and i can do all of this without sweating my tail off here in the texas heat you know i choose to get my exercise done in other ways and just because you choose to do it by pedaling a bicycle doesn't mean that you own the place that you ride on and it doesn't mean that i can't go out here and have a leisure stroll or or even use it to commute to work so now i have to follow all the same rules that a regular bicycle has to follow but i'm allowed everywhere a bicycle is allowed now i will say if you have an e-bike especially one with some decent power just be respectful don't buzz somebody don't get too close to them that should just go out without saying on whatever you ride but definitely have fun and don't let the occasional grumpy cyclist get to you just be nice you won't have to look at them long that i promise you because you're going to be passing them and they will hear you coming you don't need to use the loud horn on this you know the motor is quiet but the the wheels i mean they hum down the road like a jacked up 4x4 i think it's cool but some people may not like it um you know in my opinion it it's only a matter of time until e-bikes get regulated more it's already starting to happen in some hot spots in california and some other places where issues have happened because of reckless behavior but hopefully e-bikes are here to stay and it does help that they are an eco-friendly way to get around because i imagine local governments especially progressive cities they're going to want to be cautious when considering regulating a form of transit that reduces emissions especially where i live in austin where the public transit system is already lacking in so many ways and there's just not a lot of other great options to get around other than getting a car and sitting sitting in traffic all right so let's talk about speed and power i'm over 200 pounds top speed for me on flat ground is a pretty consistent 30 miles an hour i've hit 32 or so going downhill measured both on the speedometer on the bike and on the gps on my phone i feel like it's plenty fast i don't really want to go faster i think the bike could handle it but i think that's where the lines between these e-bikes and a motorcycle would start to get more blurred and i'm not trying to be on a motorcycle speed's got a compounding effect with risk i got a wife and kids i want to go home to i don't want to be a vegetable uh now one of the things people do complain about with this bike in particular is torque or lack thereof specifically what would be low end torque so from like zero to 15 miles an hour it's just not going to accelerate very quickly in that that range now it's fast enough in my opinion i'm really not having to pedal it even from a stop you know it it gets up and goes just fine but you're definitely not going to be popping any wheelies on this bike but it's probably a good thing because the market that's buying this i think is probably like me it's a cruiser market maybe a little commuter type of market it's not the surround crowd that is taking those things to the the dirt bike track and doing big jumps i mean this this bike can handle light trails but keep in mind the motor and as is the case for a lot of e-bikes still the motor's in the rear wheel it's not in the center like a dirt bike and what that means is even though the suspension makes it so that you don't feel the bumps i promise you that rear wheel feels every bump this bike goes over and every bump that wheel feels that motor is going to feel the impression that you get from super 73 advertisements and looking at their website and some of their promotional material um some of the stuff they do through through influencers i mean it makes you feel like it's more of an off-road bike and you know there's plenty of people that don't just take it on light trails but they'll take it on full-on mountain bike tracks with big rocks and stuff but look in the warranty material they do say explicitly that taking it off pavement voids the warranty and it's very clear um you know but but the buyers for this they're likely a leisure group that probably still wants a little bit of an edge to it and i i think this accomplishes that at least for me um i mean look i'm in birkenstocks right now and i've got no plans to get into any motorcycle gear or get out of these birkenstocks so um i'm sure i'm sure they've got the capability to push an over-the-air update like you can with a tesla to maybe make it more torquey and i think they've flirted with that in the past um and had an update out for a short amount of time maybe they still do i don't know but i'd rather not have the extra stress on the motor and it's not that big of a deal now i will say if you live in an area where it's very hilly you know not just a lot of hills but a lot of steep hills it's probably not going to be the bike for you and a lot of e-bikes are not going to be the bike for you you're as cool and aggressive that this rx mojave looks it really sucks wind uphill uh it really does and i mean easy end and even moderate hills are not a big deal they're fine but if you live in say i don't know nob hill in san francisco you're gonna need a pedal to get up those hills and that may not even be enough but overall there's plenty of power for most people uh i'm getting about 30 miles out of the charge and that's with me not pedaling at all i don't want a pedal and honestly this bike is not that fun to pedal anyway um you know this particular one that i have it's only one gear and the pedaling really only makes a difference at low speeds um you know like say maybe 15 miles an hour below otherwise you're just going to be pedaling air with no resistance but if you do pedal to help it out in one of the pedal assist modes they have i think there's four of them i've heard that people can get 50 or 60 miles out of these pretty easily but um i mean if you're taking these these bikes 60 miles without charging them you know a car is gonna be your best friend one other thing i'll mention is the the light that comes on this bike is really good and i was worried about it because it looks kind of small and i know some people have upgraded them with aftermarket lights but unless you just want it to look different i don't really think you need to you know it's really nice to ride it at night and there's no need to upgrade either the front or rear lights um so you know it lights up the whole path in front of you and you can adjust it up or down really easily if uh if you need to so well all right uh that that does it for me i will drop some links in the description below the video of the stuff i bought i don't get a kickback not trying to get a kickback don't really care like i said this is just to help you out because i didn't see many reviews of this particular updated model when i bought it and if you get one of these maybe you can pay it forward as well thanks everybody bye
Channel: Riley J.
Views: 33,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super73, super 73, rx-mojave, super73 rx mojave, super 73 rx mojave, e-bike, veloway, juiced, juiced ebikes, electric bike, electric bicycle, lectric bike, rad power, fat tire bike, fat tire electric bike, Austin cycling, juiced scrambler, bandit flx, pedal electric, rattan ebike, zugo bike, rhino electric bike, flido electric bike, charge electric bike, kanebilt, surron
Id: d0JrhcxcTWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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