Super Modified 2WD at Millers Tavern April 20 2024

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the 11th back here at the 6:00 p.m. pool time well John anybody that's never seen or don't know what the wheel sanding mega trucks are they are a very good sight to see very entertaining but you know the four-wheel drive but they don't need them it don't need it it don't need it uh I was told I was told that it just looks good turning the front tires up in the air but it's your does all right a little bit of noise in Miller TN on The Simple Man Justin Lee out of Zebulon North Carolina you see that you see that thing got the three round holes on the top of the motor yes sir you know what I call that what you call it I call that a dollar paron hair [Laughter] dryer well I'm going to tell you what Justin Lee pull it as far as you can float Finish Line here we go let him know you're here hey hold on hey hold on hey [Music] rooll I believe [Music] isance he turns it down I kind of figured that it did not do exactly what they thought it should I didn't think it did it didn't open up John like I thought it should have they going to tweak on it a little bit more would be my guess and bring it and try it again well I think he was trying to work it out of the made might move some wait around and then see but I can tell you right now he pull in CL out in about 3 minutes and check them all out and see which one is fouled out I think the number eight had a little bit Yeah you got a lowo own steroids with a big blown hem on the front of that's right Darren Wilson he is Darren is the third generation puller out of the Wilson family his dad [Music] all right he's going to lay down the first measured distance here we go Darren d wion [Music] [Music] 311 3211 I told you come [Music] [Applause] back and forth when you got a tractor like yours in these trucks you really needed to go in a straight straight line if not you have to stab the brake on one side of the other and you're hearing them rev up at RPM a little bit cuz that's C tripical clutch kind like a slipper clutch kind of backing you up a little bit he's got a what it call a forward forward and reverser you either go forward gear reverse gear you you don't have no you don't no you don't have any transmission where you're changing [Music] gear all righty D call it on the side piece [Music] number one 3341 guys you see that front end come up that means he's getting a hard hard B he looking down outside he said I got it rolling 33419 more sure [Music] [Music] [Music] to John P Davis John Davis come to the announcer stand John Davis sh you ready I bet I get I bet I get these people wound up just a minute who wants a [Music] t-shirt we got them on sale right over there you should have done that until you got back up here huh wild and blue told you there he is first time hear up y' first time first time in this pool or any pool this pool somebody we need to call the law on it you want to turn the lights on B okay [Music] all right they got it fired up ready to go Crystal Wilson her dirty money looking to beat 33419 here we go [Applause] [Music] [Music] 38 number [Music] two his engine I've seen the tail tail sign on the tachometer myself he turns over 9,000 he wins a lot of pulls joh all right looking for 33419 here we [Music] [Music] go 31745 31745 [Music] Brandon Lee looking to go past 33419 got some purple Neons under that thing man that's a good looking truck looking for 334 Brandon Lee here we go [Music] [Applause] fell a little bit short 310 [Music] 31093 31093 I just remembered about mid pool Brandon told me they have been working on the fuel system on that truck up next driving Campell in The Reckless horse forward how many everybody hugging that left [Music] [Music] line all right for fans this is your only chance in the class right here you got to get behind him good looking forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] 2991 uh 41 29941 for Robbie [Music] Campbell up next kby Wilson in The Running Bear then on Deck behind him Justin Lee and the Super Man [Music] then the music will be making its way over [Music] hey wave it wave it for the [Music] camera getting ready to pull up online Justin Lee and a simple man Chevrolet will be the last puller of the night kby Wilson driving for Steve all right here we go [Music] [Music] 30963 30963 [Music] [Music] all right Justin Lee on the Superman all right here we go BR Justin Lee looking to be [Music] 334 28696 [Applause] 2.96 still a little Rich looking like but they're tweaking on it getting it worked out slowly but surely you run down into class David Colton on he's putting him on your number one spot number two goes Crystal Wilson on her dirty money get number three spot goes to Darren Wilson on Dirty Money number four Allan Brown number five spot Brandon Lee number six Kobe Wilson seven Robbie Campbell and eight Justin Le out here tonight [Applause] your hey you want to get out here all right [Music] one 33 this event is made possible by these sponsors here's a couple of videos that we think you'll like 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Channel: WWPTV Video
Views: 161,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national tractor pullers association, super modified twd, super modified two wheel drive, super modified twd trucks, truck pull fails 2017, truck pull fails, two wheel drive truck pull, turbo charged engine, truck pulls 2017, truck pull gone wrong, truck pulls gone wrong, ford vs chevy truck pull gone wrong, truck pulls gone bad, epic truck pull fails, super modified, blower motor, blown big block, supercharger, truck pull, big block, chevy, ford, dodge, offroad
Id: _Nkw-mx0MRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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