Sunday, April 11, 2021 Worship – Pastor Jacqueline Thompson

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] so [Music] we're glad you're [Music] love here jesus so glad you joined us [Music] welcome [Applause] [Music] wow good morning allen temple family and friends this is the day that the lord has made and we are rejoicing and glad in it god of grace you have given us minds to know you hearts to love you and voices to sing your praise fill us with your spirit that we may celebrate your glory and worship you in spirit and and in truth through jesus christ our lord amen let us worship together praise the lord this is the day that the lord hath made we will reserve the lord and be glad in it that anybody come to give god thank you lord for another day thank you jesus i just want to praise you forever [Applause] for me and glory [Music] they all belong to you thank you me i just wanna prank you forever [Music] thank you i just wanna break you forever [Music] blessings and glory [Music] thank you i just wanna break you forever [Applause] [Music] glory and honor thank you jesus [Applause] forever blessing and glory and honor they all belong to you glory and honor [Applause] glory be oh thank you [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] we give you all the praise great are you lord hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] above all the earth [Music] god [Music] we [Music] me me our [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] we are [Music] me me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pushing [Music] [Applause] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah good morning allen temple i will be reading psalm 66 verse 1-4 praise god with shouts of joy all people sing to glory of his name offer him glorious praise say to god how wonderful all things are your power is so great that your enemies bow down and fear before you everyone on earth worships you they sing praises to you they sing praises to your name may the lord bless the readers hearers and doers of this holy word let us pray lord we welcome you among us today and we thank you for who you are we thank you o lord for another day of life we ask you that you open our ears so that we may hear your voice open our minds so that we may receive your eternal wisdom open our spirits so that we may know you're leading us in your guidance open our hearts so that we may receive your wonderful love bless the songs prayers in the preached word we ask this in the name of jesus amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] right now right now right now he is me up this morning me [Applause] this morning [Music] me the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now oh lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is [Music] he woke me [Music] me [Music] good morning allen temple my name is malachi o'donnell and i am a member of the youth ministry we are so blessed that you are worshiping with us today via live stream facebook and youtube on behalf of our senior pastor dr jacqueline thompson our passive remarried is dr j alfred smith senior and the allen temple family in its entirety we extend that each of you a warm and loving welcome we are honored and blessed that you chose to worship with us we also want to stay in touch with you please visit island select guest card in the top blue bar and fill it out so that we can send you a note of thanks for being part of our worship experience good morning allen temple my name is joycen hutchinson and i'm a part of the youth ministry we have come to a part of worship service where everyone can participate worship through giving god loves a cheerful giver your ties and offerings help us serve our community food baskets covet testing and a host of other services there are three ways you can give to allen temple online at alan by text or by email let us pray god we come together to pray for the givers and bless their hearts we pray for the givers that help us come together as a community and build the church we pray for the ones who give for the covet testing as it helps our community and we help for the ones that give to the food basket amen [Music] put them hands together hallelujah praise the lord today hallelujah if you confess the lord call him up if you confess the lord call him up [Music] and tell him what you are call him up if if you believe [Music] call him up [Music] if you believe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus christ his neighbors [Music] is [Music] is [Music] jesus holy [Music] is is [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] is church is prayer time we pray for mother lillian mama little harrison passed mother of brother lee harrison and sister of joanna black we pray for sister freddie barbossa who passed mother of sister elizabeth barbosa sister of sister joanne levi and grandmother of mark boza we also have a special prayer for sister mary horson prayer requests can be sent to prayer at alan or via phone let us pray god we come together to say thank you we want to thank you for waking us up this morning letting us get through the year of 2020 and all the way to may of 2021. we know many weren't able to make it this far oh god and that's why we say thank you we thank you for protecting us and for letting us see another day oh god but we also ask for your protection we want we want uh we want you to protect us as we go along through the rest of the year oh god we want you to protect the asian community from harm that they have endured no god we want to we want you to protect the people of saint vincent who had endured a volcanic eruption this earlier this morning oh god even bless the royal family oh god as a death of prince philip earlier today oh god we want you to bless the african-american community as they go through the trial for george floyd and oh god we asked for justice we ask for you to protect the children who are going back to school oh god and protect the ones that we've lost to protect the families who have lost loved ones oh god we pray for the ones who are receiving these vaccines and pray for their health that they won't get any side effects that lead to other problems oh god lord we know that these years have been rough but we know that you are there to watch over us oh god and we thank you for that because you have been so good oh god and we love you and i thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk to you oh god for this congregation a congregation that can praise you oh god thank you thank you oh god we still need your protection we still need help for years to come but we know that you will always be by our side oh god through everything through everything and i want to pray for california on june 4th i believe when we open back up lord i hope that the congregation can come together and praise you in your sanctuary oh god because we deserve it we've been strong lord you are the only one that knows what everybody endures oh god i can't pray for everyone because i don't know what troubles them but you do and you can touch them oh god anywhere help people find you help people find you oh god because you are so good like i said i just want to thank you for everything oh god i want to thank you for blessing us today for letting us be here oh god it was amazing being here in this sanctuary oh god feeling a praise that some haven't felt since the first day of this pandemic because they're no longer able to go to church oh god you've been so good and we come together in your name and we say amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] you did not create me to worry you did not create me to fear but you created me to worship daily so i'm gonna leave it all right help me [Music] you did not create me [Music] but you created me you created all right is [Music] your will is no more crying i believe your words i'm is to do [Music] so this is what i'm gonna do i will just [Music] i will trust in you lord i will trust [Music] you uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] is me [Music] is [Music] [Music] is i will put [Music] are my soul you are my salvation you did not create me to worry you did not create me to fear you created me to worship daily [Music] i will [Music] trust in [Music] good morning allen temple baptist church friends and family this is the day the lord is made and as every sunday i pray you have found something to rejoice and be glad about even in it it is good to be with you even in this virtual format going well over a year now but can anybody testify along with me god has been faithful and i am so very grateful that we serve a faithful god i pray you've been blessed thus far in service i pray that seeing our young people leading us in scripture leading us in prayer leading us in our call to worship has been a blessing to you remember at kids church is starting at 10 30 so wake them up now wake them up wake them up after this service wake them up and tell them they need to be in eighty kids church we are so very grateful to our children's ministry leaders for their faithfulness for continuing to make sure that our kids are gathering that they're remaining connected that we are remaining connected to them and they are remaining connected to god and so if you need the zoom link and if you want your young people to participate you should be able to check your email the information should be there if it's not there send us a quick note give us a quick call so we can make sure that you're added to the list and that they can join us if not this sunday then certainly on for sunday i certainly want to extend my thanks and my gratitude to all of you for your heartfelt congratulations regarding thursday's induction with morehouse school of religion i wasn't able to see it because we were vaccinating on campus but i pray that before this day is over i will be able to get to see it and with that in mind thursday that same day ended our five-week partnership with fema and with cal oes as a vaccination site and so for five weeks three days a week we vaccinated and so to that end i think we've been able to vaccinate over 7 000 people so to god be the glory for that i'm so very grateful to a very faithful crew of volunteers those ladies showed up every tuesday wednesday and thursday they were the first line of defense for persons who were coming to our campus to all of the men who answered the call i appreciate you so much your presence made everything run smoother and i'm so glad about it i just thank god thank god thank god for allen temple baptist church for your service for your dedication for your passion for the community and certainly for the ways that you have been leading during this time of pandemic and so with that in mind we're going to go straight to the word of god i'm not going to be before you long today there's children in you sunday but there is a scripture text that i want to lift up before you so if you have your bibles come on turn with me we are going to the gospel of john chapter 21 verses 1 through 14. it should be down there somewhere on your screen scrolling but if you have your bible your electronic device whatever it is you have come on we're going to the gospel of john chapter 21 starting at verse 1 going all the way through verse 14. it's lengthy but it's necessary i have the english standard version yours may be a little different but we believe god is going to bring it all together the bible says after this jesus revealed himself again to the disciples by the sea of tiberias or known as the sea of galilee and he revealed himself in this way simon peter thomas called the twin nathaniel of cana in galilee the sons of zebedee and two other disciples were together and simon peter said to them i'm going fishing they said to him we will go with you they went out and got into the boat but that night they caught nothing just as the day was breaking jesus stood on the shore yet the disciples did not know that it was jesus jesus said to them children do you have any fish they answered no he said to them cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some so they cast it and now they were not able to haul it in because of the quantity of fish that disciple whom jesus loved therefore said to peter it is the lord and when simon peter heard that it was the lord he put on his outer garment for he was stripped for work threw himself into the sea the other disciples came in the boat dragging the net full of fish for they were not far from land but about a hundred yards off when they got out on land they saw a charcoal fire in place with fish laid out on it and bread jesus said to them bring some of the fish that you have caught so simon peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore full of fish 153 of them and although there were so many the net was not torn jesus said to them come and have breakfast now none of the disciples dared asked him who are you they knew it was the lord jesus came and took bread and gave it to them and so with the fish this was now the third time that jesus was revealed after he was raised from the dead this was the third time that he had revealed himself to the disciples after he had been raised from the dead so i need you to type in the chat tell somebody with you or even just tell yourself embrace a new normal that's right type it in the chat embrace a new normal our reopening task force here at allen temple baptist church has been meeting regularly and actively planning for a safe reentry for us as a congregation and as a part of their work they need to hear from us so they have developed a survey and they need us to complete that survey and return it as quickly as possible so they can make sure that how they are being led is in keeping and in line with what a sense is from the general congregation so that survey should be coming to you probably in the next week or so it will either come to your email or perhaps if you don't use email if you don't have a computer that's not your preference thank god they have arranged for you to be able to complete the survey by telephone we are grateful for every member of our task force and the leadership that is being provided as we plan to come back to our sanctuary i know some of you were thinking we're never coming back we're coming back we're just going to come back safely and in a way that ensures everyone's safety and so with that in mind they want to hear from us they want to hear our thoughts our sentiments our opinions they want to get a pulse they want to get a feel for where we are as a congregation as they prepare for the return so when you get that survey please fill it out don't waste stop whatever it is that you are doing and make sure you complete it and get it back to them and with that in mind i was reading an article online and there are plenty of them all over the internet about embracing a new normal it has become the catch phrase that seems to suggest that nothing will ever go back to how they were that things are not going to go back to normal or what we call usual or typical or our routine they suggested in the article that societal disruptions such as what we are experiencing with this pandemic shifts things in such a way that everything we considered to be normal is now forced out of joint that there has to be different patterns there has to be different routines there has to be different conformities and they call it a new normal it forces us to take a look or to create a new version of what normal looks like and before we begin to think that this is unusual there are those of you who are under the sound of my voice who remember 9 11. some of us can tell you exactly where we were and can tell you exactly what we were doing when we heard the news or when we saw that planes had crashed into the tower and crashed into the pentagon and crashed in pennsylvania but if you remember 9 11 then you remember that it was after 9 11 that everything changed as it related to security as it related to travel and even portions of our economy were affected in ways that we have not gone back to but i suggest that part of the challenge with embracing a new normal whether it's corporately whether it's in your personal life whether it's in your walk with god is that it's always indicative of change and as humans we are always challenged by change because change requires something of us change is often uncomfortable change if we're honest about it can be risky but we have to accept that change is in fact inevitable and some change we can anticipate and other changes are completely unexpected but whether we're prepared or whether we are not prepared change will come and can i push it a bit further and suggest to you that one of the reasons why change is inevitable is because we serve a god of change now i can hear some of you now saying oh wait a minute wait a minute you are saying that god changes i can hear you quoting the scripture jesus the same yesterday today forevermore i can hear you singing the song thou changes not thou compassions they fail not and i'll agree with you if you are speaking about the nature of god but we absolutely 100 percent serve a god of change a god who instituted and operates in change and if you don't believe it just look around that that day changes in tonight and seasons change from summer to winter to autumn to fall and and plants and people change there are even animals in the animal kingdom whose skin color and texture changes to adapt to their environment for their safety and it's critical that we understand this and accept this because your ability to be able to accept and adapt to change will impact how you embrace a new normal not just a corporate new normal at allen temple baptist church but even the new normal that is going on in your personal life because of truth be told everything is changing it's changing in our homes it's changing with our careers and our jobs and our health and our family their new routines and new patterns are being developed forcing us to contend with a new normal and i want to suggest to you today that part of what the disciples were struggling with in this text today was dealing with a new norm we talked about last week how in the book of mark that the angel was very clear in his conversation with the women he said to them go back to the disciples and peter and tell them that jesus is risen he said but don't just tell them that tell them that jesus has gone on ahead of them and will meet them in galilee the angel was very clear with the women and said go give the disciples the word so here we are the beginning of the gospel of john chapter 21 and we find the disciples simon peter and nathanael and thomas and the two sons of zebedee and two other disciples one of which is believed to be john himself the disciple which jesus loved we find them not on the mountain where jesus said to meet him at but on the sea of galilee or the sea of tiberias which is the roman name for the sea of galilee they are here because they have experienced the biggest disruption they have ever known at this time jesus has been crucified yes jesus has been resurrected but in their minds it is still the loss of a leader and the loss of a mission and the loss of purpose and they are wondering if anything will ever be the same i suggest to you today that for them perhaps they were without hope and without purpose and without direction and perhaps some of you are feeling that way even though things are opening up there's still a hint that things are not the same and we wonder if things are ever going to be the same and when we come back will it feel the same and will people be the same and we know some people will be missing because they've passed on to glory but i'm suggesting to you that the disciples are challenged with embracing this new norm because they've had this major disruption in their life similar to what coveted 19 has done for us and what kovitz 16 19 which is evident if you watch any part of the trial it's the same disruption that they are experiencing with the crucifixion of christ and so they have attempted to go back to what has been normal that is the temptation that many of us struggle with we just want things to go back to how they were we want things to be the same as how they were but can i suggest to you that it could be that god is calling us to a new normal god is calling us to something different well how do you know because the bible says that these disciples these seven disciples are gathered at the sea of galilee and simon peter who has now been disconnected because you remember jesus told him before the cockroach you will deny me three times and that is exactly what he did and there had been no healing no mending no reconciliation of that relationship so peter says to the disciples i'm going fishing and the disciples say i'm going with you so they go back to the thing that they knew the thing that was familiar the thing that god had already called them out of when they met and encountered jesus the first time you do recall that it was actually them fishing that jesus encountered and called them as disciples in the first place and isn't that the temptation isn't that what we always do when something disrupts our normal when we're uncomfortable when we're faced with change we want to hold on to that which we think is familiar that which feels safe but sometimes god will allow disruption to come into your life to shake you away from something that you never would have let go and i promise you there are some things that the church was doing that the church does not need to return to anymore but we never would have let it go if god didn't call something to force us to shift and embrace a new normal the bible says that the disciples make a decision to go back on the water and they go fishing now this should not have been a challenge because these were skilled fishermen they came from fishermen families so they knew the way of the water they knew the pattern of fish they knew everything there was about this task that had been their life's work but don't you know that you can't have an encounter with jesus and ever go back to anything that was and so scripture tells us that they were fishing and they caught nothing i think that is the fear for many people when it talks about returning particularly returning to worship returning to ministry returning to campus will it be the same will it be productive there are people saying all there are those who will never going to return let me tell you something the god that we serve is not only able to cause everyone to return but even if he doesn't he's able to bring new disciples into the building do i have anybody that believes god is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all we could ever ask think or imagine the bible says that while they were out fishing at night that jesus called to them from the shore they had not caught anything and he said to them children a term of endearment do you have any fish to which they replied no he gives them direction and says cast your net on the right side and you will find some and the disciples did exactly what jesus said here are some things that i just want to leave with you very simply to reassure you that it is okay that you are well able to embrace a new normal because even though it seems like everything is forcing this change and forcing this shift that has to take place there are some things that continue to remain the same and one of the first things that remains the same even in the midst of a new normal even in the midst of disruption the one thing that remains the same is god's presence isn't it good to know that even while the disciples were still on the water that jesus had already showed up where they were to give them exactly what they needed in that situation don't you know as we're preparing to come back that god has already gone before us and made crooked paths straight and rough places plain and made plans the presence of god is always with us even in the midst of change even in the midst of disruption even as we're embracing a new normal god is there i need somebody to get excited about emmanuel the god that is not transcendent but the god that is with us with us every step of the way with us when we're with him and with us when we are not thank god for being faithful thank god whose presence is always with us and among us that right when they least expected it jesus showed up on the shore now keep in mind they were not where they were supposed to be they were supposed to meet jesus on the mountain but instead they changed their plans but isn't it good to know that even when we don't do what we're supposed to do that god loves us enough to meet us right where we are and there is somebody that needs to hear that today that god is not calling you to be super spiritual god is not calling you to memorize 100 scriptural texts god is trying to meet you right where you are because god can take you where god needs you to be the one thing that we can hold on to when we are trying to embrace a new normal is that the presence of god will always be with us god's presence remains the same the bible says that jesus spoke to them and said cast your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some fish there and when they did that they took up a hall that filled their nets because one of the second things that does not change even in the midst of disruption even in the midst of embracing a new normal that you can hold on to is god's power that the power of god is still at work even in the midst of all of this and it was the power of god that was missing from their life but when they heard the word of the lord when they were obedient to the direction that they had been given by jesus they saw a shift in a change in their situation is there anybody that believes god's power is still at work in the earth that god's power is still at work even when we can't see it even when we can't feel it god's power is still upholding us and sustaining us and keeping us and blessing us and even prospering some of us in the midst of this pandemic even for those that we've lost that we grieve and we mourn we lift up mamma lil we lift up all of those who are on the prayer list the mother of sister lois walker we lift her up the power of god is able to keep you in ways that human comfort cannot do it was at the word of jesus that they saw the power of god at worked so much so that they recognized that power and they immediately knew who it was is there anybody that can testify that some things have occurred in your life and you knew it was nothing but the hand of god that could have done it because you had exhausted all of your human capability all of your contacts all of your resources all of your social connections and the only thing that changed it was the power and the divine intervention of god is there anybody in the chat that can give god praise and say thank you lord for your power and for your intervention and here is the thing pastor e that got me about the text the bible says because this is actually what what you might want to call a shadow miracle or a repeat miracle because you find this initially in luke chapter five with the the same disciples who are fishing but when they cast their net on the right side and bring in a hall the scripture says that the nets began to break they pulled the nets into the boats and the boats began to sink but in john 21 when they catch this hall the nets don't break that means that god has the ability to allow you to keep whatever it is that you capture that god has the ability because remember this is post resurrection and they are saying it is a foreshadowing to the mission that jesus is getting ready to give them that he's going to reinstitute their call renew restore rebuild repair so that they can go out and be fishes of men and the text says that there were all different kinds of fish and that the nets didn't break in other words that that which god is calling you to now you're going to be able to keep and hold and sustain is there anybody that believes that maybe god is calling us away from some things as a church and into some new things and that the new things that god is calling us to god will be able to keep us even in that it may make us uncomfortable we may not understand it but the power of god will still keep us in spite of us i got anybody believe it i only need a few folks to believe and last thing and i promise you i'm wrapping up on this children and youth sunday the bible says that when john leaned over or excuse me the the disciple that jesus loved leaned over and said to peter it is the lord peter put on his fisherman's quote that he had taken off in order to do work plunged into the water and swam and ran ashore so eager to get to jesus probably in disbelief that jesus would even come looking for him after he had denied him so many times but what we find in this text is that not only had jesus come for them but jesus had already prepared for them before they ever got there because while they were out on the water fishing it says when they looked that there was already fish and bread on the charcoal fire which means you mean to tell me that some of the things that we're out here trying to do trying to amass trying to figure out and work out on our own that god has already worked out on our behalf all we have to do is seek the lord from the beginning and not as an afterthought it was jesus's way even in that moment and the conversation that ensues that says to them that the one thing you can hold on to is not just god's presence and god's power but when you are embracing a new normal know that you can hold on to god's purpose because the one thing that will not change is the mission and the purpose of god luke chapter four jesus lays it out here's what i've come to do matthew chapter 28 he lays it out for us as a church this is what you are called to do go ye therefore do what make disciples baptizing them teaching them all that i have commanded you god's purpose remains the same even in the midst of a new normal and so i just believe that as we are planning for re-entry as we are planning to return as we are planning for a reopening and coming back i challenge you to be ready to embrace a new normal things may not look the same they may not feel the same they may not sound the same they may not be configured the same we may have to embrace some things that are different and they may become what is our new normal but what will not change what will always stay the same as the presence of god it's the power of god and the purpose of god and as long as those things stay the same then there is no change that we cannot withstand no change that we cannot prosper in the midst of no normal that we can not embrace i challenge you in your families in your careers in your walk with god embrace a new normal they had to do it way back in 1918 we had to do it again with 9 11 and there have been many other times in between those times where we had to do it and guess what we still here 101 years we still here and the god we serve is faithful and i promise you there is still a work to be done there is a work that still needs to be done for this branch of zion but god needs willing workers willing disciples that are able to step up to the plate willing to disciple others to bring others in so that we can fulfill god's mission and god's plan here on earth in this branch of zion during the time that we have been called to do it embrace a new normal and for those of you that are struggling the beauty of a god of change is that god is always with you in the change god orchestrates the change in such a way that it does not break you but it bills you and so even if you don't understand it you don't like it you can't see it you can't plan for it you can't anticipate it can you trust god enough to know that god's plan for you is always to strengthen you build you prosper you teach you conform your character into the character of jesus christ in love so much so that when you come out you'll be able to say if it had not been for the lord who was on my side where in the world would i be so allen temple baptist church all those who are visiting this is your word embrace a new normal i've said a couple of things i hope you hold on to that there is divinity and disruption i've challenged you don't waste a good pandemic don't waste a good pandemic no reason for us not to come out of this better than we were before we went in and now i'm challenging you to embrace a new normal because we serve a god that is able to keep us in spite of us in jesus name a man and a man good morning again alan temple and we thank you so much for joining in and tuning in with us we pray that this service from the singing to the preached word has been a delight that it has encouraged you to just go on a little bit further to take it one day at a time one step at a time so we pray that this word was impactful and we pray that you will share with others please press the share button um share it on youtube wherever you may be please spread the good news of the gospel for that is what we are called to do so now the doors of the church are open if you are seeking baptism if you are on your christian journey or if you are new to the bay area and are looking for a church home island temple we've been in the business for 101 years now and we would love to have have you and open and welcome you with open arms so now the doors of the church are open coming your own way type in the comments let us know where you're from and please go to our website at alan and someone from our ministry team will reach out to you in a more formal way again we say thank you and we hope that you have been blessed and encouraged by this service amen amen we thank you for taking that moment to share and to pause and to allow god to work in god's own way but now let us receive our benediction that now made the spirit of god the love of christ and the sweet communion of god's holy spirit rest rule and abide hence now and forevermore and all of god's children said amen please go on the peace and love of christ [Music] me [Applause] right now right now right now is woke me up this morning is [Applause] this morning [Music] me come on the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now oh the lord is blessing me right now the lord is blessing me right now
Channel: Allen Temple Baptist Church
Views: 693
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Allen Temple Baptist Church, ministry, community, Oakland, Baptist Church, Christian Church, worship, gospel, preaching, prayer, praise, celebration, spiritual, Devotion
Id: TpqwVCTe55s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 28sec (4288 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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