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this is Godzilla and oh my is it looking at like an absolute Feast it's also huge and we're gonna be throwing Vehicles weapons and anything else at it to try and destroy it once and for all although it kind of seems happy what if I just put like a pipe bomb in its mouth that won't oh oh oh I'm so sorry I am so sorry you look really weird now anyway car over here that's that looks like a good option to me all right Godzilla you better prepare yourselves because I'm gonna throw this car right at ya all right here goes nothing let's go and queen oh oh my whoa Godzilla is thick also like icy we are like inside it right now but it is a solid object also Godzilla has no heart oh okay now we've thrown a vehicle I'm gonna use our first weapon and that is gonna be the attack drone where is it oh there it is hello Mr attack drone okay I want you to follow me and shoot at Godzilla's arm whoa that's pretty good fire okay I think we're doing some pretty good damage we can also directly control the Drone like this let's see if we can uh take a finger off hey there we go yep and what is this your thumb and it's gone then we just release that and the Drone comes back that's actually pretty cool but it's not powerful enough let's go find our next vehicle what about this plow truck thing maybe if we give it a bit of a uh upgrade now this might be too many thrusters but we will see all right those are working fine let's give ourselves a bit more room though I'd say that's just about right all right here we go let's plow Godzilla oh oh oh okay this always happens the thrusts make it a bit difficult oh we're going for a leg oh we're going straight through it can we actually disable its leg though I don't think so oh no we're lagging well again okay well I mean we took out a big old piece right there but not enough to uh knock him out he's still looking pretty put together so our next weapon is an airstrike as you can see we've got an ec-150 up in the sky we do have different uh ammo types but we're gonna start off firing a few 25 millimeter rounds at his uh left hand oh oh I mean it did a good amount of damage but it can't just look like it was ping all right let's switch the ammo to 105 millimeter and see if that does anything oh wow now we're talking let's go into Plain View and see if we could shoot its tail let's see what happens oh oh did we just completely no I think the Tail's still connected but we just did good damage there's also some other things we can fire like um a cluster bomb what does this do okay we can we can see we can destroy the rest of the tail with this ready oh oh that's doing some damage I think we fully disconnected the tail Let's uh have a closer inspection yeah look at that let's pick this thing up oh never mind I accidentally just disintegrated it well looks like Godzilla's tail is done I wonder if it will fall backwards if like more of the tail goes anyway let's figure out which is our next vehicle honestly I'm feeling like we take a big old truck maybe just get some speed but this thing could do some serious damage you know what let's just go for it oh oh hang on set okay turning Circle not the best we won't be using that truck okay come on let's go let's go you could do this big truck you could do this come on let's go take I guess that leg will take out and the arm oh the sideways hit it's the RKO uh yeah it just didn't really have the speed to do like a significantly large amount of damage pointing there for the big truck okay let's remove uh some of these pieces on the ground this is not helpful and get our vacuum cleaner up to uh suck up the rest okay Mom nice little clean job oh yeah we got the tail fragments over here to clean up all right that's looking a bit better I think we need to go for a weapon that's a bit better though this is the hadouken that's right the hadouken and we're just gonna aim it directly at this leg here let's see how much damage we can do ready hadouka gun [Music] okay that that actually seems to have gone straight through nothing much has actually managed to achieve this yet what could we do creatively though we get hadouken right into its mouth how about that there we go oh do you think that's gonna come out the back of its head or I don't know oh okay I don't think it made it out of the back oh wait I think it did I mean just removing some of these pieces yeah I think it actually made it all right let's see if we could take off an arm okay we did five hadoukens at its arm well that completely cut it off though I mean it's going a bit slow there we go yep we've taken another piece of the arm okay good job what vehicle to pick next we could use this laser thing it's been somewhat successful in the past we probably need to uh beef it up a bit though that seems about right and then oh yeah now we're talking now the laser thing we do have to turn on and off so we're gonna pick the right time to do that and also decide where we're jumping all right here we go let's do this laser on oh oh no the Laser's already oh my God these are just like turn around and blow us up what wait the Laser's still on the ground um laser all right I've got I'm holding the laser what is it still gonna cut things oh my oh no it's not really powerful though all right let's let's uh we should probably get rid of this thing now the next weapon we're gonna be using is the black hole I'm not really sure what to expect with this but uh um we're just gonna send it directly into the center before we know this could completely destroy Godzilla so let's see what happens all right we've thrown in the black hole I don't know how far it goes it does seem to be inside of Godzilla though um oh wait it's pulling oh it's pulling damaged pieces I've gotzilla towards the black hole which is damaging itself more what yeah so that's made like a massive hole right in the gut of Godzilla I don't know where the black hole's gone though it's in there somewhere okay it's starting to get a little laggy with all these pieces moving around I don't think it's doing like major structural damage though it's just like little bits like little pieces of damage when this stops this is all just gonna fall and be an absolute mess like they're just pieces of the road connected to him because of this oh black hole in there how long does oh wait the bag goes up here I guess it moves around oh there we go it's gone and now all the pieces have fallen on the floor well then looking like a little bit of a mess we will make it worse though don't you worry buddy what next I'm feeling something a bit beasty yeah we could do a tank all right does this thing fire I forget yeah it does okay all right we're not gonna really have the speed though to do a proper jump so I'm thinking of maybe going from a smaller ramp and kind of hitting it on the side I think that would work quite well we could add a couple of thrusts to it but I don't want it to um fly off the side which does sometimes okay all right let's see how this works full speed and fire fire again can we get another shot can we get another one oh oh we are doing damage we are doing absolute damage although I think we lost our Cannon yeah we've lost the cannon that must have done some work how is this thing still standing oh my now because some of it's like icy it's kind of hard to see what is and isn't damaged but this leg is definitely nearly gone I mean look it's like the tiniest piece holding it together I'm wondering if we can break that this thing might fall and actually at the moment it looks like it could do it on its own like there are some oh oh I think it actually broke I think it broke but it's now resting on it this thing is barely holding itself together this is a holy hand grenade we are gonna drop it somewhere I guess in the back that probably makes more sense oh hang on it's bounced whoops okay we need you to like not bounce like that please oh where are you going no no that's the no we were trying to go in the head where are you going where are you going okay not what I intended on doing no stay inside oh there we go okay I've got one inside the head there's one inside the head oh oh my Godzilla your entire head just disappeared what the heck where are you oh no you're a pieces well that's uh bit tragic okay let's see if we could take the rest of that leg out we're gonna need something precise I think this might be just our vehicle now it has like this multi uh rocket feature which is not the most damaging thing but it should be enough to take out the leg if we don't manage to hit it with the vehicle itself all right let's get in position I think we're gonna go for a ramp jump here but uh just be aiming towards the leg because we can aim up down all around with this okay here goes nothing oh oh okay well the vehicle's disabled did we miss how is this thing still connected well and there's a massive chunk just fell off his head how all right this is a proper truck that we are going to soup up okay I think that pretty much lines us up if we can supercharge this like that we should be good [Music] okay okay this is uh this seemed enough all right if this the Godzilla is standing out of this I'm going to be shocked all right here goes nothing here goes everything full speed oh no we've gone oh no come on let go down go down a bit more come on yes I think we've done it I think we've done it Godzilla is Still Standing but you're not even leaning on the leg anymore literally look I've got the leg here wait oh my God I was wondering what I was lagging so much and I turned around and because it has fallen over um it still looks like a fairly one piece though I mean I don't think we're gonna be flying any more vehicles at it but we could get our meteorite no wait yes meteorite strike out this was gonna be my next weapon but I guess we're gonna be doing it while you're laying on the ground being lazy meteorite off we go oh here it comes the meteorite is about to strike strike meteorite strike okay ignore me it's taking a little second but it'll be there soon it's on its way trust me it's we'll be here and boom beautiful did we miss did we actually miss okay we kind of missed you know what let's just pull out our strike switch to um napalm and let's just get rid of this thing already we know it seems to be flammable Napalm Strike is out but Godzilla fun well as much as it wasn't as destroyed as I expected I think it's safe to say that Godzilla won't be doing anything anytime soon so I'll take that as a win
Channel: Slogo
Views: 241,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, CARS vs GODZILLA!, teardown, real life physics, godzilla
Id: 1ptcUX1VZlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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