Super trucking with Superdog | Hauling a Cable Shovel

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good morning guys this is Sam of Scrappy Industries got an exciting day ahead of us in the big old super dog just going to get the hood flopped open here and let's check the oil get her checked out Matt and I are headed out to the National Pike steam gas and Horse Association we're going out there to pick up my cousin's Bay City shovel this machine has a CAT d4600 engine that's got a rod knock going on that's why we pulled the engine out of the number 12 cat grater as our donor going to bring the base home so we have our tools and equipment here to work on it be much easier than driving back and forth up to the show a lot bunch of times so we're going to go get that bring it back and get our next plan of attack figured out so come on for a ride with us cold start [Music] time nothing to an E9 cold start [Music] w good nailed it you guys got to give a lot of thumbs up and that 25g down there might get fixed you got to really bug the guy I've been working on him we're going to fix that scrap which scrap all the scrap all of it yeah fancy camera Riggins down here at Scrappy Industries morning bud morning bud so so we're on our way to do a shovel recovery Mission the knocknock Bay City I decided it would be much easier to work on here at home so we're off in super dog and the Talbert and we're going to go get her well when they don't have truck pumps make truck pumps you got two pumps just tell me what you need I don't know this some footage you know I was like what's this guy doing and then I saw the truck up ahead I'm like that's not good yeah I noticed this turn signal about the time that he started throwing his hand out the window I was like oh I couldn't get over there was a car there ultimately that was his fault yeah did you see the Johnny gr doll that he almost hit though it was the Johnny gr doll like it wasn't that one but I mean it was the exact same W I was like oh look I want that Johnny we could have got that in a discount oh God got to get your heart going l i v i n it's almost about crazy almost supposed to get up to like 57 today I think yeah it's going to be a nice day I think it's our last nice day for a little while it's kind of why I wanted to get this moving yeah I want to wait for a good snow or something and start working on the boiler path you know is this Miss air be on cab is it yeah yeah yeah she's [Music] deleted CR There You Go Fish good I think got braks they turned anyway it wanders a little bit it kind of centered itself you could use uh stabilization and probably keep it framed right crop in a little really watching like the the cat has steel top pistons in it in the for cuz it's a higher horse one the lower horse cats are all luminum as well so you can get away with more we'll just keep her out of the red should be all right right this is a fun road to drive though yeah I've always wanted to bring a Harley down through here a fun drive something cut Dad into that field over there big dad just says Dad it is Big it's about 10 acres big that isn't big dad I hope the gate's not locked up here cuz my key is in pickup yep as usually always boat Jesus I'm about the camper they got it lit up for Christmas round the joysticks backwards but hi you got cross steer yeah your your rear tiller steering with the with the joystick on the gimbal L it you guys missed a uh a great close call I shut the camera off right as we almost got into a collision bad it's not our fault Sam's fault I wasn't doing anything I didn't do it there was a guy oh look at that steering Auto to that's cool so there was a guy getting off at the exit to go 79 North who then realized he didn't actually want to go on 79 North and made that problem and we couldn't get over and all of the tires were locked up got a little sketch wasn't a good time but a few smoking tires and we got out of it call it a wind I'm up you're up not bad now much needed Jake still sounds the best yeah fortunately we brought Matt to be our gate [Music] attendant we got to get something better than this Manor spr down here yeah I don't understand why that's the thing that link was good down here Neighbors let's go see if we can cold start a shovel Poor Little Pony motor is not happy might have to pull the top of the bowl off and do a little cleaning but we shall [Music] see just give a little tappy tap tap taparoo oh the door's off the truck yeah get back on let's see if we got any battery juice too what is with the starter it likes to unwind don't worry we'll fix [Music] that it's for quick removal so you can put it in the 15b and start that too ooh [Music] if that was water you better off just pull the plugs out cuz that's what happened to my d8 last time oh it'll go Bud there no good no good [Music] carburetor [Music] I like the Zoom feature you can just push the button there that's nice I haven't really played with that yet I was standing here doing nothing probably could have just told me shut that off sorry hey we we lost some fuel pressure hey we lost some oil pressure heard you dry as a popcorn fart in there well oh you know what the needle is stuck that'll do her every time we're truck driver and and oh there's the needle Broke Free we're truck driver and and carburetor cleaning tearing apart in today it's flowing there you want to crack that gas open m and see if it runs out of the line here ain't got no gas in it uh oh I'll do the Gino routine hold on yeah oh whoa wait she's a squirter she is clean now we're hooked back up and we're going to try it do we have any gas sounded more promising there [Music] [Music] a does not like that yeah I don't think it's a lack of fuel I think it's I don't know maybe the old spark plug needs a little cleaning like you said well after running like that I would think it's probably clean but I don't know if it's water fing will these spark plug wrenches get it out of there that'll slow you down fin we had a little torch Sam's using that can of ether like we got more there's one spent can in the neck of the trailer and one can of that got us home with the T-Rex yeah that was another one you were crazy for not taking more on round 10 [Music] still acts like it's almost running out of gas surely beating on it will fix it [Music] [Music] we [Music] I no understand is one of these like not making contact probably that's that side it's like it was super happy for a second yeah hold on don't crate it I think that side's fine it's it's the exact same thing that myin does it only runs on one cylinder and then all a sudden it'll pick up two and you got to hurry up and get it [Music] [Music] started sticky bow [Music] baby [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Applause] d do not do it like that this Bo things at the end of the FL now we got the Bay City fired up I'm going to fire the Mac back up drop the trailer and detach and get her loaded [Music] up [Music] yeah and we probably need these for the shovel oh okay we going to leave all this here for the landscapers I don't think I have my shovel in the neck is normally there time [Music] [Applause] bu this let's slide that block under it hey where is mol at right all [Music] check all our binders we'll be ready to hit the road Al's creaky I think that's the uh stainless potentially on the headache rack still have that on these bigger jobs is [Music] you got to help a guy out to get the shot once in a [Music] while stupid I think but not parking we weren't parked stop when I took my CDL test they told us never to touch that was like are you you don't need it a lot I don't there's time when you should use yeah obviously they put him there for a reason but we are crooked is all get out huh we're pretty crooked tracks on the trailer pretty good I think it's like this side's hanging off it's like this way it's whatever I think we were good until I backed up we didn't pay much attention yeah I didn't look at it as you backed up so that's probably where come on good your way yep so we're out on round 40 just getting after it hopefully we have smooth sailing home what do you think Matt I think we'll be all right as long as we don't get any more stupid truck drivers yeah that is definitely true never making any less of them [Music] we got the green light is it's still green by the time we get there hopefully cuz we're going to get after it just got to keep living then like to keep her on back a little bit around 28 lb of boost seems to everything stays happy we're going to have to shed us another gear here splitter has been being a little weird so I'm mostly driving to like a 9-speed right now with the V8 it really doesn't matter too much you have such a big Power Band it's impressive I think you only dropped one year there right yeah we're doing 25 or so 24 what do we reckon the Bay City weighs oh somewhere in that 45,000 range we're really not very heavy like we're right around 80 ,000 I this pretty up here Earl these Hills of spillis you're missing your chromium plated fully illuminated genuine accessory chip off pretty much just your playing Jane Max shift knob [Music] here [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] that to me is where it's impressive like 1500 RPM you can just let her go yeah she led it really well you got to be careful with it though or the transmission won't be so happy with you I don't think cuz there's no torque limiting uh [Music] take it easy we made her back home very nice let's get her Unchained and unloaded no no issues were had on the way home everything went well the chain can stay in there h [Music] a [Applause] me hold that hold that what [Music] [Music] well if I wasn't a dingus and Miss hit the record button I would have an outro so instead you get this outro Matt and I successfully got the Bay City home got it unloaded parked over there everything went well when as planned next up we're going to have to tear the doors off get the sheet metal out of the way pull the engine gear box all that's going to come out then we can bring the engine from the Bay City the new donor engine from The Grater bring them both into the shop get them kind of set side by side I'm not sure what little Parts pieces are going to be transferred from engine to engine to make it all work out in the shovel application but we'll get that figured out get her all put back together give it a quick clean up paint job and clean up the Bay City as well get her put back together together so thank you guys for watching we'll catch you on the next [Laughter] one we do for video hi Big John Hi Sam I don't know who's editing this'll catch you on the next one R fun
Channel: Scrappy Industries
Views: 84,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9xaodSnPvcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 27sec (2547 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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