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hey guys welcome back to the shop today we're going to be turning this pile of ridiculously overpriced junk plumbing Hardware from Home Depot into a working Forge burner [Music] so your parts list i got an 8 inch section of the 3/4 inch black Pike nipple everyone loves a nipple you want your quarter inch the quarter inch adapter here this is just a barbed adapter nipple so many nipples it's unbelievable so quarter inch nipple square head plug quarter inch what we're going to do is drill that out that's going to be our nozzle so we're going to drill that out with a sixty towel bit little ball valve things pretty tight but that's going to help us regulate our propane flow a quarter inch galvanized coupling one in a quarter inch to three quarter inch adapter this is going to be the back of the burner where our propane nozzles going to be shooting through this is going to help pull air into the burner and help create a slightly oxidizing flame burns a little hotter and then this is going to be the flare at the end to help keep the flame flame stable probably not going to end up being used for the actual Forge I'm gonna build out of an old helium tank one of those cheap little party helium tanks but this would be good to have if you're doing an open burn or if you just need to find some weeds around your house or something like that so let's get started on the bill just did a little mock-up here of what the actual burner assemblies gonna look like this is gonna be the propane nozzle side of things all valves I had an extra nipple in there always trying to throw an extra nipple into things but uh so that's what $2 you can save put anyway so that's gonna sit in there this is gonna sit like so and then we're basically going to clamp that in the center there and that's going to give us our burner so let's just do the drilling and get it all together all right so wherever at the belt sander what I'm gonna do is just put four flat faces on this galvanized coupling here and what that's gonna do is allow a nice area for the set screws that are going to clamp this into the center of that flange to hold it so let's fire this thing up and get those four faces done should make quick work of it popper goggles on [Music] get hot real hot just gonna give that a second to cool down don't have a quince path around here it's a damn terry cloth to soak some of the heat away they're quick work of that my angles are a little little non-geometric here so you kind of tread it make that a little better so just finish this part up on the belt sander got four nice flat sides not quite completely square but it's damn close enough that this is going to work no problem all right so I'm over at the drill press with the quarter inch square head plug or square plug head something around there and you can see the inside of this has a inverted cone so what that will allow us to do is sit it on here on the drill press and when we lower into it it's gonna be somewhat self centering so you can see there that's the center point I'm just gonna fire out the press it allows the center slowly factory this doesn't give us a nice square hole with an axis that's in line with the axis of the propane burner all right through fingers crossed at center that's pretty nice good and centered so what I'm going to do now is take the one and a quarter inch Inlet two three-quarter inch outlet and file some flats on here on all four sides so I'm going to try to give ourselves a good area to get drilled purchase so that should be good enough to get a center punch on now I'm just gonna file a flat good ninety degrees this way try to eyeball it alright so we have one two three and four flats ready to go for drilling I'm just gonna line out my holes give them a quick punch just so we hit right on the point and drill them and tap them back over at the drill press I got my four point two approximately millimeter drill bit here whoops that load it in there and I Center punched the four hole location so I have one hole here one hole at the rim one hole in the body one hole at the rim so we're going to have 4m 5 screws basically pinching that coupling right in the center of the whole thing so my place should also help me keep square you can eyeball this it's not going to kill everything this cheap steel drilled beautifully such high carbon content I think it's pretty close to cast-iron and I spoke to your shoot must've broken through them caught a thread there we go let's want to hold down you got to rotate it 180 degrees do the opposing hole since I'm online with that already [Applause] should come down just a bow on it I always throw some KY jelly on there too it might stop that from Avenue two times got me never touch it - spinning Chuck doesn't like coming in at those threads that's for sure that's that's rough they're kind of like it's looking not too bad surprisingly all right the last two holes here and get that good and tight all right I don't think that's gonna runs out of there this time drill bits tend to be sneaky up much easier I didn't swear how much right on the whole to [Music] all right now time to tap these out for m5 you know if you're using a you know quarter 20 just use the correct bit size I just happen to have a couple metric bolts or uh cap head screws lying around was just kind of rare for me but figure if I had metric Hardware I'll use it so I got my tap here a little KY jelly in there and just calmly pray that you don't break a tap this one's actually moving pretty nicely it appears KY jelly is the ticket you see here how that coupler is going to be held in with those retaining screws and we'll obviously have to get it nice and centered but there's your general concept so now we're just going to assemble the propane side of things using some teflon tape alright there's our propane side of things it blows so it's a final assembly thread that on for Leslie kick some mittens at this point yeah that 8 inch pipe section looks about right it's pretty good so now we just gotta secure this piece in there for that I'm actually going to remove it just to make sure our nozzle is nice and centered everything is kinda axially in line with this the center axis of this part otherwise you could get your propane blowing kind of against the side wall of the tube and it probably won't really run all that well so that looks pretty nicely centered to me I'm just gonna lock that down with an allen wrench and get her all together let's be honest here if you're not using gold-plated Allen wrenches I mean are you even living and all seriousness though these bondus Allen wrenches are the absolute best in the business I could give that a slight adjustment just over to this side that's nicely Center good deal all right so we got it all together in the bench vise ready for a quick test one thing you guys need to know you got to use at least a 20 psi regulator I tried originally using a standard barbecue regulator that I just had laying around and I didn't realize how low-pressure they are apparently they're only about half a PSI with that you're just kind of pissin in the wind it's not gonna get you anywhere so make sure you get a good 20 psi regulator 20 psi seems to be plenty for this but if you do a dual setup you know maybe a 30 would come in handy but uh just gonna get this plugged in and we're gonna give it to test all right we got our regulator plugged in and I'm just gonna adjust the ball valve here a little bit so you can see just cracked open we're getting a little bit of flame throw it off sir holy smokes take a look at that flight that would look really cool in that some titanium powder it's gonna have a little titanium powder to it that's pretty big well that is an awesome burner now to build the fort so guys tune in make sure you subscribe in my next video is going to be building a forge out of one of those little party time helium tanks you can find them everywhere they're cheap a word you know even better pick up a used one thank you so much for watching guys if you like this video please consider subscribing and give it a thumbs up and I will see you guys on the next one have a great day [Music]
Channel: ElementalMaker
Views: 803,614
Rating: 4.8733358 out of 5
Id: TCmQ_4CoQxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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