神奈川)鮮やかな爆速中華鍋さばきが炸裂する本格中華料理店丨Super speed fried rice cooking in Tokyo

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Before it oxidizes and can no longer be used, I will turn it into chili oil. It tastes better with used oil. Sweet and sour pork Mapo tofu I like Chinese food, it's hard but fun. Scallion oil If you add scallion oil, the taste will be richer. Crab fried rice is seafood. I get the rich taste by adding animal oil to it. Everything they serve here is delicious! Everything they serve here is delicious! Kanagawa, Japan. 5 minutes walk north from Tama Plaza Station. Szechuan Cuisine SHUN is on the 2nd floor. A day in the life of a Chinese chef from 8am. The owner, Mr. Niizuma. Jasmine tea served after meals. It's refreshing after eating Chinese food. This is vermicelli used for a side dish we serve with lunch. Jellyfish Japanese pepper oil Many of the seasonings are handmade by the owner. After 10 years of training at Miyako Hotel Szechuan, the owner opened this place. He loves Chinese food so much, that he goes to China to get spices. Making lunchboxes. The frying oil starts getting oxidized as you use it. Before it oxidizes and can no longer be used, I turn it into chili oil. It tastes better with used oil. I have never solidified the oil and thrown it away. All the oil is changed to chili oil, or used for mapo tofu. There's many flavors. Sweet and sour pork The trick is to cut it at an angle. Authentic Szechuan mapo tofu I thought this would be more spicy than I thought. You get used to it as you keep eating. I start to want more of the spiciness. It's different from the usual amount, it's a lot. It takes time to dehydrate the tofu. Going out to get more ingredients and for delivery. Staff: Please tell us how you started this place. I like Chinese food. I learned a lot during my training. I started to want to open my own restaurant. That's how I started my own place. It's hard but fun. What kind of customers do you have? We have a lot of older customers. People in their 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and families. A 5-minute walk from Azamino Station. Dandan Noodles Specialty Store, Gorotei Going back after getting the ingredients. Sweet soy sauce If you get parts from the bottom of the pan, and if it's burnt, it gets too bitter. If I do that, everything will become bitter. The best timing, is to cook it until the oil turns transparent. If you're on full heat, it feels like you might burn it, but the oil is there. Can you see that the oil coming out is transparent? The base sauce for the dandan noodles. It has sesame, vinegar and chili oil inside. Before we serve it, I'll add sesame paste, chili oil, and vinegar. When you leave the food, the taste becomes mild. These aren't normal green onions. They're a soft type. Japanese daikon radish with Japanese pepper and soy sauce Staff: They're like pickles. Pickles It's good stir-fried with pork belly, or you can eat it as pickles. This is Iberian shoulder roast. By adding cuts, the heat goes through faster. Cutting the strings. The heat goes through well, and it'll be softer. Getting the lunchboxes. They open at 11:30. Weekday lunch menu Lunch soup The first order comes in. Stir-fried Beef and Garlic Sprouts with Doubanjiang Gomoku soup soba (head). Head means the ingredients. Dandan noodles with plenty of sesame. 2 mapo tofu. Lunch 2 mapo tofu. Trying the mapo tofu with rice. This is so good... Salty stir-fried trabecula and vegetables Stir-fried pork belly and spinach mustard with oyster sauce Staff: Do you come here often? Yes, I come often. Do you have a recommended dish? Everything is delicious! 12:35 Boiled Shrimp with Chili Sauce The soup is always seasoned before serving. Scallion oil If you add scallion oil, the taste will be rich. Crab fried rice is seafood. I get the rich taste by adding animal oil. Doing the dishes when he has time. Skillful support, and perfect cooperation. Stir-fried Pork Belly and Eggplant with Miso I come about 3 times a week. Staff: That's a lot. Do you have any recommended dishes? I always get the daily lunch. The menu changes frequently, so you won't get bored! Everything they serve here is delicious. Sesame paste made by going through 4 blending processes. The sesame flavor is nice. And it's thick. By adding a little vinegar to balance the spiciness, the taste doesn't get too sharp. Dandan noodles with plenty of sesame. Gomoku Fried Rice
Channel: うどんそば 関東 Udonsoba
Views: 539,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: そば, 蕎麦, ソバ, soba, うどん, 饂飩, ウドン, udon, ざるそば, 天ぷらそば, もりそば, 東京ソバ, 東京そば, 東京蕎麦, 東京グルメ, 東京, TOKYO, 蕎麦湯, 蕎麥麵, 烏龍麵, 소바, 우동, noodles, Japanese, Japanese noodles, レストラン, 料理, 味覚, Food, Japanese Food, 職人技, streetfood, yt:cc=on, 四川料理SHUN, 神奈川県横浜市青葉区, 胡麻たっぷり坦々麺, 五目炒飯, 街中華, 鍋振り
Id: fA0yom6JQv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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