Super Easy Clouds - Acrylic Paint

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foreign hey guys welcome back today I'm just going to paint some really simple clouds I've got some acrylic paint out this is called Moody blue it's gonna need two layers this is paper that I'm painting on brand now I've got it taped off on a gesso board I'm also going to use some white craft paint already had some out but just by Craft paint and first thing we want to do is cover the whole thing with this layer of blue twice okay now again this is the part this is the this is the time you want to keep your paint with okay I knew it was going to run out of that I still got some extra out and I I was like I don't know if it's gonna be enough for two coats trying to make sure it's still wet this is just one technique to paint clouds there's a million you can do it however you want I'm just showing you one way another mop brush that's smaller while that background paint is wet now with a clean and dry mop brush I come in and just very lightly around the edge wiping off my brush on a cloth I'm gonna soften up the bottom of this cloud just kind of swirling and sweeping just so that kind of Fades into the sky wipe off the paint from my smaller mop brush I'm going to add another layer of white don't want to cover up all my shadow that's a mistake that I make all the time I cover up too much back to my blending brush just wipe it off and blend that again so I'm getting a gradual fade into the sky not just a solid oh there's a big hair I'll have to get that in a minute I don't know if I can work it out or not nope my paint's gonna dry before I can get that hair out so I'm just gonna leave it for now so my paint down here and this guy is getting too dry so that's all I'm going to be able to do with the acrylic some I'm done with that brush done with this brush and now with a smaller filbert with a small filbert brush this is from The Deco Enchanted set but these are discontinued any filbert brush will do we're just looking for that round Edge now with some white paint just White now that this is dry I'm going to go in and just kind of do a little bit of touching up around the top and blend it out into the rest of the cloud I don't want to cover up all my shadow again try not to overthink it don't cover above your shadow I'm just kind of swirling and then blending it out and just like fading it into the bottom of the cloud and we'll leave it dark at the bottom okay I think I think the key to painting clouds because clouds are not easy um and I mean mine aren't like perfect or anything but you know I feel like what helped me the most was just to not overthink it when I try to absolutely make sure that I keep the bottom of this real dark not real dark I mean it's it's a light color anyway but just I'm gonna try my best not to you know carry it too far and then you can do like a few little wispy things trailing off I don't really like how I did that but oh okay I mean I could keep I could keep messing with this but I feel like if I keep if I keep it up I might ruin it I say that and then I just continue right along I just I just keep painting I've got no self-control you okay I'm gonna put my I'm gonna put my paintbrush down but I just like I keep seeing different little spots that I want to fix but yeah that's it thanks for watching if you liked today's video give that like button a tap and please consider subscribing you can also find me on Instagram and Tick Tock where I upload content almost daily thank you for watching
Channel: laurasbeatingart
Views: 25,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting, tutorial, how to, acrylic, oil, beginners, laura smith, laurasbeatingart, art lessons, easiest clouds, easy clouds, fluffy, big, white, blue, cloud shadows, easiest method painting clouds, daco paintbrushes, mop brushes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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