Super Bowl 40 - Steelers vs Seahawks

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[Music] and what do you know a game is about to break out Mike Holmgren who guided Green Bay to a Super Bowl championship lost in another appearance Bill Cowher second time to the Super Bowl lost to Dallas ten years ago and that is Jeff Reid who will put it in the air for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Josh Scobee will run it back there is Scobie I talked a few minutes ago about the fact that Seattle fumbled the opening kickoff first play of the game in Jacksonville back in September but Scobie has been a good kickoff returner all season long that's one of the areas if there hasn't been a lot of talk about in this Super Bowl matchup but if you say who has the advantage and special teams I think it's a Pittsburgh Steeler the Pittsburgh Steelers have started hot in their last two games at Indianapolis and at Denver's beat Cincinnati before that and Super Bowl 40 in Detroit the kick goes to the three yard line Josh Scobee at a Kansas State brings it back out to the 18 yard line click Cree walk makes the tackle and here comes Hasselbeck originally a Green Bay Packer when home he was there then came over to Seattle now in his fifth season as a starter he's been great in postseason as you can see with three touchdowns no picks and a rating of over a hundred nine and he was saying the offensive way for the for the Seattle Seahawks is going to be how they handle the pressure defense of the Steelers we're going to find that open up in the ISO Troy Polamalu keep an eye on peas ankle which was tender early in the week and the first play is a pass to Darrell Jackson to Jones Florida State Steve Hutchinson's Michigan Robin Kovac was a Chris Murray Goulburn University John Locklear problem town and the man who just introduced himself as D Jack has made another catch of the first two plays of the game our passes to Jackson and that's one of the things that the seattle seahawks really do is play up-tempo football it's not no huddle it's a very quick heart and that's how they've begun and at the two passes it's Alexander the league and and a rushing chant tripped up by Paulo Malo but not before he picks up aid behind a Shawn luck near block ii and ii as mike holmgren he's one of the the head coaches in this league that does call his own plays Gil Haskell is the offensive coordinator and then he kind of makes up the blank gameplan and gives it to Mike Holmgren and Mike Holden is a great play call 2nd and 2 from the 38 yard line quick three-step drop and a pass again to Jackson who missed 9 games during the middle of the season with knee surgery then they kept them out of the final game of the year then he made a couple of very key catches thus far in the playoffs well you know Ike Taylor is playing off of Darryl Jackson here and as long as he gives them that bigger cushion the Seahawks are just going to take it I mean they're gonna come up and hit that quick out right in front of him and pick up 67 yards and tell Ike Taylor gets up a little tighter or they they change to a rotation to that like they are now they'll do that all day Jackson at it for a minute and a half and three catches and there goes Alexander around the left side which is the dominant side of the Seattle offense with two great linemen of course in Jones and Hutchinson what's talked about in the preamble to this game and Alexander picks up about the yard and a half here yeah we can see their plan here is they want to stay in two backs most of the time and and and they want to throw the ball to to loosen up this Steeler defense but when they do run they're not going to run inside they're running the edges they have two backs here and here's max Formby pull back this up here as a slot man second down and taxi comes back into the game six play of the opening drive nasty black Kazi passes too high with Morris and Max storm they stay in the block and there's a sack that opinion let's talk vegans who got there but we'll see about the call who you with black-jenkins on one side and Joey corner on the you really can't give them that edge and the Seahawks know that do BC here's here's the edge of right here and right here yo with with no tight in there then then they just get that free run at your quarterback and then he has to step up and then they get to push in the middle and the guy that enjoys a pose is a quarterback of the defense and just got the sack Seattle the punt Tom Rouen who has two Super Bowl rings as a former member of the Denver Broncos to put it in the air Antwaan Randle L is back to receive it and the kick goes into the end zone dinner's not [Music] the Pittsburgh Steelers there 45 active guys tonight none has ever played in a Super Bowl from the 20-yard line Ben Roethlisberger second-year out of Miami of let him be a fifteen in one mark last year and right off the bat you've got Bryce Fisher coming across the line and he was induced fall sorry sorry number 83 offense five-yard penalty still first down tie then Heath Miller who could be a key factor before this one is done you know Bill Cowher said that they were going to be able to use some some quick count than that you know they've played three road games in the playoffs and this game in a Super Bowl you know should be more of a neutral crowd but if you look or listen to this crowd believe me this is a Pittsburgh Steeler prior about 80% I would estimate first in 15 and this is really soccer taken down at the line of scrimmage by the rookie linebacker Laroy Hill last year tommy maddox got hurt early so they went to the rookie did a tremendous job and really came of age this season just by missing some time because of arthroscopic knee surgery and his postseason he has been just tremendous with seven touchdowns and one interception double tight end set here on second down and 15 from the 15-yard line and have deep the middle linebacker welcome to Kupa waves they set up the screen the Parker and Parker runs into Faneca ran into his own man and it's a game of one it'll be third down and 14 Willie Parker making the catch he is their lead running back fetishes their short yardage Guyver on Haines on third down yeah I was talking about low fits a tuple and you see how how deep he is but the big thing about being that deep when he sees something he can run up and hit that thing up [Applause] let's say he's easily not to beat and then whatever the ball gets to Lyons firmage 2-tuples right there santa rosita to people who played in the Super Bowl 20 years ago beans is in the backfield frankly raucous burger out of the step gun and a second penalty on this Drive and that'll be a second false corn next storks you know and that's that's a saying it's kind of a Pittsburgh Steeler crowd so you wouldn't expect that on the Steelers to have have two early penalties like this mosy you see right there oh yeah great special teamer played with New England in the Superbowl 20 against Chicago still lives in New England local grew up in New England started his college career at Maine and then wound up going to USC third and 19 from the gun that was a three-man rush here Roethlisberger able to get away and in a slider stop at the 21 yard line to two pillars there and make sure and it's buried will have to be fun after a three and out including two false starts you always look at that free band Rush and you say these are not gonna put a lot of pressure on the quarterback but the pressure on the quarterback becomes it okay you only have three guys rushing but you have eight defending so you have to throw into eighth man coverage and in today's quick throw football that's very difficult Chris Gardocki has been in the league 15 years has never had a punk walk Peter Warrick will run it back for the Seahawks and the left-footer with a low-tech field it at the 38 and taken down right there James Harrison making the tackle [Music] John only a hundred eight balls for use tonight in addition to the kicking balls isn't that something and they're going to change the ball on every play in the first half and that's to get these footballs into the game and we talked to Matt Hasselbeck the other day that was his biggest concern he said every quarterback that he talked to said watch out for the balls in the Super Bowl because they're all new and you get a new one on every play and a new ball is usually a slick ball Roethlisberger is not worried about he's lying the glove pacified meanwhile there's some completions on their first drive and there's a little toss back to the full-back max strong then he gets tripped up by Kimo Vaughn ole - they use it three four with Vaughn ole - and Erin Smith outside and the big man at 325 pounds number 98 Casey Hampton filling up the middle yeah and that's where it all starts I think here you talk about you know the linebackers on this defense you talk about Troy Polamalu but it's so fun that play like sweet defensive tackles that get everything started in the run game second down and ten secondary does its job and not match gonna take off and he's going to slide the whole probably a little short of the first down they will market just short of the 45 yard line setting up third and short chemo vinyl Hoffman has a heck of a club we talk to Walter Jones the other day the big thing that he was worried about was that Club you see it right there the left in and and he said I just have to keep my hips low and keep my balance because if this guy catches you off balance he just launches you third and one Alexander 16 for 16 on 31 during the regular season they they kick in and the pass is caught by Jackson and Darryl Jackson's to the 45 yard line tackle there by Ike Taylor and Jackson's already caught four passes for 30 yards [Applause] you know one of the things that that Seattle wants to do if they have to use a running back as a blocker what they do is they is they want Mack strong to be the guy so so they're always going to play with two bats and it's going to be either a lie or it's gonna be offset they really don't want Shaun Alexander to be the Past protector this play was hitting its defensive line near first and ten at the 45-yard line masa dice gonna set up a screen and then Alexander juggled it and that was the end of that play but Kiesel is there to make the tackle number 99 yeah I think that's kind of the key al anytime you see Shaun Alexander in there as a single back is probably going to be a screen Dick LeBeau the defensive coordinator the Steelers he's going to attack your protection so when he sees a single back he knows that he can make that backs block and fast protects client do that the Alexander and then Mike Holmgren on the other hand is gonna say okay you do that I want to scream the outside feel those behind power and then time Detroit lion back both the play fake let's call it out Bobby Engram he makes his first patch of the night and the ball is at the 41 yard line where Ike Taylor makes the tackle it'll be third down in six new Matt Hasselbeck was a big guys six-foot four and you don't think of those guys as being scramblers but he's very good at that he's been he's very good at this type of thing keeping the play alive you know just moving a little four receivers here in could a DJ Hackett in the game for the first time the ton of speed on third down and six the pass is caught there is a flag would be Jackson's fifth catch but we'll see about the call from leaving that was a third down and six holy [Applause] [Music] that comes on a whole by Chris gray the 13th year guard out of Auburn it's gonna be against James Farrior he's gonna he's gonna come in and say here's Chris gray right here you see starts to the outside and he just gets his armor right around farriers net much of his right there then he gets that right arm around his neck and puts the old chokehold on [Applause] and so a little bit more than six minutes ago in a scoreless opening quarter to see how that's backed up third down 16 at their own 49-yard in an interesting defense initially get their exotic defenses to defensive linemen backers six defensive backs they rush through a hassle back guns it downfield he has a thick book by Ike Taylor padded in his hands puddin making interception in comes the punting unit and those the things we were talking about earlier again it was a it was a three-man rush and the good news is he don't get a lot of pressure on the quarterback the bad news is you're throwing into a lot of white jerseys eight [Applause] we'll have a jewelry in the Tom Rouen household married the Amy van Dyken has won a few goals as a an Olympic swimmer rune who started the season with Carolina winds up coming back to Seattle we'll wind up in the end zone if sinners are sneaky guys watch Bono Hoffman has worked in here he tries to get his club but watch Robbie Toback right there once the tall pumpkins and they love to sneak out and get that guy that's not looking and it will always be the center of it does that go back he's played in the Super Bowl or is in Atlanta Falcon second down and 10 now for the Pittsburgh Steelers from the 20-yard line and this is in the offseason and railroads a defensive coordinator suffered a stroke earlier in the year John Marshall has pretty much taken over the world as defensive coordinator in the pass intended for Hines Ward no good incomplete and it's a three and out for Pittsburgh yeah the Steelers were in their dime defense ads six defensive backs in there making it tough for Roethlisberger to throw you know if you look at you know his games in the playoffs Ben Roethlisberger he had the most success when he was able to throw on first and second down and me both these teams look a little tight but I don't know if it's the ad or maybe they start the hit go and they get the penalty but it's one of those two things especially after the way Pittsburgh started and his he eats of his last two games against Indianapolis and Begler little powering to he's texting the 37-yard line war comes to the outside and Warrick will take it back to close to midfield with a 49-yard line so good field position [Music] you look at that Pittsburgh defense with Paul Amal Owen and Porter it's kind of like going to a movie you have 11 actors but two of them would be like Jack Nicholson and Robert De Niro you always know when they're in the sea and this is Alexander across the 50 to the 47 yard line in a four and you listen to Troy Polamalu and you know he really sounds like a gentle guy and and off the field he is I mean he's he gets on field and he's a totally different guy I mean this guy is all over the place I mean he launched himself and everything and Dick LeBeau says a great player as a safety the thing you're always looking for is a guy that can sacked the quarterback and interceptor ball deep going yes for a follow model you talk to the Seahawks this week they described him as a missile and that's what he is lines up all over the field come from any angle second down and six and that's a big catch for Jackson is inside the 30 takes it to the 28th time Andre reads record for most catches in the first quarter of a Super Bowl with five what they did is they caught him in that cover - you're going to see both safeties are deep Jackson just gets inside the corner and trips on one side and then we're going to Matt Hasselbeck yesterday and they said you know who do you think will have a big game here the smash I was just on the deal Jeff I think he's gonna have a big day play fake lots of time goes the other way that is called in for a first now by Jo juror this is playing in his third Super Bowl once as a giant once as a Buccaneer and now as they see one and that's a heck of a throw by Matt Hasselbeck that was his third read but it all starts with good pass protection yo when they bring their pressure they bring those outside linebackers like Hagen's has gun if you give them block then you can throw the ball on this defense getting the block is a tough thing the Seahawks just did it there the Seahawks beginning to open the game up a little talking about the slow pace at the beginning of a fight with is looking the jabs and now Hasselbeck moves to his left nose touchdown and here comes a flag it's Darryl Jackson who makes the catch and the flag thrown at the end of the play and that's what I'm saying Matt Hasselbeck does so well there's going to be a penalty here but he'll start to scramble but he doesn't run he just keeps looking upfield and finds that open guy [Music] wipe it out he had something to Matt Hasselbeck so all away because he started running down there here's Jackson he's going to start outside then he's coming on the end right there and then and then he feels the scramble so he goes in to a scramble drill and he put that right hand up there and when you think of push off that's not the kind of you think about really he puts Chris Pope away so two big penalties of cost see attitude big plays in the first quarter with just two minutes to go problem with Jackson on that play was right in front of the official but again he was finished running his pattern he was going in to scramble grill first in 29 through 26 yard line Alexander and Pittsburgh is there on the outside to knock him down after a gain of a couple back we go to Jackson again and you see again he's running the pattern here his pattern isn't in now he sees and feels Hasselbeck scramble so he goes to scramble drill you just keep moving find an opening for him but in doing so look is right in front of the official he pushed off with his right hand Jackson has all four sea animals first names second and 19 are gonna give it to Alexander it's knocked on the outside by Larry Foote a Detroiter coming home to play in his own gun he's the first guy to stop but they do these Seattle Seahawks we talk about how they really don't feel they can run inside they have to run outside but the tough thing about going outside is that they really handle the edge as well and make you cut back and then when you cut back they they're they're they're their speed and their pursuit is excellent 23 after that it to the six yard line to convert and hasselbanks going for six it is tipped up in the air and incomplete intended for the speedy DJ Hackett the number four wide on and Brian McFadden a rookie at a Florida State is there for the coverage yeah I think that was the the matchup they were looking for is to get their speed DJ Hackett on the rookie McFadden but that ball stays up there a little too long in fact McFadden made such a such a good read on it he was really by it and a little late Jack had had a chance to catch that thing now a 47-yard field goal attempt for Josh Brown in perfect indoor conditions right down the middle [Music] Detroit done a great job hosting Super Bowl 40 it's the second time that Detroit has posted a Super Bowl John Madden did his first game at the Silverdome when San Francisco beat Cincinnati back in 81 right that was that was my first Super Bowl leave for Super Ball here and that was a great game and that was you know Bill Walsh's first Super Ball win 49ers Joe Montana that was kind of the start of that 49 of dynasty first of five eight one five and Dallas is one five and that Pittsburgh would be a five-time winner if they win and of course for Seattle everybody who follows the game knows first time ever in the Super Bowl Brown who just kicked the 47-yard field goal to take pocket stick in a yard into the end zone [Applause] and when we went to practice the other day Polamalu on Thursday didn't practice that was a little shocking when he couldn't do anything but Bill Cowher said they took an x-ray there was no problem you'll be fine today this burger throws that pass is incomplete would have been about a six-yard gain Cedric Wilson dropping it came over from the 49ers and played a key role in the playoffs as their number 3 - receiver as guavas burger checks the band Lofa 2-tuple may have had something to do with his drop in it this guy is is amazing as a rookie you know I saw him in training camp I thought you know he's pretty good some regular season and said you know he's good watched him at the end of the season I said this guy's a dominant player he's a great player mike singletary a lot Roethlisberger who is one out of three for one yard double coverage intention complete Jordan Babineaux helps to break it up and then he flag comes in wonder if that's going to be on Boulware because Boulware got there just after the ball did pretty good reaction michael boulware was the deep safety reacting on the ball remember this is an all-star group of efficiently No [Applause] that's what I think they were looking at I think they were looking at michael boulware yes and there's some sensor they had a better angle on it right right he's number 28 and it looks like you know right there he comes in you see it that's exactly what it was and then they thought it looked like it was a helmet to helmet contact and then someone one of the fish saw that there wasn't helmet-to-helmet so no foul third down and ten Roethlisberger who started so hot in the three playoff games one out of four for one yard in the period under pressure steps away great [Applause] and in the passage incomplete intended to the rookie made Washington he's covered by Marcus to thought how to do it to the first quarter [Applause] [Music] Super Bowl 40 in Detroit Al Michaels John mad Michele Tafoya and Suzy Kolber with you at the end of the first quarter in which Seattle with a 47-yard field goal by Brown leads three nothing Pittsburgh does not have a first down and they'll begin a second quarter with a Chris Gardocki punt the fact Pittsburgh has had three possessions three three and out Ben Roethlisberger's one for five Seattle was five first downs and figure to have pretty good field position here again except for our docking with a beautiful pic that backs Warrick up to the 22 yard line and where it gets a block work down the sideline Laura takes the ball across the 50 to the 46 yard line well you could see that one coming up here Ali had he had the old picket fence you know you try and you have a return right or return left that was a return right and you form a wall on that side and from here you could just see a perfect have a seat off wall number 35 receiving David kin-yuen penalty from the spot of the foul first down almost never fails Ettrick Truitt with the foul let's go good-looking wall yep well what's the wall here it's over here to the right right here this is a wall being formed by the Seattle Seahawk and right there you just go right up that Lane it's fine he got two real good clean blocks and then Pruitt sort of an accessory on the run back here isn't that called for the foul right he was he was holding right there at the line of scrimmage trying to hold his guy up from getting a release to get into coverage so now though start from the 25-yard line Hasselbeck will give it to Alexander he gains five we go to Suzy Kolber talking to Seattle quarterback coach Jim Zirin he explained how Matt Hasselbeck can have success against this complex Pittsburgh Steelers defense he said the key is to avoid the mind clutter don't try to overanalyze let the coaches do the work just call the plays you're given so I've watched Matt between series he calls upstairs to Jim Zorn they analyze the plays the choices don't call it change a protection or attack outside the Bobby Engram in the fantasies incomplete John we've been with the teams all week long these are actually the previous quarterbacks we've ever been around you know and I thought towards the end of the week that they kind of cracked you know that you know they're cool on Wednesday and Thursday yeah we all are but you know the day before the game they would be and I want the day of the game I walked out in the field and Ben Roethlisberger was out there hanging out like this I've never seen a quarterback in a Super Bowl as cool as these two guys as where's NASA back before the game just soaking it all in third down and five passes back rolling to his left plays that's caught Jojo officious makes the catch for a first down up at the 44 yard line he's tackled by Brian McFadden you know one of the things that Matt Hasselbeck said her and in fact not one of the things he said the most important thing and they said it early was was handling the the Steeler pressures and they're doing a very good job of that I mean they they won their past protection is good they're moving Hasselbeck a little Hasselbeck they're scrambling a little and they are handling that part of the diad Hasselbeck's haircut Sean Alexander picks up three Don Hasselbeck father of Matt played in a Super Bowl as a Los Angeles Raider 22 years ago and was a winner in that game there is and whether Tim is the backup quarterback for the New York Giants and he's here - he's and me on the left of that group but Matt Hasselbeck was a tough guy he's a good player now Alexander behind a max strong blocked across the 50 yard line third down and two yeah this is where we talked about where they want to run you know you'll get to the edges here don't try and run up the middle but but get out there get that edge block get that linebacker buck and then cut off him and if you look they're just trying to run to the numbers they're really not trying to run between the hash is on the field but they're trying to run to these angles out to the numbers Alexander comes out it's already carried eight times 223 yards third down and two passes port the pendant is lost it is incomplete incomplete never had possession Jeremy Stephens the tight end hit by Chris Pope so no fumble incomplete and fourth down coming up here we talk about Chris Polamalu and how they move move him all around I mean Troy Polamalu how they move him all around and then when that happens then Chris Hope is a free safety so if Polamalu was coming up and playing underneath the guy that has to play the whole middle of the field is the guys that make the hit right there and maybe if there's an underrated guy on this defense it could be Chris Hope I'd say they could have ruled that fumble here's Tom Rowan's kick bouncing at the young and then going into the end zone the credit to the Seattle defense only three teams held without a first down the first quarter of a Super Bowl Baltimore came back to win that game on O'Brien's field goal at the end New England against that dominant Chicago D in Super Bowl 20 and now tonight still - a first half Pittsburgh starts its fourth Drive and every one of them have started at the 20 yard line and Jerome Bettis is in the game for the first time so the flashbulbs are popping and the hometown boy has the ball fake to him and in incomplete to the outside Bryce Fisher put the pressure on that time it'll be second down and ten for Jerome Bettis it's a great story from Detroit started as a ram they'll go to the Hall of Fame as a Pittsburgh Steeler Willie or won't he retire is the question that is to be determined and then of course who can ever forget the fun one in the Annapolis that tackled by Roethlisberger if they want a Super Bowl that will go down in NFL war forever and that's going to be so special and again I think it's special anyway that Ben Roethlisberger tackle after the battle fumble but if they win the Super Bowl and it becomes a Super Ball year that will be known as the tackle you he won't have to say anything else except the tackle you get the catch you got the drive you'd have the tackle to yard game here Tubbs makes the stop 11:50 remaining in the first half and Jerome will come out now third down and eight Varane Haynes is there third down by and Seattle's been doing a very good job to stop him on first and second down and creighton third and long yardage you brought up the poor field position the Steelers have had but not getting any first downs they haven't got a poor field position Roethlisberger out of the shotgun you'll never see the shotgun from Seattle not once snap in the shotgun this year for the Seahawks and that pass is juggled and then held on to by Antoine Randall and that will be your first first down yeah I circled that bunch out there and you just see that's that's what you do against his own he had three wide receivers out there he looks it off to the right to the single side and then he comes back to Antwon Randall L to the side that he had the spree wide receiver you see you have one coming in one going out one short one medium one deep Randall L loves to work over the middle very effective there and that time the ball almost slipped out of his hands he was able to regather it from the 30-yard line to the outside for a first down and about a 17-yard gain before manual knocks and out of the bounds and that's the first gadget that we see from Miss dealers and and that's what they try and do Bill Cowher loves gadgets and you'll love them in this type of situation when you don't have momentum momentum is going the other way everything is going the other way you need a change and you come back with a play like this or reverse they call that a gadget and it gets them to big play and it could change change momentum that last time out was taken in injuries on that mark when Manuel who tackled Ward at the end of the play shaken up he was out of bounds but they had a stop and take a look here well you see first of all there's a helmet to helmet contact so it could be that and then if you look right there it could be his ankle right there I'm not sure if that's a something in between but right now it's a crew it comes in second year safety out of Southern Mississippi replace him Pittsburgh back-to-back first downs on the move now at the 48 yard line we Seattle up three nothing fake draw play-action Roethlisberger deep but short and picked off at the 16 yard line by michael boulware Antwon arraigned allow the intended receiver Roethlisberger had time off the fake but Boulware stayed right with him Ben Roethlisberger had a real hot start in each of his last two games but tonight as you take a look at the AFC Championship game in the first half against Denver 180 yards tonight nine yards as Hasselbeck closing at his on the outside by Bobby Engram and I'm gonna be second down and seven at the 20-yard line it kinda looks like the Pittsburgh offense and Ben Roethlisberger in this in this first half so far they don't look like they have a plan you know you can't say what are they trying to do or they trying to throw on first down like they've done and playoff games where they plan to get a running game going and they haven't gotten anything established in you can't see where they're going there you can kind of see Seattle's plan you can't see Pittsburgh's offensive things scale is very very tentative Alexander gets written down by Joey Porter Porter yet to really make his presence felt in the game but during the course of the season especially in postseason yeah and he's playing that position that right outside linebacker a three-man line that's a position at Lawrence tailor-made popular you know that then you better block him with the linemen because if you just leave him on an edge like he is right here and block him with a back he's going to win that back [Applause] blocks word up he goes back into pass coverage on third and three get back to scorn and then strong is taken down by the cornerback Touche Townsend and they're gonna mark it a little bit short of the first down the levy will bring the chains in is Mac strong a 13-year fullback who will go to the pro ball out of Georgia there he is of course that's becoming an extinct position with a lot of teams right then and that baton the strong side linebacker and you don't even you know hear much about those guys and I was talking to Mike Hoggard about that the other day and he said the slot guy and three wide receivers has taken his position now Mike Holmgren has a decision I think in this situation I think you have to punt I do too I mean you know I mean you look and it's just inches and you wish you would have gotten the first down and it's easy to say go for it but I mean you have momentum you have stuff but you're not gonna let the Steelers have the ball at this position I'm not at your own 20 says you've dominated the game in a sense it's only three nothing but you've had the ball 14 and a half minutes to six and a half minutes and of course nothing would give the opponent more momentum than not making a fourth and one at your own 26 but it's tough for coaches and fans when some referee goes like this which is he has like three inches apart so that's all you have to go for a first down and you say punting team yeah it's nice going to say oh you listen to your crime and what they want to do and pretty senior sitting with him ruins kick by antoine away the slippery one brings it back to the 42 yard line and the ball is loose but they're gonna say it was down down and the whistle was blown tonight on [Music] Big Ben from the town of Findlay Ohio not far from here down i-75 played his college football at Miami of Ohio I saved it Ben Roethlisberger has to his promo on first down he's really tried three times one yet so have to say he has to throw more on first night and completely and also develop every turn he's not on the receiver's Willie Parker yet to get it started let's go to Susie call her here's the update on free safety mark on manual he is questionable with a left groin injury they had him behind towels just a moment ago so they could pull his pants down and tape up his groin and now he's just trying to get it loosened up they're hoping you can get back in there and already you can see the bandage on his chin and you've got extra crew it in their manual would be a big loss and remember Manuel was the guy that took cam Hamlin's quote right and then we're gonna fight outside a bar Sunday night in this season and gone for the season as Parker takes it up to the 45 yard line and it will be third down and six and this crowd it's it's a it's a Pittsburgh dominated growling the Super Bowl is supposed to be a neutral site well this place before the game when the steel is gonna introduce was about as neutral as Lake Placid was when the US was playing the Soviet Union in 1980 they were crazy then but they're kind of quiet during the game I wonder if these are really steel a real Steeler fan or if they just had a bunch of Terrible Towels that were handed out somewhere third and section Randall is back in the game for a wide outs against six defensive backs Roethlisberger is going to shovel it and it's going to be caught by Hinds the 43 yard line Roethlisberger is so adept at absorbing contact and getting away and then making something happen 12 yard games yeah that's what he's his best in Seattle Seahawk defensive coordinator John Marshall said guys just drip off them and I think you see a drip off right there and then and then what I like about him he he stays alive I mean that one he just kind of flipped underhand out there the Hines Ward he keeps looking downfield to make the play in the pass again not run with the ball Roethlisberger is three of his first nine for 21 yards the ball is at the Seattle 43 yard line trying to get a running game going and they can't and despite not having a line game in their last two playoff games it was raucous Berger through the air that did it normally Pittsburgh loves to chew up the clock and run the ball but they proved in their last two games against Indy and Denver it doesn't have to be that way and that's the way Ken that Roethlisberger wanted to do it remember he told us early in the season he said we run on first down run on second down and then if we don't do well then I get the shotgun a we throw on third down he said I wanted to throw more on first and second then they started to do it and they were a lot more successful second down and nine the ball is at the 43 yard line reward sets up on a wing the office burger throws deep over the middle miss by Cedric listeners really come on in postseason free agent picked up from San Francisco and in the receiving end of a 20 yard catch here now this is a cover three and what they're trying to do is just hit the seat and the seam is inside this corner true font here before you get to the safety there's a seam there between the corner and the cover three and the safety and he's just kidding perfectly in that scene of his owns now the bone of the 20 team will cower was saying that Cedric Wilson is really his best route runner deepest penetration to the Steelers by Roethlisberger the pump a crazy depending the end zone an awful thing Hines Ward very soon covering on the play it'll be second down as one thing ben roethlisberger has learned isn't it you know to do pump off if you're going to throw right pump left and try and get that safety out of there and then you'd really have a true one on one he got the true one on one and he just threw it a little one I don't know behinds words should have caught that ball but I don't know had he caught it I think he still would have been out of bounds right now let's take a look yeah I was closer agreed shoots up to get to feeling second down and 10 from the 22 yard line Bennett Dan Anderson pressure set up the screen it's the bus and benefits tripped up and there's a flag down thrown gets for the 17 yard line pending the coal the levy the referee is a retired policeman and a retired fireman and he's a very very good referee prior to the past's offensive passing appearance number 83 shutting down that's Heath Miller bill levy was actually a high school referee about 30 years ago and ref the game in which Mike Holmgren was an assistant coach at a San Jose high school Oak Grove High School and Mike Holmgren remembered and and they need a game in the Super Bowl second down in 2008 former land there comes in gets around his block and knocks down Big Ben for the moment takes him out of field goal range grant Wistrom will always make that flam and he has that motor goes a hundred and ten percent you know he just keeps moving just keeps moving he's there against barbell Smith he gets into him gets his feet working gets his hands working gets to the outside and makes a big sack you know this team you see hogs led the league in sacks at 50 sacks but you say well who did it they have 11 different guys doing third down and 28 out of the shotgun our office burger three-man rush he's going to take off he has time he's going to and is going to be quarter to three so ben roethlisberger is able to move out of the pocket and then he had to be so careful about where the line of scrimmage was he almost looked around to his left to make sure he didn't cross that line and then he saw where the marker wasn't is able to launch a big pass downfield here Ben Roethlisberger told us one of his secrets and scrambling is when that end gets up the feel like whispering does escape to that side get out to that side and continue to look downfield and throw the ball [Applause] and scrambling and then he said but I'm not going to take in any phonus and we just saw it on that play end up the field tackle down take that window and throw out of it timeout [Music] timeout taken by Pittsburgh Ben Roethlisberger a very close to going across the line of scrimmage lets you do that you can't throw the ball you can't back up gonna put a red line in here and you're going to take a look at this yeah the red line is the line of scrimmage you see that end getting up the field the tackle thing that lets him get out to the left how did he throw before he got to the red line yes yeah baby what that was like he knew was that yeah and that's that would have been a review to play mad that bus taking it to the one-yard line so Jerome Bettis coming home is this the end of the career might be and what a way to end it in your hometown in the Super Bowl and will they give it to them again the Bettis plan and you know that they're going to give it to him down here I mean this is what Jerome Bettis does he runs short yardage runs goal line what they say they they start the game with Willie Parker and if they start to drive the woolie Parker and they finish it with Jerome Bettis Steelers have been terrific inside the 5-yard line decision has been Venice but they're gonna stop him here setting up a very big burly third down this is going to be a tough run down I could see a play-action pass and instead it's worthless burger on the keeper diving and does he get there yes he does the linesman came in it looked like he was going to spot it then he came closer and rocked this burger is able to score the touchdown on the 11th play of the drive I think the way the Seattle defense hit that second down play I think they had to come up with something like this for you where you give him the tailback you give them the full-back and then you let the quarterback make the play for you and a reviewable play if Mike Holmgren Scotia's upstairs tell him that they want this to be challenged you can challenge this play you take a look plays the ball does the ball get to therefore the the the goal line thing and I take it back about the guys upstairs this is up to the replay official now because we're just inside two minutes just inside the two-minute warning do the guys upstairs does the replay official upstairs want to take a look at this believe me is going to take a look at this because it's close enough the key here is that any part of the ball goes over or touches any part of the goal in other words the front of the goal line is part of the endzone and initially it looked as if he was going to spot the ball after hearing the play the woman on the field stands [Applause] it's the call on the field and it's a touchdown for the Steelers [Music] [Applause] is any part of the ball breaking the plane of the goal line neither saw that and did or couldn't tell whether or not a day late and he stayed with the call in the field ball on the field stands we to attempt the point after Gardocki will hold and Jeff read tax on the conversion with him in 55 seconds remaining [Music] 14 seasons he's still only 48 years old his whole family is here they have seen the feature run the pregame show Kathy Holmgren wife of Mike's on a medical mission trip to the Republic of Congo and that was planned and Mike said no you're gonna go ahead I just can't envision Kathy in a sports bar in Brazzaville right now well yeah and and she's with her daughter who's a doctor so the two of them have to be sweating this thing Kongo yes the one hopper taken at the 20-yard line the backup to Alexander and a flag clone at the end of the play at the 39 yard line [Applause] during their journey holding number 57 Daniel a first out it's Kevin Bentley bill levy I referee giving a good strong holding call did you hear that slap it only he'll show and there's the man he's gone through the whole Bentley halftime coming up and that means first half highlights me Chris Berman and the gang sprint halftime show and the feature there of course is the live performance by the Rolling Stones so his Pittsburgh crowd for the chant of defense defense course Pittsburgh's less than 300 miles away Seattle about 2,500 miles from Detroit from the 27 yard line Asheville back over the by Jojo vicious in traffic absorbs and hit boil up at the 46-yard line Seattle rushed him to the line of scrimmage they have two timeouts remaining and that was that same scene we were talking about him to cover three jo-jo fishes piano paul wide receiver can get body angle naso back sealing the pocket outside he works at the Alexander he's tackled at midfield by Tyrone Carter that'll have two timeouts here and again your goal here is to get inside the 30 that's your first goal to get in field goal position and once you get inside the 30 then you go for the touchdown and it's the animal takes a ton out they have one left reminds me a little bit though of it and game two years ago between New England and Carolina where there was not a lot that went on in the first half it was very low-scoring and then it was a phenomenal second half right and I think it's the type of thing you know you spar you spar you spar you want to see you know what they're going to do against this what they're gonna do against that you expect a lot of blitzing by the skewers you haven't seen it what are they going to do more of it and then you put a plan together for the second half second down and six Hasselbeck throwing that's fluffy Bobby Engram at the 40-yard line that'll moved the change in the minutes five the steers of saying haven't blitzed a lot in this first half that play they did they brought a troy polamalu wing in Seattle did a good job of picking it up now only a three-man rush and a tow back and the pass is launched on the right side it's Jackson who made five catches in the first quarter but none here covered by Ike Taylor and he was out of bounds he only had one foot in on that play but remember you go back to yesterday and Matt Hasselbeck and you know who's going to be the big player in this game and he kept smiling saying Darryl Jackson I think Darryl Jackson's going to have a big game he had the left foot in he didn't get the right foot very close now that's why I mean that's that's a receiver on that I mean he got a little too close for that sideline that's why you always want to have a cushion between you sup and the sideline well did eat 5 yards did he get foot no they're gonna take a timeout or the Steelers that though for a second they're gonna review it upstairs I don't say well what's reviewable about it it was pretty clear but timeout is taken now by Pittsburgh defensively so now second and 10 pull them on the mic talks right in the hassle backs helmet then they have one timeout which is big because he doesn't have to throw the ball to the sideline he can still throw it inside because he has the timeout and they're gonna get her to Alexander so they're gonna run it for about four but Kiesel makes it tackle the ball at the 36 yard line clock running down under 40 I guess when you think you have one timeout you can also run I don't understand that play Josh Brown loosening up ticking down a 25 normally they're quickly paced and that taken a lot of time too much time and then this time is not smart koala boy and timeout taken by Pittsburgh with a flake like chicken down with dirt well thirteen seconds and it could wind up leaving a timeout on the wall here so that the Seahawks who official perfection especially in postseason at that tempo game of the pacing had just called a timeout and now they go up to the line of scrimmage and they wasted all of that time there and Matt Hasselbeck was going back and forth back and forth and it looks like he's gonna be in the shotgun and as remember Seattle doesn't have it when you would say using one but the play that I didn't understand is a running play then they probably called to play you know a running play and then you're followed by a passing play with no huddle and and they got a discombobulated confused though so they took really too much time and then I don't understand why the Steelers took a timeout yeah third down and six at the 36 yard line right now you'd be looking at about a 54-yard field oil and Hasselbeck is going to go deep down the sideline but that one's going to be out of bounds for Jackson tonight you have 7 seconds [Applause] very unusual because for a mike holmgren coach team and the offensive prowess and playing pretty really smart at the end of haves and games to get caught in this situation where you have to kick a field goal of this distance with seven seconds left and you're gonna leave the timeout up on the wall it's stunning it doesn't make any sense of run doesn't make any sense and then you know not running a a medium-sized that pass in the middle 54 yards for Josh Brown and that kick is no good a very weird sequence for the Seattle offense to end this first half with two seconds left one more snap for Pittsburgh that will make you make a coach scratch his head because I think I'm scratching my head up here you know again the rod and then you wonder why you didn't go you know having a timeout why you didn't you're throwing in and get in field goal position and if you still have some time then then then you go for the touchdown sometimes you overthink we'll end it with a Roethlisberger kneel down and that will be the end of the first half of Super Bowl 40 [Music] so the first half it's quote not gonna win any Academy Awards that we talked about games that do break out of the second half what kind of a pace and tone do you expect now in the second half John well I think if Seattle would go to that pace that they started with remember they started the up tempo and they started hitting those quick outs and those types of things and then they got away from it I think that they should go back to that and maybe stop running those sweeps and maybe trying to start running inside now and I think as Bill Cowher we're saying just before they have I don't know that they really have a plan and if they do it doesn't seem to be working he said what his plan is his Ben has to settle down and they have to get the running game going now I think at some point this game is going to be put in Ben Roethlisberger's hands I mean they've had and the playoffs they've had that thing where they did get ahead they'd get the lead and they could come and run in the second half it doesn't look like this is going to be that kind of second half for them they come down to the quarterbacks on on each side now at the end of the first half a lot of confusion with Seattle to clear that up let's go to Suzy Kolber well I asked Mike Holmgren about it and he said that what happened was he called a play and that has avec audible he called another play and Matt Hasselbeck audibled again then he said this dealers call the timeout which was smart on their part because they lost 10 seconds but he said really their offense is operating fairly efficiently he said three we're out by just a foot we just need to settle the we're almost there well Susie speaking of settling down I was told just before the half by Bill Cowher that Ben Roethlisberger needed to settle down I asked him it just now how he planned to do that get him to settle down he said Ben really does that for himself and we're confident he'll do it we give all the credit in the world to Seattle's defense they did a good job of slowing down our run we're gonna continue to try to mix the run with the past and get some momentum going we've got to convert on third downs and we can't accept the penalties that slowed us down early in this ball game now I Thank You Michelle and they have nixed the pass and run at a 50/50 ratio in the first half with 13 rushes 13 passes we have Jerome Bettis miked up for the game and here was Bettis when Roethlisberger scored the only touchdown of the first half [Music] [Applause] good job [Music] and that's the scene on the sidelines afterwards and then of course they had to wait through a booth review when the call was upheld it was a pretty good block by Jerome Bettis oh he was proud of it he got looking to to poo and if someone's going to make that that play on the goal line it would be two to four [Applause] so Pittsburgh will get the ball as we start the third quarter Ricardo Coakley will receive the kick Josh Brown will send it toward the end zone seven to three Pittsburgh on top second half of the way of supervillain 40 quickly from the floor coming straight up the and then pop by Jordan Babineaux as he gets to the 24 yard line a better spot popping up little hustling going on I think this is a big drive here I mean I mean if Pittsburgh could go down and score then they could really play their type of game then they could get into that run mode and they could get more aggressive and blitz more on defense now if Seattle doesn't want that to happen then they need you know a big defensive series here and like a great bullpen closer in baseball few coaches are better than Bill Cowher at making sure you have a victory once you get a decent sized lead more on that later that's what Courtney wall does start the second half mark ran manual that hurt then the first and it has Willie Parker started running back from the 25-yard line in Roethlisberger for a short three-step drop throws it a little bit behind Ward covered by Andre Dyson and let's take a look at some of the key numbers through the first 30 minutes neither team doing a lot on the ground which was sort of surprising in Seattle's case with the league rushing champion then Loftus burger that a good percentage of those passing guards on that one key pass on third 28 37 in fact Marquand will not return out said he is at we're going to see to it for the rest of the day and you're going to see they call him fast Willie Parker and face Willie Parker has just gone 75 yards for a touchdown was the change in momentum that the Steelers we're talking about they had three wide receivers nickel defense so this is what you want to do get him to think that you're going to pass then you get a little counter a good block there you just give by that safety again they had that once you get by with that nickel you only have one safety back there and you outrun that guy Parker had had six carries for eleven yards but Vanakkam made a heck of a block and seen him Poland get locked of sprung Parker that's why he may be the best guard in the league one car travels towards it [Music] long is rushing play in the history of the Super Bowl Marcus Allen had held the record and if you follow football you can see the Allen running your eye going one way coming back the other way in Tampa for the Raiders against Washington in Super Bowl 18 a phenomenal run this one just a quick shot over the right side a great block by Allen Faneca and 75 yards for fast Willie Parker there when the Steelers have success run and they usually run to the left side behind Faneca then when they run to the right they pull fanuc and so either way they're getting in behind Allen Faneca one of the best guards in football Josh Lyman football you said he early Drive here comes another one yeah the Steelers the Steelers needed that now they can really put pressure on Seattle is Josh Scobee taking the kick from the four and steady gets taken down by Kiesel up at the 29-yard line and back we go to the longest run in any of the 40 Super Bowls there we'll see Alan Faneca right here watch michael boulware when he comes up and misses then he breaks through and he gets right on the safety Pruitt and Pruett takes a bad angle so you see Faneca pull make the tackle right there and Leroy Hill Boulware miss and now the only guy is Pruitt and he's the backup for the third safety he takes a bad angle and then Willie Parker gets a touchdown from the 29 yard line hassle back goes to work and it is juggled and drop by Alexander will a few years ago was catching a lot of passes but this year averaged about one reception per game covered by pagans the Seahawks statistically how have they done Hasselbeck 118 yards in the half Alexander the Russian champion averaged better than 5 yards per carry during the regular season 3.1 and then Jackson had those 5 receptions all in the first Coulee they have got Jackson lining up in the backfield here in number 82 and that sent him in motion on second down and 10 Hasselbeck goes the other way and the pass is pulled out of the flat by maurice morris and he is taken down up at about the 35 yard line by Ike Taylor it will be third down in four and Morris is a running back so they split him as a wide receiver put the wide receiver Darryl Jackson in the backfield put him in motion on the other side and then throw it back to this side of the Memorial [Applause] third down and four little too defensive Weinman three backers six defensive backs and they were going to cut blitz Hasselbeck just hold that how about snap down there that informative change the two alone gives it the next boy for a first down the course is noted for his blocking go to the Provo because of that but occasionally gets the ball in fact he had a big one in the playoff game against Washington yeah and that's what teams try and do when it's not third long and the Steelers go into that two defensive linemen three linebackers six defensive backs they want to run against him to get him out of it watch Troy Polamalu mister you don't see that an awful lot that's the Atlas first rushing first down they an eight to the air shorts on the field and a little bit of what has made him the Russian camp and the league MVP in evidence on that play legend syndergaard leading the way John you know I was gonna say al I think that's probably one of the adjustments that that Mike Holmgren of the seahawks made is as they were trying to scratch that thing and get it outside and get it to the sidelines on a sweep and now they're getting it out there and cutting it back but I think I think you just can't keep going to the sidelines at some point you have to get a kick out and then and then cut back inside it they didn't let the edges cut them back that is a 21-yard game buys time [Applause] Jeremy Siemens in amongst the defensive triangle and Stephens of course in the papers along with the back and forth with Joey Porter the tight end over the middle just couldn't hang on at the end and Jeremy Stephens is six foot seven so he's a big target down the middle and Matt Hasselbeck thinks all you have to do is throw it up over the linebackers and you'll get a completion he threw it up over the linebackers that was a perfect throw Jeremy Stephens just didn't make the play second down and ten stealing's turns out back to go nuclear receiver set and that examiner in the background and an agenda with the patrol taking you to the 32 yard line with a linebacker Larry Foote makes the tackle it'll set up a third down and five at the 32 now they can fake anything if they can keep this mixture up and get Sean Alexander going in this second half and make the Steelers play both run and pass I think they'll have an advantage if they get one dimensional the Steeler defense could take over the game with the Seahawks right now let me do that that is Anna comes out on 35 that's conventional his main threat as a pass receiver except 2/3 dying again the defensive lineman tree line six defensive backs if they run again where would they just do get the play off objection and Jackson gets tangled up incidental contact no flag and Chris Hope put the pressure on that time on the safety blitz and Jackson didn't even look like he knew that the ball was comin and that's one of those things when when you get that blitz he has to know that the ball is coming although he did take a peek there he tried to get a little push off then he couldn't relocate the ball now a 50-yard attempt for Josh Brown if he misses it this quarter will get it at the 40 and he has missed it [Music] well the Seahawks defense already down free safety mark Juan Manuel now down quarterback Andre Dyson as well he came in they've been stretching it but it's obviously in some beam now he isn't Kelly Herndon takes over the X Bronco number 31 we'll take his spot after the missed field Ellis died from the 40-yard line at the play fake to best and Roethlisberger's passes Clarke great tanks off the top of the turf by Hines Ward finds were just inches above the field turf here at Ford Field makes the catch doesn't Hines Ward make an amazing play every time you watch him and they and the play he's the inside receiver here and the play could be you know you know a catch it could be a block but this guy just makes big plays then Roethlisberger who's Thomas the other day that on most passes that the Steelers have finds Ward is a first read average over 14 yards per catch say that festival bars where to go was the guy and thus one goes to the 40 yard line and speaking of the bus we have a mic buck no you got to know that corner is coming it's going to be coming up so you got to go inside of it based on come in you're not gonna get outside up I'm saying so you got it you see him stick him out [Applause] that's good you say you're a guy after it makes expert makes the long run for a touchdown and superraw rocky bernard chases leftist burger and the pass is incomplete and this is a very key defensive series here for seattle mean thinking what's happened to the seahawks they led three nothing they could have been up by a lot more than offensive pass interference they had a couple of catches deep downfield out of bounds they had the Roethlisberger third and long which he converted they had the disputed touchdown they had the clock mismanagement at the end of the first half they had Willie Parker on 75 yards they missed the 50 yard field goal this is big for Seattle right here right and that last offensive bribe just had the feeling that they could move the ball but they can't finish the deal third down and four Roethlisberger swings you to the outside that's Warren he breaks the tech when his inside the 30 he takes it to the 23 yard line got out of Kelly Hernandez burned in the guy playing and placing the injured Dyson sixteen yards loketh 2-tuple is going to come on a blitz so what that's telling Ben Roethlisberger when he sees him coming that he knows it he has man-to-man on the outside to dupe who doesn't get picked up which also to Roethlisberger I better get the ball out of here quickly and he does too Hines work for first down at the 23 yard line the bus big scene to the 10 here we talk about Alan Faneca and you know if there if the Steelers are making a big run this guy here is usually involved somewhere he a pull right here he pulls left he gets this kick off and Jerome Bettis just gets in and just cuts right inside him and he protects that ball in your dream Venice is one of those guys that always carries the ball he won on which his right arm he always carries the ball is going on first in ten just outside the ten conceivably they could get a first down without a touchdown maybe it about the one-inch line gain of about three talk to Jerome Bettis has have a lot of people recently about Willie who only retire I got them sometimes a guy knows but he just won't say I'm not sure he knows well he said he hadn't talked to Bill Cowher about it yet and the one thing he would want to talk to about it does he have to practice he said he practiced every every day this week coming this this year and he doesn't think that he can do that he said to us the other day my body's okay the question is how will he use the body second and six so long again so this unnie gets taken down at the 6 yard line plenty kerndon is the first guy there it'll be third down Mike Holmgren seemed trying to keep it a two-possession game holdin to a field goal third down and six from the 7 yard line Haynes is there third down back he's in the backfield they send him in motioning empty four-man rush it's flip to the outside and intercepted by Kelly roethlisberger is the only guy it's and then for Herman folly - Raj play on a pass intended for Cedric Wilson so here are the Seahawks just climbed a hole into a field goal and the next thing you know they are right back in the game once I saw the Steelers get that ball put Jerome Bettis in get down in the red zone Bill Cowher folded on I didn't think I would see that he said Herndon that one is predicate separate quotients to the outside he just undercuts it goes right up the field gets a good block there by DD Lewis so a big big play for Seattle even her policeman said an interception and that Alex after starting to the right goes to the left context it to the 18-yard line and this is another opportunity for forever Seattle I said you know they haven't been able to close the deal they haven't been able to finish it you know they they they get plays they get down there but they haven't been able to get scores Herndon again he's the guy who came in soon as you talked about Dyson out of the game [Applause] award past reception then the big play here for the former Bronco 76 yard run down and you can see Kelly Herndon he took an intercept angle he undercut that thing second down and six the ball at the 16 yard line hustle back and the past a little behind and off the left shoulder of Bobby Engram incomplete third down and six hit that double slanted near he had Ingram going in first and Jeremy Stephens coming in behind him and I think they got too close you like a bigger separation in that when you have two guys running the same pattern you don't want him that close you see what happened Stevens got held up in hell is what happened there dad in six from the 16 Alexander in the I the play fake Messimer close touchdown Jeremy Stephens Jeremy Stephens who had drug to makes his first catch of the game 16 yards for a touchdown you have a been quitting Jeremy Stephens is too tight in and these playoff and always right here and running him out of post now they start them up and follow model starts to play that post they kind of run a pic down there they have a guy coming into the post and then they have Jeremiah Jeremy Stephens going to the corner and they kind of picked off out there what's Polamalu he's 43 he has is Jeremy Stephens he kind of gets picked off by the post coming in there as a tight end goes the extra point by Josh Brown [Music] Hasselbeck and the Seattle Seahawks in a lot better shape than they were about five minutes ago five minutes on your watch Herndon with the interception there he is in the middle it's the longest interception return in history the Super Bowl Willie Brown playing for John Madden's Raiders in 11 held the record 75 yards remember that you still see it on highlights and [Music] there goes old Willie called holy Toledo tux bank like Taylor Downs it there to the 20 John goes to the clicker here now let's watch you touch that again here's Jeremy Stephens now he's gonna come up and he's gonna run a corner now Darrell Jackson come in here and and as he comes into post he kind of slows up here and goes in front of Polamalu and you'll see that they it kind of forms a pic if we look at it right here you see what happens we got four guys in there and then when they break out Stevens is wide open so you had a post by Darrell Jackson and a corner by Jeremy Stephens I think it was it was it was important if you saw the way Jackson kind of slowed up instead of trying to get beyond Polamalu he stopped and went and or slowed up a win in front of him and then he was kind of picked off so that Jeremy Stephens could get to that corner Chucky oh Kobe is the injured Steeler as they work on him on the field I mean just an amazing turn of events talking about all the things that had gone along for Seattle over the last couple of minutes of the first half first part of this F and we were about ready to put up a graphic where Bill Cowher is almost unbeaten when he leads by 11 or more and now all of a sudden it's a ball game again when they got down there and they put in Jerome Bettis and then you see Bill Cowher over there stand like this I'm sure he was going to take the air out of the ball and just keep running and we got in third down I thought he would still book we're gonna shop but he didn't do it yeah but that does not guilt our life because you think okay I'll run it our problem to score at the wanna fight gonna kick the field goal and we'll be ahead 17 3 and until I pass out into the flat the riskiest kind of past a three-yard run through the 23 yard line with about six and a half minutes to play in the third quarter Mike Holmgren is saying was - what man but that was a play that they'd worked out you know as I said they're in the in the playoffs they'd been running Stevens on the on the post and he'll throwing that ball deep to him that time that kinda started on post run Jackson on the post and ran him back to the corner second down and seven what his tubbses in Illinois has not come back into the came up a little bit gimpy here's Parker tackle thereby Lofa to to poo so right now Seattle - mark Juan Manuel is after the game the cornerback Andre Dyson was hurt of course Herndon took his spot and the defensive tackle Bernard another story is on the bench at the moment and earned and comes in and makes a big play well we went to the practice the other day Dyson didn't practice at all and the guy they were that was doing all the work who got all the practice at least that day was Kelly Herndon they're dining for now to stuff going for the 26 yard line and it's an inside handoff and it's the third day back and that's the lawn he's and he does not get the first down he gets on in the 29 yard line so Seattle the defensive stop three and out five 20 to go in the period let's go to Suzy Kolber well the word on rocky Bernard the defensive tackle ISM is doubtful with the right hamstring pull like he was hit by a sniper on that interception in return he was trying away and you can see it just go so they're - they're starting free safety then - a cornerback the starting cornerback and now Bernard a starting tackle what do you think they were looking at that they made to take his pants on I don't know I don't know that you check a hamstring that was my second delay and only one arrest lit the guess Gardocki spud fielded at the 25 yard line by Peter Warrick workin for blockin doesn't get a good coverage there by the Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison what kind of a finish do we have in store in this one when the 27 yard line that is dropped so figure go figure Jeremy Stephens three drops and one catch the catch for a touchdown now and he was he was one of the guys that you know Matt Hasselbeck talked about Darrell Jackson and the other guy that he talked about was Jeremy Stephens you know of having big days today and and you can see that you know you know they have things planned for him and we saw the touchdown in a four and some of these things you'll send a guide deep and put him underneath so they have plans for Jeremy Stephens in the pass again second in Tim Jackson had those five patches as a flag is done by police Alexander and then I get disputed by Hasselbeck you know you look at that you know that Jeremy Stephens dropping the ball to the drops he had and then you remember last year and you know the biggest problem they had on offense was was dropping passes and they they kind of got out of that this year I mean they're you know they've been a lot better in that area that has been the Bugaboo for Seattle especially in postseason play national this chance to win again we'll be sending it all the time a drop at the end second and 15 a shal accidental launch it going the coverage is perfectly I'm Jojo officious it's one of the things that they're trying to get here is always have Joe juror vicious on that backside you know like have two or three receivers on one side Joe juror vicious over there by himself get a one-on-one and again because you know his size just get the ball up there and let him out muscle for it third down and 15 there's no problem here way that Sienna's gonna run these people massive back a lot of time underneath max strong and strong is a little short of the first down by about key so that penalty proves costly it was 30 15 it'll be fourth and two parter makes the tackle Tom Rowan comes in to punt and Hasselbeck had plenty of time that time and again because the Pittsburgh just rushed straight but then made him throw into eighth and everyone went deep that twin safeties deeply had everyone off and made him throw that short one and then come up make the tackle and make him fly Tom Bruins fifth punt of the game Antoine Randall L always but to break them back to receive it suta hopper rain delay through the 16 in the former a quarterback stays inbounds and brings attacked out to the 36 yard line where he's tackled by Isaiah caz evinced you there with Randall Dow returning that punt don't you feel that there's another gadget play coming up here someplace on this Drive especially if they get a first down here yeah they're due for one I think they'd like to be a little bit closer to the middle of field I would like to be in that alumni area between the 40 that pass is incomplete and the coverage is good on the second side in Jeremy Tumen 2-tuple with the coverage second in town Baracus burger steps up to avoid the pressures when you take off it he is going to [Applause] luis in front of the pittsburgh bench up at about the 45 yard line any Lewis at 241 pounds and Wallace burger at 240 yeah but that's that's one that you don't want I know it's a Super Bowl and it's it's the second half but it's all another but you hate to see your quarterback take on anyone with his passing shoulder I mean if he wants to turn and try and take the down with his left okay I think he has to put this ball in his left hand and just got to get out of bounds cos he's going to get knocked out of bounds anyway and before this game is over you're gonna need his arm he is a tough topic but forgetting missed action during the season twice he hurt his right knee once his left knee playing with a thumb hairline and walkers burner after pump faking and that is incomplete so the Seattle defense in the last to Pittsburgh series has done the job and they'll punt again I've done about Ben Roethlisberger you see him playing with the glove he tried to or he did play with the glove last year and everyone got on him any time he'd have a bad day you say it's a glove this year he has a fracture and a chip in that Pharma knee has a brace on underneath this so he needs to wear the glove to hold the brace on the fractured thumb and you talked about you don't see a quarterback doing that I don't know exactly what happened when you saw it bend bend bend over something happened on that play for 10 and 2 with Gardocki to pie well sure when he did that he work on a block with his right shoulder just about ended his season to miss Indianapolis and that kick is going to get down inside the 5-yard line so the spin is the back Seattle up to it's only two and a half with 241 to play in the third Roethlisberger putting his shirt back in that's the end of the third quarter the pride is close to the players and Alexander gives them a little bit of breathing space barrier makes the tackle it's a gain of five it'll be second and five of the seven and we get here towards the end of the third quarter and he starts feeling that finality I mean there's no way that anyone's gonna get down now and you may get hurt I mean this is where adrenaline comes everything you have your whole season boils down to this everyone know the winners they forget the loser and a few legacies as well and hassle Bosch going to take off and he's going to London for a first down as he's up to the 16 yard line playful the flag for short gain and it's over there's no fumble there Ryan hanim the second tight end ball whistled dead before it came out well this has to be an idea that Mike Holmgren has now that he wants to bootleg because on the on the first down play he bootlegged on the third down play he bootleg to the right then he comes right back with another bootleg see poke both backs go to the right you see Hasselbeck bootlegs out here to his left so he bootleg right and then came right back with another bootleg this time to go out second and seven a select close and that is going to be caught for a first down as again makes the catch and rustles it away from Larry foot to move the chains run in Hanuman's e is the second tight end for the Seahawks and he's a guy that's usually in there for blocking you know Jeremy Stephens is a pretty good receiver a tall guy not a good blocker Ryan Hannum is a good blocker for the 27 the cat's Bobby Ingram gets it out close to midfield at the 48 yard line Hasselbeck looking over the bench they can lock let the clock run out to end the period and turn it around and that's look we'll probably well I was going to say be the case but now hasselbanks gonna huddle up here and they will attempt to run off one more play before the end of the third quarter and that will be a pass to the left side that is incomplete and that will do it I once you've got Clarke Hagen's back in the game now and the fourth quarter starts with an Alexander run as he slashed off the left side and takes the ball to the 46 yard line want to see one of the reasons that you can't run inside and you see the guy right there number 98 is Casey Hampton I mean he is so good inside and then he's pretty good running down the line of scrimmage in fact he makes attacker but watch him here and and he is so big and strong and there's no way that if you don't get into him and get him cut that he's not going to make the play third down from the 47 yard line Hasselbaink left those white picks up the first down Bobby anglers big catch and is taken down at the 30 [Music] third down conversion that was bunch out there and I was all Matt Hasselbeck I mean he had he had good pass protection and that was about his third rate I mean he's gonna is gonna come watch him here's the bunch up here so he knows that he has three wide receivers out there he has this short guy and medium guy in a deep guy and they drop off and leaves this short guy wide open Hasselbeck look beat and then came back to shore they were loose just a few more here as Alexander max strong what to pick up about seven yards [Applause] the largest deficit ever overcome to win a Super Bowl Washington against Denver back in San Diego in Super Bowl 22 Denver led 10 nothing in the end of the quarter and by halftime it was 34 to 10 the Giants against Buffalo in the game in which norwood misses the field goal of the end the Giants overcoming a nine-point deficit in that one you know I think if I were Seattle then maybe they're doing it now this was an official's timeout I would go to that up-tempo thing that they started in the game we'll see Anna was Dan viola first down is Alexander's over the left side there's Paul omalo it's so interesting because the stars the defensive stars it's Paul Amano 43 and Porter 55 they've been in some of the action and of course sometimes you know that you take people out of the game well whatever Seattle is doing in this regard John neither guy has been that big a factor today no and they've been they've been trying to stay away from Polamalu and some of their their plays are adjusted to where he lines up it's the same thing of Joey Porter they're always going to have blockers on three Seattle pressing the page in the masses point over the middle of its Jeremy Stephens who takes the ball to the one yard line so the tight end and what a day he's happened as a flag down in flag [Applause] papers down that's the right tackle that Shaun Locklear holding that time yeah you like Hagen's he was holding Clark Higgins Higgins came back in and you're gonna see him rushed from the outside here Lachlan makes a pretty good move with that right arm who I didn't see holding I mean you have to be able to jam up in there and you know there may have been holding but it wasn't in that picture Shawn Locklear wasn't really bad on that point holding is recall as we know not always see well they always say the on any plate but but we saw there I did not see Homer wait a minute the one who said it's at the 29 its first down in 20 and John talking about Casey Hampton and Hampton is and put the pressure on it create a huge sack so from the one-yard line after the penalty in the sack there all the way back now in his case he Hampton here you talking about it 330 pound guy that went when he gets a push-up look how strong he is he took the center Robby PO back and with one arm his left arm he just pushed him right to the ground and then ran right up to half how unusual is that the last time Hampton had a sack it was early in the 2003 season rugged or a post second down to 25 the Bears at the 34 alexander's stretch to the outside and that was inner gates colored at the 26 yard line by Joey Gordon and you just have the feeling we're talking about Joey Porter not making a lot of plays today that when when Alexander started to get the outside didn't you just feel that Porter was going to catch him I mean I know that Alexander was determined to get to the outside and Porter was equally as determined right here 55 equally is determined or more determined to catch him and he did he's not just a great running back with average speed yes good speed thanks to a horse die but no 4/3 on an 18 tanner is brought back to the 28th goodbye Matt Hasselbeck and a flag comes in at the end of that flag came in no that's not going to affect the interception I will be post possess most possessions foul at the end of the play rain in front of the Pittsburgh bench [Applause] personal cloud walk number eight of the pathogen [Music] that's Hasselbeck interestingly that's Toni currently there in the warm-up jacket with the zebra stripes underneath he would be the backup referee now here's the deal on this play we think it's a bad call if Hasselbeck is making a tackle he can go low if you go low on a blocker and the call was that he went low on 26,000 that was a cup and that's why they argued the call can no avail the boys at 2:44 and Parker takes it up to the 46 yard line so it's kind of like insult injury at that particular point yeah the interception if you thought you were down at the one-yard line in the past of Steven's the penalty the pick the penalty and now Pittsburgh with 10 and a half has it near midfield and that was one of the things the officials thought they saw something they didn't say and that was Matt Hasselbeck just making a pretty good play in a tackle and getting penalized for it again if he cut a block of roll that's appalling with that time he made the tackle and that's legal second ninety-nine at the 45-yard guys convoy picks up about six or seven yards on the play crew it makes the tackle and that's going to set up a third down and two yeah you know they just try and get the ball to Randall L in the open field and then run with it that was a wide receiver spring now most of times we see a screen pass it's usually a bat coming out of the backfield that was where he comes back quickly close it after Randall L and the line pulls and gets in front of them on the screen at the 48 Dyson back in defensively for Seattle went cornerback Scott Walker's burger out of the shotgun he's gonna run in and run for a first down to the 42 yard design plays on yes I would I would say that that was a design play because he didn't look very long and we'll look at it from Skycam we'll see what he sees you see he comes back and he sees right now he sees a lane here and he also has a lane here so he's definitely going to run that thing and know that he can get a first down so he took the lane to the right and then cut back to the lane to the left he did running at the 43 in a toss here comes a gadget play Randall L he can play as a quarterback in talent and he's done a touchdown the Super Bowl 43 yards and sooner or later they're gonna run a gadget and you know it's coming in this alumni areas I said is between the 40s and you know that Randall L is going to be involved in it it starts off of the reverse he comes around and it becomes a reverse pass and he throws a perfect pass to Hines Ward they're going to start in a bunch and then he comes his Hines Ward coming all the way [Applause] front forum you know that they're going to do it you know that Randall L is going to be the guy and they're usually going to do it around midfield Randall L and his career in regular season play 14 of 16 passing three for three this year now we've to the point after and all of a sudden when it looked like Seattle's going in to take the lead back on the Steelers dinner's not my strong suit [Music] each has run the emotional gamut today Mike Holmgren barking to himself after it appeared his team was moving into position to make believe Hill our in effect breathing a figurative sigh of relief the interception down the field ago and you've just watched the first touchdown pass ever thrown by a wide receiver in a Super Bowl game have you had to guess what wide receiver would probably throw one you would guess Randall L when you absolutely [Applause] back up safety in there they're paying for that injury to manual he would have been the started [Applause] [Music] brings it back up to the 17-yard line if you see what we're talking about with food playing in the spot normally occupied by manual on the touchdown the first thing is you're going to see Ben Roethlisberger pitch and then come back and make a block right there that's pretty good I was talking about don't use your right shoulder but if you get a touchdown maybe that's okay too this started with a bunch Randall al started over there the same scientist mines ward from the six name first a hassle been a lot of time the secondary does its work unless the past has to be thrown out of bounds to Michele Tafoya well Al Randall L told me before the game that if there was going to be a gadget play in this game it was going to be that reverse pass they hadn't used it ever they wanted to use it it was in the game plan and of course they did but before that touchdown before the Casey Hampton sat before the Ike Taylor interception this bench was down you can read it in the body language of everyone from Roethlisberger to Bettis but this bench is completely alive and now absolutely they went from maybe being down three to be an upline 11 again that is their friend at 8:41 and that's why Bill Cowher loves those gadget clothes because it does change momentum so vac and he's going and hassle - can you make the most of another person that uses the ball at the 35 yard line and the question is was and they're going to say no at least for the moment and recovered by Polamalu the question is was he contacted all he did was fall down if he just fell down and wasn't contacted it's a [Applause] that's when the grid that's the one instance when the ground can cause a fumble when you're not contacted now you saw that foot actually might have gotten a little bit of his Jersey Hasselbeck goes down but the ground at that point yes that was he touched by 50 you see that on that view the very official obscures it but if they want to review this the question is was he contacted yes look at this and you'll see in a second leave he's gonna make the call here after reviewing the play the Runner was touched by number 50 of the defense prior to going down it'll be first in ten on the 34 yard line was not charged in time out and that's all it needed to have happen for foot foot touch them and then at the end of the play will be watched Hasselbeck's left elbow there's the contact he still has possession of the ball when does he lose possession he loses possession after the left elbow hits the ground then second the left elbow hits the ground into play reading the big thing I think was the down by contact the contact the Larry flip I think when they when they first rolled in fumble they probably didn't see that Larry foot had contact with Hasselbeck [Applause] so an 18-yard gave on Hasselbeck Seattle stayed Brees there at the 34-yard line where they gender before tough yards up to the 38 yard line Casey Hampton makes the tackler clock will tick down under eight that could Seattle you know has to get into that up temple again now usually when you need to scores you go to a hurry up at 4 minutes so if you need one score you have a hurry up at two minutes two scores you have a hurry up at four minutes but that seven minutes 39 seconds I think I would at least go to up tempo there being ahead of any time last bus the two-minute warning is very vicious making the catch and terror a vicious dislodging the helmet of the pittsburgh defender townsend picks up a first down at midfield at the 50 yard line now this is one of those basketball things always prying get everything over to the other side get juror vicious back here by himself and again with his big body just get the ball out to him away from Ithaca get him to rotate one way and come back to this side of Jurgis first and tanka 50-yard a and so that going deep down the left side [Applause] the dervishes the che Townsend combination second down and you get the isolate back here they had the two receivers over in the other side Jura vicious back here and the and the first one they worked a shorter pattern and then they saw that they had something that single coverage there so they came back to the deep one in that matchup Jarrell issues with a 70-inch advantage of six five two five ten second down to ten and he's tired he just took himself out and I guess a I think I think I mean the clock is stopped here but I still think they got we up-tempo for the Steeler defense Annika Wallace is in the game remember he's the backup quarterback who caught a pass in the championship game and the using is a decoy and they flip it out the alley and he gets taken down from behind on a nice tackle bike crisp coke the backed up nose tackle and Seneca Wallace is going out now that's interesting because I know they do have some plays they have a package of three or four plays for Seneca Wallace other than quarterback and and and one of them is a reverse you made that big cats only in the game against Carolina third down and eight is Jackson a has five patches in the first corner and nonsense though they kind of got away from gonna hit that short pass that quick stuff in front of him their name under pressure in his sack the big sack by the shake towns in the corner who comes out from the left side almost through the middle you never know with an official coordinator Dick LeBeau will put the heat on from and that was an overload blitz and that's that's exactly right Matt Hasselbeck said you know that he has to not know who's coming but know who's not coming well in this case you better know who's coming - because this - eight ounces just runs in their frame and he looks but he was gonna throw to the right he turns to his right and boom there's number 26 compelled a putt now willing to fund it - Randall L three sacks of Hasselbeck today won by a lineman won by a linebacker and suit bag and that one goes into the end zone you look at Pittsburgh offensive layout and they're winning 21 to do then but it's just submit under Roethlisberger had a big play on this ground Parker's long TV run reverse back and each team a big intercession Jerome Bettis gets stopped at the 18-yard line truck Darby is the first guy there now looking ahead of course it would would be very beneficial with Seattle stopping three and out here conserve their timeouts it's a two possession game Seattle it's all of its timeouts plus the two-minute warning so they can stop it in effect four times I see Bill Cowher down there with his arms folded again and I I can't see them throwing here now that doesn't mean they won't I mean they really would it could be a backbreaker if they could do it you'll get a completed pass and get a first down but just knowing Bill Cowher just this is a run down in the lung situation form that is not a red auerbach Vic Lisa died of ALS Foley and yesterday Austin baddest jugs Roethlisberger repositioning Randall L takes the knees pain a little tough luck Randall pick up a very important first down because that's going to use more the clock the ball comes loose at the end of the play the traveler can be a foreign object down there it's always the umpire you know I mean I mean umpires usually the biggest strongest toughest guy but it's always the umpire that when there's a pile he'll dive in on it this is going to be a shotgun play and they're going to fake a reverse and then come on and just hit a little dump pass I think this is about as safe a pass as you can have and a monster first down because now that's working to up the clock and force the Seahawks to take their timeouts we took down to four minutes they left the clock he gives it to base second down and six down to the Seattle timeout the ball is at the 35 yard line Bettis and again that that's the position you're in right now you have to take a timeout but Pittsburgh has made it third down and short so you for Seattle to use the two timeouts now if you pick up the first down you're almost home not quite but almost yeah well you're getting very very close and you're and you're putting you can see Mike Holmgren just getting that feeling now that you know we have to stop him here I mean if if we don't then like you say you're very very close to being home [Applause] Prewitt says no he did naked then here comes the line judge and he's going to put the ball just across the yellow line levy may measure but it appears that this bird has a first down yeah that was the play there I mean they're not gonna throw the ball they're either gonna hand it to Jerome Bettis or they're going to fake it to Bettis and have them in fact that could have been a broken play Moon's are gonna fake to him and just bootleg them those are the two things you do is either give it to baddest or fake it to baddest and you know and keep it out here yourself like Roethlisberger him Roethlisberger has made some big ones in postseason I'm bigger than that back that one is a backbreaker you know run the 40-yard line you know I was talking about the alumni area between the 40s that's an old college term you know that when the alumni say hey you have to do this you have to run reverse you after this you have to pass more you would always doing between the 40s you never do them and when you were going in or were you coming out like it and there's built our intention came out of retirement first time and that was a that was a big big first down that's it that's a super bowl-winning first down it's a little unusual to see a coach who's team against Indianapolis almost coughed up a game that was not to be believed with that big of a smile he's still 320 on the club that thought just went through my mind too and I'm sure between now and the end of the game it's going to go through Bill powers he'll grit his teeth again pretty soon question Tanika 41 Seattle can only stop the clock with one more time out of watch the two-minute warning they have to use a here [Applause] yeah yo that's it all defensive guy in special teams we got our you're like some guys celebrate you packing someone on the back pat him on the head and he just graduated together this throws away no that's that's that's a celebration second the name is Venice Roethlisberger attempting to become the youngest quarterback to win a Super Bowl he got a lot of advice this week from Dan Marino play of course with the dolphins but is a pitched burger one of the things Marino told him is it soak in every second enjoy everything of course Dan would know better than anybody his spectacular career but he only got to the Super Bowl once in his second year as does lawful school right and then that's what he wants them to know that you know don't think that this is going to be an annual deal for you I mean you know you're here now make the most of it enjoy it but win the game waiting me getting to the Super Ball is one thing winning the Super Ball is what you have to do there daddy here's Benes he will not get the first down so this will take us to the two-minute warning and see Apple is going to get the ball back it'll be fourth down they will after the two-minute warning punt but Seattle is going to need 11 points without a timeout in 120 seconds [Music] said earlier long career for Chris never had a punt blocked in 15 years in the lead [Applause] won't happen tonight either [Applause] and it bounces into the end zone first in ten the ball is at the 20-yard line Steelers rushed for Hasselbeck throws over the middle which is not really really wanna throw up here if you don't have to in Jeremy Stephens makes the cash game the clocks gonna keep running [Applause] see the one pledge if he can throw it over the middle you got to get you guys back though but if you and get for his downs didn't even come up and spiked it you know one shortly the first down then then you get fouled up a second down and four has hit back and that one's gonna go over the middle wide open his terror vicious and he's going to get taken no he's not going to get taken down and nationally his Chris Hall couldn't knock them down now they're going to race up to the 39 yard line again if you can pick up about 10 or 12 yards here you kicked a field goal and then you have the onside kick first and 10 Hasselbeck stepping up looking slings into the outside that'll stop the clock throws it away 60 seconds to go I wonder if Mike Holmgren is thinking that way that the you know I would probably take one more play if I got in field goal range I think I would take I would take one shot for the endzone then kick field goal so I'd not try and he'll be a little foggy about it and you're trying to get both but I think I think your idea right you know it is get in field goal range now and then you say kick the field goal or as I would say you know didn't feel go rains take a shot then kick right Josh Brown good field goal kicker second down and ten ball at the 40 yard line nicely back stepping up looking slings it to the outside and any of the open man there was strong was probably the fourth guy on the food chain at that point is he just trying to dump it off and it will be eight more seconds that are used on the clock and sets up a third down and 10 and there's no tougher throw than that than the fourth guy and the food chain hippie it all the way across the field was here in the left side of the field he's gonna wreck sides that's not gonna complete that that's about a ten percenter yeah and not to find the money the Super Bowl here huh third down and ten dollars Raven defends column on oh that hand down to the past his throne and in his incomplete there's no flag and now it's going to be fourth down and it will come down to this for the Seahawks to try to stay in the game for Mike Holmgren he came very close to stepping aside after last year he walked into Paul Allen's house the owner of the team he said you know what I might not be the right guy for the job if Allen said you're not he would have left but Allen said think about it a little bit there is the owner of the Seahawks and he changed a lot of people in the organization homeless and he's never had as much fun as he had this year fourth down and ten passive on stepping up leads the first pass it to the 24 yard line that's Ingram now he had kicked a 42-yard field goal the starters have been a down in here to stop the clock okay 34 seconds and I think I think you take one shot one shot here at the end zone if you don't get it I think you kick the field goal in the next down but as you say you can't spend all your time now trying to get this score and not have time for the onside kick in the next drive right you take a shot but if you're gonna it's gotta be I think to the outside of the end zone if you're going to fool around over the middle that's going to kill a lot of a lot of time you'll have to spike it and then you down almost nothing they have a play to Daryl Jackson down that distills result so it's gonna be tough to get I got that the outside that's not the last thing you want to do and it's incomplete which is a break for them use at least that stops the clock Tyrone Carter with the coverage yeah you have to kick the field goal right now if not you're just going to die trying here Pittsburgh not letting them take the kind of shot they wanted to now they had Daryl Jackson down here in the bottom and they were going to take a shot to him on the left but the Steelers were playing way off on him and he couldn't even get to the third down and ten Bill Cowher ending his 14th season looking for his first Super Bowl win three-man rush to the outside they go and stay partner made the tackle on Stevens and he stays inbounds and that has many nothing left to do you can't spike it it's fourth down where they finished the finish to have absolutely and the pass live in the middle and that Stevens and he's going to drop that one and that's going to write an end to it and you're exactly right John the first half was a mess at the end the end of this drive was a mess Posadas are things kaleriya type of bad coaches and i said earlier his yeah but yeah but he hasn't won the big one yeah but he hasn't won the Super Bowl he's wanted today you ban his daughters in there and that's always been the thing you're right on it's a it's that yeah my thing you know his wife Kay Bill Cowher get a great coach lot of wings titles gates to the Super Bowl voice in the morning Sophie you look at his daughters and you look at his wife down there they live that too they live with that can't win the big one you always go to Hawaii you know you're always coaching the Pro Bowl you're never in the Super Bowl and then gifted just kind of stay there and taken but they they'll never be able to say that about Bill Cowher again and yet at 101 as they'll end it on a kneel down poem poem maybe the safety bow here and the pittsburgh steelers seven and five and wooden made the playoffs two months ago the entire table with a twins regular and post all of them in post season on the road Bill Cowher was saying that he wanted to get this one to give owner Dan Rooney his fifth Super Bowl ring he bit back and finally Super Bowl wins in the 70s one of the great dynasties in the history of sports they finally in 2005 the 2005 season in 2006 they finally get the one for the thumb all right
Channel: Bart Simpson
Views: 147,148
Rating: 4.6941528 out of 5
Id: yUggPbdYTgA
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Length: 119min 50sec (7190 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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