Supa Strikas - Season 6 - The Brislovian Candidate | Kids Cartoon

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we play super strikers in two weeks what have you got for us line status the art surveillance equipment the latest in field camouflage needs more ventilation no wait i can't breathe we even made a super striker's jersey big enough to fit over uber's arms yeah and over here is my best work [Music] thor has been given a dose of audio hypnotic suggestion to help overcome his greatest fear hello mr thor how about we give that mustache a little trim never do you have any idea how long it took me to grow this now watch what happens when i say the trigger word queen of hearts oh a trim would be nice actually so fat how's hypnotizing thor going to help us on the pitch it's not him we're going to hypnotize [Applause] with every ounce of effort every skill that i've got i'll play the super latest greatest give them my best shot every minute of the 90 now i'm gonna be a fighter it's one two three i'm a super striker striker [Music] i'll be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] strikers [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] why because brislovian dubstep is the most vomit-inducing eardrum insulting racket in the known universe come on cool joe pump up the berserker may not beat mozart it isn't even music but it helps block get amped for games fine fine but take these they're yours anything so i won't have to listen to that noise hey isn't that thor from iron tank nah thor has a mustache my mustache i can't feel my mother's hearts i love my new look all right men initiate phase one roger that cannon identifying targets [Applause] imagine controlling super striker's captain [Music] useful [Applause] sabotaging shakes would dry up super striker's goals perhaps [Applause] all right bro let's shut him down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amazing and north shaw clears the dangers a sleeper agent is the heart of super striker's defense perfect thanks cool joe you saved us from pump up the berserker and i'm just getting started brothers i'm gonna teach blockers more to music than that eardrum insulting racket all right boys your roommates for the tour shakes and klaus north and block all right uh actually coach i was hoping to bunk with block his musical education requires i be with him at all times zerberg all right fine dancing rasta big bow no snoring okay come in [Music] yes colonel sir phase two status report it's so hard to breathe in here why do i always have to miss a fake tree cherry blossoms in the moonlight i am a tree hey did you just oh look the next surveillance team is in position [Music] oh wow a few more photos and you could make a holiday scrapbook you'll get three out of ten for that insult but i get full marks for working out how to administer the audio hypnosis excellent time to initiate phase three i've got this now watch how a real pro does espionage [Music] i'm in remember to use the track this is the most plays that won't be a problem there's only one song relax brother i've loaded some of the best tracks of all time on there or as i like to call them the three steps to musical enlightenment now come on let's get started [Music] it all starts off in 1770 with boat even uh don't you mean beethoven that commercial sellout please boat heaven symphonies are the real deal [Music] next we go to the mid 20th century for jazz improvisation master dave diddley doohop davidson well done cool joe you just made music boo diddly dee da boring you should pay special attention el matador i've heard you sing now one of my personal favorites 70s funk masters funky synthesis these brothers could turn sunlight into pure groove [Music] warm-ups over boys time for match practice hey block get ready for the sweet sound of the ball hitting the back of the net all right dude let's shut him down [Music] [Music] see you don't need brislovian dubstep my pumping jams took your game to the next level ah block looks even better than he did against palmentieri you sure you could beat the hypnotic track of course my mission was a success maybe your stupid hypnosis doesn't work why don't you relax uber yes i will relax hey that was a trigger word wasn't it you hypnotized him and um maybe a little bit block is the one we need under our control not your teammates relax there's no way he'll make it to the game without listening to the track [Music] all right brother are you ready for a pump in pregame jam oh no not pump up the berserker blog okay that's it if boat heaven diddly doohop and funky synthesis can't turn you to the path of good music it's time to summon the power of progressive rock masters dragon lawyer dragon lawyer sounds dangerous oh in the wrong ears it can be these brothers push every musical boundary i'm talking multiple times signatures polyrhythms vocal counterpoint sweet kicking dual keyboard solos uh i understood like two of those words yeah cool joe you need a brusslovian to music snob dictionary ain't no mind to these tone deaf philistines dragon lawyers gonna open your mind [Music] [Music] your [Music] hello earth to block oh no he wasn't ready for dragon lawyer i've broken his mind [Music] burger you totally zoned out man you okay block dude soldiers of the fortress give it up for super strikers and the mighty iron tank iron drunk iron drunk at if block plays half as well as he did last week the home fans are in for a tough night [Applause] uber uses his strength to get through the midfield but he still has a big obstacle in his way all right bro phase four let's shut him down [Music] well get it together bro we need you focused shut him down [Applause] [Music] shut him down [Applause] shut him down [Applause] [Music] shut him down [Music] we're near the end of the first half and coach is already thinking about a substitution i'm not surprised this has got to be the worst performance i've ever seen from block and it's not gonna get any easier this time can you please shut them down [Applause] of his new clean shaven look i must [Applause] what happened out there block it's like you just switched off hey cool joe your crazy prog music really did fry block's brain you're right forcing him to listen to my music obviously mess with his groove this goes against everything i believe in but it's got to be done block get ready for some full blast pump up the berserker [Music] you feel obey i've got to hand it to you ya9 this hypnosis thing really works okay that's it hypnotizing the enemy advancing but using your teammates as manual labor teaser uh yes please it's unprofessional lazy bad for team spirit winter biscuit lovely now what was i say hmm wait a second [Music] hmm i will allow it this one last time but after the game you stop this madness will you hear shut him down your body will freeze man i didn't think it was possible but that stuff is even worse than pump up the berserker logo virgo block log and those iron tank jerks used me to do it gah i'm sorry block but you're going to have to sit the rest of this one out largo clark drago glargo glor yeah let's use this against them [Music] the second half is underway and iron tank pick up where they left off surprising to see blocks still on the pitch after a terrible first half all right bro let's shut him down [Applause] what a tackle [Music] wow block looks like a completely different player now this is my kind of jam brother [Music] [Applause] oh you wondering why your little routine didn't work that's what you get when you go up against defender phase five contingency plan you use defender bros as a trigger word that's just evil [Applause] now that's what i'm talking about brother no he's hypnotized there's got to be a way to snap him out of it flashing lights loud noises a big fright smelly socks defam the power of love no it's the most awful vomit inducing eardrum insulting noise in the known universe what's going on blocks hypnotized again but i know how to snap them out of it i need your phone don't worry guys i got this hey block shut em down [Music] nice try but the hypnosis overrides old programming come on come on gotcha blackman you've got to fight this how may i help you oh sorry announcing voice uh how may i help you i'm here to play some really bad music i've never seen anything like it this is either a very unorthodox strategy from coach or block has lost his mind you're stronger than this dude you can beat this we're defender bros [Music] [Applause] you hear that dudes quick counter that's music to my ears yes this track is bumping guys not the song you weirdo pretending to score an own goal then bouncing the ball off the bar that is an unusual tactic well it's working island tanker in disarray [Applause] that's what i'm talking about [Music] don't say it brother i'm very disappointed especially with you your plan was a complete failure what do you have to say for yourself purple alligator as punishment i will get down and give you a hundred push-ups i am tank iron tank i am don't tell you phase six [Music] go guys
Channel: The Supa Strikas - Kids Soccer Cartoon
Views: 3,911,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supa strikas, super strikas, super strikers, supa strikas season 6, super strikas capitulo 1, super estrikas, super strikers in english, supa strikas in english, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, cartoons, football, soccer, soccer anime, anime, cartoon anime, supa strikas in hindi, super striker, kids tv series, disney, kids tv shows, american soccer, football compilations, soccer goals, best football team, kids tv channel, cartoon network, dancing rasta, supa strikas english
Id: k9X1YpkClhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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