Super Sundays 1987

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[Music] for a full 12 months a year the 28 teams of the National Football League prepare for one day in January Super Bowl [Music] Sunday every phase of every team's operation is focused on a single goal the world championship of professional [Music] football over 12200 men have performed in Super Bowls a game that has become America's biggest one-day sporting [Music] event one big play Under America's microscope can follow a player for the rest of his life life the stakes are high and the rewards are great the winning team is awarded the Vince Lombardi trophy named in honor of the man who won the first two Super Bowls more than 500 million people worldwide watch the Super Bowl on television waiting for someone to emerge as a folk hero it is the hottest pressure cooker in American Sport and each Super Bowl has its share of Heroes and memorable [Music] [Applause] [Music] plays the Super Bowls are stor of both success and failure each has its moments when some of the game's greatest players prove they are Human After [Music] All This is a story of the men who have stood on the summit of professional football and each year their Footprints are blown away clearing a path for other teams with other stars to make their way to the peak [Music] [Music] after the leagues agreed to merge in the summer of 1966 one of the details to be worked out were the details the site and so on for the championship game to be played between the two leagues and we never knew what to call the game My Children each had a a ball called a super ball and my daughter was always talking about that ball it was a highly concentrated rubber ball that you could bounce on concrete and it would literally bounce over a house very much like a golf ball would and she was always talking about that Super Ball and I think it was one of the spontaneous things I just said you know the last game the final game the Super Bowl on January 15th 1967 the Kansas City Chiefs and Green Bay Packers met in the very first AFL NFL championship game everybody in the Chiefs organization felt an awareness that we were representing the six-year history of the American Football League we weren't just representing Kansas City or the Chiefs we were representing the whole AFL and I'm sure on the other side the Packers felt the same way too for the NFL but that first game was very significant because it was the only time that a team from the pure AFL played against the pure NFL this was to be the only Championship ever televised by two networks maybe that's why so many of Hollywood's most famous faces were out to see and be seen perhaps it's also why this was the only Super Bowl that did not sell out those who did attend saw the underdog Chiefs score twice in the first half to stay close to the favored Packers 1410 but Kansas City coach Hank stram was still worried about pregame statements made by Chief's cornerback Fred Williamson if we had any psychological advantage going against the Packers in Super Bowl one uh we couldn't do any talking we have to be quiet and here's Fred's expounding on what he was and was going to do to the Packers how he was going to level them the Man known as the hammer had boasted all week that he would come down on Green Bay receivers Carol Dale and boy doler Str quietly comes over to me and says that kind of attitude we can't have here you can't be that kind of braad doio guy that uh you're going to uh alert the Packers that we're here and I'm thinking they know we're here if I tell you that boy D is not going to catch a pass it's because I believe it if I tell you Carol Dale is going to be spining half the game on his behind is because I believe it as a matter of fact the first fake boy dollar gave me They Carried him off the field after that he he caught one pass a sling over the middle and I said this is just what I'm looking for there's a guy 67 68 coming across on a slant in on on the hammer and I hit him with everything that I had and they took him off the field cuz his the shoulder was no longer normal and now if they want to blame the loss of the game on me they can blame it on this particular incident because of the fact that after that Max McGee came in and it takes him an hour and 25 minutes to run 100 yard dash he goes over the other side of the field and I look up he's catching two sling passes for two touchdowns as damaging as the McGee scores were it was Willie Wood's third quarter interception that devastated the Chiefs man it is intercept first done that's Willie Wood who picked it off he may go he was laying back waiting for that one after wood brought the ball deep into Kansas City territory the legendary Packer sweep took Center Stage Kansas City 14 to Jim Taylor on a power sweep cutting back at the 10 Taylor is in for the touchdown the route was on but the Packers still had some unfinished business left with the hammer I had set myself up because was the pie Piper the Green Bay Packers are going to get the hammer Donny Anderson came around and his knee hit me right on the smack right here in the forehead and I went down and I was a little woozy the hammer the hammer you know who got hurt the hammer the hammer na the hammer hey slap the hammer got it I'm the clown of the football field now cuz I'm I'm out they got the hammer they said come on get up and I refused to get up I'm embarrassed they came and they dragged me off the field and dumped me on the sidelines when they dumped me I jumped up and it waved in my fans to let him know I was all right the hammer was conscious enough to read the final score Packers 35 Chiefs 10 an important victory for the NFL and Green Bay coach Vince Lombardi Vince would bring his Titans back the following year to miam's Orange Bowl for their second straight AFL NFL championship this time the opposition was the Oakland Raiders who simply could not stop this team of Green Bay Legends the Raiders did the themselves no favors by committing a wide variety of foul-ups and blunders the silver and black have played some of the best postseason games in football history but this was certainly not one of them Green Bay bolted to a 167 second quarter lead with the key play coming on a 62 yd touchdown pass from game MVP Bart Star to a now very healthy boy [Music] dollar but as the Packers went to the locker room at halftime something besides simply the game's outcome weighed heavily on their minds we had all been pretty aware of the fact that Kos Lombardi was thinking very very seriously about retirement and uh while many of us cuss him or call him names or a number of things it's something like you might do with your family you can call your brother something but don't let anybody else call him the same thing this is the same way with Mr Lombardi We can cuss him but don't let any body else holler at him and we all felt that this was going to be his last game and uh I I said to the fellas I said look we got 30 more minutes this year I said let's give it to the old man let's play the last 30 for the old man that's about all I said the message was heard loud and clear number 26 cornerback herb Bley keyed a second half Onslaught that buried the Raiders 3314 and gave Lombardi a victory in the last game he ever coached for the Packers the world championship award he earned now Bears the name the Vince Lombardi trophy in his [Music] memory Super Bowl 3 provided the classic matchup of David and Goliath the AFL Underdog Jets versus the NFL seemingly unbeatable Colts you got to understand that the that the whole NFL thing was riding on us but these upstarts actually were going to play against us and we were 15 and one the only game we had lost was to the Cleveland Browns we had just played Cleveland in Cleveland had beaten them 34 to nothing for the NFL title and now we were going to finish up as the greatest team in history we never recognized the American Football League never watched their games I'd never seen Joe NE throw a football until uh the warm-ups prior to that game we didn't recognize them that was just a semi-pro League that if you couldn't make it in the NFL that's where you went nameth would be the central character of an incredible pregame drama in Miami ironically Joe coach we bu bank had gone to Great Lengths to avoid controversy he wasn't entirely successful well the thing that I thought happened in Super Bowl 3 that we've handled it great he took us down there 3 days early uh turned the players loose no bed check then we started our weak preparation for the thing and he brought the wives in they r with their wives well there's one thing that we VI bank had drummed into our head he says whatever you do don't open your mouth don't say anything that might incite these guys well what does namoth do he makes some remarked that there were five quarterbacks in the AFL that were better than Earl moral and you know we're all saying Joe we have to block these people you don't one fellow who took particular exception to Joe's criticism of Colt quarterback moral was Colt Place kicker Lou Michaels the scuffle at the bar between namoth and Michaels uh Joe was saying how they were going to kick the butts of the Colts and Lou Michaels said not only were the Colts going to kick the Jets butts but he would personally that night uh do the same thing to Joe and and it ended up Joe being a smarter guy uh that he ended up buying around the drinks and everybody ended up having a good time that night but just when matters finally appeared to quiet down nth dropped his ultimate bombshell he was at a banquet and where they honored him and and uh and during a question and answer uh uh session where they asked him uh what do you think uh about the game who's going to win he said well we'll win and I'll guarantee it well I could have shot him cuz he upset everything that I had done but as it turned out I think it really helped us because we all felt that way but none of us wanted to come out and say it well Joe was really the leader of that team and he says hey I'll get up and say and he got up and blurted it out and when Joe came out and said he guaranteed the Jets were going to win our people got angry and I thought boy this is just what we need we were practicing in boar ran and I mean we had quality football practices for that game Shula had to call off the dogs we were beating each other to death we were favored by 19 points in that game uh it was not not even supposed to be a game and we went in there knowing that these guys couldn't beat us on their best day and our worst they couldn't beat us well turned out on our worst day and their best they could beat us it certainly was the worst day ever for NFL player of the year Earl Marl All Season Marl had quarterbacked the Colts brilliantly but January 12th 1969 was to be his day of infamy the Jets intercepted Marl three times at the goal line the most humiliating Heist coming just before halftime on a Flea Flicker Play Earl Marl was the only man in the stadium who did not see a wide openen Jimmy or when Earl threw to a different receiver it was the Jets dick Hudson who ended up with the [Music] ball not only wasn't Baltimore crushing New York they were losing at halftime 7 nothing the Jets built a 16-7 lead that could not be overcome even by Future Hall of Fame quarterback Johnny [Applause] [Music] unitis the day instead belonged to the swaggering and outspoken Joe neth namoth had guaranteed Victory earlier that week against the Colts he backed up his flamboyant [Music] boasts neth on a hand off to Matt Snell Snell at the five Snell at the three snow touchdown the clock has run out and the ball game is over there is theun and the Jets are champions of the football world if nth was the star of the Super Bowl 3 upset the central character in Super Bowl 4 between the Vikings and Chiefs was Kansas City coach Hank stram come on Lenny pump it in there baby just keep matriculating the ball down the field boys B push it all down stram prodded encouraged cajoled and fired up the underdog Chiefs all game of course having Pro football's number one defense at his disposal didn't hurt matters either the Viking offense had run rough shot through the NFL yet the Chiefs held them to a poultry seven [Music] points although the play of the defense warmed str's heart an occasional referee judgment elicited a cool rejoiner boy that's a bad call Mr official let me ask you something goad how can six of you miss a play like that huh six the ball jumped out of there as soon as we made contact no I thought you were talking about you being on the field no what hey hey we go we don't give him anything man we keep pouring that pressure on putting the coal in the fire kicking a p y let's go come on and rope get it up in the air so we can cover this thing all right let's go three field goals gave Kansas City a 9 nothing lead and then a Minnesota mistake handed the Chiefs a golden opportunity we got the ball [Applause] boys stram didn't hesitate calling for his favorite goal line play 65 toss power trap look for 65 toss power trap what does it look like hey look for a 65 toss power trap let's see what it looks like last year tell him 65 toss power trap get in there for 65 toss power trap let's [Music] block come on let's go 65 toss power trap that might pop wide open rat it's in there is that there baby yes Bo that baby yes theor 65 to power track yeah I told you that madebe the yes sir boys hey go okay let's go boys let's go babes was that there boys saw it again on television coach pumped it in there boys late in the game the Chiefs drove the final nail in the Vikings coffin Dawson both sideline pattern Taylor Taylor look 20 25 he cuts back 20 he's going to go boy that's it that's it boy that's it that's it boys that's the way Otis all right all right Otis to go the Chiefs won 23-7 ending the AFL NFL competition at a 22 tie the next season brought a merger between the two leagues along with the most blunder filled Super Bowl game ever played in Super Bowl 5 the Baltimore Colts and Dallas Cowboys hooked up in what could best be described as a comedy of errors nothing went according to plan even when the Colts dusted off a trick play and worked it to Perfection that too turned into an exploding cigar despite the supply of Pratt Falls Dallas took a 6 nothing lead and the Colts would have to Rally behind the leadership of legendary quarterback Johnny Unitus who completed what was then the longest and strangest pass in Super Bowl history fires out left side incomplete taken by John Macky off the fingertips of the intended receiver bounced into the hands of John Mackey and he goes in for the touchdown the ball was tipped but it was also touched by one of the Dallas C boys that f rro is very upset it was just being in the right place at the right time uh it was designed to go to Eddie Hinton um I was clearing out the area when I turned and looked back the ball was just coming to me and I caught it and ran for a touchdown it wasn't designed I didn't expect it but it's just like an inborn reflex time you catch it go to go for the endzone you know and uh it gave us six points which we badly needed at that time late in the game with a score tied at 13 the Cowboys committed their final and most fatal FAA the Colts Mike Curtis intercepted to set up the most exciting finish the Super Bowl has ever seen 9 seconds showing on the clock the Cowboys and the Colts all tied up at 13-13 there is the snap the kick is up and is long enough it [Applause] is give me o Bri it is good the victory wiped off the Colts bitter memories of Super Bowl 3 and made them world [Music] champions in Sunsplash New Orleans Super Bowl 6 welcomed a surprised visitor the Miami Dolphins in their first four years this expansion team sought only respectability now they were one win away from a world championship while the Dolphins anticipated a bright future the Dallas Cowboys were haunted by a history of losing the big games they were always next year's champions in Super Bowl 5 they came up 5secs short they were determined not to be denied [Music] again the magical hands of Hall of Fame receiver Lance allworth gave the Cowboys a 10- nothing lead while Miami continued to let scoring opportunity slip away Larry zanka fumbled for the first time in 238 carries and and Miami became the only team in Super Bowl history not to score a touchdown those people that had those white hangs waiting before we came out I think they going to use it to dry their eyes now look at him dry your eyes and weep we're number one hey let's get better now we'll improve out here next couple series let's go and greasy back to throw again somebody fell down is's a pass intercepted by H 40 Alli down to the 35 Ali down to the 20 Chuck BS down the 10 ydd line and hary is so mad here's one of the great original Cowboys Garrison right Thomas left second and goal pitch out to Thomas Wayne CS inside the five with the SL and a touchdown for Thomas he made a great M 1150 remaining Donald leading 17 to three and they're at the seven yd line of Miami as stach drops back to pass sets up pass the in throw touchdown this is a hammer [Music] by the Cowboys rushed for a Super Bowl record 252 yds and their defense limited the Dolphins to a low of 185 total yards what do you think coach nice congratulations reallyy up all after 13 years as head coach in Dallas Tom Landry reached the Pinnacle of pro football as his Cowboys demolish the Dolphins 24-3 after that terrible defeat at the hands of the of the C boys in the Super Bowl that was the turning point in the Miami Dolphins from just a good football team to a championship team the following July in training camp coach hul said our objective is not to look back at what happened at the Super Bowl but to now go forward and strive for Perfection and he said that boils down to taking a game at a time and winning every game I don't know how many other people in that locker room or in that meeting room that day remember him saying that but that was a forecast of what was he was actually predicting the future future because we went undefeated That season when the Dolphins reached the Super Bowl they knew full well that 16 straight wins meant nothing without victory in the 17th and it was a freak play that put Miami streak in Jeopardy K is blocked rolling loose on the field it is picked up by Geral he tries to throw a pass deflected in the air grabbed by bass 40 353 he's got a score 10 five touchdown Dam G your premium situation I think go always pictured himself as a Roman Gabriel in 66 and flowing hair standing amidst the masses and throwing the winning touchdown unfortunately Go's uh uh G's dream didn't come true quite that way in football there's many tests but I think G your premium passed the Supreme test because had I been he at that moment I would not have gone to the dolphin sideline I've never seen coach sh looked like that before or since G at that point was not a naturalized citizen he was still waiting for his papers and I think he had used sha as a reference to be honest with you if I would have been g g your premium after that play I would have run out at the end of the Coliseum and borrowed someone's car and drove to the coast and taken a boat back to Cyprus fortunately we won it and I don't know of anyone that was happier in that locker room than G premium he must have come around and shook hands seven or eight times the world champions bubble refused to burst the following year when they took on the Minnesota Vikings in Super Bowl [Music] 8 winners of 31 of their last 33 games the Dolphins pounded the opposition with the Relentless running of Larry zanka who rushed for a then Super Bowl record 145 yds and two [Music] [Applause] touchdowns [Music] greezy turning around to check his running backs looks as though he's almost talking to [Applause] zanka thought first and goal from the side it's zanka straight up the middle and he's got the touchdown har zanka carries it in from five yds out his second touchdown of the afternoon zanka was named Most Valuable Player and the Dolphins were proclaimed a dynasty the Minnesota Vikings were the losingest team in Super Bowl history and in 1975 they looked to turn the tide against the Pittsburgh [Music] Steelers okay boys let play ball but if Super Bowl 8 seemed like a horror film starring Larry zanka its sequel Super Bowl 99 featuring Franco Harris was even worse for the Vikings number 32 who turned Minnesota's Purple People leaders red-faced behind Playbook perfect blocking Harris broke zona's record by a massing 158 yd [Music] rushing 42 years of losing and frustration ended with a 166 Pittsburgh win and no one was more fulfilled than the man they call the chief Steelers owner Art Rooney the popular patriarch was a lovable loser no longer Rooney and the Steelers sought to continue their winning ways against the Dallas Cowboys in what may have been the most exciting Super Bowl ever Super Bowl 10 from the beginning the Cowboys made it look easy when Roger starback connected with Drew Pearson for a 29 yard score [Music] it was the only touchdown the Steelers permitted in the first quarter of any game all year but the Steelers recovered when Terry Bradshaw rolled right and found tight end Randy Gman in the end [Music] zone it appeared the Cowboys were loading their guns for a shootout the Steelers accepted the challenge they Unleashed their most devastating weapon a graceful gazelle named ly [Music] [Applause] swan Swan's levitating leap is considered one of the greatest catches in football history then he literally Rose to the occasion to haul in the game's winning score now he Fires for the bomb and ly Swan going for it Swan P for touchdown and Swan beat his b on a bomb Swan set a Super Bowl record with 161 yards on four receptions and captured MVP honors for the Cinderella Cowboys their storybook season came up fourpoint short 2117 for the Steelers Super Bowl 10 was another chapter to be carved into football history as they established themselves as one of the greatest teams of all [Music] time from the Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena California it is Super Bowl 11 this is Bill king with a welcome everything in the United States everything really in a sport sense in the world is is zeroed in focused today here in the canyon at oroo SEO this 11th Super Bowl will be viewed in 41 Nations around the we are about to bring to you the 11th Super Sunday Super Bowl neither the Vikings nor the Raiders had ever won a Super Bowl but from the start it appeared Oakland the NFL's most consistent winner for over a decade would finally claim its first title Raider quarterback Ken Stabler had no difficulty avoiding the jaws of the Purple People leader defense and his touchdown pass to tight end Dave Casper helped Oakland build a 16 nothing first half lead then the vicious Raider defense choked the life out of the Minnesota [Music] offense and in the final quarter the Raiders secondary turned the Vikings comeback dream into a hopeless Quest Francis back to pass throw the sideline of picked off it's going to be a touchdown Willie Brown 4540 35 30 old man Willie he's going all the way Willie Brown's 75 yd interception returned for a touchdown iced the Raiders 3214 win and dealt Minnesota an agonizing fourth Super Bowl loss the Raiders had never won a World Championship that was their Albatross but even that flew away with their convincing victory in Super Bowl 11 though Super Bowl 12 took place in the New Orleans super doome the stadium was filled with a fever called Bronco Mania chion let's goab but while this game between Denver and Dallas would be fiercely fought it would also be frighteningly flawed he is intercepted by Benny STX flips to the left side fires deep for Dupri at the 10 Billy ja bubles the ball it is recovered down at the 15 yd line by the bronos the game set Super Bowl record for turnovers but the Cowboys shook off their mistakes and responded in spectacular fashion way down field and first guys are caught touchdown a sensational diving catch by fo Johnson the Cowboys second year wide [Music] receiver touchdowns by Johnson and Golden Richards gave Dallas a 2710 win evening its Super Bowl record at 2 and two Super Bowl 12 lacks structure and style but the intensity displayed by the Cowboys earned them A world championship the Cowboys returned to the title game the following year but this time their opponent was a Super Bowl [Music] veteran the Pittsburgh Steelers were a big play team and in the first quarter they lived up to their [Music] billing John stallworth's touchdown gave the Steelers a 7 nothing lead but the Cowboys quickly proved that they could match big plays with [Music] anyone Tony Hill number 80 tied the score then the Doomsday defense made the Steelers superman-like offense resemble a bumbling Clark [Music] Kent linebacker Mike Hegman stole the ball from Bradshaw and his touchdown return was a bitter pill for the Steelers to swallow but it was just the tonic they needed when Pittsburgh regained the ball John stalworth turned a routine sideline pass into a marathon 75 yd touchdown run that tied the game at [Music] 14 the Steelers were a mature physically powerful team with a special confidence when a title was on the line they reached for the sky Rocky bl's touchdown gave the Steelers a 2114 halftime lead but late in the third quarter Tom Landry's Cowboys were on the verge of tying the game once again it's third down and three Dallas at the Pittsburgh 10 Roger back to throw has a man open in the end zone caught tou down drop Drop In The End Zone Jackie Smith all by himself oh bless his heart he's got to be the sickest man in America oh Jackie was Dallas's Misfortune turned into a crucial scoring swing for Pittsburgh the Steelers answered with the Frank o Harris touchdown run then with a Terry Bradshaw to Lyn Swan six-point [Music] Masterpiece Pittsburgh's 3531 wind put Tears In The Eyes of Texas and in a contest that was everything a championship game is supposed to be the Steelers earned their third Super Bowl [Music] Crown the Steelers and the Rams arrived at the Super Bowl from opposite directions Pittsburgh was the defending Champion while Los Angeles had the worst record of any team to ever play in a Super Bowl however with nothing to lose and everything to gain the Rams played with abandon and earned a three-point halftime lead football to kick has the distance it is gone and the Rams are in front 13- 10 trailing at the half stoic Steeler coach Chuck n was surprisingly casual he must have known it was just a matter of time before his team took control and he was right he looks down field has time pranks it going one for Swan he's got it Swan the Steelers were still the same tough Steelers but they soon discovered that their opponent was eager to wear the look of a Super Bowl champion call goes to mcut an option pass he throws downfield leaping Dr touchdown R Smith trailing in the final quarter the Steelers made their move to rid themselves of the upstart [Music] Rams he pulls it in at the 30 the 20 the 10 the five and it's a touchdown for by day the ram sparkling Spirit had kept the game close but by night it faded into black reality that first long pass to stalworth had given the Steelers the lead this one pointed the way to a 3119 Victory he's got it at the 25 and down at the 22 and now the ram really with their backs in the wall time running out Harris splies out the left side for a touchdown Franco Harris Super Bowl 14 took its shape from the team that lost just as much as the team that [Music] won Los Angeles earned a dignity in defeat that few teams achieve in Victory the Rams won respect but the Pittsburgh Steelers won another world championship and became the first team to win four Super [Music] Bowls super Sunny what J I can't believe it it's like a dream come true it's unbelievable yes and we're going to win we are going to win no question Super Bowl 15 is upon us Super Bowl 15 featured a striking contrast in opponents the freewheeling villainous Raiders versus the hardworking disciplined Eagles double double base pass 46 47 check with me time to throw he's got spags one intercepted oh r [Music] no right to back to pass now goes jarski looking being chased out of the pocket to the right he's got Running Room diring play going deep bomb to The End Zone it is a tou he got oh we got it penalty oh we got a flag who's a penalty on that gun Rock touchdown call back is that on Harold dick Harold carmichel had jumped off sides and the penalty left the Eagles in a State of Shock they never recovered Here Comes The Rush steps up can't find anybody yet tis off running to the left RS on the move and it's hot by K the 40 up the here go all the way nobody the touchdown Raiders quarterback Jim flunet the game's Most Valuable Player threw three touchdown passes his third to Cliff Branch earned Oakland A win and their second Super Bowl [Applause] title silver in black football is King of the Hill in the National Football League good morning 4 news radio 95 in the city right now the relative humidity is 66% South Westerly winds at 21 giving us a windchill factor of 25° below zero a Super Bowl hat here both Team hat here high winds and very cold temperatures the main factor to contend with with the wind chill index 25 to 35 below zero on strong winds in one respect Detroit silver Dome was an appropriate site for the Bengals and 49ers to face off in Super Bowl 16 both teams had come in from the cold to feel the Warm Glow of of success after years of bitter disappointment Cincinnati's veteran quarterback Ken Anderson however met with disappointment inside the Dome early on at the 49er 8 yd Line Eric Wright stripped Chris Collins worth of the ball to Snuff out a Bengal Drive San Francisco quickly marched 92 yds for a 14 to nothing lead here's Montana thring toward the end zone caught him the Run by Cooper He's got it he's in the end zone a 49 touch down a field goal made it 17 to nothing and like a smoldering fire the Bengals could be smothered by another mistake or fan to Life by a touchdown Anderson's 5yd scramble put the Bengals on the board and fired up a defense that held San Francisco's Innovative attack to a total of four yards in the third quarter get guy's playing so loose he's playing the inside take up and break it don't chase him in you're getting yourself covered by the inside linebacker on the band in on the out route on 63 trailing 20 to7 a 49 yd bomb from Anderson to Collinsworth put the Bengals in a position to score their second touchdown three straight times from inside the 5 yd line the Bengals were turned away and on fourth down they called on short yarded specialist Pete Johnson on fourth down has the ball hands it off he's made at the goal line I don't believe he got in I don't believe he's in there the 49ers have held and Len of the ners crowd across the [Applause] L the 49ers have won it Bill Walsh and his staff and a team that P pro football observers throughout the year beating the AFC Champion Cincinnati Bengals in the Super Bowl Notre DS Joe Montana earned MVP honors and a year later Another Irish alumnist Joe thyman hoped to duplicate that fee we busted our we've worked harder than anybody to get here nobody can beat us in a team and it's worth $70,000 and a big however in the early going Center Stage belonged to Miami's David Worley makes the pass coming to the near side he's got SEO wide open big Gator he's got a man beat to the 40 to the 30 he could be gone it's a horse race it's a Miami touchdown 76 yd touchdown pass thrown by David Woodley and they did something weird there that caught the defense with her pants down 24-year-old Woodley was the youngest quarterback to start in a Super Bowl but ultimately a battle toughened old fullback named John Riggins would determine the game's outcome Washington's front line had earned the nickname the Hogs while Riggins was branded the [Music] diesel Dr up that diesel let's go [Music] diesel Big Bad John carried the Skins to an early field goal then carried them once more towards a game tying touchdown from Joe thyman to Alvin Garrett lob into the end zone Garrett's there touchdown Washington Redskins he got it Redskins are going to tie this football game now the Killer Bees killer bees have been stung they have Miami's Killer Bees had been stung but seconds later Washington was burned by dolphin Return Man golden Walker Walker he's got it at the two out to the five to the 10 comes to the near side to the 20 he's out to the 25 turns it back he's gone yd line 40 yd line he's gone it's a touchdown a 98 yd kickoff return for a touchdown for the Miami Dolphins and as soon as the r gets TI it the Dolphins come back on top late in the third period Washington added a field goal and Joe thyman turned in a terrific heads up play by batting a tipped pass away from the arms of Kim bamper denying him a sure [Music] touchdown fman had saved the game now Riggins and the Hogs would win [Music] it 41 there's the snap and to R good hole he's got the first down for the 40 he's gone the 35 the 30 the 20 he's gone he's gone first down Washington [Applause] redsk a 43 yd touchdown run from scrimmage is the longest in Super Bowl history Joe Gibs the Hawks at MVP John rins have beaten the Miami Dolphins 27- 17 for the second straight season Washington earned the right to compete for the Lombardi trophy but ran smack into the Los Angeles Raiders from the outset the Skins were outmatched out muscled and outplayed his back high snap he goes up clock it's going to be blocked into the end zone the Raiders on a chase it'll be recovered In The End Zone it'll be after Derek Jensen scored Reserve linebacker Jack Squire faced off against Joe thyman with 12 seconds left in the half Squire made history looks off to the left and he fires it out there intercepted Jack Square touchdown Raiders I don't believe it holy to it was a silver and black Sunday from start to finish as Marcus Allen dazzled the nation and earned the title Most Valuable Player bucket giving to Allen sending him wide left he has to RSE his field but he he gets away for a moment com back up the 30 3540 bre pass two minut at the 50 down to the 40 picking up a berer to the 20 to the 10 to the B touchdown Raiders ho the Raiders are Ming Marcus Allen who has just stood a crowd of 72,000 on his Collective year let's keep dominating this team let's keep dominating keep dominating leave no doubt right for the Redskins it was a defeat the dimensions of which no honor could be salvaged as the Raiders routed them 38 to9 a commitment to Excellence is the motto of the Raiders and once again they fulfilled that commitment with their third world [Music] championship coach Tom Flores and the Raiders did not reach Super Bowl 19 instead it was Don schula and his explosive Dolphins who would meet wise Bill Walsh and his potent 49ers in a showcase for rifle armed Dan Marino and crafty Joe [Music] Montana [Music] Montana and halfback Carl Monroe combined for a quick score but Marino and Dan Johnson answered for Miami working with a huddle Marino fired Miami to a 10-7 lead but in a record setting scoring spree in the second quarter the 49 Unleashed their versatile and varied attack in a hurricane of 21 unanswered points and the Miami defense just cannot cope with the 49ers now while Marino and the dolphin spotted Montana and his ners were running on all cylinders as Miami's young linebackers simply couldn't cope with Bill Walsh's masterfully conceded game [Music] plan came to see offense and the wrong one showed up Dan Marino's year turned into Joe Montana's day as Walsh's 49ers were world champions for the second time 3816 on January 26th Millions across the globe hung over their TV sets and thousands of hung over bourbon streeters Reed themselves for Super Bowl 20 the surprising New England Patriots and the mighty Chicago Bears squared off to determine who indeed was the NFL's [Applause] best the tone right now you belong here you're the best let's do [Applause] it the Bears LED 133 after the first period and they're punishing 46 defense a unit that had shut out both the Giants and Rams in the playoffs began to [Applause] [Music] dominate Chicago's is a high-tech sophisticated defensive scheme and for the Patriots this day the 46 simply blew them away the swarming Monsters of the Midway took it upon themselves to score one of their own as number 48 Reggie Phillips took a deflected pass in from 28 yds out [Music] the Bears totaled three touchdowns in the third quarter a Super Bowl record with the last coming courtesy of the men everyone came to see his immenseness the [Music] refrigerator William Perry's one-yard Rumble gave Chicago an almost embarrassing advantage it was only appropriate that the bear defense logged the final points in Super Bowl 20 and at safety courtesy of Henry waxter provided the 46-10 final margin in a complete and total effort by the world champion [Music] Bears when 1985 began the Bears were on a mission and in January of 1986 that mission was accomplished George halis smiled down from heaven ear to here his beloved family had won their first Super Bowl ever o boy this feels good two sad notes however echoed after their impressive win Walter Payton did not score a touchdown in the game and soon after defensive wizard buddy Ryan would leave to take a head coaching job in Philadelphia nevertheless Mike dika Chicago Bears were indeed Kings for a day hey you wanted it you worked for it you earned it now then you went on took it and God bless you it's the greatest thing I've ever seen I'm happy for everyone I love everyone the Denver Broncos came to Super Bowl 21 hoping they would win the New York Giants came knowing they would the Giants had bullied and beaten opponents all year after dominating the regular season and playoffs nothing would stop bill parcel's team on Super [Music] Sunday they F the head off Sam try to throw [Music] do Jimmy New York took an early 73 lead but easy Victory disappeared on The Vapor Trails made by John elways right on elways Onan show played center stage in the giant Endzone motion the right by Jackson Elway going run in down but moments later Elway found himself in the wrong end zone the the safety was worth more than two points as it marked Denver's demise and the beginning of giant superiority in the first half the Giants were characters in the story in the second they authored the script for Super Bowl 21 Mark bavaro's touchdown began an onslaught of giant points Maki comes in motion to the right hand side pitch Maris turns around back to Sims on the Flea Flicker Sims is looking way down field he's got a receiver complete down of the 10 five I believe Mar for one here we go one yard needed for a touchdown and alarus is going to get it it was like Katie by the door they know they're going to score they almost gave up in a dazzling performance that made history game MVP Phil Sims picked Denver apart the Giants scored 30 second half points to set a Super Bowl [Music] record Bill mak's touchdown was not the official end of Super Bowl 21 but the official start of the Victory celebration and the coronation of the New York Giants as champion of the [Music] [Music] world the tough guy Giants blue collar Champions boys at heart but Giants among men and the NFL's 21st Super Bowl champions [Music] [Music] good afternoon from Jack Murphy Stadium in San Diego California the road to Super Bowl 22 stops right here this afternoon we're going to play the biggest football game in the history of Western Civilization or for this year anyway the Washington Redskins against the Denver Broncos come on listen touchdown dou n on let's [Music] go the First Time The Great John Elway touched the ball he set a record by triggering the quickest touchdown in Super Bowl history with less than 2 minutes gone it was 7 nothing in Denver's second series Elway set another record as no other quarterback had ever caught a pass in a Super Bowl after the first quarter Elway and the other 44 LED 10 to nothings Washington prepared for the second yeah take a good step work I feel if you just get a bite on him try to get through okay what you don't want to do is get caught to try to bring him with you be play with a hand all right make everybody keep your head up the quarter the second quarter to be specific 15 minutes of Madness for Denver of Might for Washington a blur to the millions who watched first and 10 at the 20yd line ey formation play action fake Williams going up top got Sanders on the Fly Midfield he's gone unless they can catch it the 30 the 20 the 15 the 10 touchdown Washington red we coming back we don't do it third down two yds to go it's m who in motion Williams the pass lops it up he's got Clark at the goal line he's got it touchdown Washington first and 10 of the 42 he'll hand off to Smith the KN back good hole mfield PS race to the 40 Far Side 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 touchdown timy Smith Williams looks over that Bronco defense here he comes NOP faked out everybody he's got Sanders in the clear at the 10 touchdown the new Super Bowl record Williams is back lops it into the end zone he's got deer touchdown holy cow it's 34 points in this quarter before the game Doug Williams was asked how it felt to be the Super Bowl's first black quarterback afterwards how it felt to be its most valuable player by firing four touchdown passes in the second quarter [Music] Alone number 83 Ricky Sanders caught two touchdown passes in that remarkable quarter and his 193 receiving yards set yet another record the Redskins scored five straight unanswered touchdowns in the most explosive quarter in Super Bowl history at the heart of that attack was a previously Anonymous running back named Timmy Smith who ripped through gaping holes for 131 ydd by [Music] halftime by dominating 11 15minute period the Washington Redskins became Super Bowl champions well before Chubby Checkers halftime medl Denver's gimmicks gadgets the Duke and the Three Amigos were simply no match for Washington's size and strength the Skins had backed their lighter opponent against the ropes and with Mighty combinations spent the second half pounding John Elway r [Music] [Music] the only bit of drama remaining was Timmy Smith's pursuit of Marcus Allen's Super Bowl rushing Mark Smith's 204 yds set a new standard and his second score mercifully ended Super Bowl 22 snap Here Comes Timmy Smith up the middle touchdown Washington Redskins for the second time in a decade Washington claimed the Vince Lombardi trophy the Redskins had blazed their war path and it had taken them down Glory Road to the world [Music] championship [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Music] this video is part of a complete Blockbuster l up of NFL films capturing Pro football's greatest plays and biggest Heroes with crunches FES highlights and Super Bowl hits plus new releases each season we've got actionpack videos of every superstar team in the NFL call 1 800 NFL tape now for a free catalog and order your NFL hit today or look for NFL films at your nearby video store the seasons never over with NFL films and fox fills video
Channel: Shark Throwback
Views: 59,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Bowl (Sports League Championship), Sports (Industry), NFL Films (Organization), National Football League (Organization)
Id: 0Yo46FoahjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 27sec (3567 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2013
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