Super expensive Ferretti Yacht motherboard Repair - Urgent 3 hours service request.

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here we have a variety boat or yacht motherboard that came in for repair the motherboard looks something like this customer came in and he said he wants super expedited service to fix the board and he wants it done today he has somebody to come and check on it they're doing some work on it and that person is leaving tomorrow so they said they want this done today money is no issue as long as we can do it today and what's nice about this board is the customer already knows what needs to be done and he brought the parts how awesome is that let's go under the microscope that's the motherboard right here and we have this daughter board which is connected to the main board by the flux wires that you see here and let's take a look at this area and look at this we have four burnt components one two three and he said he wants this part changed he brought in all three parts the big ones and this one here so our job is to replace the components and call him to come and pick up the customer is coming from Pasadena which is about an hour away from Northridge so I think he's going to stay local here he's going to go somewhere locally until we're done with the board and then he's going to come to pick up we're going to start by desoldering all components we do not need to do any troubleshooting we do not need to order any parts nothing oh the smell is horrendous the smell is too strong wow it's like you're smelling fireworks times 10. wow that smell cannot be good I think what we're going to do is use lumel solder the smell is unbearable we're gonna use flux low melt solder to remove those components and the board is not too thick I think it's a two layer board so we do not want to expose the board to a lot of heat and let's check the power of using Loma Sada we're gonna start right here and let's do the one right next to it and we're gonna do the one right next to it apply more low melt solder those are big components they are not microscopic they are big so they're going to require more lumel solder unlike many of the microscopic components that we work on where we only need a tiny bit and I always mentioned it a tiny bit goes a long way but those components are big and we're gonna do this one so we soaked the back with Loma solder now we have to do the front see we were able to remove that component out we're gonna do the same with the other one the pin is already loose that pen is already loose that pen is already loose and all we need to do is loosen the back by applying heat and done the power of using lumal solar wow if you have not used Lumia solder before you are missing out and a lot of you may be asking where do I get along with other from you should not be asking that question by now you know that you can log into our site click on shop and you can buy it from there along with all the tools that you need most of the tools that we use on our bench here you can buy off our site we have everything in stock soldering station hot air station grinding pan power supply voltage injection tool tweezers original inventec mtech flux whatever you need we have just order checkout pay and we almost always ship out same day very easy it looks like this component may be fused onto the board why don't we cut the leads of that component and try again let's add more normal solder on here this component looks like it's fused to the board let's clean up and then maybe we can apply a fresh layer of flux and we'll try again now we are able to take that component out and one more maybe we can cut the pins on that one also and let's take this guy out so now we removed all the components from the board and look at this we cannot see much on the board because we are working on big components under a microscope so what we should do is use a barrel lens for all of you who have purchased a microscope from us our microscopes comes with something called the bottleness 0.5 and 0.75 let's go for 0.5 by attaching a Barlow lens we will be able to see more on the board I just attached a 0.5 and now we are able to raise up the microscope more and the microscope will be able to focus I think 0.5 is a bit too much let's go for 0.75 otherwise I will have to raise up the microscope a lot and I do not need all that range so zero point 75 should be good and you can now see a thing okay and we have the ring light and look at this now we are able to see all three components at once the three big components we need our anti-glare light too much reflections so now what we need to do is wake off solder we do not want to keep lowmel solder on the board lomel chowder is weak and fragile because some viewers ask can I use low Mount solder to solder a component no use lomel to desolder not to solder and finally we need to desolder this guy right here and I see one crooked pad that's not a big deal a crooked pad will still make the boat go straight now let's go to the magic box and we're gonna take a look I have two sets of components here probably the big ones and the small one I see the big ones here we have four of them but we're gonna need only three let's solder the components one by one I'm working at a very weird angle where the soldering iron is going from the back why don't we flip the board the board is big and a lot of things hanging out from the motherboard like that all right we are done with this one and now we're gonna Center this one and do I have any more solder left on the tip of course I do not worry solder when you need it air and finally this one here and we have one more to go we're gonna use Kim tack wipes and I told you from the last video that we got a large batch of game Tech wipes in the shop here and they should be available for sale on our site maybe today or tomorrow and look what Kim tack wives do they absorb flux burnt flux will get stuck on the wipes so Kim Tech wipes along with 99 alcohol removed all the gooey stuff on the board and now I'm just using an ear swap to go over them one more time we want to give the board back to the customer and a better than Factory condition it's awesome just check on the pins make sure everything is solid and beautiful and I'll put rest of the components inside that box let me show you the board quick right there one two three and four all right we are done we are called the customer to come and pick up I hope you enjoyed the video let me know what you think leave it down in the comments don't forget to like And subscribe and we'll do something else in the next video
Channel: NorthridgeFix
Views: 569,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferretti Yacht, ferretti boat, ferretti motherboard repair, ferretti board repair, ferretti repair, northridgefix, repair, ferretti
Id: e9KonPRCmk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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