Sunday Worship LIVE from NEWBIRTH | Dr. Jamal Bryant

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good morning New Birth it's man's muff now it's time to accelerate [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey my name is Kelly and these are your new birth announcements [Music] New Birth are you ready for a life-changing experience join us for the 40-day eye tithes challenge first things first a tithe is simply giving 10 of your income back to God it's a way to honor him and support the work of his kingdom and the best part there are amazing benefits to tithing it opens doors of blessings brings abundance into your life and helps support our community and Outreach efforts now during this challenge we encourage you to trust God with 10 of your earnings and increase believe that what's coming into your life is better than what's been he's got a plan so don't wait scan the QR code or text I tithe to 54244 to join the challenge and to embark on an Incredible Journey of Faith abundance and blessings and to all of our faithful tithers thank you for for trusting God and this house of worship with your seed your support has made a tremendous impact on our community so mark your calendars on September 10th during our 9 30 a.m worship experience let's collectively sew our tithe and witness the amazing blessings that God has in store for us our back to school celebration isn't over just yet next Sunday is college Sunday throw on your alma mater or divine nine paraphernalia or even that t-shirt from your kids college move-in day to top it off we're celebrating College Sunday with college professor and Mensa member Jonathan Mick Reynolds that's right the Grammy Award winner is bringing the life room to the Sanctified tiny desk at New Birth it's going to be Unforgettable German all on we're reading the book becoming a king and August 16th and 30th at 7 pm we're having a live online discussion about the wealth we find and the truth revealed in this powerful book Fellas on Friday the 18th we're taking over the Dome to chill on the Falcons versus the Bengals Let's Do It Like Only We can we want to roll deep we're coming up on the 60th anniversary of the historic March on Washington we're going to go back to that sacred ground and honor the life and the legacy of those who navigated the Civil Rights Movement featured speakers will be our pastor Dr Brian and other notables like Reverend Al Sharpton let's get on the bus for the trip to Washington DC August 24th to the 26th I am at Falcons Fury Harley-Davidson in Conyers Georgia we got a huge motorcycle ride that's about to go down go down I want to introduce you to Loki one of the people who's helped making it happen hello new birth I just want to congratulate you on your ride we at Falcons Fury Harley-Davidson look forward to supporting you in any way that we can now you got to go to the website and register yourself for this bike ride 250 Riders we're going all through DeKalb County Dr Bryant's going to pray over all the bikes and the bikers and when we get back there'll be a big cookout a motorcycle stunt show and prizes for the best bike this is going to be the most fun in a long time we'll see you there thank you Harley Davidson thank you New Birth let's make it happen hey ladies get ready to be reinvigorated the women of New Birth proudly present reinvigorate a powerful and transformative women's weekend at the end of September save the date September 28th to the 30th it's a weekend you do not want to miss join us for empowering sessions Soul stirring worship and life-changing messages that will ignite your spirit and Unleash Your true potential we've got some amazing sessions and speakers and a fabulous brunch at the Four Seasons it's going to be Exquisite visit the website to register reinvigorate where extraordinary women come together to rise Thrive and Conquer I'll see you there remember here at New Birth our vision is simple equip Empower and engage see you next week thank you my name is Ronaldo Tony my name is Corey Smith my name is Quincy Carter my name is Mr Michael Alexander I think one of the things that makes us Heroes is we're the ones that run too dangerous when people are running away from danger when people are in need uh and they're in a crisis we're the first ones to respond to assist them in any way possible whether something as small as uh a person being stranded on the side of the road needing Assistance or whether they're in a volatile situation that could potentially become violent we're the ones that are going to come and try to save and protect the victim as much as possible a lot of times you know we meet people in their time of need and some of the Darkest Hours of their lives and sometimes we have to remind ourselves that you know we deal with this all the time so it's like Elementary does where we just deal with deal with deal with and we have to remember that we're meeting people in the darkest times so always remember to have that compassion for people if we can help you get through this darker time we try our best to do that as a principal we eliminate barriers for our students some of our students come to us with different challenges and as the principal of the school we want to ensure that we're providing opportunities for educational success for all students some of the biggest Joys that I've had as a police officer is seeing someone that I've spoken with or had an encounter with changed the course of their life the biggest lesson I learned is that your community your teammates and going out and having fun on Friday nights is the most important thing my goal is to be able to support the students that I'm entrusted to serve each and every year my goal is is to build relationships with the community and my goal is is to be able to support the families that I serve I want to say thanks to Dr Brian thanks Dr Bryant I want to thank Dr Bryant I like to personally thank Dr Brian on behalf of the DeKalb County Police Department along with the new birth family for honoring Heroes and for all the work that you all do in the community and our Partnerships will greatly impact our community for the greater good [Music] good morning New Birth good morning new bird my name is Daryl Johnson I'm a retired firefighter I also work for uh private military academy and uh we uh are welcoming everybody to New Birth we uh want you to uh enjoy the service today and uh I want I I'd like for everybody who's online to uh like And subscribe to New Birth and uh this is men's acceleration month so we're honoring all the men Heroes of uh the military firefighters EMTs uh police officers all the men and I'm just a symbol of uh what we uh need to pay attention to for the month good morning New Birth my name is Kim Billups I am a deacon here at New Birth as well as I am a retired Commander with DeKalb County Sheriff's Office [Applause] it is now time to pass the peace be able to talk to your loved ones shake hands and hugs with everyone around you and those of you that are online please Pastor peace everyone God bless [Music] [Music] good morning foreign New Birth do me a favor we are recognizing Heroes today I want you to put your hands together and help me thank God for every man you know who serves other people come on you can do better than that our EMS our firefighters our officers and today there's a very special person we're going to honor he's a HomeTown hero raised right here in South DeKalb Georgia outside of metro Atlanta he distinguished himself as one of the most prolific athletic talents our community has ever produced you may remember him for making all of the headlines as the quarterback for Southwest DeKalb High School you're figuring it out aren't you he leaves Southwest DeKalb he goes to the University of Georgia and kills everything he turns it out he gets drafted and becomes the starting quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys right here from Southwest DeKalb Atlanta Georgia I want you to help me acknowledge and honor our hometown hero quarterback Quincy Carter come on man we love you really quickly you've had a commitment not only to Excellence in athletics but also serving your community tell the people how much you've enjoyed very quickly being of service to them even after the lights were off well uh I just want to thank God first for having me stand on this stage right now and and continuously give me his grace through some tough times in my life but it means so much to me to be back home to be back home right here in New Birth to be back home coaching at my high school Southwest DeKalb and we got the boys here today we got coach Bell our head coach here today also and we're just ready to set this thing on fire on Friday night let me ask you this top of the world Athletics tell the younger athletes how God helped you make it well I had a strong relationship with God coming right here out of New Birth um and and I got to be honest you know uh I got to tell this you know to my young athletes in here today I took my eyes off God I totally took my eyes off God for some moments in my life and then think bad things happen so when you don't do good things bad things happen but when you take your eyes off God and you're not living in the spirit then we let the enemy come in we want to now I've been able to redirect my life where I let God just be God take control yes you can have that relationship with God right now young kings don't wait do not wait and don't take your eyes off God Quincy Carter you a HomeTown hero and Dr Jamal Bryant the new birth Nation respect and appreciate you please receive our heroes award come on family God for Quincy Quincy God bless you [Music] in these core documents Damien Pickett tells his story of what happened at Montgomery's Riverfront the co-captain of the Harriet 2 says he received contusions to his rip area and knocked on the back of his head and forehead he says it was a result of being punched and kicked several times during the brawl caught on camera Saturday night and pick a statement to Montgomery police he says he was on the Riverboat with this Captain when they noticed a couple boats close to their docking area they called on the intercom at least five or six times for a black pontoon boat to move he says the boaters responded with obscenities something police chief Daryl Albert outlined in his news conference this week they were only responded to what I've seen gestures curse words and taunting big with his deck and the 16 year old victim got to the dock and that's where the men confronted him in his statement to Belize Pickett says he told the men he was just doing his job he says a man firing back that the dock was public picka says eventually the men attacked him he told officers someone hit him from behind he tried to defend himself by choking the man in front of him Pickett says he then remembers another man tackling him he believes he bit one of them and heard one threatened to kill him the mother of the 16 year old deckhand in training who was with Pickett was also on the boat she gave her statement to police she heard the men yelling and using racial slurs and mentions of getting a gun court documents reveal the 16 year old was punched in the chest and had bruised ribs picket identifying Richard Roberts as the main assailant Alan Todd as a man who tackled him and Zachary Shipman as a man who hit and kicked him all three along with Mary Todd face assault charges everybody this is the day the Lord has made we rejoice and we are glad in it we're mindful in this moment that the fight for equality has not come to an end how we were reminded this week in Montgomery uh that racism is still alive and well but I need you to do me a favor please I am glad honor the humbled to join us in worship today of the first black mayor of Montgomery Alabama uh would you please come on y'all got to do better than that y'all ain't cheering good [Applause] my uh my more house brother I am just so grateful uh for your leadership let me uh before I ask you anything let me say to you on behalf of the community on behalf of the culture thank you for leading with Grace and with class uh and with distinction you are with the old people used to say a credit to the race uh and I want to say to you that Montgomery has always been Ground Zero for making America accountable to be a great nation I want you to share with us where Montgomery is and what do you see as the road forward well Pastor thank you uh for the opportunity to come before you all in your entire church um it's great to be back with you last time I was at Newport we were celebrating the homegoing and see their friend and Mentor Tommy doors and so it is uh great to see all of you Montgomery is in a very familiar place right now uh we're at a place soul-searching and trying to figure out where we go as the report said there was a lot of racial animus involved in this and while the FBI has told us this may not be a hate crime it certainly is a moral crime fuel body and I think we have to understand that and the question we have to ask ourselves is we consider that Montgomery was founded in 1819 as a major slave trading block at that time and it took the 2019 through like this first black mayor we know their challenges not only here in Montgomery or Alabama but throughout this nation man we still must confront around the issue of race and so we have been doing that where there was 1940s when a man by the name of Nixon who was a former sleeping Pullman Carl Porter was leading marches on this big office that I sit in right now on behalf of Ben colored school children have equal access from 1950 when he ceded his role as the leader of the black community to a man by the name of Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr to lead the bus boycott right here in Montgomery for the 1960s when Dr King would come back and give one of his best speeches uh our God is marching on at the conclusion of the settlement of Montgomery March for voting rights we're back at a very similar Point not only I think in this city but also the state in our nation as we figure out how we can continue the progress that so many are challenging many people when they think about Montgomery they immediately go to Rosa Parks and the bus boycott and the riveting sermons of Dr King Mr Mayor our church is a multi-generational I've got the civil rights movement and black lives matter in the same congregation I want you to really uh give a charge to the Next Generation for what they need to be doing and picking up the Baton and moving the community forward I think there's no question that right now we have more at stake than we have in Generations from what we see around the Democracy itself and the challenge to voting rights uh across this country it is intentional it is deliberate this is a questionnaire whether or not slavery was actually another through the slaves in the State of Florida and Beyond we have those type of things and then to the conversation and the everyday discourse it is urgent that whether you're in the black lives matter generation of the Civil Rights generation that we come together and we push back at the local state and federal level each and every day possible that's using technology but it's not just stopping there it's also making sure that we are activating our votes Global elections making sure that we're activating our boats in Statewide elections I know Georgia from home Senator Raphael Warnock and others um in this last election but we got to make sure that we're advocating in school board meetings we have to make sure we're advocating in Banks and financial institutions as well as making each other we're advocating in the Grassroots uh communities you got to do all of those things I believe uh in this time right now because the question has to be who is going to be that whole Baptist Church that holds the mass media or all outside for blocks and blocks because they can't fit inside when it's really time to to the next boycott who's going to be that Dexter Avenue Baptist Church which only held about three people to lead a movement we didn't have big churches like we have at New Birth now uh then leading those movements who's going to be the next First Baptist Church with the Reverend Ralph David Abernathy LED as well who's gonna take on that position from the church from the community to make sure across the board that we don't wait from November 2024 to tell us that it's time to Mars it's time to vote that we're out activating and exit each and every time and I say that because I believe fully it comes back to the black church the black church has had us and helped us down from the very beginning of this Administration that continues to as we go into a re-election of the black church as an institution has been the backbone of the black community as well our generations of being in this country has to make sure that we've been called morally impotent during a time of Challenge and crisis that we're in right now I'm grateful I I'm overwhelmingly appreciative knowing you have an election one week from Tuesday and in spite of your demanding schedule you decide to come by New Birth on today we don't take that lightly uh or for granted I'm appreciative a lot of uh the uh polls are saying that a lot of African-Americans particularly younger African-Americans are disillusioned about voting they don't think that their vote matters is not going to mean anything I want you to get us positioned for those of us who live outside of Montgomery and can't vote for you but Mr may I want you to know we have a 138 cyber members from New Birth who live in Montgomery and they're going to the polls uh on Tuesday but I want you to tell us why voting is still important and why it still matters who sits in the office it's a difference beyond what we know um I say elections have choices but they have consequences we would not have been able to increase our about tens of millions of dollars 33 million to be exact public education investment without myself being in this position we would not have been able to increase 100 percent more businesses being brought into the city procurement process much like we talk about with the 100 and making sure that our small and black and minority-owned businesses are getting a shot and Contracting opportunities we would not have the type of police team that we have brought in President Obama's 21st century policing methods to this city to really not only reduce crime but to be kind on community by being tough on the crime that is happening around here and so we have to make sure that we may not see all the things are being done but make no mistake we are putting our fear on the scale in a way that is representative of the people who got us here the whole saying goes when you stick turtle on top of a fence post so he didn't get that by himself someone put him there and so we know who put us in here and we have led from that stand you're laying with that philosophy one that is informed by pastors and faith is like yourself uh all the way across this country and certainly right back here a two Montgomery so I want to tell those young people who don't think their hope matters it matters more than you think and if it didn't matter there wouldn't be billionaires and zillionaires trying to stop you from voting not just here in Alabama not just in Ohio not just in Florida or Texas but right there in the state of Georgia if it didn't matter they wouldn't be putting their money into stopping you because the decisions are made around education Army and Punishment around Public Safety around Economic Development those decisions are made in the rooms 99.9 of them you've never never hear about you gotta trust and believe that the people you're putting in office are going to represent you and then when we get in office hold us accountable I'm the first vice president Georgia and other parts of the Atlanta area including me Andre Dickens we know the responsibility and we understand that we have to be held accountable and our goal is to make sure the Next Generation comes and takes up a time from us in a better position than we have it right now I'm grateful for you new Bertha would you stretch your hands towards our mayor mayor I want to pray for you very quickly and for this community the city that you govern over learn the name of Jesus guide their feet while they run this race I pray that you'll put a hedge fence of protection around them anoint our mayor's head with oil Let There Be liberty and justice for all God we trust you we believe that this battle is not ours but this battle is yours blessed Montgomery Alabama and bless the United States of America in Jesus name amen God bless you Mr Mayor love you I appreciate you I'll talk to you soon New Birth come on let's give God some glory for good leadership come on you can do better than that give God glory for good leadership [Applause] good morning new birth I need everybody to rise to your feet because we're about to start the Sanctified tiny desk series all the way from Houston Texas is a viral Sensation that helped to get this series started would you do me a favor give a new person welcome to Tatiana Barnett let's go [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord come on let's give God our best praise in here hallelujah thank you as we love on you [Music] [Music] easy love and as we shine [Music] [Music] [Music] all you see me [Music] [Music] come on [Music] there is no name that's greater than yours the glory in this place [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is come on foreign right now we foreign [Music] [Music] no more [Music] [Music] Sydney your love lives in me [Music] when nothing else could help [Music] [Music] understand nothing else could help [Music] come on raise it up Church [Music] [Music] stay right there [Music] his love [Music] [Music] I love you Jesus [Music] [Music] everybody [Music] [Music] desire just hey [Music] your manager that's right just a little louder [Music] [Music] I just wanna die no no no no no [Music] no body what's up family I am Broderick McBride the director for emerging Generations here at New Birth Cathedral today we are outside in the community for the back to school shoe Drive fam listen we are giving away 2500 pairs of shoes plus today and man when I tell you the way that these kids are excited the parents are in tears this is an opportunity where our ministry is yet showing up in the community as the hands the feet and the Heart of the children of the god New Birth the world all the people around the world I can't thank you enough for partnering in with this ministry with this house to make this event such a success foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you let's give God some Glory for the great things that he has done it was our intention it was our goal it was our aim to collect 2 000 pairs of shoes yesterday in our final count I need to thank you we collected 3 000 payers come on y'all got to do better than that 3 000 pairs of shoes you may be seated I got to tell y'all who won [Applause] I want to thank Def Jam [Applause] I want to thank Def Jam uh Def Jam went online they went online and Def Jam contributed uh 14 725 dollars uh towards our back to school shoe Drive [Music] did y'all here I didn't say fourteen dollars I didn't say fourteen hundred fourteen thousand I want to thank Motown they went online they went online they gave and Motown donated 20 000. what's wrong with y'all twenty thousand five hundred and ninety one dollars I brought down to the altar brought down to the altar uh Def Jam brought 915 pairs of shoes 915 pairs of shoes y'all better go crazy Motown brought down to the altar 1400 . y'all ain't excited about it all right let's be fair all the Motown all the Motown would y'all stand up we owe y'all a major salute all of Motown would y'all stand up would you make some noise for the Motown try bless the Lord you may be seated I want to tell you about uh who we blessed on yesterday I want to tell you about uh who we blessed on yesterday outside of those who were in DeKalb County Schools the reason why I want you to celebrate uh we partnered with social services and we gave 200 pairs of shoes I hope you all go crazy 200 pairs of shoes to young people in DeKalb County who are homeless come on y'all ain't shouting good 200 pairs of shoes uh did we give to them I want to thank our world of Vision World Vision rolled up on us yesterday uh and donated to us 120 bicycles uh to young people in the community come on come on y'all ain't shouting good uh 200 of our young people received the electronic tablets on yesterday come on let's give God glory uh we have partnered with Idlewood with Tucker uh with Salem and with MLK schools right here in DeKalb County uh 2 000 shoes were given out on yesterday of the other 1 000 shoes we are partnering with before a mentioned schools uh in this week working with the principals of both schools and the guidance counselors are the young people who are in need of shoes We're going to have them on their feet uh by Wednesday somebody give God a hand clap of praise for them those of you who were in church on last Sunday you were in church last Sunday would you lift up your hand if you were in the church on last Sunday you remember we were a blessing to a Martin Luther King High School uh on last week uh but uh we had two schools here we had two schools here and uh South Dekalb came mobbing through the building [Applause] Southwest DeKalb not to be confused with Southeast Southwest DeKalb uh come on down here Southwest DeKalb we're thankful for Southwest DeKalb amen you remember when Jesus healed the lepers after he healed the lepers he asked where are the other nine only one came back to say thank you the other team was here on last week but this team came back again this week uh and so uh uh we're grateful so not only are we giving this team uh cleats for uh the football year uh but new birth I need y'all to go crazy because we bought them new uniforms I need y'all to give God come on y'all ain't shouting good that that's how we roll uh and so I am excited about what our young men are going to do what it is that they're going to achieve are glad to have with us appropriately uh former star from the Dallas Cowboys I know I'm in Falcon country but uh former star from Dallas Cowboys are with us on the day who's serving as a role model and a mentor to these young men would you stretch your right hand to Faith around them shut your right hand the faith around them uh Lord we pray that you'll cover their minds cover their hearts and that you'll Safeguard their future I pray that they'll go further than anybody in their family we trust you for miracle signs and wonders and those of you that believe it would you give these young men a big Applause come on y'all ain't doing good open up your mouth thank you so very much gentlemen thank you so very much uh you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I keep telling you uh we are a local church I'm making a global impact I wear a local church make come on clap for them [Applause] amen uh look at the person beside you tell them we worldwide and we blowing up we worldwide and we're blowing up amen I'm thankful that we are a local church making a global impact would you cheer for those who are watching online come on give God some praise for them amen I honor to have uh eight delegates uh worshiping with us they came all the way from Spain because they needed to see us uh for real to make sure that what they seeing online was real our visitors from Spain won't you please stand we're so honored to have you uh worshiping with us come on give them a big cheer we're so honored to have you so grateful so thankful that you decided to come and worship with us on today uh representing the Liberian Baptist women's Association where are you uh sis won't you please stay and I am so honored to have you thank you so very much you look amazing we're grateful just to have you uh in our midst and in our presence we were honoring Our Heroes on today uh and I'm grateful that Representatives uh from our Sheriff's Department uh is with us on today won't you please stand thank you so very much come on give God glory for them thank you amen you may be seated this summer because of your giving and because of your graciousness we were able to hire 10 college interns we attend college interns who worked at New Birth uh this summer uh let me ask the interns the please stand you all please stand our interns and uh amen our interns have been working uh tirelessly they're going back to school on this week uh we brought them in as interns and then they formed the union they said they got a meeting with me this week uh to renegotiate their terms for next summer son amen y'all please pray y'all please amen that's the cost of Liberation when you free Negros they they'll make more demands than what you expect amen I thought they were just coming to say thank you but for our interns we're so grateful uh for all of them would you give your attention to the screen for just one moment hi everybody I'm Minister Tanya Harris I serve in the new members Department it is my pleasure to be in the kingdom and to serve and support each of you God says that we're to be a good Steward over a lot of things right one of them is tithing and it's actually magnified in Malachi 3 10. and God says that we're to give 10 of what he's given to us is what he has given to us back to him and that 10 percent is being used for the building of the kingdom and the taking care of the two things that he said for us to come here which is to glorify him and to edify others and so that 10 percent helps support the edification of others as a child of God we humbly and welcomely give that 10 back to God now when I was a child I spoke as a child I used to say that 10 imma use the net so when I first saw that first paycheck stub that said net and gross I said so why aren't you giving me the gross and it got reminded me I gave you the growth so you need to give it back to me don't give me the net after the taxes have been taken but give me the gross earnings and so I gratefully give that 10 that's what tithing is I can remember times when I got laid off and there was no income that was coming in I I can remember times when my children were sick or I'm a mental health mom so for me that my son needed to be found or income needed to be made and God just showed up he just instantaneously made it happen and so in my life it's not just about The Obedience of giving that 10 of my gross earnings but it's about the consistency right I got to be consistent no matter what storm is moving in my life no matter what is happening coming down cheerfully giving right not grudgedly or under compulsion but cheerfully giving back into the kingdom and the benefits that I get are so much more the more than what I could ever imagine come on let's give God a hand clap of Praise anybody know for yourself that tithing will bless your life anybody know tithing will change your life are we are poised the imposition on September 10th is our demonstration Sunday and we're asking the entire church that you are tithing on that day of those of you who have been inconsistent on your tithing we want to give you a challenge uh that you will trust God he has given us permission he said try me in this test me in this and see what I won't do on September 10th all of us are going to be tithing it's going to be our vision Sunday I'm going to be sharing with you what it is that God has shared with me in terms of our future and where God is taking us and so I need you to be here how many of you have glasses you don't use let me see your hand you got glasses you don't read anymore our glasses here it is in the prescription is no longer Karen lift up that hand lift up that hand I want you on that day September 10th I want you to bring all of your old glasses to church on that day all the glasses you don't wear those glasses you rolled over on the bed on bring all of those uh glasses the church on that day we're going to be a blessing to people in third world Nations who don't have access to glasses and be a blessing to them and so I want you to please or bring them on that day on September 10th I ask that you'll please a download our QR code as well as text text the number on the screen tithe to 54244 so that you can know more about tithing or what is the scripture behind it the justification and the meaning why ought we be tyvee I want you to do it those of you that need God to bless you on the last quarter of the year would you raise your hand you need God to financially bless you lift that hand as high as you can God I thank you that you give seed to the sower I thank you that I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed begging for bread now God for every person who has a lifted hand puts something in their hand not just for them to eat it but for them to invest it for them to sow it for them to give it I believe you for 20 40 60 80 a 100-fold return in Jesus name amen how many of you need a word from God on today how many of you need God to speak to your heart and to speak to your situation on today our music Ministry is going to prepare us for worship in this moment I want you to lift up that hand right where you are lift up both of those hands right where you are would you open up your mouth and just speak well of him come on begin to bless him begin to extol him begin to Magnify Him I hope you'll do it I can't hear you doing it come on he's deserving to more than that an Incredible God deserves and incredible praise you just lift up your hands towards heaven right here in this moment come on that's it you are worthy God you are you're able to do exceed only and abundantly ask for thank you a name of God to do exceedings [Music] God say about to do just what he said he would hey glory to God and he's gonna fulfill everybody [Music] don't you give up on God God say you won't give up on you he's ever hey he's able God is able to do just what he said he would do [Music] and he's gonna fulfill every breath to you don't you give up on God [Music] you're ever okay your rainbow hair you're able to do it to do a body layer we serving able Blood come on foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning who am I to deny what the Lord can do [Music] imma just take it one more time so you can catch it one more than [Music] that you are more than me [Music] thank you you are more [Music] to deny what the Lord can do for you I just wonder can we sing it as a family all over the building even in your home say everybody say you you are more than me don't give up on God people of God can we raise it raise our voice hey you are [Applause] that's it come on use your voice in this atmosphere and take one more every person in every row say it you are more than ever [Music] [Music] that was a practice run I need about 60 more people to rise to your beat and raise your voices that you said more than this [Music] think about your circumstances believe God and say this morning [Music] [Music] I think we got it now let's put it together one more time say it you are more than it get a praise partner and make sure you believe God together and raise a change [Music] that's it come on raise your worship the Lord [Music] I need somebody else who to deny say who am I who denies [Music] for the Lord do one more time one more time just one more time it's real good in the building do that one more time [Music] [Music] you're not done with me [Applause] there's so much [Music] this is not the end of your story this morning foreign [Music] [Music] you're not alone [Music] [Music] with me [Music] [Music] so much abundantly above all that you ask a thing he'll do exceedingly abundantly [Music] [Music] above [Music] everybody y'all take it over and say his head [Applause] [Music] it's your ministry moment you are more than anything [Applause] that's it now can you just raise your volume and put some confidence and conviction you are sing your testimony in it sing your testimony in it tell them you are more tired y'all tell mighty good let's do it together you're more than able to say [Music] raise your hands and sing it to the king of King tell them tell them you're more than able say [Music] s Who Am I who am I to not what the Lord can do but we might to deny say it [Music] one more time who am I to deny say it again [Music] don't you give up on God that's the message [Music] everyone [Music] oh my God just one more time lift your hands towards heaven and just say who am I say it [Music] come on and clap those hands if you love him come on you gotta do better than that I said clap your hands if you love him clap your hands if you believe great things are getting ready to happen clap your hands if you know there's a miracle with your name on it clap your hands if you know you survived the worst season of your life better days are around the corner essential stand to your feet would you join us in the Old Testament book of Second Kings the Old Testament book of Second Kings next Sunday is our College emphasis Sunday our students are returning back to the AUC and surrounding colleges in the area we're going to be welcoming them into worship on next Sunday as we're asking everyone if you wear College uh paraphernalia whatever College you went to or whatever College you wanted to go to wear that t-shirt uh wear that sweatshirt on next Sunday I would guess almost next Sunday is going to be Jonathan McReynolds it's going to be an amazing amazing amazing time look at your neighbor tell them ain't no church like new bervain no church amen so make sure you're present and accounted for second Kings chapter six second Kings chapter six verse number 16. second Kings chapter 6 verse number 16. don't be afraid the prophet answered those who are with us are more than those who are with them amen would you look at the person beside you tell them you don't have no reason to be afraid Look at me now tell them there are more people with you than there are against you you may be suited in the presence of the Lord don't be afraid the prophet answered those who are with us are more than those who are against us I want to preach today using as a subject not today Satan well which [Music] Lord don't don't y'all get us started right through here but you just shouted out loud into the universe not today Satan [Music] not today you say [Applause] [Music] elbow your neighbor and say not tomorrow either not not today's sake you maybe say that it's rumored it's rumored that in 1712 a coalition of plantation owners extended an invitation to a gentleman from the West Indies by the name of Willie Lynch to come over and Coach them on how best to manage their human Imports that had been extracted from the motherland he advised them that killing the enslaved Fort Defiance was against their best interest so he proffered that they utilized and the age of old tactic of divide and conquer The Playbook suggested that they ought to turn young black men against older black men that they ought to pit black women against black men that they should have but dark-skinned fight against light skin the mangled mindset was if you divide the community they will never know the power of unity the harmony of Discord has had us out of tune for almost 311 years the Symphony of our Humanity has been reduced to a garage Rock Band of buffoonery so 311 years later we have Deltas fighting akas kappa's fighting cues pwis versus hbcus natural hair versus sew-ins vegetarians versus carnivores Baptist versus apostolics heterosexuals versus homosexuals the Bloods versus the Crips Gen X versus gen Z and in the words of Rodney King can't we all just get along united we stand but divided we fall every area of Our Lives has been under this American regime has been with the intention to divide us they divide our communities and call it gentrification they divide reparations and call it affirmative action while the Lion Share goes to white women they divided our households by pulling black fathers out of the house as the only way that black mothers could get welfare there's a digital divide because we don't have access to the internet our public schools are bereft of Technology with no computers but they have metal detectors Psalms of 133 verse 1 says how good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity how can two walk together unless they agree do you know how powerful it's going to be when as a community we start working together we start supporting one another when we begin to push each other to Greatness and cancel out the crab in the barrel effect nowhere in the Bible nowhere in the Bible can you ever find a demon fighting another demon why because the devil's unify and they don't fight each other in Matthew 12 they tried to slander the Savior by calling him a demon but he pushed back and said Devils can't cast out devils because I am with God I have the authority to cast out devils I want you to lift up that hand no matter where you are in this room or online I cast out every devil dividing your marriage I cast out every devil that's trying to turn your children against you I cast out every devil that has been robbing you of your sleep and has been stealing your mental stability I cancel every devil that's trying to get you displaced out of your job I cancel every devil that has planted the seed of suicide and depression and anxiety and feeling overwhelmed I cancel every devil that has been planted to a sign to dismantle your bloodline that no weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper I speak to thousands of you who are in this room God said if you lift up your voice every devil in hell that has been plaguing you for the last five years is going to be utterly destroyed Suited speaking of devils speaking of devils I wish to God I was in Montgomery Alabama last Sunday when a black man was trying to do his job and then entitled inebriated family from Selma thought that they didn't have to follow directions from him and didn't have to move the boat I wanted to tell somebody here some people are not going to like it but they better get used to taking directions from you you are a born leader you are called to be in charge I don't care your gender your age or your pedigree there is Authority in your mouth you can say to the mountains be thou removed and they will have to ship whatever you declare it is going to happen I don't know where my worshipers are whatsoever you loose in heaven shall be loosed in the earth whatsoever you bind in the Earth shall be bound in heaven ladies and gentlemen when it is that they threw Shadrach Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace they bound their hands they bound their feet but they forgot to silence their mouth when I open up my mouth things are getting ready to happen I don't know where you are but you better start speaking those things that are not as though they already are the devil is afraid cause you ain't shy no more you ain't quiet no more you go speak what's on your mind you gonna get it off of your chest and those that don't like it gotta build the bridge and get over it I got something I got to say [Music] people are gonna have to get use to you speaking Direction but not just you speaking Direction they are going to have to follow your direction Satan lacks imagination he always resorts to tactics and places from your past it is not by accident that demonic principalities chose Montgomery they said we'll use the same dock where we auctioned off their ancestors and see if they will sell out I use the same city where Rosa Parks decided not to give up her seat and the bus boycott had them walking the streets With the Enemy used in the past will prove to be ineffectual in your present people from your past have no power over you Cycles from the past have no air left in the tire trauma from your past is now your testimony you gotta let the enemy know not today Satan whatever you used on me in 18 whatever you used on me in 2020 it has no authority over my life you are a nightmare to the enemy because the enemy was hoping you were gonna be weak like your former self but what the enemy doesn't know you should have killed me when I didn't know no better but now that I got my mind on right that I used to fall for don't even impact me anymore when you lying to my face I can tell it why you telling the story because my gift of discernment is that a whole nother level would you grab your neighbor by the hair and say the devil had me yesterday but not today Satan I better tell Satan I'm not gonna be drunk like I used to be I'm not gonna be high like I used to be I'm not gonna be sad like I used to be because this joy that I have the world didn't give it Hallelujah you ain't got to talk to nobody just shake your head and say not today Satan not today you ain't gonna ruin my day you ain't gonna pull me out of my square you're not gonna stress me out not today Satan you may be seated not today not don't even try it not today I've been through too much I've had to see too much not today I got too much I gotta accomplish not today Satan [Music] he was trying to give direction and they were upset at who was giving the direction when it was head up the brother was prepared to square up but when it became unfair he threw his hat up in the air I'm talking to some of you you don't mind having to deal with one thing but when you gotta fight three and four things at the same time that ain't the time for you to be depressed that's the time for you to throw them hands up I need some worshipers in this room who dealing with bills dealing with supervisors dealing with health concerns dealing with financial issues five I Stretch My Hands To Thee no other help I know if I'll withdraw [Music] Hallelujah Hallelujah he said if I be lifted up I'll draw all men under me I'm waiting on you when the Praises go up that's when the blessings come down if you are in the fight of your life right now I dare you to lift up your hands like you need some help I need you to lift up your hands like you calling for backup I need you to lift up your hands like you know why Lord nothing's Thou Art call me please Don't Pass Me By you may be seated Hallelujah I left I left Montgomery and went to Second Kings and when I got the second Kings I discovered that the Syrian King has surrounded Elisha with an army that wanted him in bondage and the question that you've got to ask yourself is critical thinkers is why is the King after Elisha he's after Elisha his Ayah is Elisha's anointing I don't know whether you realize it or not but they want you bound because you are blessed they want you killed because you're about to live an abundant life I Gotta Give a news flash to all of your haters you not liking me doesn't stop God from loving me when God chose me he didn't need your opinion your approval or your buy-in he prepares a table in the presence of my enemies [Applause] Hallelujah [Applause] Elijah's assistant Captain asked him what are we going to do with these enemies coming all around me but the prophet said to him in our text for this morning there are more with us than there are against us when they started beating that brother on the dock in Montgomery they thought he was by himself y'all ain't saying nothing they were so arrogant they had so much white privilege that in the middle of the day they thought they were going to beat this brother with no repercussions and no consequences I want you to watch what happens they stopped beating his brother started kicking them started punching them the staff got off the boat the bystanders came down from the dock a young man jumped in the water [Applause] God I can't hear nobody in here y'all Miss what I just said the staff came off the boat the people came off the dock and a boy jumped in the water God I think I've lost you here the staff got off the boat the people came off the dock a boy jumped in the water Pastor what am I telling you the boy that jumped in the water he represented the Navy the crew that got off the ship they represented the Marines the people that came off the dock they represented the Army y'all still lost the only thing that was left was the Air Force I will look to the Hills from which cometh my help my help is coming from the law I don't know who you preaching to today but I need you to just pull your neighbor and say neighbor help is on the way in every direction of your life God is sending help open the Ripper and through the woods help [Music] Hallelujah I don't know who needs this but I need 50 of you to lift your hand online I need 500 of you to lift your hand in this room I heard in the Realms of the spirit God saved that he has just assigned back up to fight for you in every area of your life help is coming from everywhere I tell you to just took somebody around you and tell them help is on the way tap somebody in front of you tell them help is on the way tap somebody behind you tell them help he's on the way [Music] we're troubled on every side [Applause] yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair we're persecuted but not forsaken because if God before us Hallelujah if God before us who can be against us ladies and gentlemen I'm telling you even if you can't get to a chair your enemy needs to know you still carry it because the weapons of our Warfare are not condor but they're Mighty under God for the pulling down their strongholds the whole armor of God the shield the faith the sword of the spirit the helmet of salvation knowing your God loins are gerd about with truth Elisha had an army hear this that he couldn't see I need you to see everybody ain't against you everybody is not jealous of you everybody is not a hater we keep watching the video over and over again whoever sent it to us you watched it again like it was the first time foreign I mean it was fresh Revelation every time you watched it you saw something else we kept watching the Vizio because you we love seeing our people be there for each other white evangelicals were dming me all week sending me emails all week Pastor violence is wrong I said you're right we've been telling America that for 400 years [Applause] but when the police killing our people you don't say nothing y'all ain't saying nothing [Applause] God wanted us to see that every devil has its day they meant it for evil but God is working it out for your goods nobody hear this has dealt with the fact how emboldened they felt that day to attack that black man in the middle of the dash but they didn't realize that God works in the middle of the night [Applause] that God is getting ready to hold up protection for some people who were in this room I want you to lift up that hand if you're a black man I speak protection of a black fathers I can't hear nobody in here I I speak protection over black sons I speak protection over black Brothers y'all ain't shouting right that no weapon that is formed against them shall be able to prosper that God is going to be their shield and their Buckler speak of every black man that bullets will not enter your body I speak over every black man that you will not die from hypertension or from prostate cancer I speak over every black man that your life will belong I want to see the lifted hands of black women in this room the honor boy Elijah Muhammad said the most unprotected species on the planet is the black woman I speak over the life of every black woman with lifted hands that you will feel safe where you are that God will raise up men who will cover you who will protect you who will fight for you lift up that hand I cover your daughter in the name of Jesus that you'll never find herself in domestic violence never find herself abused I can't hear anybody never finding her safety or her sexuality compromise I speak over every lifted hand lift up that hand please over our seniors over our elders who will be able to live in the Twilight season of their life in peace that they will not have to look over their shoulder that the community will look over your mother will look over your father that there'll know peace like a river and it will attend their way those of you who have that level of faith and that level of confidence that there is a hedge fence of protection around our community would you lift up your voice and give God glory for it right now [Music] come on I said give it to him [Music] you may be seated nobody had to deal with the fact that the young lady pulled out her phone and had to record it because in the Deep South is our word against theirs and had we not had a visual representation than the story could have gone a whole nother way I'm telling you right now God is recording the sacrifices you made because there's some people who try to rewrite the role that you played they try to act like you are not significant that you're not meaningful and the truth of the matter is you the one that kept the whole thing together God y'all ain't saying nothing you weren't looking for Prestige or honor I'm just looking for you to respect and appreciate what it is that I did in order to make it happen the greatest exploit that has happened ladies and gentlemen from the surfacing of this video is that you don't even understand I'm so grateful that we are a multi-generational church but you don't understand the significance of what that video meant for one generation I don't know whether you realize it or not I want to speak to my singers for one moment those of you in Motown I got to tell you this do you not realize that in 40 years we have not seen one picture of black people fighting back God y'all ain't saying nothing All We Got Is hashtags and placards and so still to see our people stand up for each other and all the more for people who they did not know was a significant turning point for us because it meant that we could do something if we could just stand together but I need you all to understand Def Jam that this is not new to our people our people have always been fighting back they just don't make movies about it we fought on the slave ship y'all ain't saying nothing we fought to keep our name and to keep our language and to keep our dignity and to keep our family don't you think that we always a turn to Blind Eye that were those who would lift up their voice and lift up their fists there ain't no holiday for that Turner there is no holiday for Huey Newton there is no Holiday by Angela Davis because whenever you fight back they're afraid you are acting like them because there is power in unity the enemy wants to do all that he can to keep us divided because the enemy had a foretaste last Sunday of what happens when oppressed people start to come together I want you to take that neighbor by the hand whether you're seated or standing take that neighbor by the hand if two or three are gathered together in my name oh my God the hell I'll be also I want you to shake that neighbor's hand say do you know what's going to happen when we start working together Hallelujah do you know it's going to start happening when we start worshiping together do you know what's going to happen when all of us support black businesses do you know what's going to happen when we stop gossiping about each other and tearing each other apart do you know what can happen I need that neighbor's hand in your hand I know Unity is uncomfortable but you remember the Wonder Twins don't you Saturday morning the Wonder Twins came together what the enemy want to do was to make sure that they never held hands God help me because if they hold hands and then begin to speak things begin to shift uh y'all ain't saying nothing when they came together is where they found their Authority and they would say form of y'all don't like this one of the twins became an animal the other one became what's this a body of water they came into agreement but they didn't want the same thing when I come into agreement with you I know how to agree with you without competing with you God I can't hear nobody all I know is I want to see you become what you are aspiring to would you look at your neighbor and say the enemy should have never let me sit next to you when I give God glory today I'm shouting for what you are supposed to become you were created to be outing for your death future and for your assignment thank you [Applause] my time is almost up but I need your hand in your neighbor's hand I'm not even preaching to you no more my sermon to you has come to an end I am now preaching to the demon assigned to the person who's had your whole day God I can't get no worshipers in here wherever you are I dare you to just shout out loud not today Satan when I give God glorish I'm getting ready to fight for whose hands I'm holding that the gates of hell shall not Prevail against her when I count to three you are about to kill a demon when I count to three you get ready to disrupt the generational curse when I count to three you're gonna interrupt the bloodline come on pull on that neighbor they should have killed your neighbor yesterday from getting to church today but today Satan the blood of Jesus is against you come on I said pull on that neighbor hey hey hey I said pull on that neighbor this battle is not yours we got you boo we got you back we gonna fight for you in this when I count the three you better go crazy and fight for that neighbor one two three come on I can't hear you stop that voice the devil's already defeated devil is already defeated victim hold on August [Music] hold on y'all didn't understand what I just announced to you today whatever demon assigned to you God help me over the last three years when you shout is dead we can give God glory it's annihilate hey hey oh come on I can't hear you you better open up your mouth you better try out loud the devils are ready defeated Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah finally [Applause] oh [Applause] Hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all better not start nothing I'm telling you if you scream again the demon assigned to your son the demon assigned to your daughter the demon assigned to your business the demon has been in your money is there [Music] [Music] Hallelujah come on I need a scream in here I came to kill the devil all of his imps every woke up iniquity every witch every warlock every manipulator big gas light up open up your mouth oh my God I need somebody to shout out loud not today Satan [Music] I want you standing the enemy the enemy glories in isolation one of his tools of manipulation is to make you feel like you're in it by yourself make you feel like you got no help you got no support and you got no backup the last thing the enemy wanted you to do was to get to this church today I'm telling you he fought you with everything stop you from logging on to this worship encounter but I want you to know they are more for you than they are against you people don't have to like you in order for God to love you people will hate you on a rumor and God loves you knowing the truth I'm gonna open the doors of the church I want you to come I want you to meet me at this altar I don't know where you are Listen to Me Softly menstruals I want you to know you are not alone you've gone through too much to fight this by yourself I want new birth to be your church I want to be your pastor I want Jesus to be the Lord of your life but I need you to get from where it is that you are and I need you to meet me at this altar right now I want you to give me your hand but more than anything I want you to give God your heart you don't even know our intercessors have been praying for you all week we've been waiting for you to get here New Birth would you clap your hands as they come even right now don't block them from coming they need to get here their life is on their line their future is at stake I don't need Spectators I need intercessors it's more for you than there is against you even if your family never supported you the Bible got a scripture for that when your mother and your father forsake you then the Lord will lift you up if you ain't even got no friends he says I'm a friend that sticks closer than a brother come on clap your hands for this beautiful family coming I've done what I can and I need your help I need Navy Air Force Marines Army I need all of y'all to go to work let's go to go to war for somebody's future let's go into the Battleground for somebody's belonging wherever it is that you are I'm telling you you cannot park here there is something more that God wants you to do I don't want you to get weary in well-doing New Birth help your pastor open the doors of the church would you please help your pastor open the doors of the church would you move from where you are I want you to ask the people around you ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home ask them have they given their life over to God come on clap your hands as our dear sister comes are y'all gonna shout for this beautiful black family coming [Music] come on clap your hands for this young man making his way [Music] bless his name I believe there's still more I better say it again I believe there's still more I don't know how y'all feel about I said I believe there's still more Hallelujah come on y'all shake that thing off shake that thing y'all better shout for these young people coming to get saved coming to give their life over to God all right come on here they come come on come on come on bless his name do me a favor would you do a road check for me real quick do a road check for me real quick I want you to please ask every person on your own make sure hey are y'all saved come on give God some praise I'm grateful for you foreign the best thing that I can ever offer you is not a job it's not a house the best thing that I can ever offer you is Jesus Christ and I want you to know him as the lover of your soul New Birth y'all ain't excited the Bible says that the Angels rejoice and y'all ain't doing nothing amen all right let's do this y'all y'all sound tired y'all sound drained all right I ain't gonna pull you that further uh we'll stop at three more if I can just get three more uh then I'ma raise up off you let me just get three more one for the father one for the son one for the Holy Ghost come on let me get three more Shadrach Meshach and Abednego three more Bell Biv DeVoe I need three more come on wherever it is that you are wherever it is that you are three more bless the Lord Here Comes one I'm only waiting on two more bless his life Hallelujah two more no matter where it is that you are wherever it is that you are I need two more here comes another one are y'all gonna shout for these two black men coming are y'all do y'all see all these young people coming [Music] all right search your right hand to Faith stretch your right hand to Faith here they come [Music] bless his name shut your right hand to Faith repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time joining the right Church serving the only God and I know that's right show you're right if you're known right come on Big Ups to the savior new birthday came as our friends but they leaving as our family come on make some noise for them [Applause] is that all of you who have come if you'll follow us this way our dear sister has a sign that says welcome home I want you to follow her in this moment New Birth clap your hands [Music] you may be seated for just one moment faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of Things Not Seen I found out something in my own meditation and reflection this week that a lot of people here it is a lot of people who don't give to God don't have faith in him y'all didn't hear what I just said a lot of people if you don't give to God it means you don't have faith you don't have confidence you don't have trust in who he is nobody ever teaches a baby faith nobody teaches a baby Faith but if you throw that baby in the air she's got faith that the father is going to catch her you got to have that kind of confidence do you know what kind of Faith you operate in every day you ate some cereal this morning and you have faith that what they said was on the box was actually it y'all ain't saying nothing you go to the doctor's office you got faith that there's a real degree on the wall you ain't checked to verify that can I go a step further you didn't even ask them where in the class did they graduate they was on probation the whole time you got faith in that prescription you were taking watch this you taking a press you don't even know what's in that but you got faith that it's going to make you better how in the world do you have a faith in a doctor whose transcript you never read how do you have faith in a prescription that you cannot pronounce how do you have faith here it is in the ingredients of food that you didn't make from the hands of somebody you never met and with your full experience with God you don't trust him with 10 percent when I tithe on Sundays I'm saying to God God I trust you here it is because you are The Giver of every good and every perfect gift I have confidence that what you said in the Book of Malachi that if I give to you and I give it into your Storehouse there will not be room enough in my house so as a consequence I modeled my faith in my giving old song we don't sing it anymore it's in the old red hymn book it says I trust in God because he cares for me or mountaintops and even in the sea ladies and gentlemen I want to see the hands of those of you who trust God come on in the crazy I got to show you something keep that hands lifted I gotta show you something it's gonna mess you up how does your money trust God and you don't on every dollar you spend it says In God We Trust and yet you don't trust him to sow into his house our servant leaders they're moving amongst you uh today if you're absent of an envelope I need you to secure one I need you to get one September 10th is our demonstration Sunday where we want to model our faith we want to show God how much it is that we can trust us and that we believe him for all things those of you who are online and those of you who are giving virtually digitally technologically all of our giving platforms are beneath me in the lower thirds of this screen went through give the five push pay or text to give I want you to be in compliance to how it is that we are giving on this day how would you lift up your envelope or lift up your phone or lift up your check lift up your wallet lift up your currency however it is that you're giving lift it up don't you let anybody anywhere ever question you about what the church doesn't do when they start talking about churches tell them I don't know what you're talking about you must not go to New Birth amen our church takes care of the community and its congregation lift up that phone lift up their check lift up that envelope repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year what you did last month what you did last week what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is evidence that I trust you in Jesus name amen bless the Lord our servant leaders they're coming amongst you to help facilitate your giving if you did not already do so let me say to you on Tuesday for group therapy is going to be a life-changing group therapy I have members of the Asian Community are coming to join us on Tuesday to talk about how they do wealth creation within their families and how they use insurance as their benefit I want you to make sure that you are part of group therapy on Tuesday they're flying in from Washington D.C to be a part of this life-changing Illuminating encounter that I think is going to bolster your faith and it is going to solidify uh your future next week again is our College Sunday as it you wear a college uh paraphernalia where Greek paraphernalia if you don't have either of those uh where New Birth paraphernalia and met because you graduated from the School of Hard Knocks amen with a PhD thank you so very much but I want you to please comment again that Jonathan McReynolds is going to be here I I thought because we was talking a whole lot of smack a whole lot of smack about Motown over these last uh two months but Motown y'all did it you put your foot uh all the way in it and so immediately after uh after service we having a Motown party in the lobby we're having a Motown uh party in the lobby I'm telling you it's going to be absolutely crazy when the last time you seen Penny Candy this is the last time uh amen you you we got all of it in the lobby uh it's gonna be amazing and so essential hang out with us make some new friends and see some old ones I absolutely I absolutely uh love my church how many of you all love new birth I love y'all don't love your church come on I said how many of y'all love your church absolutely love our church I'm appreciative for all of you I am grateful under God that God has that blessed me the privilege of being able to serve you as your pastor as that you are please stand I need you to do me a favor for every person who donated shoes over the last two months towards our campaign would you clap for them even right now collect for them even right now for those of you who are online we owe a special tribute to you ladies and gentlemen over 400 pairs of shoes came from our online viewers give God a hand clap of praise for all of them Hallelujah as we leave this place but never from God's presence would you lift up that hand right where it is that you are lift up that hand or write where it is that you are repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and they'll talk with me listen to God and they'll listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because he first loved me lift that hand as high as you see yourself going this is our men's emphasis month we are endeavoring to get 200 men saved in the month of August 200 men are going to come and know Jesus Christ as their lord and savior in the month of August so ask that you'll please invite men to be a part of our worship experience these last two Sundays that we have left now one to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleep listen to you help somebody may God make you restless and you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you until you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore and the Blessed people of God said amen ain't no party like a new birth party [Music] [Music] let us in the city [Music] [Music] late in the midnight hours [Music] that noise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the weekend [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 34,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h2HX48JZAzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 21sec (7641 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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