Sunak admits 'disappointing' results but is 'focused on the job at hand'

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obviously it's disappointing to lose good hardworking conservative counselors and I'm grateful to them for all their service in local government keeping council tax low and delivering services for local people but we've still got lots of results to come as well just for ex and there are also things that I would point to harow for example where K starma held a rally just on Wednesday saying that was a place that he had to win to be on track to win a general election that hasn't happened and indeed we're still waiting for the result in the teas Valley meraly just near to here which is obviously a very important test as well do you need to convince your party you can do better in a general election well as I said if K starma was in harow on Wednesday saying that was a place that he needed to win in order to win the next general election that hasn't happened we still haven't got the results from places like teas Valley with the meraly results which again is a key Battleground and I am focused completely on the job at hand that's delivering for people across the country if you just look at what we're doing in the last week or so alone a 900 tax cut hitting people's pay slips the first failed Asylum Seeker off to Rwanda at the same time What have Labor said well they said that they were going to scrap the Rwanda scheme and as as far as I can tell offer uh an amnesty to Illegal migrants that's no way to solve that problem which is important to people right up and down the country okay um and just on to the climate um vote this morning um what's your reaction to the government's climate plan being defeated in court today well obviously I haven't seen the Judgment so I can't comment on that in detail but with regard to Net Zero in in general what I would say is I'm proud of our track record we've decarbonized faster than any other major economy around the world cutting carbon emissions by 50% but last year I set out a more pragmatic approach to get to Net Zero of course we believe in it I want to get there but we're going to do that in a way that doesn't saddle families with bills that we don't need to and that's the change that I made that will save Families 5 10 15,000 I think that's the right approach it's pragmatic uh and given this the overall economic situation it's the right thing for our country now other people are going to have more dogmatic ideological views about it like the labor party but I don't think it's wrong to saddle people with those costs particularly when our record already on decarbonizing our economy is so strong
Channel: Sky News
Views: 30,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sky News, Sky, Uk, Elections, Local, Vote 2024, Democracy, Ballot, Poll, Polling, Conservatives, Tories, Labour, local election results, local elections, Conservative party, Rishi Sunak, Prime minister, Rishi Sunak reaction
Id: AOYm0dpjToM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 10sec (130 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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