Sunday September 26th with Bishop Marc Cooper

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[Music] [Applause] up [Music] it's a place [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] praise the lord everybody come on let's just begin to extol the lord and adore him on today come on you can do better than that amen come on i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord amen we come to bless him today and lift him up and extol him come on clap your hands one more time open your mouth tell the lord lord i thank you lord i bless you [Music] lord i lift you up lord i give you all the glory lord i give you all the praise before we ask you for anything god we come to lift you up god we thank you god for keeping us hallelujah god we thank you for making ways for us for opening doors that were closed for making ways that we did not see god for watching over us god for letting your blood cover us god for healing us god and for keeping us god we give you glory come on let's give him glory hallelujah come on put your hearts up put your lights up put your hands up come on install him and adore him he is so worthy somebody said he's so worthy somebody said he's too worthy to be brave nobody could have woke you up with him nobody could have started you on your way but him it was the lord's doing and somebody ran back and said it's motherly cinnamon hallelujah we serve a great big god god we thank you on today amen for your endless mercies your multitude of mercies on today god we thank you god we lift you up god we extol you we adore you god we give you everything every part of us god we give to you god as we go into this service god we ask you to watch over us and even those that might be on the way today god we thank you god as you put a shield of protection over your people god hallelujah as you continue to heal our bodies hallelujah and heal our minds god god we know the devil is busy and raging but we don't give him any credit instead we put the blood on him today the blood that restores the blood that renews god the blood that reinvigorates the blood that revives us everybody ought to just open your mouth and just say the blood cover right now god let your blood take control right now god let your blood heal us right now god let your blood deliver us right now that covenant blood god and we'll be so careful to give your name the glory honor and praise god as we go into this service bless the man servant as he delivers the word of god god let it be life and rhema to our bones god hallelujah right now that we may rejoice in you once again that we may learn to give you the glory we may learn to give you the honor and give you all the praise god now as we go into this service bless your people everywhere is our prayer and god we call it done and we say it is so and so it is and we clap our hands one more time and we bless them come on give it to him today we clap our hands one more time and we bless the lord in this place [Music] how many know he's worthy to be praised hallelujah come on look up say god you're worthy to be praised come on say god you're worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah you're so worthy you're so worthy to be praised hallelujah [Music] and don't make [Music] hallelujah [Music] hey [Music] and we worship you jesus [Music] omega [Music] nobody gets it but god [Music] you are [Music] worship your genes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are yeah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] we give you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now come on somebody open up your mouth and give god some praise right where you are come on open up your mouth and bless his name hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] hallelujah come on one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on there's nobody like him there's nobody like him you're worthy to be praised hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on he's been good to us he's been kind to us hallelujah blessing a god wonderful savior hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's nobody like him [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] stay right there stay right there hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when you don't have anything else to say hallelujah [Music] we magnify your name and we glorify your name again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on you know it you know it you know it hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we magnify your god yes lord [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now come on somebody give god some praise in the room come on he's worthy to be praised from the rising of the sun to the going down of the saints our god is worthy to be praised yes he is [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah now come on let's give him some more praise let's give him some more praise hallelujah and we bless your name jesus yeah come on come on lift him up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we bless your name [Music] [Music] nobody like it anybody know that there's nobody like him we love to play and we love to magnify [Applause] somebody lifts the name of jesus somebody give him glory oh nobody like nobody like nobody [Music] nobody like you jesus nobody [Music] [Applause] m [Music] [Music] [Music] can we clap our heads and give the lord praise this morning come on come on come on let's worship him just for a moment here come on with the fruit of your lips [Music] even those of you that are watching us at home would you just take a moment to worship our lord and give him glory give them praise come on come on the highest praise hallelujah [Music] come on sing it with us come on let your voices sing it with us [Music] hallelujah this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it clap your hands with great excitement hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank the lord thank the lord thank the lord thank you lord [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] bless the name of the lord you may be seated in the presence on the lord thank you we thank you to our praise and worship ministry can we celebrate them and thank the lord for them come on come on come on oh bless the lord for preparing our hearts for this time in this day of worship i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i'm just looking for about 50 glad people on this morning if i can find 50 glad folks [Music] i'm glad to be in this house i'm glad i'm glad i'm glad to be in this house amen amen when you wake up in the morning it's a reason to be happy [Music] amen amen every everything doesn't have to be perfect just thank god that i woke up [Music] the second indicator that you woke up is that god is not through with you yet do i have a witness god is not through with me yet if he woke me up this morning there's still purpose in my life bless the name of the lord amen we thank god amen for all of you god's people that are in the house of god amen [Music] y'all better watch yourself [Music] we are a praising church we are hand clapping foot stumping [Music] we do open up our mouth [Music] and we do give god praise so let everything [Music] that have breath praise you the lord [Music] it [Music] because he's been good pray [Music] because he let us see another day i shall praise him [Music] hallelujah god bless you i listen y'all calm down because i don't want the people at home to watch us and think that we don't know how to behave ourselves amen i don't listen listen [Music] listen we we can't let the people think we don't know how to act [Music] you can't let a praise stop by yourself [Music] so [Music] clap your hands say your neighbor say sit down sit down sit down [Music] we have our city council members here we we don't want them to have a meeting on us [Applause] i said we have our city council members with us we don't want them to have a meeting and say oh 199th street those people are unruly [Music] foreign [Music] so [Applause] [Music] look down your road tell your neighbors say the presence of the lord is here right now i can feel this presence right now the old saints used to say it like this you may not be able to see [Music] what the law has done for me but look at your neighbor and say the lord he's blessing me tell him say right now [Music] he's blessing me right now clap your hands and give the lord praise take your seats take your seats hallelujah do [Music] mother said go ahead and praise god it looks like listen it looks like a praise party today [Music] i see the tambourines are in the house today i see the tambourines in the house praise him with the high sounding symbol praise up with the timbrel and the dance [Music] let everything that have breath praise the lord praise him [Music] all right all right hallelujah lift your hand and give the lord a good wave offering thank you for our touch thank you for the visitation of your presence whenever he comes and he visits us like this it's just his simple way of letting you know i know where you are i know what you're going through and i'm here to meet the need when he visits us is simply to let us know i love you and i care about you aren't you glad that we serve a god that comes down and visits us looks beyond our faults and he sees all of our needs and right here before we just leave from this place if there's something you need from god just reach up now we serve a miracle working god [Music] we serve a prayer answering god we serve a healing god because he's that kind of god right now in this moment we can get just what we need from him with those hands lifted father we stretch our hands we stretch our hands to thee no other help we know if you should withdraw yourself from us where shall [Music] we go we come to you today because we need you we come to you today because we reverence you we come to you today because we honor you [Music] and we declare and we decree we've searched all over and we can't find anybody like you you are god in god alone [Music] and for that we give you praise [Music] for every mountain you've brought us over [Music] every valley you've seen us through and for this we give you [Music] praise praise praise clap your hands and give him the praise thank you jesus take your seats i i i feel overwhelmed in his presence can i suggest to you that in this season that we're in when we come to worship we should come expecting god to do the unusual we are living in unusual times we're living in times where people feel like giving up throwing in the towel living in times where people are at the end of their robe in this room today i sense that those of you that have gotten dressed and come to church you've come today because you need answers from god the things that you thought you understood your understanding has been erased the thing you expected to happen seems like the plan was changed but i have a sense that people that would get dressed and come into the house of the lord they come because they need something that only god can give when i go to the grocery store i go to the grocery store because i looking for food y'all not talking to me if i go to walgreens i must be picking up some kind of medication but if i come to church i come because i need something that i can only get from god listen i'm gonna stop talking because just in case i'm i'm not even certain that i will get to preach today at this moment i'm not sure but while i talk i i i don't want to expose the possibilities of my message just in case it happens [Music] but here's the reality when we come to god's house we come for something and and i'll out in this section this little section here by saying this many are suggesting that we don't need to gather anymore because we have now experienced being able to sit at home and enjoy church at home y'all know i'm talking to some folk that felt comfortable laying in the bed but but but again i think that the people that are here on this day are people that recognize there's something i get when i come to worship when i sit next to my brother and i sit next to my sister and i can glean strength from my brother because when i feel down they're able to grab my hand and tell me you can make it [Music] when i come to worship i come to worship so i can look across the room and i can find in the upper room several people that would diagnose with colbert 19 i i can look at people that were on the ventilator i could look at people that had coded not just once but twice and god delivered them tell somebody that's why i come to church i i come to see his glory i come to see the witness of his hands when i when i come to church i come to church and i see people when i'm discouraged i see people that have gone through some things and when i can look at them jump up on their feet and dance and shout when i can look at people that have been lied on their names have been scandalized they've been misused they've been misunderstood but they can still love their brothers and their sisters that's why i come to worship i come to worship to be in the presence of the believers of the saints of god and if you're like me why don't you thank god for this place why don't you thank god for this moment why don't you thank god for this hour of empowerment of strength in the house [Music] that's [Music] i come that's why i come that's that's that's why can i share with you something that i saw during the time of covet that even as i am the pastor the one that god has called that while i was in my house and while god still visited me i still needed my brother and my sister while the power of god was revealed to me in a way that i had never been forced to see it because many of us were made to believe and we tied our relationship with god to a building so when the building was closed many of us didn't understand our relationship y'all not talking to me because the only relationship you had was in a building and it was a two-hour moment that you had with god that you were worshiping with god but many y'all know after the two hours you went back as you yes that was exposed i we should be able to get a prayer through at our house if you can dance in church and can't get a prayer at your house and you really don't have nothing to dance about because the dance i have on sunday morning is an example of what god did monday tuesday wednesday when i walk in church i'm only dancing because he's been good to me all week so we come in the house of god to show forth the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous life [Music] you all you all y'all not right y'all not right y'all y'all not right y'all [Music] back to church part two [Music] upon this rock [Applause] i will build my church he wasn't talking about brick or mortar he was talking about people he said and the gates of hell shall not prevail for about 10 people that get excited i'm i'ma flip the script like this and covet shall not prevail [Applause] [Music] [Applause] against the church sickness and disease shall not prevail against the church understand that jesus did not build the church and first and foremost i was encouraged in the text that he said that i will build the church it encouraged me to let me know that i didn't have to worry about the plan he already had it he says i will build my church in the gates of hell shall not prevail against it watch this and to make sure then he turned around and did something he said behold i give you the keys to the kingdom is there anybody in the room that got some keys in the hand just [Applause] keys keys represent access keys represent the ability to go where no one else can go because when you have keys you have access those that don't can't go where you can go i need you to look at somebody tell me say i got keys keys keys i got the keys [Music] here here here is the issue that the church has had that i believe that god wanted to expose through this covet and then he's also trying to uh recondition our minds because many of us have taken the keys to mean a level of authority or no ownership fix me ownership i got the keys it's my church i got the keys i determine who and what and where but just because you have the keys don't mean you own the church this is the large church he said i purchased it with my blog [Music] that i i give you the keys to the kingdom he gave us keys for two reasons that is not one for us to brag of ownership but he gave us keys for two reasons they are binding and losing he said i gave this power to the church he said this power uh this power to the church is able to bind sickness is able to bind depression y'all ain't saying nothing is able to bind disease it is able to bind attacks of the enemy you can just tell and listen stop that's how i know whether you got power just in church or you got power at church and at home because if the devil is running crazy at your house then i'm questioning do you really have keys cause your keys are to work not just on sunday morning but when i get to my job on monday morning and my co-worker got the devil in them and she raising uh yeah you know i can walk in there with my spiritual keys say i bind that you're not gonna interrupt my environment you're not gonna destroy my peace i bind it in the name of jesus i need somebody who got keys right now you ought to buy some things up it is for binding secondly it is for loosing in other words you determine who comes in and who stays out in this room i want you right now to determine who's not coming in to destroy your peace to rob you of your joy i'm not gonna let the devil i'm not gonna let negativity y'all ain't saying that i'm not gonna let my past i'm not gonna let what they said i ain't gonna let what they heard i'm not gonna let what they know stop me churches giving keys for loosing or the ministry of release somebody say release yeah there's some things we ought to release in this atmosphere can i help you and show you how to use your key we ought to release prosperity in this room and declare and decree that there won't be a broke person a struggling person connected to the upper room everybody that's in this room today shall be blessed shall walk and overflow shall walk in the favor of god there shall be no struggle there shall be no lack in my life oh y'all some of y'all act like y'all already got the money but i need five people that don't mind praising god for me because i can use a few zeros in my account [Music] the keys are used for binding and loosing one of the first keys god has given us to utilize is the key of prayer i need to pray in church these last seven minutes we're going to try to land this plane prayer is the primary means we have to communicate with god yeah what is prayer prayer it simply means to ask to desire or request we must remember that when we come to god asking him for something our petition must agree with his word and be in his will and if it is so then it is like i john 5 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything come on come on ask anything what there's more to it according to his will he heareth us and if we know that he hears us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desire of him somebody say one of the keys is prayer i gotta speed through this uh another uh key is the word of god i'm not gonna tear tarry here not going terry uh uh another key is evangelism and discipleship god has given us the power to go into the highways and the hedges and to compel them to come another key that he's given the church is preaching and teaching how shall they hear without y'all ain't talking back let me speed cross this there's a there's another there's another key that he's given us he's given the church the key of praise and worship when the question was asked who shall go first the answer came back send judah first i need 20 people that know who judah is look down your hotel somebody say judah is praised yeah yeah judah is praying i did say that uh praise and worship is a key then i have to put it in context you remember when paul and silas were in jail i'm coming minus you can touch it every now and then to remind me of where i belong uh paul and silas they were in prison and the chains were about their hands their wrists and their feet and the bible says that they begin to pray and sing songs some of y'all need to understand that your praise can set you free your praise is a weapon that can deliver you from the hands of the enemy has anybody ever in here just broke out with a praise in the midst of your trouble see i know some of y'all some of y'all some of y'all ain't really saved like you say you are because when they run the red light and they cut in front of you that's not the first thing that comes out of some of y'all but there's about 20 y'all that should jump on your feet because you're saved sanctified and filled with the holy ghost when trouble comes your way you say glory [Music] mighty god see i'm getting nervous now because now i'm dancing in waters that there's no response there should be a splish and a splash right up in here because when you got a praise you don't wait until he does it you praise him in the midst of it [Music] they were singing and asked they were singing the bible says that there was an earthquake and that as they praised god [Music] that the prison doors came open would you look down your road tell your neighbor say neighbor [Music] if you can praise god in the midst of your trouble if you can praise god in the midst of your sickness if you can praise god in the midst of your storm god will turn it around in your favor somebody you see [Music] then there's then there is loving kindness loving love and kindness this ain't a whooping point so pick up on the next one there's loving kindness look loving kindness loving kindness with loving kindness have i see the church has been so diabolical in its representation of god that we have given god a bad reputation the way we represent jesus in our world has given him a bad reputation people think that our god and that jesus the christ the son of the living god is just some angry uh being that is in heaven that is looking for people to play with bless you and then take it from you you ask him to heal you and then he wonders should he and then we that know who he is then we go to work and we don't we don't present him in the way that he really is we also have had a way of presenting uh jesus even in the church when people come to the church and say that i want to be healed and i want to be delivered we act like yeah we're the owners you can come in this church because we heard about you you can't sing in this choir because they say you fast [Music] you can't be a minister in this church because we heard you got a record why y'all ain't saying nothing look at all these perfect folk in here like he said but with loving kindness have i drawn you okay then that didn't ring the bell so i'll use this script and for god's soul that he gave his only begotten son if you know the word come on say it with me and who so doesn't matter who you are black man whosoever white man whosoever spanish man whosoever oh i need to tell our government haitian whosoever [Applause] is it amazing that we craft policy that this that discriminates against people we'll let you in but you can't come in i'm so glad i serve a god that doesn't discriminate i serve a god that says whosoever number one believed shall not perish but shall have everlasting y'all know your bible can i make one more point there just one more brother brandon bro brother fox just one more point there concerning uh yeah love he says if i could speak all the languages of earth and of the angels but didn't love others i would be like a clanging symbol how can you lord have that's what it would be like you got it how how how can i love a god that i but can't love the person sitting y'all quiet now i i messed up the message it was going good says if i give everything i have to the poor even sacrifice my body i could boast about it but if i didn't love others i would have gained nothing because love is patient talk back church love is kind love is not jealous when i move in my new house you don't have a problem typing on facebook and instagram and say congratulations see i know the people that really be hating on us you know who they are too because they won't comment in public but they'll text you in private if you're not jealous you shouldn't have a problem celebrating me you know cause watch this if you can celebrate me when god blesses me sooner or later he's gone blessed it's not boastful it's not proud it's not rude it it doesn't demand its own way love love love i'm messing it up it's not irritable it it keeps no record of being wrong i'm talking about the church it does not rejoice about injustice church can i say something to you that we have to be more vocal about the injustices in our world and in our community you're quiet now here we go here we go you're quiet now y'all were fine when i was talking about the blessing that was on the way to your house but you have to open up your mouth about injustices that happen in our communities in our neighborhoods in our nation you can't be so saved and sanctified and filled with the holy ghost that you don't pick up a poster every now and then and go out y'all ain't saying nothing in march are they quiet now i want you to know that the church god used the church and the church was at the forefront of speaking to many of the injustices that happened in our world in birmingham the church was at the front martin luther king was at the front we're gonna be the church that god called for we're gonna have to answer with love somebody say love love yeah yeah all right yeah love never gives up this is my last point i thought that i would not have to expound today but the lord but the law but the law allowed us just to say a few words my last and my final key before i go to my seat he that he has given to the church is his name i've given you my name the power and authority of the name of jesus it rightfully belongs to you as a born-again christian this is right where i wish i had a baptist church because y'all sanctified folk y'all get fickle with your praise but the baptist church know when the preacher is about to land this plane they say hey he's given this key [Music] to the born-again believer before jesus ascended to be seated at the right hand of the father he said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me somebody shout he has the authority and what did he do with this authority he delegated it to us when he said go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature and these signs [Music] we'll follow those who believe here we go church let's crank it up in my name they shall cast out devil in my name they will speak with new tongue he said in my name they will take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing and by no means it shall not harm them he said in my name they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover which i had a witness here i need you to understand that there is salvation in no other name for there is no other name under heaven given among men which we may be saved when we use the name of jesus need you to understand that satan he backs up that's why the bible says god elevated him to a place of high honor and gave him a name that's a book all the other names that had the name of jesus wish i had a church help me here every need shall buy in every tongue must confess [Music] that jesus is lord she yes sir sweat your neighbor touch them on the shoulder and tell your neighbor say neighbor we have a name above all other names we have a name that the demons tremble we have a name that diabetes has to back up but we have a name huh that covenant has to lose his hold up we've got to name her high blood pressure [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have a name that when we call this name i said when we call this name when we call this game so tell tell me who can stand be for us when we [Music] call on that great [Music] [Music] the victory the church has the victory the believer has the victory huh the born-again believer has the victory you've got to do is call her the name of jesus i remember when i was growing up the mothers used to sing if you called if you call on jesus i said he will answer your prayer do i have a witness have you tried to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh y'all ain't looking at nobody look at your name and say neighbor jesus is his name he's the stout that the builder rejected jesus the one who chewed out the mountain jesus the bridge over troubled [Music] the son of god the wisdom of god made flesh [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] clap your hands and give god praise i'm done [Music] oh tell me who can [Music] stand me [Music] for us help me sing it when we [Music] his name is jesus jesus prayer lift your voice we have oh tell me [Music] when we call that great his name is [Music] jesus one more time oh tell me [Music] his name is jesus [Music] if you got the victory give him a wave offer we have we have [Music] point to yourself and say i am [Music] upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell they shall not prevail against it behold i give unto you the keys to the kingdom that whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be bound in heaven [Music] precious [Music] oh tell me [Music] stand me stand before us when we call on that great name his name is jesus [Music] imma see if you know this one in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we have [Music] in the name of jesus precious name of jesus satan his head [Music] can be [Music] that great name [Music] his name is jesus jesus precious precious jesus we are [Music] come on take your seats i pray now with the power that's been invested in me through our lord and savior jesus christ [Music] i bind up depression discouragement despair and we release the joy of the lord in this place the peace of god rest on you take your hand and just touch your head touch your mind say there's peace now there's peace now i bind every tormenting spirit we speak peace in this place and we speak healing because we have power to [Music] part of god's healing i believe is the vaccine that is part of god's healing but there's a supernatural healing that can take place in the next 10 seconds if we bind up death and this spirit this covet sickness now we bind it now everybody come on we'll be binding we bind it in miami gardens we bind it in the city of miami we find it in florida we bind it in our nation we bind it in our country and we bind it in our world every variant every form lose your power [Music] lose your strength be under subjection to the mighty hand of god and we thank you now come on clap your hands come on come on thank you thank you lord [Music] clap your hands and give the lord a praise and this is not the interruption but the disruption that god has brought to the church that we don't have to follow a program that we don't have to have this and that and this and that and this to be in the protocol with god all we got to do is come in the house of the lord with our hands lifted up in our hearts filled with praise the lord will speak to us on this morning i'm so happy one of paul's and i want you to bring your attention here amen we are so blessed at the upper room amen that the vice mayor of the city of miami gardens is a member of upper room ministries in miami gardens [Music] as i came down and walked past i was surprised to see our other city council members that are here on today can we celebrate amen each of them that serve this community [Music] amen i want to say this about the city of miami gardens before i bring him to uh have words something he wants to share with you today i always had the relationship with the former mayor that if the former mayor oliver gilbert called and said there's something i need to say i say well come on amen and y'all know we would stop amen because the lord has taught us to honor our civic leaders i want you to know this if you can do two things you can complain or you can pray for them the thing that excites me about this season this time that we're in in miami gardens and god is continuing to keep a great legacy of spiritual leadership he promised that he would give the mountains to the church and he has given in miami gardens the political mountain to the kingdom of god through many of them that are believers and worshipers of our lord and savior jesus christ i want you to receive now at this time our vice mayor the vice mayor of miami gardens clap your hands for mr reggie leon as he comes to share words [Applause] good morning upper room well first of all i need to repent because i told the pastor that i had a announcement which i really don't have an announcement we're here to celebrate you today pastor on your accomplishments so i want to ask god to forgive me first [Applause] i want to ask councilwoman katrina wilson councilwoman linda julian and councilman robert stevenson to join me up here first lady can you join your husband [Applause] on behalf of the 114 000 residents of the city of miami gardens the third largest african-american city in the country the largest in florida we stand here today and we're going to saluting and councilman stephens is going to read this proclamation on bishop mark cooper's accomplishments in the city of miami garden good morning i am councilwoman katrina wilson and while i was sitting at the sea you know the holy spirit fell upon me and it said fire [Music] i'm gonna say that again it said fire and so i went to my phone and i looked up types of fire there's a fire that is called a ground fire and it burns underneath the ground it sets up the fire of it and the roots of trees and it burns underneath the ground then there's the surface fire and that's the fire that burns on the ground and it burns litter and it burns trees and it burns stuff like that but then there is a crown fire and that's the fire that god got coming in you and that's the fire that goes all the way up to the top of the tree and it burns from the top clean all the way in the entire park bishop i'm here to tell you that you are gonna be a different kind of fire and you don't bend under the ground and you was burning you don't fit on the surface and you're burning but god got you at the top and your fire is gonna go from tree to creek not at the base but at the top [Music] that ain't none of me that ain't none of me the holy ghost said that to me i don't have enough sense to know it [Music] i don't have enough sense to know but when you walk in the rooms with the cream those that got a crown that fire that burns in you it's gonna ignite something in them that they never knew they had [Music] you hear me not i ain't ain't no prophet okay i'm finna go [Music] [Applause] you don't give a pass to the mic after something like that you don't do that you don't do [Music] you don't do that because truly indeed god it's been good god's been good amen we bless god for his grace and we bless god and we bless god for his mercy amen upper room would y'all behave this morning amen but i believe there's somebody in here that can honestly say if it had not been for the lord who was on my side i would have lost my mind a long time ago oh but i'm so glad that he walked with me i'm so glad that he talks with me can we give god a praise right here oh my [Music] official capacity this morning but i'll take this pin off real fast and go up because god's been good to me listen we come we come as our vice mail has mentioned we come to celebrate our leader bishop mark cooper can we bless god for his gift and ministry amen amen the commendation reads as follow i'm not going to read it all it says whereas on behalf of our 113 000 residents the city of miami gardens command mark cooper for his appointment as bishop in the church of god in christ whereas god has anointed bishop cooper to teach a relevant word for this generation and his gift for music allows him to compose god's word in a way that is reachable to both the oldest and the youngest members of his congregation and whereas upper room ministry has experienced tremendous growth under his leadership of bishop mark cooper as he continues to empower encourage and instruct his congregation to use their gift to establish ministries that are in line with the church vision and mission and whereas bishop cooper is a men of god who stands on the unadulterated industriated word of god under his leadership many outreach initiatives has been implemented to include evangelism intercessory prayer health fairs tutoring and mentoring services and now therefore our mayor mayor rodney harris and the city of miami miami garden city council vice mayor reggie leon council women shannon campbell shannon iguodaro councilwoman katrina wilson linda julian and myself councilman robert stevens do here do hereby celebrate bishop mark cooper signed on the official seal of the city of miami gardens florida here to this 26th day of september the year of 2021 congratulations bishop can we love on our leader [Applause] come on let's celebrate our leader come on let's celebrate amen oh what a leader come on one more time let's celebrate i leader the right reverend the bishop martin tonio cooper amen and we thank god for these anointed men and women of god that serves amen come on they on fire for the lord amen [Music] i thought they had some announcement they needed to make that was well that was an announcement and [Music] [Music] yeah that's just what i thought about no we can't let's we can't let sister cooper tell it y'all just figure it out from the post and what was that 87 88 she bought me them fellas at the flea market and she said i was a running pastor well i ran into the arms of jesus i could honestly say today at the age of 50 at the place that i am now that i could have never imagined that this would be the place that i would stand and you god's people would be the people that i serve i thank god for our leaders of our city [Applause] our vice mayor when he joined the church he said to me that he wanted to partner with the church because he recognized that there was much more that we wanted to do and even in times when it seemed like i was slow to move i thank god that he knew there were needs and he always pushed me into the place that we needed to be until we found ourselves just last christmas in partnership with rick ross and our city leaders they came out and they were serving they were serving putting toys in the cars we were serving our city we were serving our city during covet feeding those that were struggling was going to the apartments the 47th avenue apartments and i would pull up a man to the 47th avenue apartments amen deacon barnwell would go out there with me we would pull up straight up in the hood and i would jump out i didn't have on the suit i had on my t-shirt my jeans and i had my hat backwards you know he said cause when you're in rome you do as the romans do so when i'm in the hood i act like the hood we were there to feed those that were suffering and when we would come back they would be expecting us and they began to know our faces those kind of things i'm i'm excited about the partnership that we have with our city uh also with uh the miami dolphins foundation and i believe that there's great things that god wants to do through this ministry the message today was simply to say to you that we are not bound by walls walls do not contain us we are the living representation of jesus christ and when the world sees us they should know who we belong to and if you know that you are a child of the king i want you to clap your hands and give god praise thank you again thank you thank you listen we're going to do two things i'm going to open the doors of the church and secondly i am going to receive this morning's offering has god been good to us today i'll ask it again has god been good to us if god has been good to us i want us to give as god has prospered us i want every person in the room every person from the front to the back door i want every person to get a seat i want you to sort members of the upper room if you could at least sow a seed today this last sunday if you can sow a seed of forty dollars i would greatly appreciate it but i don't want you to not give because you don't have it i want you to give the best gift that you have i want tithers listen to me i've been saying this and i'm saying this to those of you that are even watching via streaming if you are not connected to a ministry you don't need to stop the flow of blessings continue the tithe i invite you to tithe here if you have not given up your tithe i invite you to tithe here at the upper room if you're being fed the word of god tithe here amen this is fertile soul and i can promise you if you sow your seed here god is going to give you a supernatural harvest and an overflow that you won't have room enough to receive we're giving those that are watching you you can see those giving options you can give my way of cash app dollar sign urm 3800 if you're giving by way of cash app you can give at dollar sign urm 3800 you can also get by way of giving five you go to giblify just type in upper room ministries of miami gardens and you'll be able to find us amen if you want to give by way of zeal you can do that by our church's email address cooper temple m-i-n at aol amen those giving options are up for you that are there that are watching via streaming those of you that are here in the house i want you to give today i want every person to give who's giving today raise your hand if you're giving today put your hand in the in the air let me see you i want to see all the givers thank you thank you thank you thank you you know when she's when she's when she spoke she almost told his church up and i almost because the spirit bears witness with the spirit so sometimes you might not know what the spirit is saying but the witness in my spirit knew what the spirit was saying and i thank god that he let her to speak i've been seen and forgive me because i i make mention to things that i observe i observe people that walk in the anointing of god that are spirit-led but then i watched their discipline because even though the lord spoke she spoke and then she went and sat back she said because i i didn't i didn't speak the disrupt i spoke to be obedient and some people speak to be seen others speak because they're obedient my sister spoke today out of obedience she said i don't know to say this but the lord used her to speak this is the kind of environment i want in the upper room until jesus come back amen listen we're going to give today so what i'm going to do this is what i'm going to do those of you that are seated and you are giving by way uh digitally or online you can do that while you give when i dismiss the worship service you can come up you can lay your gifts on the altar you can come and see sister ebony of your giving by way of debit but if there's anybody that's here today that would like to join upper room ministries of miami gardens the doors of the church are open and you can come right now come to the front so [Applause] [Music] this is living proof that the church is here to stay is there another that will come today amen let's let's do this that's okay that's okay could you all turn around and face face the church and i'm starting from here bring it down real low just just introduce yourself just give us your name right here yes come on let's thank god for him yes sir [Applause] didn't y'all think she was already a member amen amen and give us your name again amen [Applause] amen let's praise god for all of them that have come turn around turn around y'all face me listen god bless you my sister god bless all of you all listen god bless you i'm so happy today to stand to receive you as a member of upper room ministries of miami gardens i recognize that you could have gone anywhere but the spirit of the lord has led you to be here and because of that i am grateful for the opportunity to serve as your pastor i want to partner with you to make sure that you are getting everything you need to continue to grow in the things of god and to be who god has called you to be i want to invite you all to be a part of our new members orientation we do our new members orientation lately we've been doing new members orientation on zoom so you don't even have to come to church amen you can just sit up on zoom and you can go through our new members orientation are you willing to be a part of that new member's orientation being that you have said you you will i accept you today i'm not waiting for you to finish class i accept you today as a member of the upper room family would you turn back around one more time upper room give them some good upper room love come on come on all right now y'all be careful now y'all know look at them ain't nobody social distancing where the lights are give me the lights off i'm messing with y'all listen after service where's minister michael okay listen everybody that just joined at the service minister minister michael right here this young man wave your hand one more time look to this side he will meet you in the fellowship hall and he will get your information to get you signed up all right let's thank the lord let's you may go back to your seats i love you all listen i'm so honored amen i'm so honored to serve amen some people amen these are some great people of god amen i thank god for my sister she's been with us since we opened the doors amen and she's been worshiping with us and we thank god for you amen i want to thank god for brother tony amen these are great legacies listen hold on one second these are great legacies that have joined our church i want to thank god uh for brother tony wilcox he is the son of the late great superintendent ivory wilcox somebody shout glory yes he continues that legacy we thank god amen for the saints amen that are now known as members of the upper room amen they served faithfully the great leadership of our former bishop bishop jacob cohen [Applause] they served that ministry through his death they served that ministry through the covet months amen and lord has saw fit to bring them here we thank god for sister latoya cohen amen great legacy that is here god bless you i see you sister ruby love you amen amen you think you hiding behind that mask but i know who you are i love you i thank god for the jordan family that's here god bless you all i love you all thank god for you all worshiping with us to every person that's in the house of god on today we love you listen i want to see you next week let's keep this up amen amen tell somebody the church is back the church is back yeah yeah yeah yeah we are back here and we are here to stay god our father we thank you for the word of god we thank you for your spirit that we have felt in this place god we thank you because you were in control of this worship experience thank you for your power as we leave this place we are encouraged we are empowered to do the work of the kingdom for you have entrusted us with the keys you have given us authority to do your work and represent you in the earth as we leave this place but never your presence protect us and bring us back at the appointed time without the loss of one when we come back we'll come back with our hands lifted up in praise in jesus name we pray thank god amen amen if you're bringing your offerings bring your offerings now and you can lay them at the altar i want to thank god for our [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Upper Room Ministries (Cooper Temple COGIC)
Views: 1,134
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: sl5eiyFQ-A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 20sec (6500 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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