Super Simple Summary | Divine Comedy: Inferno, Canto XIII

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Dante's Divine Comedy Inferno Kanto the 13th was this the one where they were in the river of blood yes okay okay yeah there was a river of blood I remember that there were some famous evil people there and the worse your sins were the more buried in the bloody you were and there's people further down where the blood was over their heads completely right so that part of circle seven was for the violent against others this next Circle will be for the violent against themselves they come upon this huge forest and Dante can see leafless trees as far as you can see he sees harpies flying between them Dante looks around and he hears screaming what he would expect but he doesn't see anymore so he begins to suspect maybe they're underneath the roots of these trees Virgil says I know what you're thinking but that's not where they are here's the thing though if I tell you you wouldn't believe me after everything you've seen you still wouldn't believe whatever yeah he's a little bit skeptical he's like um I've seen some pretty crazy things Virgil said go over to that tree over there there and break off one of the branches donkey's a bit confused but he goes over and he breaks it off anyway can I predict yes um are there a bunch of little teeny people inside the trees nope that's a good guess okay here's what actually happens he breaks it off and he hears a scream coming from the tree saying why would you do that and the tree tells him that I used to be a person the people here have been turned into the trees whoa whoa another uh Over the Garden Wall parallel right trees I didn't think of that edelwood trees yeah that might have been pulled from here as well as he he pulls it off there's like this blood coming from where he broke twig off as well so there's blood pouring out of where the stick was broken the words seemed to be coming out of the wound as well Virgil says hey sorry I wish we didn't have to do that but Dante wouldn't have believed me if he hadn't seen it while you're here though would you tell us who you are please he was an advisor to Frederick II basically he was Frederick's closest advisor at some point Frederick got super paranoid and began tour torturing him because he thought he was working against him secretly to escape the torture he killed himself thus he is here because the trees here aren't just people they are specifically people who have committed suicide what happens is the harpies will come around and I lied earlier they are not leafless trees because mentioned leaves right here the harpies will come around and they'll feed on the leaves and in doing so they both hurt the people because they give them pain but because they also allow them to speak and allow them to scream they also allow them to get relief from the pain so it's pain and pains relief at the same time and he says they're going to be like this until Judgment Day and when Judgment Day comes basically they're going to get their bodies back but instead of living in their bodies their bodies are going to be hung on the trees that are them oh wow it's kind of like an interesting irony yeah yeah another very ironic punishment so a reminder this circle is for what kind of people again in all the violent against themselves right here we see the suicides but there are more than just suicides where against themselves and in fact while they're waiting by the tree they hear some yelling off in the distance and there's these two people running from a pack of wolves the two people here each one represents another kind of violence against the self one of them is a famous squanderer and the other is a famous destroyer of goods so yakamo de santandrea his favorite prank to pull was burning things down oh there was one time where to celebrate the arrival of some Nobles who had come over He Set Fire to all of the workers huts and the outbuildings of his own estate oh wow the ending always confused me a little bit I think it relies a little bit more on knowledge of people's names like it says yakamo de santandrea and like people then would like know who that is they're like ah yeah yakomo I hate that guy what ends up happening is the dogs are chasing them one of them leaps off into a bush to try and hide but the dogs jump in and find him and they tear uh like all his limbs off and they just tear him completely apart in the meantime the bush they dives into is of course a suicide so he starts screaming in pain and there's blood rushing everywhere it turns out that this guy he's just some random Florentine suicide so that is the end of Kanto the 13th
Channel: Tomfoolery
Views: 784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: divine comedy, entertainment, super simple summary
Id: ovdxes8uhys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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