Sunday Morning Service - Rev. Leo Daniel "Down In The Dumps With The Blues"

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[Music] come on everybody put your hand again [Music] [Music] welcome to Sunday morning service today will be featured a sermon by Rev Angley O'Daniel down and the dumps with the blue and song selections from Darrell Lester Tami Edwards and the Edwin sister and the Miami mattes one now sit back relax and enjoy Sunday morning service [Music] now the Bible says that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us that's why I don't mind the stones I don't even matter a call I know it won't this is not gonna read always I can go through the heartaches I can even handle the pain calls it alone I know for myself look the reason that I'm sure that I can do is because it will I don't mind going through some phases I can take the disappointment the song and agree but I know it won't last let me tell you this sadness and misery I super believe me gon hit more land it's gonna be long over after a while [Music] read I'm sure that I can [Music] yes because it won't I have one more thing I can do through being little by my so-called friend it won't [Music] limit even mistreated and the tray by my very next to keen but I know even battling it'll all be aware the well the read on shoes I can't do is become it won't yeah I'm not looking at right now I'm looking at the future look all of these troubles and fire soon be a thing of the past and I know I know [Music] so here it when I say go ahead and talk about me if you want to go ahead scandalize my knee see you used to bother me when folk would talk about me when Pope allowed me with foolish scandal and my name but I picked up my bow just the other day and I read where the same ones that walk and talk and a bridge either was the very same world that denied it the very same ones that betrayed him some of the warm that he healed that he delivered that he set free those were the very same one that aligned the streets of Jerusalem in the holiday crucified this man they beat him they spat upon him they whipped him they didn't stop there but they placed him up on an old rugged cross they put nails in his hair is they put nails in his feet they pierced him in the side they pleased the crown of fools upon his head but guess what he never said a mumbling word well he knew the inner that it wouldn't last they didn't stop them but they took his body down and placed it in an old wall too and they thought that they had seen the lands look either but come on somebody touch your neighbor and say what God has for me it is for me the devil can have what God has [Music] to me it [Music] well breathe [Music] II [Music] he can't what [Music] [Music] [Music] it is for me [Music] come on I said [Music] some other little for you [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm so glad for all of yours I said mr. bradshawe stayed in the National Football League for some level of 12 years or so and he's practicing law here in Dallas and you having a problem you know what it goes out so we thank God all of my friends who I tried to contact another friend of mine that I sing in the same gospel group with him I'm Tyler get him safe he's a rock and roll star yeah but I haven't been able to reach him yet but young people know him as Johnny Taylor but now in the nineteenth chapter French change the fourth verse first Kings the nineteenth chapter and the form verse fourth and fifth verses but he himself one a day's journey into the wilderness and came and sat down on La Jolla for three and he requested for himself that he might die and said it is enough now O Lord take away my life for I'm not better than my farm and as he lay and slept on the Audion apple tree behold in an angel touched him and said on the hill arrived and each other behalf of the young people well as the adults and I don't want to share this message with you down in the dust with the Blues down in adults with the bloom now this might sound a little bluesy to you being a subject of a message but as we go into the depths of the message tonight we're going to find that everybody has had some good days and we've had some bad days we have had some ups and then we have had some down we've had some trials and we'll have some tribulation what I'm really saying everybody's been down in the dump and we're going to find out that many time we have a case of the blue but before dealing with that blues time I better look at the term blues no one can really give a direct definition for the blue but we do know it has to do with our sad feeling now the Blues will be one thing to some folk and another thing to other folk for example to the truffle the Blues is when he cannot get a bow - they don't add it the Blues is when he cannot get a fix to the gambler the Blues is when his money runs out - the liar the Blues is when he doesn't have anybody to lie to you to the cigarette smoke off but blues is one II have smoked up all of this cigarette and can't get any more now this just for the rapper's sake I'm sure we don't have it of these here in Dallas Texas but to the snuff Dipper the Blues is what he has dipped up all of his snow and can't get anymore to the Christian the Blues is when he doesn't have a church home to the preacher the Blues is when he doesn't have anywhere to preach we all have had a case of it but we all have had some good days and then we have had some bad day now we have Elijah on the consideration tonight and I like to look at Elijah as we have read from the text we would like to look at him first of all doing his good days doing Eli's your good days he carried heavens key in his pocket for three years and six months he lifted a dead bar to live one day these were some good days not only that but he had a great victory on Comm he had a quite walk to the little station beyond the Jordan well the heavenly limit that met him and took him home these were some good day but now we want to look at Elijah down in the dust with the zoom now when you're down in the dump it's really not anything hurting you you were just you just don't feel good yeah I've heard that term all my life but down in the dump just lays there feeding you know you're not sick enough to go to the doctor and you're not well enough to get up out of the bed you just drowsy and we notice here Elijah after Elijah's victory and success we're gonna find him down in the dirt now some people have said that he lied it was very pessimistic love- man but not really until they're sold ah Elijah was a man who don't on the positive side but sometimes when we mean well we do our worse one such woman who was very pessimistic and negative yeah they asked her how did she feel that particular day and she said I feel good today but I always feel the worst when I feel the best because I know how bad I'm gonna feel when I get to feeling bad again you know a lot of people can feel good today but they feel bad when they feel good because they're thinking about how bad they medic feel all tomorrow on the wrong side of life a man should always look to the bright side I don't want to lose any of you but I'm from the country and I just told you that a few minutes ago but we used to have to draw water now some of y'all know what I'm talking about you young people might not know too much about a bucket and a whale but even once at that two buckets went to the whale one day to get some water and one of the bucket said it breaks my heart to think that high above fooled we go away from the whale we always come back if there another bucket laughed and said I was congratulating myself on the fact that however empty we come to the whale we always go back for their two sides to lie it behooves us as young people to look on both sides and always look to the brighter side now the man once who was convicted in armed forces because he was a discouraged er he was always looking at the bad side many times they would be sent out on missions and he would predict that nobody would get back you know of discouraged er can him progress and this man was convicted because he was a discouraged ER he refused to see anything hopeful and this kind of person is always dangerous to progress we have a lot of people like that in the chair now first of all here we look at Elijah as we go back to Elijah has been time we can imagine the days preceding the great test upon Karma these were some tall some men restless days then came the great day of contest and victory I'm sure he lied to have to put forth for a lot of preparation before the great contest I can think about mr. Bradshaw I can think about before big football game the folder Super Bowl you have to put forth extra preparation and most teams when they get ready for a big game they really work at home so I'm sure Eli's you put for some special preparation just before my car so he had a lot of teaching and I fooled his nerd follow me and after the victory it has said that he ran before the chariot of a air from car more to Jarell which is a distant about 17 miles so now I would to black some time I could imagine he lied to running some 17 miles he must have been sure enough time so we do have evidence here that he was a tired man and you know his dangerous to make decisions when you are tired it's dangerous to do anything with your time so we notice here ah Jezebel's threat totally upset Eli when he got to jail he got a message from Jezebel threatening hit like and immediately he felt like he had been a failure in life and you know it's bad when you have won the victory and then you think you've lost it's bad when you don't know when you want it is said that was some soldiers at the end of World War two when the war was over yeah it said that there were some soldiers still fighting yeah some even lost their lives after the war was over they had not received a news that the war had in United States had war on the war and they were still fighting it's bad when you don't know you warned so realizing here had already been victorious here he had worn the bow but he was down in the dumps and so upset until little weasely Jezebel's threat upset his life in that right and for the first time he gave a way to fear all of this teaching drove him down the road to the jonatha tree he sat there he sat there down in the duck with the blues we come you see tightness had a lot to do with this it is hard for a man to be hopeful when his nerves are holding he usually will take a case of the blue and then there is something else that we need to notice you see a woman can send a blue love on a man quicker than anything and if you notice the Memphis tonight Jay the Bell had something to do with the Blues Vincent not you want to catch a case of the blue right now a woman can give them to you first of all all of Roman a woman can leave you and that will give you the blue admit at time she can come back and I will give you the boom but another reason he lied it was down in a dump and had a blue the mood was because the lost of his divine fellowship before this incident every step that Elijah would make was all by the law the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord but Jezebel's threat made him feel that he ought to look out for himself he took pain in his own hand and this always leads down the road to the Jonah basri in a time you take things in your hand we look at how many Czech people today leave the church because they get angry with someone is that right minute this is a reason we have so many lonely people because they have left the divine presence of God Paul said when difficulties calm feel good cheer you see when the blue hit you you can't do nothing right you can't look right you can't walk right you can't preach right you can't talk right you can't drive your car right you can't do nothing right and Elijah here felt that he had been a total failure I am saying here I'm no better than my father it allowed Israel to drift into our Dollar Tree have you ever been like that have you ever ah have you ever felt that everything you seem to do is wrong and the other felt like that so work and nobody brags only seemed like the more you worked less appreciation some time to feel like I'd seen like you were doing all the work and somebody else is getting all the credit if you're not careful it will send you all the way down in the dump and at a time if you don't watch out you feel like giving up in life it's alright I've seen so many young folk we had a young girl not too long ago and I checked yeah because she was dialed in and done yeah she attempted to commit suicide a teenager said she felt like she was the black sheep in the family Paul said be of good cheer when difficulties talk but now there's a cure to being down in the dog now he lied and fed up so useless he wanted to die I don't really believe he really meant that because if he really wanted to die judge the Bell could have taken care of that but you know man is it a bad fix when he wants to die man wants to give up everything in life and just die give it a bad stick because that's one thing you don't have to worry about dying you're going to do that the law no way it's bad as I said to make important decisions when you are in the balloon you say thank many times you don't mean some of the worst mistakes I made ah when I was time on some of the worst decisions I've made with wouldn't I was tired but we notice here God cheer Eliza bye let him sleep so rest must have been there and I'm here tonight to tell you they offer to meet our problem it's rare the reason some young present is about to commit a crime out on the streets now he needs resting from something the reason somebody tonight cannot support the trek the way the Lord would have yet we need a rest he lied and never did get back to normal on to the law called a deep sleep of home and when he woke up everything was all right some people need to rest from all of this you see you can rest from doing something and then you can rest from doing nothing somebody need rest from alcohol which they had a witness here tonight Amaya needs to rest from door excuse me right along here somebody needs to rest from line [Applause] you know I said in one message some folk lied just to be lying you know people have always lied but the old folk wouldn't just tell her down right now yeah they had to have a good reason that but you know if people now will allow and even if they don't know [Applause] it just reels some folks in line some folks go to bed 9:00 wake up in the mornin line build that job line I'm here to tell you we need to take a rest I'll not do a have a witness in I'm time for the preachers I'm going to the church I've been tied and broken down my father he'll always told me letter so hopefully need to get away in and rest yeah Jesus believed in getting away God made the whole world and he took a red didn't write some time I felt like the sermons that a free seem like anything wasn't doing in a good time I felt like all I was doing was just useless time but the love speaks to me tonight all you need to do is there for it and when you have a rested man your whole outlook is this what the hell away we're living in a tired world and we just need to rest and a good friend of mine about to walk off and leave his check came to the understanding all he needed was a rest and some time to reason Church is not enjoyable tools because of what happened the night before you know it's hard to preach to present that has stayed up all night Saturday night [Applause] it's hard for sleepy person to understand that Jesus is the king of King it's hard for president with a hangover to understand that the law will open up window and pour you out little but I've come tonight young folk to tell you that they are way out matter the night would you live feel nails are way up and it doesn't matter what kind of family background you have just for middle that you are somebody everything and everybody had to love me he put some good in and don't feel left out doesn't matter what color your skin you doesn't matter who you are you have a place in LA don't give up and uh don't let it about it fool you because you are somebody and I'm have to move on get to close tonight but I'm reminded of an old lady one child this old lady was a very poor lady and she had a one Luger and it was a little girls desire when she were brought up to go up to college but uh all to live her mother taller I don't see how you're gonna do it but by the help of the Lord if you have determination the Lord will fix it so [Music] he can be somebody and one morning I got up said mama you know in just a few weeks now I will be graduating from high school and the mother said I read about a college that you can work your way through because you know we don't have any money and when she had graduated ah the little girl got up that morning started hanging up clothes didn't even have a suitcase but she had an old white bag that she put her two or three look pieces in and went all down to the bus station and look I was not able to come back home doing uh holidays where because she had to stay on the chapel anyway and it got me hard down there well the girls and boys would have visitation from that pound but day by day this little girl never did receive in a mail didn't even have a visitor and now and one night little girl came in and decided to ride her mother a little and she picked up the pen and magetta right so dear mama I feel like I'm nobody I feel like giving up I feel so useless the teachers are always bragging on other girls involved but nobody ever brag only and huh her mother was very depressed pushy got to live and uh relogin the next day was a little girl birthday the only dad had saved some emergency money and huh the next morning either she got up and said I'm going to see you by my side [Applause] she put on a head rag and roll down to the bus station and uh she walked on the cottage Chapel that day and saw the girls sitting down in a chair look I ran and embraced a mother and said mama I didn't mean for you to straight up and come down here and uh she said well you know you my child and more time and I get disturb me when I read about you feel like get up it broke my heart to hear my child said that she feel like that she is nobody so did you not know the daily birthday and I brought you a gift here and uh look I was so happy till begin the wrong oh and uh my mother ran a hand in the pocket book and came I was a little boy she came out with a little brown bag a birthday here fight dude I was so nervous he couldn't harder over the bag hi another girl I was standing around waiting to see what you had oh yeah she ran a hand down in the bay but she was too weak to pick it up and everybody was just standing there back down in the bay and still couldn't come out with the hip oh yeah - she came out and guess what she had in her hand she had nothing but in on you in a hurry and the guard around a star laughing say yo mama brought you an onion down yet and said this is your birthday gift mom and said mama why would you embarrass me soul and brain are useless onion and all that I said well sit down about all your honesty I've never been to school a day in my life but I'm gonna cheat your Leola clay Sarah I've noticed you said that you feel like that you're nobody rock is lying in here to give you a little about written about trees [Applause] right before riding on see run down the floor with a bouquet of flower garden you still know I have a practical nun you but it's the most important basil in the whole face of the world if you really want to see your food if you even get ready for hamburger the babylonians Oh if you get ready to make some of your special soup you have the car the onion and yeah but it made many people cry [Applause] [Applause] nobody [Applause] [Applause] time [Applause] [Applause] we all need an education [Music] and go to tau and you a regular Chicago that's all right you need that education let me tell you one thing remember that day in another degree and you have to get from the schooling alone I'm talking about heaven you ready and then right to get your PhD you need a BA [Applause] yeah [Applause] it might be some young person yeah I feel down in the dumps but you are in Rome tonight [Applause] but you Bella enrolled in some of God's course oh here we go Hey location one caution they the same thing Oh [Music] [Applause] if you were tonight the mod is calling your name your tuition fee [Applause] Wow [Applause] Oh [Applause] let me see the head [Applause] he hope you have enjoyed this week's edition of Sunday morning service be sure to subscribe to Malik O gospel so you'll be notified when new programming is available again thank you for participating in Sunday morning service tell somebody it's just temporary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] say because [Music] Oh no let's cut it short glory to God let me tell you something in a time the problem of the situation intensifies let let you know God's getting ready to break something anybody feel a break in a day do anybody feel a break in a day sisters Cortese somebody donate Tina entire to me somebody out there I don't care their spelling that don't mean nothing fortune teller [Music] it's all you give me a shave [Music] it might not be much man don't I'll chew [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Malaco Gospel
Views: 16,379
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Keywords: Miami Mass Choir, Darrell Luster, Tammy Edwards, The Edward Sisters, Malaco Gospel, Malaco, Gospel Music, Gospel Sermon, Church on Youtube, Youtube Church, Sunday, Morning, Service, Rev., Leo, Daniel, Down In The Dumps With The Blues, take to church, take me church, the church, pastor, good is great, god is great, my god, god is love, bible, Listen, Like, Share, Subscribe
Id: G8cAIDzCDbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 14sec (3374 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2017
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