Sunday Recovery Chat

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oh it's cool today it's showtime live at pjs how's it going folks good morning and welcome to my sunday recovery chat coffee number two that's going to warm my hands up that's badger here today on aaron we had snow yesterday which isn't something that happens very often so i had a nice dog walk at about six ish in the dark with a headlamp on in the snow and it was really nice while i was on my walk i had my earpods in and i was having a conversation with my brother which was nice he's just bought a van and he's looking for some help so i'm hoping i can help him i'm not sure we'll have to see we have someone on the stream good morning ic121 how are you where is your mind today i hope you're feeling good i am feeling good yes and thank you for asking i hope you are too i've had a good week it's been a productive week let's say i dealt with fear this week which is i looked back through some of my older videos and some of my video ideas that are coming up in my notion database and fear is probably if you did one of those word cloud things that's probably the word that would have the biggest letters it's a topic that i'm fascinated by and the reason for that is because it is something that i have to deal with every day every day and you know what they say in june right fear is the mind killer and he who controls the spice controls the universe good morning moon fan how are you i hope you are well this morning willow come to say hi sitting by the fire you come for a heat willow it's willow or bengal one of our two bengals we have to willow's the granddaughter and we have the grandmother as well come say hi to my friends come and say hi normally i sit with my guitar but this morning i'm sitting with willow and that's nice she's warm and fluffy very very friendly so yeah my week my fear this week i was a bit concerned because i i was struggling to come up with a video idea i was struggling to sit down and hit record i'm struggling with impostor syndrome all of those things and at the moment i am studying under a coach called hassan cuba and i meet with him every two weeks and on the off times on the off weeks i meet with some of the other people that are in the coaching course and we help each other out so this week we talked about my growing business because i'm trying to build i'm not trying to build i am building let's use positive mindset and growth mindset i am building a coaching business where i will help people who have put down the drink and are feeling lost because that's exactly how i felt and how i've been feeling actually for years if i'm honest and i could have used some help you know i mean i go to aaa meetings not as regularly as i used to but i still attend and they are for me the best way the the only way as far as i'm concerned that i could have got sober and the support and the to have that in my life is something i'm very grateful for and that's where the concept of the grateful alcoholic comes into play which is a concept that used to make me used to baffle me i used to be like you're grateful to be an alcoholic that makes no sense but i get it i get it now because it means that i have a safe place where i can go and i can talk about my day i can talk about my challenges i can talk about my wins i can talk about how it was for me what happened and what it's like now and that's really all it's about and in that environment i get to hear how other people are doing to learn from what they're going through and one of the the beautiful things about is the concept that there's no crosstalk so it's not a situation where you listen to somebody sharing the story and then you jump in with ideas and thoughts and advice that's crosstalk and we don't do crosstalk and that's part of the value is that you get to talk about your issues without fear of judgment and without the people that are listening to you feeling like they have to to help you with advice and stuff like that all that's required on their part is to listen so i've heard it said that you take the cotton wheel out your ears and you put it in your mouth so you just listen and that's incredibly powerful is you know if everyone had a place like that i think the world would be a bit of a better place than it is but that's how i stay sober right and what do you do with the rest of it how do you deal with life on life's terms how do you find the self-esteem and the courage and the self-belief and the will to start to build a business or to excel in your job or to excel in your home life to achieve your goals to work out your values that's where coaching would have helped me a lot and so that's why i'm i'm just leaning into the fear you know leaning into the fear and deciding that this is something i would like to start to offer other people and it's incredibly scary isn't it yes it's scary but i suppose this is what i'm talking about fear fear is the mind killer so now that i'm studying with a coach and now that i have systems in place because i've studied with august bradley learned how to build a life operating system learned how to align my life so that it points towards my values now that i've worked out what those values are and i talked about that in my latest video the one that i did finally find the courage to record and it's performing quite well i think it's what they call a banger on youtube in other words if you go to the studio to look at your analytics it's got confetti there's eddie good morning eddie how the devil are you nice to see you thank you for for coming into my stream and saying hi so now that i've worked out my value goals i've worked out my systems and i've read a couple of books about mindset which august bradley recommended it's it's put me in a place where when the fear gets overwhelming i have things that i can fall back on i have quotes that i can look at i have i'm making a document of positive feedback that i've received from the part-time youtuber academy course i will take the dogs out that happened one day this week when i was feeling completely overwhelmed and didn't have time to walk the dogs up here so i did i walked the dogs and that cleared my head it's an amazing thing and not always an easy thing to do to step out and get perspective in that way it's like what they say about anything if you feel like you don't need one because you're too stressed and you don't have time that's the very time that you need one so i've learned that and i've also learned that i am my own worst enemy when it comes to doing the right thing i don't always do it and so i can get into practice you know i can look at my notion database i can look at my quotes i can i can even go on to a zoom call with the fantastic support group that has come about on the back of cohort one of the part-time youtuber academy the support group that we have formed coming out of that is one of the most valuable things i've ever had in fact yesterday we did two co-working sessions which we do what we do every day but weekends we do a two-hour session in the morning and a two-hour session in the afternoon and during that morning session we had a bit of a brainstorm about my niche and my audience and my business and it was just it was incredible really really incredible there's my friend michael good morning michael thank you for joining nice to see you hope you're well this poor guy is dealing with depression and hate in his heart i can relate to that i have dealt with those things as well dealing with hate in your heart this you know i'm trying to switch all of that to love to love my fellow man to be to treat people the way that i wish to be treated and that's something that i wasn't doing in my previous life up until you know i was running a post office business which i really did not get on with at all it was not good for my mental health and it turned me into a person i really didn't like and into a person that a lot of other people didn't like either if i'm honest and that didn't make me feel good and it became like a negative feedback loop the more the worse i felt the worse i behaved and the worse i behaved the worse i felt and so it just kept getting worse and worse and worse and to break that chain as a mindset shift so i will recommend a book to you called mindset by carol dweck this is the book that was recommended to me when i went into august bradley's notion life operating system course and that book was incredible it taught me a lot of things and that's one of the things that i look to when i'm struggling when i'm dealing with fear when i'm dealing with imposter syndrome when i'm dealing with mindset issues and depression stress you mentioned ic21 yeah that's something i went through and i talk about it in my podcast i have made many episodes in fact i started my podcast quoth the camser because i had just been diagnosed with depression and this was before i even knew that my post office business was going to be sold it had been on the market at that point for about seven years without any any glimmer of hope and so what i did was i started talking about it and publishing it as a podcast the talking part helped a lot but i don't think i would have done it had i not been planning to publish it and it might sound a little weird and a little narcissistic to be thinking that i mean i didn't think what i was saying was going to change the world or it wasn't going to grow an audience of massive proportions it wasn't about that it was about accountability that's how i look at it and that's why i would take my microphone out on my dog walks pin it onto my lapel and just talk and you know without much of a plan like i'm doing here right now i mean when i switch this camera on on a sunday morning i usually have a rough idea of how i'm going to start but then it i just followed the paths and that helped me a lot i mean it helped me an incredible amount you can listen back to them they're still publicly available my youtube channel has a playlist quoth the camera playlist which i believe goes back to the beginning but i don't think they're all on youtube i think if you want to listen to all of them look for the podcast if you go to i'll put it in the chat for you seems like the cats found some toys so i'll just bring it up here and then paste it into the chat there you go so that will have the entire catalog going through to when i was first diagnosed and into selling my post office starting a business that failed and moving into this new business of mine that i'm starting now so maybe that will help you have a look check it out eric's saying the cat is back in the picture oh do you know what she does she choose the foam on my guitar stand i'm going to go and rescue it come on i've seen these v foam bits with all the tooth marks she chews on them it's a bit annoying to be honest but you know owning cats pros and cons i will fold that up and put it back on my desk there so she'll be up here in a minute probably chewing it on my desk and the reason the guitar was on guitar is because i have it here i was planning on playing a tune at the end of my stream good morning eric nice to see you [Music] so yeah that's how my week has been i i faced the fear and i made a video and it turned out to be a good video so one of the things that helped me was um i want no pros this is my friend mark no pros not sure what you mean in there mark so i've started listening to a book called story worldly on my dog walks by matthew dix and that helped me a lot matthew dix talks about storytelling and i get the feeling that that's kind of how my channel is going on youtube stories are a big part of what i do and i want to uh pros and cons of cats got you no pros yeah well i might have agreed with you before we got willow [Music] i actually quite like her but keep it to yourself i've got a reputation to maintain so learning to tell stories is something i want to get better at i don't want to get better at learning i want to get better at telling stories and that's something i've learned to do in years and years of going to aa meetings and telling my story and telling it in a compelling way that helps the newcomer that's really what it's all about so reading this book has helped me a lot really to shifting my mindset around to the idea that this is what i'm doing on my channel i'm telling stories in a way that i hope is helpful to other people so yeah i haven't finished the book yet so i'll get back to you on that but uh at the moment i'm enjoying it a lot and it's already been helpful so one of the things that he recommends that you do is a thing that he calls homework for life where at the end of the day you think about something that happened that day that was story worthy so something that is maybe unusual something that has surprised you it can be anything but really just one sentence or two sentences at the end of each day about something that happened so i have started doing that this is day four i'm doing it in my notion daily tracking page and yeah it's good i've got a kind of wind down routine at the end of the day now where i will list a small win for the day and quite often that can be the same thing as my story while the sentence or two but it doesn't have to be and i also take note of my blood glucose readings because one of the things that i found is that i turn to sugar instead of alcohol or return to online shopping or you know any kind of obsessive behavior but the self-destructive obsessive behavior for me is sugar and so i've begun tracking my sugars daily in the morning and at night so that when i do my weekly review which i generally do on a monday morning i can see data that show me what i'm doing to myself and it's useful data it's helpful it does actually it's a bit like the 10 000 steps thing on the fitbit watch if it encourages you to change your behavior then it's technology that's worth having and building a streak as well that's something that helps me but it's also dangerous it helps me because i don't want to break the streak that's how streaks work right you want that green check mark every day for whatever your habit thing is that you've decided you want to do which is helpful but it's dangerous also because of the all or nothing sort of thing i have in my brain where if i miss a day then i might as well just give up for the whole thing it's like eating one biscuit from the custard creams pack well i've had one biscuit i might as well have all the biscuits same with the alcohol thing you know but one of the things i learned about on august bradley's course is how well it might be how he deals with it but he made the suggestion that never miss never miss two days in a row so that helps me so if i do miss a day with one of my trackers i can get back on it again i don't have to throw the whole thing out which is a good thing to learn how to do because it's not my natural behavior and it's my natural behavior that's that i want to change right so that my natural behavior becomes good behavior so my habit trackers i've got reading i've got journaling dog walking no sugar press-ups i've got to 15 press-ups a day now i started at 10 so that's working and then when i do my weekly review i get an overview of how successful i've been with my trackers and it's just data that that makes me want to achieve the habits even if i'm doing press ups at half 11 at night because i forgot i'm i'm checking my my daily trackers and i can see you know i've not done it i'm doing my wind down at the end of the day [Music] and playing guitar is one of my habits and all i need to do to check the box is play guitar for five minutes i don't need to learn a new thing i don't need to practice a scale i just need to pick it up and play it for five minutes so i think i've already got my check mark for today although it's not mindful playing but it will be shortly [Music] so that's been my week i hope your week has been good i hope you've managed to stay sober this week and if you would like to watch me build a business in public which is what i'm doing then join me i'll be posting newsletter at my podcast at quoth the camser which i've already linked my youtube channel cams campbell and linkedin i'm going to start pushing into linkedin a bit more putting articles i want to write more so maybe i'll be writing on my blog maybe i'll be writing on linkedin maybe i'll be writing for my newsletter but somehow i'm going to come up with a system that uses all three of those things in a nice seo friendly way because i love writing i love my keyboard i love sitting at my desk i love the whole process i'm not doing it enough and since i love it it's something i should be doing so yeah look out for that my newsletter i think i'm going to start to give you some links to articles and websites that i have found that week that i'm using that i found helpful so for example on linkedin this week i had a nice comment from somebody called belinda tobin in australia and so i followed up on her content and i found some really good articles that she's written so that kind of thing i want to start sharing what i found what's mark you're saying have you ever investigated the brain chemistry of the feel-good feeling and just one more custard cream syndrome i speak as one who has eaten whole tins of quality street no i have not but i will i will check that out i can relate to the quality street we used to get in the post office at christmas time customers would bring us tens of sweets and quality street were my favorite and i remember it was the i think it was the day of barack obama's inauguration speech and i remember closing the post office switching on the live stream to watch the inauguration speech and eating a whole ton of sweets what's the cat in now she's playing with a tape measure and that was the day that where i decided to come off medication and change my diet which i did do for about 18 months i went paleo started reading lots of books around you know low carbs paleo keto whatever you want to call it and i lost a lot of weight quite quickly and reversed my diabetes for a while i mean it's back now but it did work so i will leave you with that thank you for your comment mark i appreciate it thank you to everybody who's who's come along this morning i'm just going to doodle a little bit in dadgad let's see if i can bring up my effects and put them wait a sec wait a sec yeah there's that one sub a effects reverb there [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but niddling and dadgad it's a lot of fun so thank you all again for joining today i hope you all have a fantastic day and i'll see you on the zoom grid remember you're not alone bye for now
Channel: Cams Campbell
Views: 303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cqWDj6W70L4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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