Super Attic - Attic Insulation System

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why our house is so drafty and cold in the wintertime and why are they so hot especially on the upper floors in the summertime well the secret to this problem lies in the Attic addicts are vented so the attic space is like the outdoor space very cold in the winter time and very hot in the summer time let's take a look at the problem in the summer time the Sun heats the roofing up to a hundred and forty degrees or more and this heat radiates down into the Attic making your attic 130 degrees or more we've all experienced hot attics in the summertime and this heat heats up our ceiling and that heat radiates down into the rooms in our house on the upper level and makes them very hot and uncomfortable the air conditioning system is running and running it can't seem to keep up and of course our first floor is more hot than it would be otherwise because the air conditioning system is battling all the heat up here also when we have ducts in the Attic the ducts are in a baking hot environment and we're trying to run cold air through the ducts it doesn't make any sense we're heating the ducts and then trying to run cold air through them and this makes your house more uncomfortable and your electricity bills for air conditioning much higher than they need to be the super attic advanced conversion system converts your attic from a vented one to an unvented attic while still maintaining a vented roof assembly by installing silver glow graphite infused foam insulation boards with a radiant barrier on both sides on the bottom of your roof rafters let's go look at what some homeowners who have super attic have to say about it hey where alph how you doing how are you nice to see you shame here alert how's the house been since we did the super attic job well it's been so much better it's unbelievable really let's go outside and take a look at the temperature of your roofing this is one of the hottest days of the year in our area so this is a great time to look at the temperature of the Attic you don't have to convince me about it yeah let's take a look what the roofing temperature is and we see right in the middle is the roof and it's a hundred and seventy eight degrees the roofing oh my god yeah normally that would make your attic very hot let's take a look we have a super attic installed in here and this attic is 82 degrees which is only 10 degrees higher than what we want it on the second floor and that is I got a stress that is the hottest day of the year in our climate it rarely gets over 100 degrees and today it is 103 degrees out full Sun and this attic would be absolutely unbearable it would be a place that no one in their right mind would stand up here for longer than 10 seconds without running for some some cooler air so this is an absolutely amazing result from the super attic application with super attic you can see our attic is nearly room temperature in the summer absolutely amazing and because the attic is room temperature you don't have this hot ceiling radiating heat down into your rooms and makes your home much more comfortable the air conditioning system is running far less saving you energy and you still have a vented roof with the super attic application the most amazing thing in the world and it's cool it's comfortable on a day like today the second floor used to get very warm and the air conditioner would run 100% of time now whatever temperature you set it that's what temperature it is inside so you're saving energy you're saving money and it's comfort and in the air conditioning system can keep up not only keep up it can rest okay here we are a different house the same day July 22nd and 100 degrees this house does not have super attic let's see what it's like okay if we shoot the roof before we go in the attic we look at the temperature of the roof and it is up to 157 degrees it's a hot day a lot of Sun hot roof so here we are in this attic and it's really unbearable I see my cameraman is sweating his head off and so am i it's 120 degrees in this attic and the roof deck we shoot the roof deck we find the roof is 143 degrees the roofing is a hundred and sixty and that heat radiates down into the Attic heats up all these ducts heats up this air-conditioning system and you can feel it's very hot and we're trying to produce cold air inside of there we look at the this is a supply duct taking that cold air to the rooms that we want to cool and the outside of this supply duct is 123 degrees on the outside of this duct and we're supposed to have 55 degrees air inside of this duct makes absolutely no sense to put ducks in unconditioned space a hostile environment like this in the winter it's exactly the opposite this furnace will try to produce hot air and it blows it through ducts that are in a freezing cold attic and we're losing heat before it ever gets to the room we intend to warm so putting ducks in unconditioned space hostile attics makes absolutely no sense super attic will solve this problem for you the day after dr. Energy Saver came in and did the work on the house the very next morning we noticed a huge difference in that just the overall temperature in the home was even pretty much everywhere it wasn't freezing in one room and hot in another room so we were really pleased I get up in the morning in the house I'll check the temperature down here 64 degrees so I go outside 57 degrees by 10 11 o'clock it's now 65 degrees outside it's still 64 in here it hasn't changed so basically I can tell you it's holding its temperature the big energy story in homes in the wintertime is air leakage as air is heated in the house it rises and leaks out of the top of the house and for every cubic foot of air that leaks out of the top new air has to be sucked in at the bottom to replace it and this new air being sucked in is very cold it's outdoor air making the lower level of your house very drafty and very cold in the upper level the house heat is being lost as air leaks out and when you have ducts in your attic the ducts are trying to move warm air from the furnace through them and they're in a very cold environment and they're losing heat and when we lose heat to the Attic that he is warming the bottom of the roof deck and we're melting snow which can cause ice damming which can be very destructive with super attic our attic is now nearly room temperature even without purposely heating it absolutely amazing we have far less air leakage we have an airtight cap on the top of the house our ducts are in a warm attic and they're not losing heat to the attic environment the second floor is very comfortable there's very little drafts because we have no air leakage through the ceiling and our first floor and even our basement are more comfortable because less air is leaking in because less air leaked out the top we have no ice damming as we have a cold roof because the roof ventilation is is washing the bottom of the roof deck with cold outdoor air to prevent any ice damming absolutely amazing the room we're sitting in now we had closed off all winter because it was freezing in here and there was no way to get the heat in here to even be able to use the room so we just had all the doors closed and we didn't use it now we have it open it's open all the time we actually can sit here and enjoy it your Heat cost much less your ductwork doesn't cool off and consequently it's much more efficient well it looks like we made a dramatic transformation in your house well it's a testament to ducktor energy thanks Ralph thanks you you
Channel: Dr. Energy Saver
Views: 231,909
Rating: 4.7649221 out of 5
Keywords: attic insulation, home insulation, home energy audit, save energy, lower electric bill, lower energy bill, save money, energy efficiency, green building, green remodeling, insulation, conservation, green, environment, green home, Building Insulation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2011
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