Super Simple Summary | Divine Comedy: Inferno, Canto III

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dante's divine comedy inferno kanto iii before we begin there's something i forgot to mention last time beatrice is dante's wife oh oh that changes things i actually don't know if it's mentioned in the kanto or anywhere in the comedy or if you're just supposed to know it let's see virgil and him were talking about being led by beatrice through to the different places i remember not a lot happened it was mostly talking as they're walking they eventually reach a big stone gate i imagine it looking kind of like the entrance of the mines of maurya okay there's a little bit written above it a few lines telling you what the gate's about warning you about going in you'll probably recognize the last line written above the gate is speak friend and answer no no not that one it is abandon all hope ye who enter here oh yeah so that's from here originally this is the original use of the phrase dante asked virgil what's written above there what does that all mean andrew tells him want to go into hell this is the entrance oh wow so wait where have they been this whole time then they're in the mortal world they've been in the morning oh oh i see okay i thought this was like the first part of information no okay okay i was like it doesn't seem that bad so he's literally just in some scary woods being told you're about to enter hell is kind of scary so virgil gives him a reassuring smile reached out his hand and he leads him in the very first thing that dante notices is he gets bombarded with this loud sound of people like crying and screaming weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth dante puts his hands up to his head covers his ears and he asks what the heck is going on what is all this virgil says the people who live in this area are the people who did neither good nor evil with their lives but instead of serving god or serving the devil they just served themselves i'm not sure if i'm interpreting that correctly or not it seems to me that if you serve yourself you are doing evil right maybe he's saying something that i'm not quite following there's also angels who never took a side in the rebellion against god i can't personally remember if that's a biblical event or not but the angels are bold against god some of them stuck with him some of them are built against him so the angels who didn't take a side they're also here obviously the people who are here and the angels they can't be in heaven because heaven is perfect sure they're not perfect but they're also not sent to hell because the people who are in hell the wicked would feel better about themselves if they could see these people oh interesting the way i understand it is they'd feel like oh i chose evil but at least i chose something seems like to him there are a lot of gray areas of morality so therefore there must be a gray part of afterlife dante asks why they're so upset because they're making these loud sounds and virgil tells him that here they never die and so their lives are just this miserable thing and they'd rather be anywhere else he tells dante to look at them but not to speak to them as we go forward they'll stop every now and then to talk to someone about the real world or talk to them about hell talk them about this or that but here virgil says don't talk to anyone as they're walking through dante sees somewhere in the distance the flag or a banner it's something you would expect to have the symbol of a nation but this one's always changing it's constantly morphing and changing in different symbols different colors it's never the same is it just standing on a flagpole or moving the way i understood it was maybe it was on the flagpole or something but you can see it whipping around in the wind and flying around randomly and a bunch of people are chasing it in fact there's so many people chasing it dante is amazed that so many people have even died in human history wow that's how many people are here chasing this he recognizes a few of the people including one very specific pope he doesn't say him by name but he says oh the pope who did that one thing wink and everyone gets what he means he likes to call out people in real life including some folks that he doesn't like by putting them in hell nice everyone's running around completely naked through a swamp they're being chased and bombarded with wasps and hornets stinging them the entire time all this stinging is causing them to bleed and there's a lot of pus and tears and all these bodily liquids are all going down onto the ground where it's festering with worms and maggots which they're walking through and running through the entire time that they're going around and they see off in the distance people waiting by some river coming down the river they see a fairy and an old man on the ferry he's got bushy white hair his eyes are glowing and he's got circles of fire around each eye he calls off to the dead souls we're waiting by the river and basically says like all right next stop eternal torment he sees virgil and dante and he sort of shoo them off like no no go somewhere else i'm not going to take you on my fairy i don't take living people virgil calls the fairy men karen oh yeah you'll probably recognize he's the greek fairy men of the dead right and after karen tries to shoo away virgil says chill out we're on a mission from god there's nothing you can do about it right karen gets very angry at this all the spirits get extremely nervous and worked up they're shifting around they're very scared of karen's angry outburst but once karen calms down they all get onto the very willing which kind of confuses dante a little bit why are these people walking on like yep let's go forward into hell but virgil explains that if you die in god's wrath you get exactly what you choose so even though it might seem like this isn't a great place to be these people are here because they chose to be here and so they go forward willingly because all the people who come here come here willingly no good soul ever comes here right which is why karen's so upset so you're telling dante give karen a break this isn't in his job description it's understandable that he gets a little bit upset they've boarded the boat and they're kind of on their way there's this sudden earthquake or something and dante actually faints which is where the kanto ends oh wow funnily enough well so the character blacks out fades to black he'll wake up in the next scene wow
Channel: Tomfoolery
Views: 2,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: divine comedy, entertainment, super simple summary
Id: ETMsSeKsP5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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