Sunset Beach

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haha love you love you and be revoking together into it on mighty sunset there is a black canvas waiting for you and we will fire an almighty sunset you see black I put that that clear varnish on again see that looks so nice that makes it so even nice and dark instead magic right we put that that clear varnish on and we fire into the sunset then I songs written about sunsets you know and sunsets sunset makes you you know it's always nice when you think about the sunset you wish you could see on the water edge somewhere on the lake or on the ocean and you can doze off and you see that for awhile and or and in that steam in the sunset everything disappears and so wonderful to think in that direction so let's sing along that sing along so we will have that three of varnish on already not too much I was just normal just normal magic right even less than you paint the right canvas so that is wonderful no think about it clear I will use a clear alizarin crimson have it dry brushing clean brush a clean wonderful transparence alizarin crimson on the dark hand with the I read you can see how light it looks on the white canvas would look really light but on the black canvas it looks like this it's dark so I paint the whole canvas like that now the whole canvas like that the whole canvas with a lizard Crimson alizarin crimson is transparent and watch what happened there so actually if it had land here if it had see I just definitely wants to have water that means the sky will reflect in the water but otherwise I put that alizarin crimson on a whole canvas but if I would have pain land and houses and all that then I would use maybe rather blue it the transference blue because blue and yellow tone screen see and then I still would have my my sunset colors up there and have the bottom other colors but by doing water down there so I will I will I will I will I will I will I will put all others and crimson over the whole canvas over on mighty hand you know spread it out nice no we will wash the brush and we will plan a little bit we will space it we were a tank so if we would say make a bigger sky maybe not in the middle I would say is a two or three inch down maybe here that would be that would be the beginning there see but a huge red can you see how beautiful that red pops up another joy know you can plan your sky you can have it there in shifts you can have it like this see look at that oh god about the power it not nice to see this this and then you put it together to the Sun the Sun will be in the middle here somewhere there and then we let it get darker around around see talking around but other words is always nice to have I might see if you scattered all over the sky you lose the power of your painting when you really watch the old masters they all created they say a hammer hit you know is like that that be the hammer there were the fist fire and tear as that's the beginning of that whole can and fires right into the water can you see how you build it already is a beautiful painting can you see it a beautiful painting see that is creative power that is good living that is not copying and that is you grow you grow into yourself you get to know yourself you get to know your own power and living with that power is not only on the canvas it is in it is on everything you do there is a better tomorrow there is life I mean I think just hearing the news is droughts and is is misery in houses burned down and whatever whatever and I think whenever I lived I dig big pools but I had always water but well I I know I know that power is so great you prepare for tomorrow there could be something bad I even had a hand pump now people came to my to my home as they wanna help you need a hand pump yeah water running as a electricity comes out I bumped my water but other words living power it's not just our home I sit there and I become fat and lazy and oh no good nobody but you see what creative power under canvas starts right there see and so you become a powerful artist you sell your work people are proud of you because you you are not copying you that you bring it out you bring it out you give the message you put the power in and you show the world how to do it right you know nice that's an artist are mighty artists okay so we were firing see make it darker there but you can see watch you can just look at that oh oh god it is so nice it is so nice already I hope the camera can pick that up here in the dark to see then then then it looks so powerful start always off in the middle there and then you you be is still nice and clean he has such a clean way of doing things you know then you can do it like this see if you want to okay we we will go on like this yes and now the next step will be in the water you can do the same thing in the water there let it get darker there but in the middle is what the power is but we will go on with other colors there too I just bring it so this is not just so dark but now you use our mighty fan brush not on mighty fan brush and I will go into the yellow see mighty get is yeah I take it after load your brush you fire into that sunshine there but you know what I learned here right now again some time and you put too much paint on you are in trouble and see I put too much every time I put that red on I pound it up too much red then it's happened to your canvas grab our mighty knife and take that paint off see I don't take after colors I just stick after too much paint it was easier working with less pain see all that paint on the knife here you see now I have easier it's far easier to to do what I want to do the again go into the yellow go into that yellow color and I file and can you see all of us are now it's far easier to get what I want to get and often and then wash your brush he so much dirt on the brush while you brush wash you brush we get into the yellow take that yellow off like this into the Sun there and whatever you want to go ever see the dirt the brush full of paint wash the brush the I use obviously a little paper towel here and scrub it off and again into there you know a build-up yellow more but I have the color I want I want a stick around and around and around whatever whatever you feel that's good he was you brush the heart of asking to do and then you fire and again into now the Sun is coming brighter and brighter while you brush that makes it a bit bad sometime you gotta have a clean brush otherwise it will not work he again into you know I come really clear and then you can just wiggle it in there let the Sundance in there clean your brush constantly and again d gosh you brush again into the Sun now I come to the point I have it most again in the world I leave a little dark in between now you can use the big brush and you you you can pull it all together nice clean brush and the dry brush now you pull it I'll wash look what's coming up now they had this now you can see the results see by hypnotizing is can you see what happen I love a son no it's become so often and and the light comes up nice II beautiful wash your brush clean it I'd like to clean it here on my thing I know you can if you want you can do it like this see and it becomes like glass can you see it's like glass all of a sudden nice and clean think about the sun rays and nothing at 30 it's just beautiful see here you can I will let it go into dogs see I work it in like this yes like there's another this bounds like the Sun is bouncing on the water and you have that distance there that makes it very very romantic oh look at that and it's all let's see the paint is all the time now you can step back and you can make your own decision he wants to leave it like that or you wants to add more red round or whatever I think I would like to add a bit more red all around see that's what it might be a little bit too dark so I add a bit of red just here maybe but that's a skewer decision you make up your mind whatever you think it would be that it would look nicer see I think it would look nicer like that but that's not and you don't have to worry because there's no dirt underneath no dark if you have to paint on the right canvas you had all that dark and all that dirt and every time you touch it you have a black this is a clean steady clean brush what I show you here steady clean can you see clean brush it's crooked see that brush is crooked from my almighty power a gravity oh no mercy no mercy no make your own mind up no I think it looks better if I had a bit more red add that into the Sun again maybe here a bit more red if you feel you like to have a dark like that keep it like that I learned when I paint on TV a lot TV will pick up better if I have a bit more color so just what I add fish automatically I will do that just to complement you see it by the home to me but then then I wish sometime I could leave it so dark well it looks beautiful now we will see how it looks see when you see it like that it is a bit wild but soon soon I do it like this you see look what's happening now the trade shows different see maybe that's what I want good I hope you enjoyed that it's kind of a different way of approaching a painting when you paint on black hand business you get push it back you can push it out if I needed more out I push it out if I needed back I push it in but it obviously the same direction Hino then automatically I would add that thread here to see thank you I said that would be nice if I had that all the reflections in the water too boy I enjoy this kind of paintings it's a clean you have no dirt to push around just clean colors just clean colors try it try it you like it try it you'll like it is just fired a little bit of whatever you see up there I like to have that bouncing darken between it really makes it nice makes a nice evening yeah so now we will swivel we will push that it is super long like this what is always nice when you stretch it out and you see how powerful that called that paint is so powerful and thick you can it will stick now we will we'll try to get the water lines and watch the lines in the end it becomes water now you don't have to worry about dirt because there is no dirt on that's just that dirt is dried on that's just it's on forever you know maybe I give him a little more yellow yeah that would be nice just just that lighten up that yellow maybe him the Sun - yeah you could add a bit of white even in the Sun there you see what would happen here see how I take it off bit of white and yellow he something like that yeah and then you that that gives you the brightest now that's the brightest you can get and fires right in there too they clean it off a little bit and I would give him a new right in the middle there and again with the big brush and dry just just do it in like this and here you use you know the water comes up whatever you want to dream up now you can put rocks in you can I talk about the haystacks in Oregon in Oregon the haystacks you know they're very romantic they're standing there for thousands of years and waiting for what they're waiting for something and when you paint them on I always like to paint them they're waiting they're still waiting they're still dreaming about what whatever whatever the having the black canvas you usually could even just scrape it off because they're scrape it off and makes it easier to put in what you want to put in I ever say I use black prestineblue and alizarin crimson that's a very dark dark color it will look like this and you fire and whatever the form shape there are so many of them standing there waiting forever into the water like you can make up your own stories you know this is a wonderful thing because poem writers or people that write stories they can make up stories about that particular one waitin is still waiting other thousand years have gone by and that stone Esther we know here is two things happen it's a reflection is a reflection he you put the reflection and but you also put a shadow and that's a funny thing did that son will draw a shed on that stone will have a shadow there there are two things always on in that particular evening this is the shadow and we will work that our to work it out but that's a shadow there because it would go like this and here's one of them and no you you you you you make cars in half these make water order that he like this and that's nice and then no before we go on we let the Sun hit that stone see I will use a yellow and red and let the Sun hit that stone yeah see but spots you know like you you dream it up yourself just that stoners get hot you think that stone gets hot out of the Sun not beautiful fired right into the water there to fire into the water there too and on this side leave a dark as dark as you can know we will make water order that two again here and now we will we will we will watch this here I will use yellow and the touch of red and mix yourself understand fight and maybe more yellow and make yourself a kind of a sunlight color and you will do it like this they're not wonderful how that bounces up but here in the water you'd say at least maybe this is the height this is the height here the you give him a beginning where the stone hits at water and let that the Sun Dance there too a little bit like this look at that ah so much power so much excitement but then he around gotta get the darker you can make it so this the dark and the blue is mixing in and and there's a shadow color there you see that's a shadow color and still water he beautiful gives you the other power is a lot of power now how many stones she wants to put in that's up to you you can put one in that's just one part you can put three in you can put too many in for how how stone happy you are that's the main thing now I ever maybe put one little one in here do you remember the his tax they call it haystacks in Oregon wherever you are wherever you see the did this show you will not forget the haystacks in Oregon's in our again it's a wonderful contact nice to live here and again that the Sun on this side hated this fine you think you're fired and like this and all of a sudden gives you all the power again Pfizer into the water there too and make water out of that he just make father all that that again and dance it in like this and do the same thing with this color but we mixed up before you see and cut it in like this look at that and naturally there should be a little shadow in the back - we don't forget that shadow I nearly forgot it see there we are and strain it out with the big big brush and maybe one more here one more here good the haystacks in Oregon on the black canvas I hope you enjoyed it I had fun when I did it thank you for watching me bye bye you [Music]
Channel: Alexander Art- The Home of Bill Alexander
Views: 40,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Alexander, Alexander Art, William Alexander, painting tutorial, oil painting tutorial, oil paint, seascape, master class, master artist, Bob Ross, liquid white, Magic White™, Magic Clear™, almighty palette Knife, Almighty Brush, Bill Alexander MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, WILLIAM ALEXANDER MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING, Bill Alexander PAINTING, Diane Andre, Alexander Art PAINTING, Diane Andre PAINTING, ALEXANDER PAINTING
Id: ZVvWrJpNwv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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