Sunday at Home for Kids | September 13, 2020

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[Music] how do you build a friendship some people think it's all about climbing the ladder of popularity or gathering the biggest number of followers on social media others believe it means throwing a birthday party at the best place so everyone will want to come or even laughing along when someone makes a mean joke so that you can fit with the in-crowd but none of those things can promise you real friendship building true friendships is not about being in it's about being the end for others it's showing someone that you care about them and not just yourself it's a smile and an encouraging word when someone in your class is having a bad day it's making a spot at your lunch table for the kid who doesn't have a place to sit it's inviting a new kid to your birthday party even if it's just in the backyard it's taking time to make your own get well card for the kid in your small group who broke his leg when you choose to be a friend you create a safe welcoming place for others you'll discover you're building true friendships and others will see god at work in your life that's why friendship is an amazing way to worship god with your life because worship is about more than just singing loud it's all about living loud [Music] jesus you have been so faithful jesus you have been so true i will be forever thankful cause i never had a friend like you help me to be who you've been to me to everyone i see let us love one [Music] another [Music] has always been beginning [Music] [Music] to everyone i see let us love one another that's the way you love us never turn the way you are with us everyday yeah that's the way [Music] that's the way you love us i wanna thank you for being a friend who's always by my side [Music] i wanna thank you for the way you love me on my life [Music] i wanna thank you for being a friend who's always by my side i wanna thank you for the way you love me [Music] has always been beginning [Music] wow i sure do have a lot of friends i have 2762 of them uh i met this girl in kindergarten and then she moved away after that and oh this guy friended me after i gave him my seat on the bus and i have no idea who this person is hm i may have 2762 friends on here but i think i really only know like 10 of them i probably should have thought that through first anyway real friends are people you should really know so let me introduce myself if we haven't met i'm haley and i'm here to talk to you today about friendship friendship is using your words and actions to show others you care you know how to tell who your real friends are they show up in person not just on your phone they show up when you're happy and when you're having a party they show up when you need help they show up when you're sad and you need a shoulder to cry on real friends your best friends are there for you in the good times and the bad just like the two friends in today's story they went through what every friendship goes through the highs the lows running for your life from an angry king oh okay well maybe not every friendship goes through that part i wonder if one of my 2762 friends can fix a broken phone oh i know i'll just call someone oh uh that's not gonna work hayley i'll be right back the bible it's 66 books of history stories letters and poetry that fit together to form god's one big story the epic adventure of how he created us and loves us so much that he made a way to rescue us as we travel through the bible from genesis to revelation we discover people who met god and found their lives changed forever now for an amazing story inspired by the book of first samuel chapters 18 through 20. now imagine for a moment at your prince it's a pretty cool job your father king saul is a fierce and handsome warrior with a hot temper away from me you fools saul is the first ever king over the land of israel and since you're his son most people expect you to be the next king you'll live in a fine palace where royal robes and carry the best weapons your name is jonathan call me john you got a great life right [Music] but then your dad hires a new guy a young man your age named david was only a shepherd boy but somehow through the power of god david has just defeated the giant goliath saving god's people in the battle against the philistines i come against you in the name of the lord your dad has given david a place to stay in the palace in a high-ranking army you and david even become friends now imagine and david fights in every battle and wins the people of israel are even more impressed with him than they are king saul king saul is like great yeah but have you seen david he is like awesome sauce to top it off you've heard rumors that david has actually been chosen by god to be the next king of israel instead of you it would be so tempting to be jealous of david to not talk to him or hang out with him but that's not who jonathan was that's not what jonathan did in first samuel we discovered that instead of being jealous jonathan chose to share the best of what he had with his friend here take my robe then people will see how important you are are you sure take my belt too and my sword but these are all things for a prince you're worth it thank you friend king saul on the other hand didn't become jealous so jealous that he hurled a spear at david then later on he told jonathan and all of his servants to kill david jonathan was horrified he quickly warned his friend find a place to hide i'll talk to my father and find out what's going on the next morning jonathan faced king saul don't harm david he's helped you he put his own life in danger to kill goliath the lord used him to win a great battle why would you kill him okay fine i'll show you how awesome sauce i am by not putting david to death jonathan and david were relieved and for a short time paul was well but then king saul went back on his word he tried to kill david again and when he failed he sent other men to try to kill david i haven't done anything to your father why is he trying to kill me he won't do it he tells me everything and he hasn't said a word about hurting you that's because he knows we're friends and you would tell me this is terrible i'll do anything i can to help so the two friends made a really complicated plan like something out of a spy movie their top secret plot had david hiding instead of showing up for the feast while jonathan made up this story to try to find out how angry his dad was instead of going outside and talking to david about it jonathan chose to shoot arrows close afar like a secret message in the middle of it all the friendship stays strong whatever happens please be kind to me i know the lord will defeat all your enemies someday but promise to always be kind to me and to all my family i promise shake shake the two young men made a promise to stay friends no matter what might happen next then it was time to put the plan into action when saul discovered that david was missing he was filled with rage i knew it you're on his side that is so not cool as long as he's alive you'll never be king why do you want to put him to death what has he done saul was so angry he couldn't think clearly he actually threw a spear at his own son jonathan left immediately the next morning he hurried to the place where david was hiding and sent their top secret arrow code message when david realized things with the king were not good the two friends ran to meet up one last time i'm so sorry my father i know it's not your fault jonathan and david hugged each other and wept go in peace in the name of the lord we promise to be friends he will be a witness between us and our families forever there was nothing more to say david left the city to hide from saul and jonathan went home now jonathan could have allowed saul to kill david and maybe become king himself but instead jonathan trusted god and chose to protect and love his friend [Music] wouldn't it be cool to have a friendship as strong as david and jonathan's those guys would do anything for each other jonathan even risked his life to protect david but that's what friends do they love each other no matter what okay okay not that kind of love i'm talking about the kind of love this guy paul wrote about in one of his letters you can find the letter in your bible it's called the book of first corinthians you want to know what love is here's some of what paul wrote love is patient love is kind it does not brag it is not proud it does not easily become angry it always protects it always trusts it always hopes it never gives up love never fails that's how you show love to a friend you're not impatient with them you don't get angry easily you protect them and you stand up for them and you never ever fail wait love never fails that seems kind of difficult the truth is for us it's kind of impossible to love without failing if you really want to love your friends the way god wants you to love you're going to need god's help after all he knows more about love than anyone he loved us so much that he sent his only son jesus to die on a cross for our sins and with god's help you can love people more than you could ever do by yourself so the one thing to remember today is this friends love one another sometimes friends fail but that's okay friends also forgive which is a good thing because because this was my friend erica's phone and i think she's gonna be like and i'm gonna be like and then we'll laugh about it because she's a real friend and so am i so i'm gonna find a way to get her a new phone i think i'll show up and tell her in person i mean it's not like i'm gonna call her or text her okay goodbye friends see you next time [Music] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,250
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: parent cue, the parent cue, orange parents
Id: zWIrB3sVZtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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