SUPER Flavour Veggie Soup (Easy & Vegan)

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hello welcome to Sasha's kitchen and today we're going to be making a vegetable soup from scratch none of that can junk that tastes like and so here it is first of all happy a year yay 2016 okay so of course everyone's making New Year's resolutions and now most of the top thing is like eat better healthy and do more exercise bla bla bla okay well but if you really want to do something I don't think you have to you don't need to wait until New Year's resolutions to do something if you want to do something just go out and do it nothing's gonna stop you nothing ever stopped me so there you go anyways one of my reasons I'm making this I had a few people over for the holidays and I made this vegetable soup and they were pretty surprised at how I could get so much flavor into the soup without adding chicken stock without using any kind of meat base to have a soup flavor it really is how the vegetables blend and they have a nice melody that go together and steepy us sorry simmering it for around 2025 minutes it brings out all the flavors and there's a procedure and method to do that makes it really awesome I make this rather often in my family and it goes through really fast of course during the winter time it's great because it's really warming for the body so here's the soup okay so here we have two why not about three pieces of cabbage we have two celery stalks we have the equivalent of about two pieces of carrots a small piece of broccoli one potato this is already cut up it was one zucchini five to six cloves of garlic two bay leaves we have you can have three to four tomatoes and two onions and everything is cut to be bite-sized the cabbage you might want to cut a little bit bigger because it tends to shrink and as well as the tomatoes I like to cut them in fat quarters like this and everything else is are about bite-sized and feel free to use any vegetables that there are in season okay so I recommend using dried beans and cook the beans yourself instead of using canned beans the taste is completely different and they put other stuff and you when you open the canned beans and there's this slimy goop eliquid it's just like anyways so yeah by the dry beans two days before you're gonna make soup you soak your beans overnight then you put it in the slow cooker for about eight to ten hours depending on the bean and then you'll just plug it in set it and you walk away and it just is fine and then when you're done either move it beans ready so that's the matter we do it and also you could cook a big batch at a time and when you have leftover beans you put them in a ziploc bag in them depending on how big your family is we put about like two cups about this portion in a ziplock bag you put it in the freezer and the next time you make soup you just take that bag out and you just dump it in the soup and you cook it and then we perfect so the way I learned how to make vegetable soup is um Jamie Oliver I really love his cookbooks and himself obviously um he's a great British cook chef and so here's the recipe I'm basing it off of he also has really good um I may probably make this next time this tomato soup is the best thing the more you try this you'll never buy canned tomato soup ever again so one of his two recipes I've tried but today we're just making the classic of vegetable one and I highly recommend checking out Jamie Oliver's books I have four of them and they teach you methods and ways that you can apply to daily life and not just some planning a menu going out to buy it and itself a hassle because you want to learn some techniques of cooking and then apply it to your daily life of the eating healthier especially this is his latest cookbook that I just got every day superfood I haven't had a chance to try out some of the recipes but they look really awesome and I can't wait to try a bunch of them okay now we're ready to start cooking so you have your large pot ready and a wooden spoon medium-high heat add a bunch of lugs of oil I just want to let this to heat up for a few minutes before we start cooking and at first when I say when I cook we start with the onions I find when you're sauteing onions they absorb a lot of oil so I used a regular canola or vegetable oil and afterwards the later on we're going to add some olive oil because olive oil has really good flavor that you want to impact into your soup okay so once it starts making that popping noise you get to all of our onions okay so for the onion you want to make sure you stir it so it doesn't burn and we always cook the onions first so that the flavor and the smell can be released before you because if you just boil all your vegetables in water the flavor won't be the same so it's important that you follow the correct steps and procedures so we're going to saute the onions in to become very fragrant and this will take about three to five minutes okay so while you started cooking the onions take one part of water and you just want to bring this pot of water to boil so that later it'll be faster when you heat up the suit okay instead of just adding cold water to your big pot the next step is to add the carrots and celery and you want to quickly stir this so that everything the oil can touch all the carrots and celery and now I'm going to add the bay leaves and the garlic I don't add the garlic first with the onions because then they tend to be overcooked and you can potentially burn your garlic and then you just get a small little bowl of water it's about like two tablespoons which can add in something really special about celery while I loved it cooked it has a very special flavor that's why we need to salty the carrots and celery and onion first before we add any water now we're going to add some lugs of olive oil say about maybe one to two tablespoons next we'll add the zucchini ok so now we're going to add the water once you add the watering you want to put the heat back up to high because you use a boil again and this is not enough waters you're going to fill up your pot again so now we add our Tomatoes and we have the cabbage okay we want to add the potatoes and the broccoli stems but not the broccoli florets so so here we have the stems as well as a potato and so the bay leaves are there just to cook to give the flavor what when you're before serving you're going to take the bay leaves out and another note is that when you buy the tomatoes if you have the stem you should keep the stem in a whole big piece throw it into your soup because it acts the same way as a bay leaf the tomato stem is very fragrant so you put cook it with your soup in the water and then at the end you remove the tomato stem okay so once the water comes to a boil we're going to cover the lid reduce to about medium heat and we're going to let this simmer for about 20 minutes okay so after that's done you open the book careful now we're going to add some salt I use sea salt yeah can i spoon stir that in going to add our chickpeas now so you can use about 1 cans worth or about 1 cup one and a half cups of 2 cups I add the chickpeas in towards the end because they're rather heavy and they're going to sink to the bottom and sit there and it'll be difficult for the bubbles to push the water around and push the vegetables so that will cook and their trick these are already cooked so that's no big deal going to add some pepper here some pepper I also add freshly ground pepper I like to use a combination of both because they have different kind of taste and spiciness so I use both I also use oregano so about one spoon one teaspoon a little bit more and I use oregano and thyme now we're going to close the lid again I'm going to put it on for another about five to ten minutes let's do two six minutes there we go okay so at this point you want to taste the soup to figure out if it's too salty or needs more pepper or whatever means much salt so at this point we're going to turn the heat off find the bay leaves you can remove them going fishing where are you there's two right there it is okay so the last step we're going to add the broccoli I like to add it at the end even though the temperature the heat is off it's still going to cook because this is bloody hot because if you add it in the beginning I find that broccoli becomes really mushy and because he has these little florets these little tree like branches it just becomes a bunch of mush and I like my broccoli to be a bit more firm so you add this at the end and also if you add the broccoli at the beginning the longer you cook any kind of dark green vegetable he becomes this ugly ugly mucky color so in general once you add the greens it should be near the end and also once you add green stuff you don't want to cover it anymore it will lose its vibrant colour so that's the end of this tutorial so I hope you learned something and you'll go out and try and make your own vegetable soup and keep in mind that you can change up the ingredients according to your preferences and what's in season so here we go beautiful it's a Chema's puzzle so and also if you're just a single or only two people in the family you can cook a whole pot and freeze individual portion sizes and later on you can defrost it either in a saucepan or Michael so then you could say sometime you just cook one big pot could last you a couple days so thank you very much bye-bye
Channel: Sasa Time
Views: 805,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: veggie soup, jamie oliver, british, vegetarian, vegan, vegetables, winter soup, cooking, how to
Id: 8VZaUUTy_tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2016
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