Sunday Coffee: Smooth Weekend Coffee - Lazy Weekend Jazz & Bossa Nova for Relax at Home
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Channel: Cafe Music BGM channel
Views: 393,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smooth jazz, relax weekend music, jazz for work in office, weekend jazz, weekend music, coffee jazz, bossa nova, weekend cafe music, coffee music, soothing weekend music, bossa nova and jazz, relax jazz, weekend coffee, bossa nova jazz, relax music, relaxing bossa nova, jazz for studying, coffee time jazz, smooth jazz instrumental, jazz coffee, jazz for weekend, coffee bossa nova, coffee house music, relax coffee time, coffee house jazz, BGMC, BGMC Records
Id: jN1CBh_8924
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 240min 41sec (14441 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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