SUNO 3.5 Update: New Features and Song Generation Walkthrough

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well the sunno and udio battle continues with sunno dropping their latest version 3.5 to Pro and premium members so right now we're going to look at the big changes welcome back to the channel where we explore the creative uses of AI and AI music oh my my my my everybody got their opinions on which one's better sunno and udio and every time somebody UPS the other they go we got a new winner well with this addition to the feature set of sunno let's see what people think I've got mixed feelings and I'm going to show you why let's take a look if we log into my account here and we click on what's new we'll get an idea of what version 3.5 is all about first of all we can do a 4minute song which means you don't have to do it in segments as much and this is going to save a ton of time the whole idea of extending a song and testing so many versions just to get a song that is a full length song is you know if you've done it you know it takes forever and it's a lot of trial and error this way so you should be okay TimeWise unless you're doing some sort of progressive rock song or just a longer song in which case you now have a two-minute maximum song extension capability and it says improved song structure and vocal flow and I guess that's pretty subjective and that's for us to decide isn't it also Pro and Premier members will be able to generate and download audio in the wave format Which is higher quality than the MP3 for those of you who care so let's just give it a quick run we'll just go in here to our creation page and we will let it do its thing we'll just say a country western song about losing a bet to Grandma I don't know and then we make sure we've got the version 3.5 Early Access selected and let's click on Create and see what it comes up with without us giving any lyrics I have noticed that the generations seem to be a lot faster and that's with a longer song after all they're doing a complete song here all right let's click through to version one here so in this case they've created verse one verse two A Chorus Verse three verse four and A Chorus no Bridge or outro this time but let's listen to it I sitting on the porch just wasting time R all Rocker with a sparkle in her eyes she said how W little friendly honestly I'm already bored I'm going to go back to the next one and I sitting on the porch just wasting time grandma in a rocker with a sparkle in her eyes she said how about wait your boy little friendly bit I didn't know what she had in mind but I sure do now you bet challenged me to five C draw said don't you get shy I laughed and took her up figured I'd give it a try but Grandma's hands were quick and her poker face was strong before I knew it I was down and that old woman one I lost a bed to Grandma she's a queen of the deal she clean me out of quarters Lord I couldn't make a squeal her SL little BR it cut me down the side lesson learn don't gamble with a twinkle in [Music] your mistakes for just some penni but Pride was on the line thought I had the dinner's love Grandma's love was proud she laid her CS out steady and a hit like a stone now I'm moing her grass every Sunday at her home she's me the RO life lessons in the said boy this world is C sharper than night I see that old dog's wisdom in every game she's won that patch he arms my scho you may notice it's still generating down here that infity [Music] it's little GRE it cut me down the side less Le don't gamble with a twinkle in [Music] your this teaches me the Roes okay they're going back and repeating verse four I'm not going to listen make you listen to anymore so yeah it's longer and the chorus seems to be coherent from Chorus to chorus as well as the verse I feel like that's a pretty straightforward upgrade you can do longer songs you can of course put Bridges and outros and all those things in there just like you could before and now you just don't have to do it peac meal but they do have this new extend feature and to be honest with you I am perplexed I have not figured out how to make this thing work on a consistent basis and if you know you can tell me but I haven't been able to find any information on it and this is one of qualms I have with a few of these pieces of software that they throw out here it's not justso and this is Early Access and I absolutely understand that but give us some instruction let me show you what I'm talking about here by just creating something really short since we're going to go in custom mode let's come up with a kind of an interesting style and if you've never played in the explore tab I invite you to do that here because even if you're a musician and have a musical background some of these styles that we can use here or the mixture thereof we would never come up with on our own so it's cool to go to this explore Tab and just Mouse over some of these things and listen to get some ideas I don't like that [Music] already those of you who know me know that that's the one I want to choose but those of you who diss me for choosing that you're going to get your way this time [Music] F floor Str okay I like that very simple Americana Soul I'm just going to copy that I'm going to use that in this thing that we create here so I'm just go ahead and pop down in here to style of music pop that in there Americana soul and if I wanted to add something to it like yeah but let's add a little violin which I do let's put that in there now let's just make up one verse of a song so that we can easily extend it I'm actually going to say verse one and let's see I know a lady and she is tall she laughs at people in the mall all right just going to leave it like that American Soul violin and say my funny girl all right and make sure we got v3.5 Early Access checked and click create now this should hopefully create a very little short snippet and not go for 3 minutes cuz that wouldn't be convenient at all all right here's the first [Music] one I [Music] know okay but I want it shorter shorter shorter all right let's see if this one's a little [Music] shorter now what are you going to [Music] do all right that's see that's not what I want that's an unpredictable result and I won't stand for it all right we're going to go back we're going to try again what if I say a short Americana Soul violin I don't know but they did add the violin that was cool right let's add a flute I didn't even like flute that much but I'm going to throw it in there trying for a short song I successfully generated an 11-second one earlier but I don't want to go back to use that I want to do something fresh all right 9 seconds [Music] good okay that's perfect [Music] all right I already know that was going to be too long cuz it's still generating there all right so we've got this 9C version and we want to extend it right okay so let's click right here where it says extend this is the extent of our instructions we can Mouse over this little icon extend a new clip from song at this time default extends from the end of the song okay so that just means that you're going to extend starting at whatever time here which makes sense and in this case it's the end of that 9-second clip so what do I put up here if I want to put another verse so I want to put verse two I get embarrassed when she laughs people start take photographs all right sorry cracking myself up here so what's going to happen here here's my expectation if I do something like this one of two things should happen starting at 9 like everything else should stay exactly the same right cuz we're going to extend it which means that it should [Music] sound all right so it should sound stop I boy I the other thing I don't like here about sunno is that freaking autoplay just let me decide when I want to hear the next one okay so that's what we should here no change up until 9:00 and now does it know okay well it's already done the first so I'm going to stick on the second verse or then if that doesn't work correctly then I guess well then you delete the first verse and it's going to just tag on what you put here so first let's do it this way what's the expectation I don't know it leaves the first nine seconds alone and then it tags on this one so let's see we're going to extend while this generating let me acknowledge that I'm setting myself for all kinds of abuse because it might be obvious to some people and it may be common knowledge to some people but guess what I'm some people it wasn't common to me I hit the help file I actually went to the help section on their page and the closest thing they got here is continuation and when you look at that link you'll see that the instructions are old they don't apply to 3.5 I understand all of that because it's early access but what if somebody like me I don't know decides to demonstrate your site on the internet and we can't figure out the basic common feature I feel like I'm a relatively intelligent person let's see what happened here to this first extension I know all right already that's not what we listen to that's not the first one she is tall she laughs at people in the mall I [Music] get okay before you start automatically let's assess what happened there let's listen to what the should sound like with our expectation which could be completely and here's the new [Music] one there is a similarity but it's not the same let's listen to this one and she is tall she laughs at people in the morning oh I get embarrassed when she people start taking phots okay that's not bad I don't not like it it's just not what I expect when you say extend it should say by the way we're kind of going to rerender the whole section there so don't get too attached to it unless of course I'm just missing something obvious let's go back to that original 99sec thing and let's click extend again enter additional lyrics to extend the song based on your previous verse or did they just add this when I was making this video that wasn't there before once the extended songs have finished creating click the dots and get whole song to get the entire completed song unless I'm losing my mind that wasn't here before but I'm glad at least some semblance of instruction is there so should I say additional lyrics well now I need that second verse let's paste verse two in here this is clearly a different approach but okay and title well it's still the same song My Funny Girl and we got to go to v35 all right extend listen to the first one and you'll see that it just seems to be the second verse did it [Music] obviously I'm looking now for anything that might have said continues am I crazy or is this confusing let's go to one of these that was extended that sounded pretty good [Music] know I did like this one so let's extend this one a little [Music] bit let's create a bridge but I think I'm going to need all those lyrics paste it and then I'm going to say Bridge um uh boy now I got to come up with a bridge but she's my woman and I'm her man her name is Carla my name is Dan let's just go ahead and throw a chorus in there a chorus for that and how is that a bridge exactly okay heck yeah she's funny heck yeah she's fine heck yeah she uh ah heck yeah she's Sunny heck yeah she's mine we want to extend that starting when they stop singing those words so let's figure out [Music] people start taking phots all right I guess I do want it to end there but I wanted to test extending it from an earlier portion let's just see what happens where where's the first logical break [Music] here all right so 10 I'm going to say extend from 10 and see what happens where will it place it what's going to happen first of all for those of you who cannot handle seeing that embarrass misspelled with the squiggly line I I feel you I'm sorry I didn't change it sooner let's extend and see what happens here we go so now we've got everything we need they haven't changed the words they've added the chorus I'm excited let's see how similar it is I know a lady and she is tall she laughes the people in same [Music] structure laugh people the music got quiet at 10 seconds her man her name is Cara my name is St heck yeah she's fny heck yeah she's fine heck yeah she's Sunny heck yeah she's mine heck yeah she's funny heck yeah she's fine heck yeah she's sunny heck yeah she's mine I approve of that repeat I know she it's just making stuff up now just doing verse one again I want to see how it ends come on let's wrap this [Music] up my name is car my name is St heck yeah she's funny heck yeah she's fine heck yeah she's Sunny heck yeah she's mine heck yeah she's funny heck yeah she's fine heck yeah she's Sunny he yeah she's [Music] m oh man that is [Music] let's bring it down guys heck yeah she's funny heck yeah she's fine heck yeah she's Sunny heck yeah she's mine okay okay okay okay okay overall I give that an a I should have written an outro and the chorus needs to be twice as long I'm hearing all this on playback but I like what it did I have to listen to the second [Music] attempt it's the same [Music] structure but I didn't I said to start it whatever I is I'm a fan when she people start taking photographs she's my woman and I'm her man name is car my name is heck yeah she's funny heck yeah she's fine heck yeah's heck yeah's mine oh [Music] sure and heck yeah she's fun heck yeah she's fine heck yeah she's Sunny heck yeah she's oh my God okay [Music] okay okay okay okay okay okay the harmonica seemed harsh maybe it's just my headphones but that's more like it right a minute 24 wrap things up nicely so that's great it's just not exactly what I would expect with the extend feature and I'm not sure I would have gotten any different of a result if I had started the extend from the beginning or just regenerated the I guess if I just regenerated the file completely I would have got in a different style what's interesting is that even though it's not the same generation it is absolutely the same Rhythm and it's the same approach in every song with slight variations which I don't hate it's just not what I expect I just wanted to give you a brief overview of these new features and see if that makes a difference for you and now will you be going back over to the suo camp and saying okay okay no now this one's the best and then when udio releases their next one okay okay the best and then 11 Labs does theirs you go okay we have a new winner I've been guilty of all of those things all right look if this is the kind of stuff you like hearing about and exploring and delving into why not subscribe to the channel if you haven't already because this is the type of stuff we do around here all the time if you subscribe now I will not look for you I will not pursue you but if you do not I will look for you I will find you and I [Music]
Channel: Bob Doyle Media
Views: 16,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suno v3.5, suno ai version 3.5, suno updates, suno ai extend, suno longer songs, ai music, create ai music, text to music, best ai music, suno new features, suno 3.5 new features
Id: ptHIAhCcWVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 12sec (1212 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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