Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo | The Completionist

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yes you hey everyone and welcome back to another brand new episode of the completionist today I've got two special guests here on the show a lot of you guys may not know what goes on behind the scenes of the completionist but these two guys right here saved my life each and every week here on the show is Britt Bayonne hi Brett is one of our executive producers of the completionist and this is Michael Santo hi Michael Sentell is one of our production coordinators and is the office manager but more importantly they are the team behind our fifth and brand-new channel in the tea ovg lineup yeah together we're known as these super couch fighters and we play fighting games here as part of the tea ovg family that's right so today on the completionist we're gonna be taking Gerard down one of the most iconic fighting games of all time say it with me Shea fire - you were playing Street Fighter - what did you say I play check foo Ryu is not even in shock foo yeah but shacks and check food you've been playing Shak foo this whole time she has oh he has like a Hadouken but it's a ball it explains so much about it's like Space Jam with magic it's like Space Jam with magic actually sounds tight after the lackluster popularity of the original Street Fighter back in 1987 Capcom decided to go with something a little different for their next big release what they ended up releasing was the hit arcade brawler final fight and due to the game's massive popularity a follow-up was inevitable but when Capcom tasked producer Yoshiki Okamoto with helming the project he decided that he'd rather spend the company's time and money on creating a sequel to Street Fighter fortunately for everyone involved when Street Fighter 2 was finally released in 1991 and went on to become the most popular fighting game of all time praise for its rock-solid fundamentals and its many innovations including the invention of combos and it being the first fighting game to allow player versus player combat Street Fighter 2 would eventually lead to the arcade Renaissance of the 1990s it would also spawn cartoon series toys and even a couple of live-action movies quick change the channel but the game would go through many revisions during its lifespan Street Fighter 2 was quickly followed up by Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition which led to Street Fighter 2 turbo which was followed by Super Street Fighter 2 which finally led to the definitive version of the game in 1994 Super Street Fighter 2 turbo this version of the game provides the most complete Street Fighter 2 experience available and it still played competitively to this day we're actually going to be playing the game by way of Street Fighter Anniversary Collection for the ps2 which is an anthology that slaps both Street Fighter 3 third strike and hyper Street Fighter 2 on one disc but no need for confusion piper Street Fighter 2 is just a version of the game that allows you to pick different versions of characters from throughout Street Fighter 2 history but since we're specifically covering Super Street Fighter 2 turbo we're gonna be sticking to those versions of the characters now this is without a doubt the granddaddy of all fighting games it would be easy to just take it to steam status for granted and go home that's not good enough for me I'm not going home I'm not playing HD remix either it's not real the Street Fighter story can be a bit confusing since it includes all kinds of retcons and is told completely out of order to make matters worse Street Fighter 2 doesn't have any story mode to speak of this is an old-school fighting game after all which means that the only bits of narrative that we have available are the brief ending cutscenes you see when you beat the game with the character and the pseudo official information we get from Capcom themselves what we do know is that the story of Street Fighter 2 takes place after two other games in the franchise the original Street Fighter and the Street Fighter Alpha series as for what happened in the original Street Fighter all you need to know is that Ryu won his final match against Sagat in the World Martial Arts Tournament things get a bit more hectic in Street Fighter Alpha which details the rise of the criminal organization known as shadaloo these guys get their scummy hands and everything from illegal arms trading to human trafficking and they're led by the nefarious and bison or Vega if you're from Japan you know what we're just gonna call him dictator that way there's no more confusion this guy's dictator this guy's boxer this guy's claw cool cool dictator has got his very own giant space laser called a psycho Drive and some of the more heroic characters in Street Fighter Alpha aren't too cool with that so they work together to take him out of the picture the problem is dictator tends to think ahead and he's created a bunch of extra cloned bodies to transfer his mind into just in case he happens to die and here's where Street Fighter 2 finally comes in dictators back with a brand new body and he's looking to take over the world once again he organizes another World Martial Arts Tournament to draw all the strongest fighters out into the open so that they can be brainwashed into dictators personal army I guess if you can't beat them indoctrinate them with the stage set the world warriors have all gathered to participate in the tournament each for their very own reasons basically it breaks down like this guile chun-li T Hawk and Cammy all want to bring dictator to justice Zangief DJ Fei Long and E Honda all want to prove themselves somehow ken wants to beat Rio Rio wants to beat everybody Blanca's green and dhalsim needs money for his poor or village rounding out the cast is dictators personal crew of flunkies boxer claw and cigar honestly the story is virtually non-existent in Street Fighter 2 but in the game that's so incredibly well done in every other way it almost doesn't matter tiny elements of narrative still managed to shine through in subtle ways in Street Fighter 2 but one still wonders can the evil dictator be stopped well considering that he's got a healthy amount of clone bodies ready to go I'd say no no he can't be but hey you don't have to take my word for it just about every aspect of Street Fighter twos presentation is iconic almost all of its characters stages musical themes and special moves have gone on to become touchstones in video game culture even if you've never played street fighter before if you saw someone put their hands together thrust them forward and yell Hadouken you'd probably recognize it but these aspects of the game aren't memorable because of how pop where the Street Fighter 2 was quite the opposite Street Fighter 2 became a worldwide phenomenon due to how memorable likable and fresh its artistic direction once now the game's visuals can't be considered of the highest quality if you judge them by today's standards but back in 1994 these character models and animations were considered silky smooth the character designs in Street Fighter 2 set the bar pretty high when it comes to both memorability and unapologetic cultural stereotypes yes the Indian character practices yoga and is a weirdo mystic dude yes the American character is a thick-headed muscle man in the Air Force and yes the Russian character is a vodka swelling Cold War throwback no these types of designs would never fly today but love him or hate him they were an integral part in making the cast of Street Fighter 2 unforgettable to anyone who came across the game since there were no cutscenes or extensive details on the personal backgrounds of these characters anything that helped you understand what someone like guile was all about like his conveniently placed American flag tattoos helped players make connections with characters that they pick every stage being tied to one specific character also helps immensely in making these connections when that cage slams down on cloth stage you get a glimpse of exactly what kind of psycho Matador you're about to go up against the stages are also vibrant detailed and memorable I'm pretty sure the fact that every Street Fighter game has had a bustling Chinese street stage is due to just how well Chumley's original stage was can mess with a classic the music that accompanies these stages are just so well constructed in addition to sounding dope they also help shine a little light onto the nature of whatever character they represent the Sam can even be said about the game sound effects nothing else in the game sounds like Blancas electricity it's one of a kind baby Street Fighter 2's presentation is all about bringing its characters and settings to life and it more than succeeds at that the fact that so many of its features are so fondly remembered today are a testament to that but as much as its presentation helped to ensure its legacy its Street Fighter 2's gameplay that made it the incredible success that it is today the gameplay in Street Fighter 2 is solid all the way through every character follows the same set of general mechanical rules but they're all also different and balanced enough to provide a rich gameplay experience even though super Street Fighter 2 turbo is the latest iteration of Street Fighter 2 the differences between each of the versions is mostly relegated to under the hood tweaks and alterations Street Fighter 2 popularize the now commonplace 6 button fighting scheme which includes three punches and three kicks these punches and kicks each come in light medium and heavy variations in general light attacks do least damage but activate and recover the quickest conversely heavier attacks deal the most damage but take the most time to start up and leave you open for the longest time this general risk reward system is at the core Street Fighter 2's gameplay everything has both pros and cons this philosophy is present in other aspects of the gameplay too for example blocking is a pretty safe thing to do in most cases but it leaves you wide open to throws if your opponent is preparing to throw you then hitting them first is a pretty good idea but of course if you're gonna hit your foe then they can always block you see this rock-paper-scissors like relationship ensures that every option in the game has something that beats it as long as you know when and where to apply the characters in Street Fighter to have all kinds of attacks at their disposal you've got your normal moves which are performed by simply pressing a button and many characters come equipped with command normals which are performed by pressing a button along with a single direction on the d-pad for example pressing forward and medium punch at the same time with Ryu will perform his to hit overhead attack known as the collarbone breaker no turtling for you then you've got your special moves these things require more complex motions with the d-pad followed by the press of a button things like show - you can sonic booms and spinning piledrivers fall into this category Super Street Fighter 2 turbo is also the first game in the franchise to introduce super combos into the mix you gain super meter by making contact with your opponent and performing special moves if your meters full you can unleash a super combo onto your opponent's face for massive damage your super meter doesn't carry over between rounds though so it's best to use it while you can these super combos require pretty complex joystick motions to pull off so don't feel bad if you can't do it perfectly at first super time baby though the bottle of do the Barbara Dukes are not gonna hit me you're not gonna hit me go do double quarter circle forward and a punch I know how to do it just do it then I know how to do it do it doing doing it oh you're not doing it still won there are a ton of play styles to choose from from across the 16 playable characters you've got characters that excel at rushing their opponents down like Fei Long and Cammy characters that are good at zoning people out like Dahl seaman Claw characters who want nothing more than to hug their foes to death with command grabs like Zangief Antioch and even middle-of-the-road fighters like Ryu and DJ Street Fighter 2's arcade mode is a simulation of what it's like to play against the computer at an arcade after picking your character you go up against a train only selected members of the cast but your final four fights are against the same four predetermined boss characters boxer claw Sagat and finally the old dictator himself in typical arcade fashion if you manage to be dictator you'll be rewarded with the brief cutscene that details what's become of your selected fighter at the end of the tournament simple enough right but it's the game's vs mode that's kept Street Fighter 2 alive and kicking to this day you pick your character your friend picks their character and the two of you go at it probably for hours no seriously while completing this game there were many times when we got sidetracked by just playing each other in vs. mode for extended periods of time it's that addictive and for good reason too the game may be pretty easy to pick up and play but it takes years to master you may think that you understand a character fully after playing with them for a few hours but truly mastering all of their capabilities is something that even the most dedicated players sometimes fail to do and that's okay because what this game does best is encourage you to play just one Morgaine the fighting game fundamentals that were innovated by Street Fighter 2 and that led to countless sequels spin-offs and crossovers are all present and accounted for right here in Super Street Fighter 2 turbo it just goes to show that as long as your gameplay is balanced and deep people can play it for a long long time now if you excuse me I'm gonna go play more versus mode what we're finishing the review first then we'll play all right if you manage to defeat all eight of your opponents in the tournament as well as dictators trio of bodyguards you'll earn the right to go up against the big man himself taking place in what appears to be a Thai temple complete with monks and tourists your final battle is going to be a tough one dictator is a surprisingly agile fighter for somebody who's supposed to be the leader of an international crime cartel he's got a very floaty jump and most of his specials grant him increased mobility you can apply tons of annoying pressure with his scissor kicks and can approach you ambiguously from the air by mixing it up between his head stop move and his devil reverse in short this guy goes where the P wants to go and does whatever the he wants to do but he doesn't have many options if you manage to knock him down and stay on top of him keeping his butt in the corner and firmly planted on the ground thereby removing his mobility is the shortest path to victory despite his many cloned bodies he's just a man and with some practice you'll bop him for sure every character has their own brief cutscene after you beat the game with them as well as a cool piece of artwork featuring that character there are 16 characters total so let's get this over with Ryu ditches the award ceremony to continue being a hobo who looks for fights can marry his sweetheart Eliza chun-li pays her respect and her father's grave and actually has a choice between beating people up as a detective and beating people up as a quote-unquote normal girl guile spares dictator to go home and be a family man I'll see him rides an elephant to go hang out with his wife and kid Zangief celebrates by doing the Russian dance with Mikhail Gorbachev Blancas reunited with his mommy Honda gets a bite to eat with his homies and kami learns the true nature of the dictators feelings for her spoiler he's crushing on her hard bro hey long turns down another movie deal to train because you know he's Bruce Lee basically DJ it becomes a pop star and T Hawk returns to his homeland and swears to rebuild it boxers surrounds himself with money and floozies claw celebrates by worshipping himself to God further in Festus over beating Rio and dictator actually manages to take over the world whoa is that it yeah I go home No oh now there's really no telling which of these endings are canon and which aren't since they contradict each other left and right and even though we've seen what happens to these characters later on in their storyline thanks to games like Street Fighter 4 we still don't know for sure what actually went down in this game but we can count on one thing Ryu is still out there somewhere being a homeless man looking to get into violent altercations with strangers around the world what a hero okay as it turns out there is one thing we can be completely sure of that happens in Street Fighter 2 canon dictator actually does die at the hands of Akuma the enigmatic warrior that shares a fighting style with Ken and Ryu not only that but you can also fight this guy instead of dictator as your final opponent in arcade mode if you beat Arcade Mode without losing a single round and managed to get at least four perfect before you reach the final match then Akuma will interrupt your fight with dictator by murdering him with this signature Shawn Goku satsu a move which is set to actually murder the victims soul in addition to their body damn that's cold or at least that's what the internet wants you to think in this version of the game all you have to do is not use a continue and win four fights using supers doing so will prompt Akuma to appear Akuma shares his moveset with Ken and Ryu with a few exceptions of course he can throw a double fireball while airborne he has a teleport and he's generally broken as balls seriously this guy is fast he hits like a damn truck and he generally couldn't care less about the rules of the game but if you do manage to defeat him somehow you'll get the same ending that you would get if you beat the game normally once again the internet strikes back actually if you defeat Akuma you get a special title sequence that showcases every ending in the game and at the end you get this weird screen with Akuma here's a bonus Akuma is also able to be selected at the character select screen to do so highlight Ryu for about three seconds then move over to T Hawk and wait for three more seconds hooroar dag I'll wait then down to Cammy wait again then over to Ken and finally up to Ryu again wait a few more seconds then press Start and all three punches man shoutouts to old-school video game codes boom baby now you can play as one of the most broken characters in fighting game history seriously this guy was not meant for balance competitive play so use him with caution against any friends you intend on keeping but against the computer go nuts go bananas don't nobody care about the feelings of no damn machine Akuma doesn't have an ending cutscene like the rest of the characters but beating the game with him does reward you with the version of the games credits that features two broken and busted up portraits of the rest of the cast whom Akuma has undoubtedly murdered ray you're a murderer Street Fighter 2 isn't exactly a hard game but it's not easy either its difficulty is highly dependent on just how familiar you are with fighting games in general the AI in arcade mode can be a bit grueling but it's nothing compared to how adaptable and dynamic a human being can be in versus mode playing against another person can be one of the toughest and most frustrating gaming experiences imaginable if you don't have much patience there's no denying that fighting games have a steep learning curve and Street Fighter 2 is no exception but once you accept that there's a lot to learn and start looking forward to learning it things get really fun really fast you're gonna have to take a good amount of losses before you start pulling in regular victories but if you still have fun while you lose and you're golden ultimately Hydra Street Fighter 2 or in this case Super Street Fighter 2 turbo provides hours of fun if you've got someone else to play with there's always something more to learn and witnessing yourself go from soft boy to buff boy is a pretty damn good experience ashtag buff boys buy the [ __ ] shirt I know I know I'm leaving it I'm leaving them in leave this in Super Street Fighter 2 turbo has still got what it takes to be considered one of the greatest fighting games of all time it may be tough but it's deep engaging and fun yeah and even today it's still considered one of the most relevant and important fighting games in videogame history and even if you've never played street fight or two before you've got some friends you're bound to have a really good time Akuma is a pain in the ass yes that's true but as each game goes on you'll see that he becomes more and more part of the Street Fighter family well there isn't really a completionist bonus for playing him he's super fun to unlock he's super fun to play against the computer and he's super fun to beat up your friends with so with that in mind guys we give this game our completionist rating of finish it hey guys thanks for watching be sure to hit that subscribe button and day if you like Brett and santel be sure to show your love to them and check out their channel over at super couch fighters I myself will be making a few appearances over there especially as I train on my road to Evo also if you missed last week's episode give it a click right here it was on minecraft now back to us man I need to look better I'm just I'm letting myself go that's what time we've got for today guys so please as always let us know what you thought about today's episode some world leader Nets big shutouts to my crew here guys thanks for being on it all shout out having us here has been a pleasure you'll be heard in the mail Mazel Tov on all your success direct go check out our channel super cash fighters yeah check it out it's a lot of fun we're gonna be going to Evo this year I'm sure that I'll be competing you'll be competing maybe I'll be drinking lots of margaritas there you know now if you excuse me uh let's see if Kyle's theme does in fact go with everything let's just see have fun with this Patrick remark whichever you want to just throw out there yeah what are we gonna see this guy got no footage of like the original child's play or or a dude making a sandwich like a delicious sandwich dude thank you
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 484,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Street Fighter (Video Game Series), Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting (Video Game), Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Video Game), Street Fighter (Video Game), super couch fighters, street fighter 2, street fighter 2 turbo, competitive street fighter, the completionist, the completionist tekken, completionist, tekken the completionist, that one video gamer tekken, completionist tekken, the completionist super smash bros, thatonevideogamer, that one video gamer
Id: fl1vFFxL69I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2015
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