Super Mario Galaxy - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 5 - Beach Bowl Galaxy! (Super Mario 3D All Stars)

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[Music] what is up guys zack scott here playing super mario galaxy this toad has a note for me what's up toad mr mario check it out i'm a male toad and i have a letter for you dear mario i'm in a far away place but i'm coming all but i'm okay i'm all right because you're coming to rescue me p.s i hope this gift will come in handy so what did i get what did i get princess peach included five one of mushrooms in her letter would you like them now why not i already have a whole stack of them anyway uh even when she's kidnapped the princess is so thoughtful well come see me next time there's a mail delivery or maybe maybe i don't have them because i did i did close the game down that's the problem i closed the game down last time maybe that's why they gave me a bunch of one-ups to kind of uh you know even things out a little bit but hey thank you guys for being here thanks for watching i really do appreciate it you guys have left almost 5 000 likes on the first episode and that is just phenomenal thank you so much let's go over this way and uh we got a new area opened up so yeah what's going on over here what's this this couch what is this is this anything what is that that does look like a comfy couch so what's back here mama's library is in here all right well maybe one day i'll get to see it i don't know over here is the kitchen uh observatory so we're gonna go up here there's no one up right there if i wanted it but i don't i don't get too greedy with these so this is a new area we have discovered an enemy base in the region we can only hope they're they're not misusing the power of that poor grand star i can promise you they are uh so wait we're not there it is okay this place is toasty so yeah thank you so much for over believe it or not almost 5 000 likes it's over 4 000 but it's almost 5 000. [Music] thank you so much that's on the first episode alone beach bowl galaxy let's do it let's fly here [Music] beach bowl [Music] we got a sunken treasure let's go check it out am i going to be underwater oh i'm underwater a little bit that's okay it wouldn't be a mario game without the underwater stages yes yes give me some sunshine vibes here honestly so okay do i go under how do i there we go [Music] uh wait was that [Music] oh there okay there's one there's one i'm not i'm not great with underwater controls i never am we got one there that's good penguins are enjoying a really uh really nice relaxing uh [Music] vibe down here so now it's okay we'll get there's one over here [Music] i guess i'll go get the one with a coin open up mr clay and uh let's see okay those are just oh hey bud okay you know what i'm gonna be a little patient there's a little guy up there too so ferocious you know i could probably get that without even having to worry about him [Music] all right now we just gotta find number five well here's an idea can i can i throw this at him [Music] i can throw it at him but it's not gonna do anything i guess all right so i am uh [Music] missing one oh okay where is it [Music] let's try this box yep that was it there we go get all five [Music] ah come on boom hey there's a little rabbit hey bud [Music] are you just here to teach me about this [Music] excuse me [Music] all right a one up wait where is it what how do i okay i was like wait a second how do i get that [Music] oh my gosh [Music] oh come on i missed the one up too uh all right i could be a little faster than that probably [Music] all right let's go you know i could probably just get up here right i could probably just get up here right [Music] really i can't yeah i can't forget it i don't care what the one up all right nice excuse me [Applause] boom took two hits to break all right well there we go not too shabby right i gotta start yeah all right [Music] although okay the library has been open i can never just in a hungry has appeared oh you know what there's a hungry luma over by the fountain that i haven't done either i need to do that probably save my game yes so let's go check out the library really quick and see if i have enough stuff for this luma would think i would [Music] sup dude no wait talk to him first all right so he needs uh tasty star bits so how many does he need uh i'm famous sick i don't have 600 yet though all right let me just wait so i go to the library and read a book oh wow she's she gonna read a story to me let us begin okay we're gonna get some lore chapter one the celestial duo [Music] our story begins a very very long time ago with a young girl one day this girl spotted a rusted spaceship holding a small star child [Music] it looks so sad what's your name are you are you lost the girl asked the star child i'm luma and i'm waiting for mama she's coming for me on a comet said the star child who had been waiting day and night oh don't worry i'll wait with you the little girl promised luma [Music] at nightfall the little girl borrowed her father's telescope and peered into the sky she looked and looked but she saw nothing hours turned into days and then years but still the sky revealed nothing finally the little girl signed and said to luma if we stay here looking much longer i'll be an old lady soon but she then had an idea why don't we go out there and find your mother ourselves [Music] the girl in luma fixed up the rusty spaceship and then the two set sail into the starry sky and this is how the search for the celestial mother began well chapter 2 star bits how long is this book days passed with no sight of the comet or even a single planet instead asteroids extended for as far as the eye could see if i had known it was going to take this long i would have packed more jam said the little girl above the rumble of her belly [Music] before they left she had packaged all the essentials telescope butterfly net stuff bunny bread milk jam and apricot flavored tea but [Music] i forgot to bring water at this luma burst into gales of laughter and the girl begin to pout as long as i have star bits i'll be fine so luma want some the little girl couldn't stay mad after hearing this luma continued to laugh and the girl couldn't help but join in all right maybe just a nibble [Music] uh leaning far out of the ship the pair began to collect star bits with the girls net they almost fell out a few times but they kept on collecting the starbucks tasted like honey [Music] that was some good stories that should do it for today well thank you for the story do you get one after beating each uh clearing each observatory i am curious but i'm also curious about this over here which is going to be uh the lights are back on it's going to be uh a bonus stage or whatever it's called whoa is there something here no you saw it though right i thought too so up here there's a stage that we could do and uh let's see what this is about want to go to the sling pod galaxy of course i do i want to see what it's all about okay then here we go coming up a very sticky situation [Music] let's go how sticky can it get oh yeah okay yeah okay lots of stuff here let's go [Music] i can pick up a lot of starbursts i like i can just pick these up right now all right let's go over here uh so a couple things all right oh jeez oh my gosh how did i miss maybe i need those extra lives more than i thought all right [Music] uh okay so i'm just gonna go the normal way no no no come on no ah [Music] at least i'm getting extra lives from the uh from the star bits it tastes like honey [Music] all right let's try again let's take some time here huh made it oh come on dude really all right i'll do better i suppose i might walk out of here with enough star bits for the uh not hungry luma no way i thought i thought it was past all right [Music] but another one up still so that's good this should be easy come on you got to be joking kidding me dude how am i flying past these hmm i mean might look like all the star bits like right off the bat that's always a good thing i suppose all right all right good all right got it got it okay [Music] good lord uh [Music] no star bits uh there's a couple things going on here [Music] man the stage huh okay no okay oh my god am i okay you know i don't want the i don't want the one up i just want to get over there okay i should be able to make this one no problem [Music] all right get ready uh this is so hard oh my god okay [Music] thank goodness all right got a star okay excellent [Music] galaxy complete that was that was a tough one but now we have enough star bits for the other thing and a new new chapter has been added to the storybook that's interesting uh okay so sure [Music] let's go hear what the story is now [Music] oh story time again let us begin all right chapter 3 the comet a beam of light pierced through the ship's window thinking it was the morning sun the girl peered through the window only to find a turquoise blue comet shimmering at her the little girl shook the sleeping mum awake and shouted excitedly we have to get to that comet the pair descended on the comet and finally and found that it was made of ice they looked high and low but luma's mother was nowhere to be found exhausted the little girl sat down with the flop utterly unable to take another step look [Music] appearing down at the icy ground where luma was pointing the girl suddenly noticed clusters of star bits encased in the ice pretty good huh finding starbucks is my specialty said luma beaming [Music] there's ice here but it's so warm i bet there's water here too the two decided to stay on the comet for a while riding the turquoise comet the pair continued their search for luma's mother all right that's all for now and uh i guess i want to do the other stage [Music] that's up here because i i now have enough star bits from the previous stage to feed to feed this guy [Music] hello my dude all right i'm famished i need 600 star bits to curb the hunger pangs there you go [Applause] big boy that's it i'm stuffed here we go transform [Music] all right the drip drop galaxy has appeared let's go and do that get out of the way for now then we'll go finish up the beach stage [Music] all right giant eel outbreak that sounds deadly let's see what it's like though oh they're fast more water so that guy looks really worried looks old an old pinged one kind soul uh so what are we doing some treasures down there what's up penguins can i pick you guys up no giant uh great gringos has been terrorizing the waters lately can you help us what say you ever since those big eels showed up we haven't caught any fish get rid of those big eels so what do i do how do i how do i go down what am i missing okay there we go [Music] let's open the treasures how do i open the treasures uh oh yeah the shells i think let's see [Music] oh boy all right hold on hold on let's get it lined up okay that hurt me okay do i need to just hit the heels with the shell is that like the best way to do it or what [Music] oh what the heck no what why why was he there all right i'm gonna see if this will do the trick [Music] there's someone behind me it did hit him he might be yeah he might be gone oh yeah look at all of the uh star bits over there oh boy how many eels are you either three or [Music] something uh let me go up here there must be one more somewhere at least [Music] all right here we go let's track this one down i mean i'm gunning for him it just [Music] come on now [Music] i might have to take a break and get a get a uh an air bubble there we go i can't see where's the zeal there we go we might be back on track come on get him [Music] oh boy okay i'm gonna get another uh another coin [Music] see if i can locate him this way [Music] there he is again [Music] all right if i can come up like under him that'll be nice got him there we go now if i can just make it here without dying that'll be nice was this hold on oh there it is okay great oh my gosh please [Music] oh there we go swimmingly it went swimmingly there we go no it wasn't as hard as the last one [Music] all right all right drip drop galaxy complete [Music] is there a new story not that i know of okay let's go finish up the uh the beach area over here [Music] and then uh then we'll have a pretty solid episode right [Music] oh no oh thank you it saved me even if i didn't deserve it no what no what just trying to jump up here [Applause] all right there we go [Music] let's go back up to the top and we're going back into the beach bowl galaxy [Music] and this is what is it it's passing the swim test all right he looks pretty mighty he can probably teach me how to swim i'm not i'm not that great of a swimmer mario what can i say all right let's see what's up whoa okay hey buddy uh let's get back up here if anyone can teach me to swim it's this dude what is up you here to take the swimming schools final swim shot champion i'm here for the final in this test you must collect shells in the ocean if you bring me the gold shell it's an automatic a for you [Music] let's go where's the gold shell where where's any show i'll just take any of the whoa hey buddy that's mine is that gold thanks thank you [Music] okay that looks gold right yeah that's gold oh no oh no no no i'm just i'm worried someone else is going to try to steal it even though i stole it fair and square here bud amazing i didn't think you'd actually be able to bring it back well then here's a big gold medal for you thank you yeah weird nice job on the test but are you even one of my students don't worry about it just give me a grade one of my uh when i was in college a funny thing i like to do i like to go in into classes and just take tests i only did a couple times yeah but it's funny because oftentimes the professors don't really know all their students so you just go in and you just take a test and no one knows you don't belong you turn in you get terrible grades but it doesn't matter because it's not you're not enrolled in the class [Music] save your game yes but someone had to grade it this game has been saved all right let's uh we got at least a couple more left uh beach bowl galaxy go back in all right we got uh the secret undersea cavern ooh let's go find that one i wonder where it is wait what where is this oh okay what [Music] all right let's go all right let's see how to get in there too that's another mystery do i get it am i going to take a shell or something i'll just go i'll just go grab my own this time [Music] let's see if i can just smash uh right into it [Music] he he was standing there there you go [Music] whoa a cave would you look at the cave secret cave you might be able to say and i'm looking for coins or something please oh hey buddy hey buddy oh ow there you go oh man this is just uh i need another coin now thank you uh please please no ow get me out of here all right what all right hold on oh [Music] nice okay so how do you think i get over there what the heck what i didn't even know i didn't even see that all right let's see let's see can i just go over here nope wait maybe nope [Laughter] okay all right let's just go so [Music] i don't even know like i don't think i can jump over there at least i don't think okay here comes the big guy he's gonna have to turn okay oh dear oh dear oh dear there we go there we go that's a good way to do it i would say solid start oh okay uh um okay i'm trying to excuse me i'm a little under the weather right now so my voice sounds a little different if i'm clearing my throat a lot i got sick somehow i don't know how i'm trying to figure out what to do i think i need to go over here okay made a mistake let's try that again all right here's this guy this is what we wanted to see awesome so this is interesting all right great i can stay here and then what okay great he can't come up here gaming no oh [Music] all right then we're going over here [Music] excellent all right we pulled through and got another star [Music] so do you think the comments there yet that's the question i have right now like is there a comment there right now [Music] let's see uh no but there is a mystery star there uh huh how do i get the mystery star okay it's through here so where do i go instead of the cave like huh like where's the other star [Music] maybe uh well i might need uh here let's let's get some let's see if he has anything to say about it [Applause] what's up my dude don't hit the wall on the ocean floor with a shell it would break and okay don't break the wall with a shell okay [Music] huh so [Music] let's try uh let's let's start trying one of the like the treasure chests here i'm not sure what to look out for but you know maybe the treasure chest have something to do with it [Music] or maybe uh i don't know that's a one-up [Music] i i you know i guess i could let go of the shell before crashing into stuff right you think that's possible yes it is okay good let's try where the eels are [Music] i don't know if they have anything that we can do wow okay [Music] i can't go that way [Music] oh wait hold on wait wait wait hold on you see there was a swim back down there's a there's like a crack right there [Music] let's see what i can find [Music] all right no um all right what about the other the other eel maybe that's something i don't know uh that did not hit him [Music] let's get some air really quick [Music] there's a chest there what's this wait there's a pipe here [Applause] what's this um huh well [Music] how do we get up there okay okay [Music] oh wow okay okay i'm gonna try to take this one up to that chest up there and see if that that really is the key to success [Music] so it's gonna be up here i think and then uh [Music] where is it there it is this might be it okay yeah this has got to be it [Music] where are we going oh dear okay all right can i even make that jump no it's not from here okay so oh these guys though these guys know what's up thank you oh i'm trying to think can i swim up whoa i don't think i can swim up the waterfalls i don't think how do i get up there though um [Music] like maybe i need this guy to come all the way over here [Music] and help me get that coin i don't know come over here [Music] oops oops here come over here but don't fall off [Music] there we go oh wow okay wait [Music] ice mario so i can how does this work oh wow okay don't follow me can i freeze these oh okay okay wait how long does this last oh [Music] okay doesn't last long enough so but the flower stays there okay that's great come on give me back get me back [Music] all right this is the most narrow [Music] dude mario come on okay almost [Music] goomba come here i need you [Music] i need you i need you i need you so bad oh man still not good enough uh [Music] [Applause] whoa wow okay so [Music] yeah i don't know i i need i need to be ice mario to get that i don't know if i just need to be faster like how would i get up there [Music] all right let's try to just be faster i suppose [Music] [Applause] [Music] there we go okay so this again but what do i need to do i probably need you to come out with me oh he didn't even really pay attention [Music] okay close all right here we go [Music] what the heck ow wait wait wait come on this way just a little bit [Music] all right come on [Music] all right come on come on no no no ah yeah we're still good we're still good to go right come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on thank you got it [Music] that was pretty cool yeah that was a different kind of ice mario that i'm used to right [Music] a new chapter has been added so uh let's let's see if the comments here yet [Music] and then we'll go uh in the episode on the chapter yeah that's comment here fast fo comment in orbit let's see what that's all about [Music] oh boy fast foes on the cyclone stone no great this is the cyclone stone oh boy well here i go okay so this shouldn't be a big deal i just tried to oh boy try again here we go all right [Music] what i'm still alive somehow okay this is good this is good no that's okay this is still good okay where is this thing there it is this guy goes one direction the whole time so i can be here okay oh god oh god oh i'm safe i'm safe oh wow okay okay this is good i you know i thought that i died last time by by that happening so i'm glad that i'm safe i was safe by that i thought okay there we go i thought that was the mechanic i thought that's how it worked but i thought i died via the same way so i wasn't so sure but we got it yellow comet was in orbit we did it fast foes [Music] all right yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right save your game yeah where's it there it is all right so let's go finish up by by reading one more story and then we'll be done with today's episode oh wow what is this okay cool what's up mama's gonna read me a story book he was actually surprised [Music] let us begin all right the next chapter will be what what is this based on like like what milestone do these things unlock chapter four the dream one night the girl dreamed about her own mother where are you going she asked uh her mother's retreating back without turning her mother replied don't fret dearest i'm not going anywhere i'm always watching over you like the sun in the day and the moon in the night creepy a wave of sadness washed over the girl what about when it rains and i can't see the sun or the moon her mother thought for a moment before responding [Music] i will turn into a star in the clouds and wait for your tears to dry [Music] when she awoke the girl's face was damp with tears you have star bits in your eyes said luma to the girl wiping her face the girl replied these are tears not star bits i'm crying because i'll never see my mother ever again at this lumen began to cry too mama oh mama the pair traveled through the starry skies and though they encountered many other comets not one of them held luma's mother luma was despondent now now luma the rain clouds won't go away if you keep crying the girl said giving luma a squeeze i'll give you a present if you stop the girl close your eyes and said gently i'll take care of you with these words she felt a small spark in her heart [Music] this is a sad story that should be it for today good i don't know if i can stand much more very very tragic um it's over here maybe they'll be happy in the ending but hey thanks for watching be sure to come back next time for some more super mario galaxy i will see you then goodbye and thanks for watching i'm zach scott subscribe if you have not if you like this video and want to help the channel grow all you got to do is click the like button below thank you so much for watching you can now join on youtube and become an official member of zack scott games and if you want cool shirts like this visit come back next time for more
Channel: ZackScottGames
Views: 259,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy Gameplay, Super Mario Galaxy Walkthrough, Super Mario Galaxy ZackScottGames, Super Mario 3D All Stars Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario 3D All Stars, Super Mario 3D All Stars Gameplay, Super Mario 3D All Stars Walkthrough, Super Mario 3D All Stars ZackScottGames, Mario, Super Mario, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Game, Review, Commentary, Guide, Let’s Play, Playthrough, Part 1, Ep 1, Full, Nintendo Switch, ZackScottGames, ZackScott, Zack Scott Games
Id: 8oy7o6qUJAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 33sec (3273 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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