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[Music] all right guys this is the most epic life hack you will ever see this is how to send your hot wheel to space whoa we're actually doing the thumbnail of a baby now we have to be careful when we upload this video I thought must might sue us for stealing his idea move over Tesla we're about to rock and launch this Hot Wheel into next week you know what would a success be without a few failures Albert Einstein once failed a thousand times in a row on an experiment well he sounds like an idiot we only failed once maybe where Albert Einstein 3.0 true can we hurry up and get the anime time at the end of the video you're good it's no secret that mazes are literally impossible and will impact your self-esteem all right so you have this maze right here this has been proven by science to be the hardest maze ever drawn with this simple buy pack you can finally finish that mind-boggling labyrinth with these and I promise it labyrinth Rome well this life hack is clearly not for you know the bright children this is kind of for the dumb ones out there you know the ones that are you know taking math and sides and stuff was the hot glue really necessary that's like buying a coloring book that's already color for you this is for the Earl's or the purple purple girls I'm sorry babe your name is or holy you probably don't have an IQ hide it from like for being named Earl is like life on our moon does a very treacherous bridge it was pretty hard to conquer and with one simple straight line you're guaranteed to make it to the end every time this hack is for those of you looking to finally get to those hard-to-reach places never have a cavity again because this electric monstrosity is designed to literally scare them off I hate having to brush my teeth I hate personal hygiene I hate communism this looks like the that life hack he would want to use how you buddies easily screwed that sounds like the noise the thing makes that the dentist oh yeah there's a little drill hurts really bad maybe this is what dentists use they just numb you so much you think it's actual tools but they're just well that is a tool I was that not a tool I meant like a dental food that is a dentist your to the help that was patented well don't you see the little trademark at the bottom left oh yeah ah dude know what imagine if your tooth hit that screwed well that would be a good way to clean your shoes oh no Joe maybe yeah I mean that's what he's doing nope that's not what he's doing nah maybe he's playing his shoe toothpaste oh look he got toothpaste on his shirt poor guy are you looking to get even more use out of your favorite hot wheels grab a quart and get ready to create a new breed of toy cars wet wheels actually don't do any of this we gotta get that trademark first and get stupid rich then I give you permission I wish I could quartz with a knife like a kid I wish I had a knife when I was a kid I had to change up nice because that one wasn't good enough think he's putting a shield on it so it's bulletproof I wish I pet my Hot Wheels car like that when I was a kid I didn't see how you just you could tell but oh he got it great work dude this life hack is for all of you tech heads out there who just feel like the Apple watch isn't enough I mean why even have a supercomputer watch if you can't even play Diablo mobile on it is that like a sponsored thing no not yet we'll start selling out in a few weeks well sweet Wow I I know from experience that that is definitely more faster and better RAM than an actual watch technically it is better but is it more practical yes is your greater dole and just not cutting it anymore with a little sandpaper magic you'll see that your grater will get the edge it needs cutting cheese like a pro nothing would be greater than that ah sweet a little bit of cheese got stuck up there not too much just just a little look this right here looks like a face these are the two eyes are you done haha zoom in out of the X and y-axis is about three hundred four hundred degrees Celsius looking to make your next drink more awesome than ever throw your ice cubes away because frozen Orbeez are the new hottest trend don't you mean the coolest trend alright what does he make some bling-bling out of some oil orbs I can't believe my brother put a hundred million of those in someone's backyard can't believe you're still there oh that's cool those look like DNA strands all they do that's so cool maybe that's how God made humans freezing some Orbeez together as fridge yeah I wonder if that's like makes it taste different when you're done you can probably even freeze them again so talk about saving money too and if your brother filled a backyard with Orbeez then you have unlimited sloths mm-hmm I personally love having plastic in my drinks are you on the hunt for some quality organization without the fuss of fashion we'll take your bottle cap you found under the couch and give it some life again he's gotten smart I have never seen him wear gloves in any of these except for many like what well it's because last episode flash back to it he had a little booboo so I know one of my stupid little kid that's still in school why would I need that well I mean yeah we're gonna have your turkey baster somehow man sure sometimes in the middle of history class my teacher would just always ask me to test the temperature of a turkey the most recognizable brand in the world oh no did your hot glue gun break and your DIY channel is on the verge of collapse like seriously though a DIY channel without hot glue is a without anime we can't allow that to happen that looks like something bad like that looks like something non-christian should Christians like us be watching this probably not but you know we're we're Mavericks you're right we are Jake Pollard's but this might even be too non Christian for non Jake father's I can understand this like if you need to glue something real quick and you didn't have a hot glue gun yep take a lighter put the glue here and it'll drip all what you need to glue like I feel like the coca-cola thing is a little unnecessary yeah I like it's a nice touch I'm dying inside nobody likes getting their hands covered and buttery grease eNOS found in your everyday bag of popcorn and using a spoon can only help so much which is why you should use a fork or a sport that's why with the Supersport you're basically able to pick up everything and are unstoppable a true menace to society looks like a stupid way to eat popcorn yeah but if popcorn is nothing but grease it's honestly the best way for your skin d popcorn to force one spoon don't like how this is good the ratio the sausage to pancake race yo theta yo why is that not a thing they can just be easier to just use some like chopsticks at that point no I want that I figured a weave like you would always want to use chopsticks for everything dope anime isn't everything you liar I only watch anime on days that into my house thinking something funny that okay it's a dangerous world out there and to survive you have to know what's happening everywhere especially behind you I've always scared people gonna sneak up behind me and put things in my pockets or come game engine yeah so you always got to be on the ready are you a famous youtuber and get stalked all the time this is perfect for you he got famous youtuber I'd like to be stalked all the time I'd like to make sure that people are stalking you at all times even when they're buying are you a famous youtuber and like to point out that you're a famous youtuber yes it's only a matter of time before 4:9 picks this hat up everybody knows that if you don't have emergency grocery bags in your car then you definitely shouldn't leave your house these plastic sacks are way more useful than tissues so just throw those up because this box is perfect for this life hack alright so you gotta remove all the tissues very important to remove all of them so this is a little different from the last yeah that's one goes on your wall this one is for mobile you gotta take it with you always have your grocery bag with you mm-hmm you just load it up a tissue box put it in your car these bags are extremely helpful for holding so many things especially for using them to store your tissues I love when life hacks come to full circles so you need a tissue box for the grocery bags you need the grocery bags for tissues it's simple it's just math is easy do you worry about your children getting into the cookie jar when you aren't looking no because we put razor blades on them yeah but the relationship lays is for teenagers if they're not a teenager you don't want to you know yeah sure yeah I got to go home and do something real quick definitely not taking Ranger but you don't have a kid yeah at least so you're fine [Music] so that's who John Kim was boy always just take Johnny it's teddy bear and its really hired a nanny cam inside you know where the name teddy bear came from teddy Rosa yes sir I just guessed Oh with Teddy Roosevelt make that legal [Applause] what I mean the bear needs a new heart that was for a little kid enough that this would actually be pretty messed up with Toy Story Universal is real looking for a more inspirational gum chewing experience randomly load up some sticks of gum with motivational quotes to help you through your day share them with friends or strangers and be surprised how it changes their mood I mean no joke love that if your friends breath stinks make sure you write a note in the gum packet when you hand it to them just you can make sure that he never is comfortable talking to people ever again are you tired of everyone asking you it's Pepsi okay Pepsi is not okay and it never will be however if you have to drink it this is the only way to get through it without hating yourself if you really wanted to can you just pour the Pepsi no but this is you just you bring this alright and then now it doesn't taste horrible I would love to do that to people feeling incandescent have a sip of your good Y as you can but it's actually Pepsi Pepsi it's the best so that I love it and your mom doesn't love you it's okay I'm fine with that as long as I can drink Pepsi this light pack is for those of you who are fed up with moving furniture around like an animal are you 80 years old and electrolyte filler in the bathroom did you forget how lifting works strap some wheels on that bad boy and remind you to share that this is sparta every time you move it no this is Patrick no this is fun pump make sure you get extra force when you take the chair it really helps you to test out the Hot Wheels you gotta eat it out of existence Vitas delicious are you tired of your books not having enough variety well why have one book when you can have well over 9000 now you can have that quality book reading experience but not be stuck in the dark ages oh that's how we got the Bandit what if I did a video where I read the entire minecraft club my brother could do it or I could do it hey guys comment down below should I read the Minecraft book for this channel it's like this is a life hack Channel you're all pretty stupid so you can't read so I could read for you because I know you're all dying to read that book don't you just love the constant I am sick okay cool we get it you have mucus and your nose you don't have to bring it up all the time we get you're vegan I only eat my mucus that's how big it is not are you still putting soap in your sponge like a caveman trying to figure out fire oh no this fudge might make it yeah felt like that they don't hot glue that back together I Love You Man I'm after your day of long light packs you gotta make sure you know you clean off yourself always gotta clean off yourself I do this trick all the time I love this it goes down the smoke no way I ain't kiddin like this I've literally done this a million times I've never seen this before this is insane I can do it with matches have you put in slo-mo you can follow the flame down that's insane how have you never seen this before if if you watch it in super slo-mo just literally travels down the smoke now it's time for anime time the moment you've all been waiting for at the end of random life hack videos we discuss anime last anime time we recommended you guys watch seven deadly sins as you can see it what you guys really enjoyed it if you didn't watch seven deadly sins make sure you do because you need to follow on with the anime time sure true but for those of you that did watch seven deadly sins we are about to recommend another anime Chris let them have it you guys need to watch Death Note now you need to be careful Death Note is on Netflix but there are two there's a really good one that the anime and then there's one that's so bad your eyes will literally fall out of your head which is the movie that is correct go on Netflix and watch the anime not the movie is the anime Netflix yeah it's still should be it might only be in English you should definitely watch it and watch it in English go watch it they're a little kid we got we got to ease them into anime but we're teaching them how to read yeah so here's how anime time works you must watch at least the first three episodes of the show we recommend then leave a comment on the video letting us know whether or not you liked it but if you have not watched three episodes your your opinion just isn't valid you have to watch at least three episodes before you can determine whether or not you like it and we know that you haven't watched three episodes of Death Note if you say it's bad because no one thinks Death Note is bad everyone loves Death Note literally everyone don't watch it comrade that's it for the video we're about to play rock-paper-scissors remember whenever you click on our mr. Peavey's video always watch to the end for the end of every video we play rock-paper-scissors people that don't play rock-paper-scissors their parents don't love them so get your get your thing in your hand Rock Paper Scissors shoot I choose paper oh yeah I want all right for this next one I choose rock whoa wow I can't believe you've done this alright we're tied this one's for the dub Rock Paper Scissors shoot but I was super easy subscribe or your failure [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,396,499
Rating: 4.6025043 out of 5
Keywords: experiment, experiments, amazing, diy, new, best, do it yourself, crafts, 2017, 2018, diy projects, lifehacks, life hacks, giant, compilation, simple, how to, how to make, make, useful things, simple life hacks, diy ideas, life hack, easy life hacks, hack, diy activities, viral, slime
Id: Jobv3ts7UHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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