Super System - Lowerable 3-1 Tree Climbing System

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all right I'm going to show how to install a three to one pulley system this can be useful for climbers who don't have quite the upper-body strength or who I just need a little bit of extra help in order to be able to get up a rope during a group climb the first step to installing a three to one pulley system is to get the line that's going to be attaching the that you're at you'll use to haul up the three to one system and so you'll need a rope with a cambium favored on it we're going to tie our timber hitch to get the rope up and over the tie-in point starts with a clove hitch put that clove hitch down about a foot on the rope and then make a series of half hitches that lock on to the rope like this this will allow you to be able to pull the rope up into the tree all right once the three end of the Rope comes up over the tie-in point then we will tie a slip knot in the rope that slip knot and what will help us to be able to get the friction favour placed in the tree as that slip knot goes up right is right when are when the free end of the rope comes down that means that the Slipknot is about to engage on the cambium saver and as your pull there I can just see the cambium saver popping up over that back side or the front side of that tie-in point so I'm going to pull that down with my left hand to release the Slipknot and now it's sliding freely over the time point through the cambium saver now I can undo the timber hitch that we use to get the rope up into the tree and then I'll coil up the tag line so it's not tangling or getting in the way all right in order to assemble this three to one pulley system you're going to need one rope that is going to haul up the pulley system into the tree and then it's going to get locked off on the trunk of the tree then you're going to need another rope usually that needs to destroy the long rope that's the one that's going to actually be the pulley system and it needs to be three times the length from the ground to the tie-in point it will also need a rope for tying off to the trunk of the tree that's what we use this one for we'll put this out of the way that's not part of the system you'll need some sort of a heavy-duty locking carabiner or what I prefer to use as a delta link that's what's going to they're going to attach the top of the pulley system to this rope to pull it up and then you'll need two pulleys you'll need four carabiners and then you'll need something to be able to lock off the Rope at the trunk I like to use a figure eight you can also use a gris-gris and then lastly you'll need what's called a split tail this is going to be used we'll tie the Blake's hitch with this let me show you how it all fits together so first we're going to use this rope which is about I would say about eighteen to twenty feet long this is going to get going to go around the trunk of the tree ideally it can go around twice or more than at least more than once to keep it simple we'll just tie a figure eight on a bike here on the end now this other end is going to go through the bite on the figure eight on a bite come back to that one in just a moment all right on the rope that's up and over the tie-in point on the free end of that rope we're also going to tie a figure eight on a bite late on a bite is going to contain this Delta link now on the rope that we're going to use for the actual three to one pulley system where that's high a figure eight on a bite on the end of that rope as well again you want to make the bite as small as possible we'll take one of the carabiners put that through the figure eight on a bite we're also going to take a loop and put one of our pulleys onto that let's take out the delta link that we can assemble everything on here so first we'll put the pulley on to the delta link and then we're going to put the carabiner this is a screw lock so I need to make sure that it's screwed down and then we're going to put the Delta link through and we'll screw that Delta link all the way up as well and then a little bit here we're going to put the second pulley in the trough right here so now we have got our standing end of the line goes up and over in point and it comes down to the free end of this rope and on this rope we have the Delta link there's a pulley and a carabiner screwed down and we have the figure eight on a bite here now we need to put another carabiner onto that pulley and then this split tail is going to go on to the bottom there now this has a stone on it but you could also just tie a figure eight on a bike or any kind of knot that's going to be able to hold this on to the carabiner now as we pull down on the haul line we're going to be bringing up the whole system and you'll see that rope comes out of the bag pretty fast because you're pulling three times as much rope up into the tree as you are pulling down on the whole line now once that whole system gets right up there to the the cambium saver that's when you need to stop now all this goes on here it is just your extra rope let me show you how we're going to tie this off to the tree alright one of these carabiners is going to go into this zone I and then the way this figure-eight works did you just make a loop of rope stick the big stick the loop of rope through the big end then capture it on the small end and then it looks like this again put a bite of rope through the big end capture it in the small end and then we're going to attach the small end there now we want to take out any slack and in order to lock off I figure eight we're going to take this end of the rope the standing and the free end of the rope and we're going to snap it down in place here now that's called a soft lock we need to totally lock it off so that nothing happens while the person is climbing and to do that you take a bite of the rope put it through the carabiner that's underneath make a nice long bite bring that up above the figure eight on a bite and we're just going to make a regular overhand knot and then put the other carrot the last carabiner through there and tie it down now all of this stuff up here is just ice it makes a hard lock yes this were to start slipping this is not going to be able to all of this it's not going to be able to come through and go through the one figure eight on a bite okay so coming back over here now we've got the three to one pulley system has been pulled up into the tree up there down here we have one pulley and our split tail this split tail is what we're going to use to tie our Blake's hitch now in this case I have a different kind of rope you can certainly use the same kind of rope all as well and you're going to tie the Blake's it's the exact same way that you would on any other regular doubled rope system all right so our carabiner goes into the scissor eight on a bite we need to weight this system make sure that the knot is tied dressed and set take out all the slack so over there on the trunk you'll see that system is holding the whole three to one pulley system and the benefit of this three to one pulley system that instead of having to list basically half of your weight with each pole you're only doing one third of your weight so without even using my legs I can climb this rope with just my arms then when you're ready to come down this is exactly the same there's any other Blake's hitch system pull down on the brakes hitch now the next thing about this way of tying the system is that if a child goes out for an adult or whatever for whatever reason they have an issue they're up there they're in the tree and they can't come down well this whole system is releasable from down up down on the ground so let's say that the climber was up there and had an issue or was scared and or didn't have that even sometimes they don't have the strength to pull down on the blake's hitch facilitator can come over here they can undo this carabiner right here and undo this hard lock at this point you're out back to a soft lock all they would need to do is while keeping this the free end of the rope keeping some pressure on that just unclip or out of that hard lock and then if there was weight on the line let me see if I can weight it a little bit then they can just run the Rope through the figure eight device and bring the person down
Channel: Patrick Brandt
Views: 12,069
Rating: 4.661972 out of 5
Id: afphWwzvyQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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