Super Mario Bros. 3 100% World Record - 1:10:03

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Anyone know the over under on this hitting sub 1:10? Three seconds is awful tempting but Mitch's ability precedes him so the question needs to be asked.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/xenwall 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

What was that 1-UP sound at 1:57? I've never heard that before.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/smulz 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

There's another, grandpoobear needs to step up here

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/schnickelfritz420 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Congrats to Mitch. Its been fun watching his world record grind over the past month.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bitofaknowitall 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh good, the youtube video is out.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nouseforausernam 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you will cry for three hours if you ever meet me why would you cry why cry you're just like so happy you're ruining the moment with crying not much to say trick [Music] cry cuz I miss the time dude the tunnel the tunnel is definitely a mistress the tunnel is a scarce mistress [Music] yeah if you want to see my run you'd have to get down there really on Sunday that's great if you guys want to see my run wives you have to be there on Sunday you have to be there in the first day [Music] what's behind door number three it's like you know I'm couples just a couple seconds [Music] [Music] right on right on Gigi's gonna be in Florida this year [Music] door three works pretty often on nesto P&S topi is not creating the door three possibility it's all you it's been you all along I'm not sure there's some online forums that say people can save can save stay with the SD to DES and stuff like that but mine mine doesn't I have to get a state saver you're better off getting a state saver as well they don't cost that much money or anything [Music] Oh Steve be what's going on yeah I'd get a state saver [Music] sd2 sniffs dude I don't know grin I don't know I have that I like I've seen the settings everyone I know gets state savers I mean okay so don't get you can save Steve and there you go this sixties is not hoodie weather better be like a freaking jungle when I get to Florida it better be all jungly in palm tree if it's not I'll start [Music] [Music] [Music] heyo think it was a good luck I see snow all the time yeah they're right feed you that'll be like I'm done Street maybe like that's it I'm [Music] yeah it's all good Grimm I believe you men if you're I I don't deal with any repercussions if you tell people that you can save and then they can't save or something it's it's all good man I figured out a way to get mine work and from now on if people ask me I'll say yes you can save [Music] oh come on don't go there CNF this was back yeah you're not causing any waves it's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did i'd like chris farley do anything then anything [Music] [Music] Gover am i sorry to use my star already use the star you Briggs don't you forget to pay attention to my stream well use it again [Music] [Music] [Music] for the speedruns [Music] [Music] defragging pcs is still big there is communist Mario Bros 3 [Music] startup held forward a little too late on that one [Music] yeah Queens like kill you or hurt you in the communist marvelous 3 the guy who made the Communist Mario 3 romhack actually lives here in Utah [Music] yeah KP he's a is a good dude yeah I live in Utah yeah oh he's nailing your NES back tomorrow amazing that's really good [Music] [Music] I don't know I'm sorry poor lease with a couple love of God please move left what did I almost say there the Gov of love please for the Gov of love move left now gov govt of I missed out on a potential one point five seconds if he moved left I mean I would have clouded so I would have lost a bit of time Jimmy John's even good I don't like Jimmy John's because they would they put way too much on your sandwich like I just wanted like a corned beef on like rye or some crab and they put like 70 layers of meat on it and it's just like why don't I just eat the meat with why do I even have bread with it why don't I just dip my meat and mustard and then I'd call it a day are you a sandwich shop but give me some meat man can I get six handfuls of meat please [Music] Jimmy Jones I don't think it's better than slow but then again corned beef rye mustard yeah that's a great sandwich right but not whenever all you can taste is like mountains of corned beef like I understand people want more for what they're paying like a nice sandwich can be rude I guess most places are probably better than Subway considering Subway's such like a corporate generic you know I mean Subway's like they think they're good cuz they're sandwiches but they're no better than KFC for McDonald's I've never seen subway up square beats before what the heck meet at from Subway's is where you guys ever remember mister sub or is that only Canada [Music] I'd much rather have a Big Mac in the Sun but I do like sub sometimes public 7 never heard of mr. stuff it's probably Canada thing I'm not a huge fan of chick-fil-a I feel like I can make better chicken from home [Music] I know a lot of people like chick-fil-a so I'm not gonna call chick-fil-a overrated port of subs I better get us know I'm not gonna get a star here I'm gonna turn back for the mushroom oh yeah and I was gonna give me a flower I saw it - that had flour all over it I'm ripping every fast-food McDonald's is my primary guilty pleasure everything else quality for me is way more important so if there's anything right so like so I'll get I'll get a chicken sim from chick-fil-a and I can see my reflection in the top bun with how greasy it is I don't want chick-fil-a anymore if I see my reflection in a McDonald's hamburger from Greece like I said it's my guilty pleasure so I'm okay with it McDonald's is my only exception if I'm gonna go down the rabbit hole I'll do with McDonald's that's I'm not saying that all all chick-fil-a's burgers are greasy like that and they're horrible I'm just saying it's easy for me to say no to a lot of places no thanks a lot of people love five guys and in and out I don't really notice much difference from that you know the other thousands of burger shades I notice okay so I noticed a difference between nns burgers and Five Guys Burgers compared to like standardized restaurant burgers which naturally you would think that you know Applebee's would kind of prepare different it's from some our house-made as well like some burgers are made in-house in-house family restaurant chains have I think the worst burgers of all if you're gonna have a burger like don't don't half-ass the burger you know now don't half-ass your burger don't oh I won't get pickles on it cuz you know you don't know get a burger get all the crap on it do what you gotta do [Music] dad McDonough's today was not bad [Music] Red Robin best burger I see if you found your best burger that's good it's hard to break from the chain right when someone's like in announce my favourite burger I'm like wow sheep like the rest of them you got to go search him for that perfect burger those are my personal burgers farm Wiener schnitzel yeah a lot of people like in and out and five guys I also like local burger joints as well yeah burger should be costing as much in some of those places stco is winning with 43 and in second is bow tie with 42 we just need somebody to drop that 50 bomb and we're good to go guys cuz tomorrow is there is the drawing the winning right I already have the next prize picked out as well yeah Sunday Walt I'm sorry I'm off tomorrow so tomorrow to me is yet I don't stream Saturdays med next stream I guess yeah I don't like like family chain restaurant burgers I'm not a huge fan of those burgers I'll get them if I default if I'm not interested in anything on the menu I'll default I'll default to those burgers [Music] [Music] I can't remember if I tried Whataburger [Music] recommend a movie for you to wash you tonight what kind of movies do you like [Music] kind of movies do you like another moving along please [Music] that actually worked out really well like that oh I turn back way too much off the title I got a knock get in that habit also I lose the groove of this level in all place a good burger cheap burger burger king I like Burger Kings burgers I don't know why they put so much onion like the onion ring onion cut on the burger too much too much but I like their burgers I also like the Dave burger it's a reason why they're top one but they're so bad with customers like Wendy's makes so much money they they don't care if they mess up your order anymore they just don't care at all [Music] the Burger King foot lettuce yeah this is a bog world for guys [Music] yeah yeah exactly Big Mac is like an easy easy pick right if you're like a single mom with three kids got a ton of kids screaming in the back and you don't have time to make them dinner before their swimming lessons one's got baseball or some McDonald's drive-thru four cheeseburgers chuck them in the back and down a Big Mac yourself and you're good to go for the night you got you've got you have some pretty good fuel you'll hat you might have a couple Mick accidents during the day like you know like you think you got a toot one off but it's not called those two big accidents you might have one of those while watching crack this book bakemax will do that to you so so I vote I've always I've always enjoyed McDonald's my whole life yeah the mick gurgles I've always enjoyed McDonald's my whole life like I probably say you know once a month or something I like I like having McDonald's maybe twice a month and I've been like that for a long time in my life even as a teenager got skateboarding all night they go to McDonald's 24 hours I always got food going for lunch during high school grab McDonald's or like Little Caesars or something so I've always liked McDonald's what that means is that McDonald's doesn't have the same effect on me as someone who eats it once a year but I ain't McDonald's I don't get stomach cramps or stomachaches food I've no problem with their food who doesn't upset me like that what I got p-speed man [Music] same with Taco Bell I eat a lot of it McDonald's had never had any problems high calories yeah like I wouldn't say that I eat a lot of it like I I kind of go back and forth you guys ever have that like insane productive month where you make all your foods and they're all good and everything and then you have this one like week in the next month where it's all Eber eats and like takeout spread out through the whole week and it's like man it's always a back and forth always a back and forth [Music] no my my eating habits do not reflect my emotional status if my if I'm depressed my eating doesn't change or anything and vice versa so I wouldn't say because I do fast food randomly every once in a while I wouldn't say it's cuz I'm anything if anything it's because I'm lazy and I don't want to make any food or I'm rushed like if I don't have time to sit there gourmet Gordon Ramsay some dinner then yeah oh let's do a quick takeout see when I was when I used to smoke cigarettes I never had any of those problems [Music] [Music] oh you're in a really bad okay so I guess it works different for everyone right you eat less when you live alone I don't know I don't know exactly how I would say my eating habits are this guy moves up that'll be awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sall have 20 coins up your next level that won't be too bad movement of - they're moving - thanks do this if this hammer brother doesn't either a movement of one or moves back that's not bad compared to before please be facing right okay this is pretty good orangey compared it's actually like four seconds less then my my pv world five but this is it's all movements of two in this world so far it's been all movements of - no boobs before moving to three [Music] [Music] now I've been keeping track because I recently just checked out my world five on my PvE and my world flyable my PB is two movements of two and then all movements of one and then he comes and comes over after level five so I'm gonna get an extra movement here hopefully it's someone but I still actually might be ahead after this world you guys believe that don't hold your breath though world five am i right guys [Music] [Music] all move is a two isn't like amazing [Music] there's tons of different orangey patterns that I could have got that are better than when I did get [Music] inevitably it's all [Music] I got so many flowers this run though it's up nice 35 38 press on this level is nice show you so many flowers in this world go on I had bacon and eggs this morning dinner okay Lee if you're watching the herb in the fridge is cilantro of not parsley this is a no cilantro household [Music] cilantro sass you need a cilantro front of your ESPYs parsley all the way men [Music] it's all about that parsley I know I didn't I didn't see the cards will ya yeah cilantro called for your chicken you chicken / curry Mexican dish definitely wasn't it I'm literally the only person who's pronounced parsley with the Z sound parsley parsley parsley his li Boxley pours Li [Music] 37:51 still rocked me of 3.1 seconds men [Music] you thought it was pronounced parcel a [Music] man nobody knows how to pronounce anything anymore including me like I don't know man I just say what I see how do I pronounce I pronounce a gif I'll send you a gif [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my wall jump you can see in the water though like in in all-stars 3 3 you can see where the fish is the water is also lower in 4/4 that's weird it's either lower or higher I can't remember there's something weird flower oh my god I haven't had to do a turn back in this world yet I haven't had to do a turn back in this world yet [Music] [Music] I've done a couple our all-star speedruns should adjust it I had a feeling that I needed to as well yes seasoning noob come on over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dude I had to get that movement for good night it had to give me two movements of four right at the end to counteract how awesome my movements versus [Music] [Music] that meme clip I know what a dumbass [Music] look at all you guys show up now if you should have just came to the stream when you got the notification that I went live in the first place could have all had this done now you could have seen what happened to earlier you know this place is a hog excuse me while I rip on the non-believers I don't actually know anything I just have the RIP on you guys cuz if I rip on you guys then I'll get some Instant Karma I'll lose my run then you guys have me for like another six years [Music] [Music] [Music] I almost didn't make it over the age [Music] dude have I had that yeah I did one turn back in this room [Music] we yo Raylan 26 thanks so much man I really appreciate that [Music] [Music] [Music] dude if I ate I would be three seconds faster if I didn't get those forced movements of one men [Music] [Music] [Music] did I for 30 seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] they were so far from from this being a run seven seven guys just remember don't get attached seven one seven seven I [Music] went back to my roots men thank God one more ground running no more aiming finally my roots baby [Music] [Music] [Music] wait four seven seven two foots pretty much that lovely wasn't the best come on [Music] you remember what I said fifty to even a press-on seven four is an insane run [Music] yeah three of the same cards lose this time for sure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I was just thinking in my head be it the perfect place to me over and swear ma blip in my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I got a little piece there they reach seven seven seven seven [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a fast grab that was worth it the safety [Music] that was so worth I like it wasn't but like it was it like that ending was really good too [Music] [Music] [Music] Rockman if I would I got mid clip and 7/9 did I still executed the rest a lot better than I normally do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know no way someone sub 110 what no way dude but like my world I got no hands I can't I can't see it I can't I have to get no hands and like Ramos do that off-screen Juan grabbed would've did it we're in their pumpless [Music] [Music] [Music] ended up being a bad pattern okay I couldn't I couldn't have shot him any faster [Music] [Music] what who does that get it together what is that what is that dude yo time Sam bro babe thank you guys I was mashing dude and I hit this start it's okay if I didn't pause I probably wouldn't have got [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no way dude do I mess up that level I think I've lost like too much time at this point you gotta be kidding me dude god damn it dude new PB at least definitely not world record anymore [Music] nice try you little [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did I do it I think I did it not sub 110 though whoo we did it what dude that was playing so bad tonight guys just like I can't even oh my god I could have saved I could have done it if my world eight wasn't trash that random pause like who does that oh my god thank you guys so much for the gift subs dude who's gonna win the shirt on Sunday now [Music] we did it guys I turn the notifications back on what this one came out of nowhere dude I can't wait I can't wait to see the clip yo guys thank you so much man the subs too and the bits guys thank you back honestly with the way with the way I run this game and how tight my world aids are ayat like that's okay I guess that random pause though I saw Louie and chat just type like why it's so stupid oh my god thank you guys so much only two seconds behind career I don't work oh my god and my star menuing was slow and might yeah if I did my normal world aids that have been the sub 110 so I kinda did we call that a show like that I'd show I guess I choked the one the sub 110 I guess I did show kid [Music]
Channel: Mitchflowerpower
Views: 165,178
Rating: 4.8323894 out of 5
Keywords: Mitchflowerpower, mfp, kaizo, SMB3, speedrun, WR
Id: yHHxajnes9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 17sec (4337 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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