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foreign [Music] [Applause] Legends welcome to the video guys it's gonna be a great one I can just feel it uh we're talking about Sun Wukong the seven day log in Champion this dude out the gate I'm just gonna tell you guys personally he has exceeded my expectations very very fun Champion uh just having a ball with him here at the gate expect a lot more content obviously subscribe uh for more Sun Wukong guides in the future as well as my mini account uh to see what impact he has there but first Robert says have you ever asked how old the oldest player in raid is I'm 63. I wonder if anybody is older I'm sure somebody's got you beat out there Robert chime in I want to see the oldest raid player that we have I'm sure there's someone in their 80s or 90s who knows maybe even over a hundred who's watching this video right now if so more power to you uh okay so Sun Wukong uh let's take a look at this kit really quickly here you can see brand new on my account he's Spirit Affinity he looks really cool there's always skin out they're charging like I don't know what is it 15 for the skin I have not bought it the skin looks pretty cool it fits with the motif and by the way I'm not gonna go into it in detail because not every I love how he kind of he shape shifts or whatever he's doing there uh here it is The Monkey King it's actually pretty cool The Monkey King the whole story behind the real monkey King is from the Journey to the West uh traditional Chinese 16th century novel uh there's a lot that goes into it in a lot of his powers kind of emanate or excuse me kind of correlate with what he's doing inside the game as well I'll have a link to that Wikipedia if you guys are interested in Reading More in the description of this video first off his A1 has a 25 chance of placing a stun Diva for one turn it increases to 50 or 75 if the target has any Buffs so a 75 stun on his A1 if they have Buffs otherwise a 50 when booked I'm just going to tell you out the gate I think this Champion is actually worth booking but you guys be the judge we'll talk more about that as we go on through the video staff of Wonder is A2 ability on a four turn or three turn when booked attacks one enemy ignoring 50 percent of the target's defense okay I just want to start out out the gate here by saying that this staff of Wonder uh so impressed with it in the arena the Surplus damage as well you guys will see even though it can't be critical it's it's a really magical ability this is one of the areas where I was like whoa okay this is a little better than I expected this attack will attack all remaining enemies with Surplus damage if the target is killed the attack will will also ignore 50 of the target's defense and this attack cannot be critical so as a 50 on the initial hit and another at 50 ignore on the AOE albeit not a critical attack if the initial Target survives places a sheep debuff on them for one turn it cannot be blocked it can be resisted okay meaning you need a lot of accuracy on this Champion we're gonna take that into consideration we're gonna set him up with a Yoshi the drunkard and increase accuracy Champion when we run him today in the arena on the A3 now you see us again a three turn cooldown when booked his books are not too bad usually sometimes when they give us these freebies which is a really cool thing that they do you know when they're good right and they've been really good lately right uh sometimes there's like a ton of books this isn't that bad right the cost of books is still bad but or the Rarity whatever the scarcity I guess is a better word anyway attacks all enemies before attacking steals all of us from all enemies and places they block Buffs on them for two turns so it's a an amazing ability and I want to take a moment just to point out how great of an ability this is first of all first champion in the game to plays a sheep debuff not from polymorph really cool on the A3 when we think about enemy any Champions out there in the entire game that are stealing Buffs right there's nobody there's no ability that comes anywhere close to disability and stealing Buffs is well it's really freaking cool uh let me show you let me show you some some of that because I did a little research before this video I'm like okay what are the best box dealers in the entire game uh there's not much no one comes close to him Sartorius has an A1 AOE uh stealing one random buff stealing all Buffs before attacking and placing a block Buffs is a lot different than stealing one random buff on a 50 chance then you have Champions like Morgan who will steal all boss from one enemy not all enemies right uh the only Champion there's a couple others there's a couple epics too we have Ulfric elf elf this guy he's got an AOE 100 chance of stealing one random buff from each enemy you know that doesn't even obviously is an epic and nor should it but it doesn't even Stack Up the only guy who's even close even close to buff stealing is Samar gem cursed on his A3 attacks all enemies 100 chance of stealing two random Buffs before attacking okay so that's the closest there is in the game to that it's a really cool ability when we think about Arena Meadow right now especially and this guy's good outside of Arena too when you think about Arena meta I mean think about it all of the sipies there's duchesses there's a lot of Buffs everywhere all the time this is a really cool ability obviously have to be careful of polymorph still but it's a really powerful ability and he can stack up just an insane amount of Buffs on it I'm going to talk about multipliers in one second but unbeatable will come revives this Champion with 100 HP and 100 turn meter three turns after they were killed dude that happens really fast all you got to do is take you know three things happen and boom he's back up right uh that's really crazy it's a it's like the sugar the cherry on top if you will right the sugar on top the the Spoonful of Sugar it's a spoonful of sugar that helps all the medicine go down uh and then we have speed in Arena balance by 28 a great speed Arena Battle Aura I imagine players who just started the game and are getting this Champion for free I mean he's gonna be a hardcore Arena carry for you and probably help you out pretty much everywhere else as well right so we talked about the unique of uh-ness of his kit got that great ignored defense with Surplus damage you know I'm gonna stop talking about them let me show you how I built this dude and then we're gonna get right into it but before that actually let me show you his multipliers right this is very important right a 3.5 god-like damage rating on his A1 so already good damage on the A1 with that stun on the A2 we have a god like five multiplier on that A2 with the Surplus damage already built in ignoring 50 of Defense what does that mean it means that with lethal and or Savage plus helmet Smasher we can ignore 100 defense on the on the uh the first attack and then on the Surplus that's it's really good and then we have a 3.8 Godlike on the A3 to give you a comp for the damage on the A3 I'm looking at a champion that has the same multiplier in around the same base attack and you're looking at genzen you're looking at genzen's A2 ability so steel parting that's around the damage that you're getting out of his A3 ability but you have to take into consideration that we're removing all their Buffs first right ideally so it works out pretty well in our favor so I built them to be a nuker in today's video but as I mentioned I'm gonna play this dude absolutely everywhere on my mini account uh it's good the gear is not like incredibly out of this world that you see on him right now but it's pretty good gear it's pretty good gear uh I'm going to make it you know definitely early slash mid game uh stay tuned for that video I think in four days because I've been slacking and logging into that account every day on this uh Champion uh Chase or whatever they call it so total stats first we have 35k 2400 not a ton of survivability but not awful either uh we have 4 500 on the attack again I'm not like Min maxing him to like be my best gear I want it to be somewhat realistic but it is going to be the end game that I show him against good teams we have him as fast as we could get them right 260. and then 103 obviously 100 crit rate is going to be mandatory on this champion and then some crit damage as well as much as we can get of course accuracy is very important too he's a tough Champion to build meaning that we want so much you know we want some survivability we want speed we want crit rate we want crit damage we want a lot of accuracy on top of all that right so you kind of got to pick and choose but of course you can use an increase accuracy Champion like we're going to do today to your advantage to make sure that we're moving all of those Buffs provide there faster than obviously Sun Wu Kong uh so back to the uh the build here we have accuracy on the banner we have crit damage on the uh the amulet we have attack on the ring we have speed on the boots we have attack percentage on the chest we have crit damage on the gauntlets and then again we're just looking for crit rate we're looking for some speed some accuracy on the sub stats okay uh blessing on this Champion obviously I don't have them awakened uh but I would probably go with soul reap just because I wasn't expecting all that damage too from the A2 you know uh and soul Reap is uh I'd probably go Soul reap other options of course he's going to have a lot of accuracy so if you want to sacrifice some damage you can go to portal chains on this Champion right as well uh we could go in PVE environments such as Hydra Clan boss he could be our Brimstone Champion okay Landing that Smite on our team you know what guys you could also go with lightning cage he's gonna have so many dang Buffs anyway from that A3 you could go lightning cage if you want to use him as an aura lead anyway you can make him your intimidating presence Champion so we named what four or five uh blessings you could go cruelty uh it really depends crushing rent it depends on how you're using him and the team around him of course and what blessings you already have but I think you can make a case for all the blessings that I just mentioned depending on how utilizing this Champion now we haven't built obviously as a nuker here right uh we're trying to get as much attack accurately or talked about the stat priorities right so the masteries are also going to reflect that okay now don't get me wrong you can run all these same masteries even in a PVR PVE environment personally I think I would probably just run him just like this otherwise uh out of the gate I want to tell you you have a choice to make with this Champion I think everybody's want gonna want to go offense with him right and then you can go defense or support support there's nothing wrong with it you can pick up the extra accuracy lore of Steel if you can use it depending on the build uh you can come down pick up Spirit haste as well uh in terms of other dbos master hackster or sniper uh again he has sheep he has a stun which is not going to matter and that's about it right so I would probably just go down and pick up Spirit haste uh so kind of starting with pinpoint accuracy charge Focus storm spider Lord of Steel Spirit haste on the support tree if I went that direction however I want him counter-attacking for that hard-hitting A1 but moreover that's the stuns the stuns on that A1 right so I went let me push myself out of the way again here I went down the defense side I went blast proof you know what people used to go defiant and then go with improved Perry for the arena but I see more and more people just resurgent is so good and in Blast proof is so good in PVE as well right so I do think that uh I do think going down the left-hand side is the way to go personally it's just my preference anyway tough skin blast proof resurgent which is such a good Mastery uh and then we go delay death and then we get retribution and deterrence right both of them are going to give us a chance to counter-attack Ergo doing damage and Landing the stuns on offense we came down we picked up crit rate crit damage we picked up Shield breaker because remember he's not going to be removing bolster sets so I really want to keep Shield breaker Mastery on him increased uh damage Afflicted targets under Shield by 25 that's a big big Mastery right so I would not go personally Heart Of Glory I would go Shield breaker if I'm using him in the arena I went down with Whirlwind of death I went with ruthless Ambush between ruthless Ambush plus opportunities we can get 20 extra damage if they're under a freeze true fear petrification uh either way we can get at least the eight percent extra damage uh we came all the way down cycle of violence we went kill streak and then we ended with Helm Smasher to get that juicy 100 ignore defense potential on that A2 ability so guys I'm gonna start out with doom Tower unfortunately I've used all three of my Hydra keys but the good news is Doom Tower hard floor 36 is a bunch of sippies perfect time to Showcase how you can utilize this champion in a PVE environment okay uh so get this team out of here come on team uh I think I just put together it yes I did all right let's use them uh obviously not that aura's not gonna work for us there let's use them for this team I do have an increased accuracy Champion we don't really need it 400 is plenty obviously for new players watching by the way you're aiming for around 10 to 12 points of accuracy per stage of the dungeon that you're on okay for Doom Tower hard we're aiming for over 300 accuracy for Doom Tower normal it does scale when you go up quite a bit but I'm aiming for around 150 to 200 to play it safe uh anyway here we go guys just some of my favorite champions mithralla uh going in there there you go that's and you can see he starts off he leads off with his A3 on auto right and I mean look at all these sippies look at all these Buffs nothing's happening right they can't buff themselves because we have block Buffs now if they had if we had a much slower team than we do right now uh and they went in there and look at that we got some sheep action now as well wow that's some really good control sheep on the A2 or Surplus damage if we kill them stun on the A1 remove everything on the A3 uh I feel like so many players are gonna benefit where were these Champions when I started this game man granted the content wasn't nearly as difficult as it was now uh when I started the game they were just level 15 dungeons that's all we got that's all we had anyway uh I don't think we need to watch this over and over let's just wait one more time for that A3 though I think it's it's off I put the auto battle on here it goes boom as soon as their block block Buffs fall off he's already back in there he's already back in there removing them again and then placing the block Buffs again the only thing they can get in our way here did you see that I think that was him I was looking at the camera but I think that was Surplus damage there I think that was Surplus uh unless a stun on that A1 dude this guy is nasty listen what is Hell Hades give this dude uh what do they give them for a ranking 3.5 oof e what would you guys give this to I mean you haven't seen him in the arena yet but just you know what would you guys give based on whatever you whatever you think whatever you know right now when you look at a free champion like this right I feel like kind of like art attack and again we're gonna see it right here hopefully we don't die we do have a revive two revivers on the team so we'll be fine but hopefully you can use that in hand we're provoked all right let's see I want to see that A3 one more time it looks like it's not going to be right now he's going to be dead for a second okay uh but we look at a champion like this our attack was it was an incredible Champion that could help everybody in PVE let's see oh there he goes he comes in there ever now the block Buffs are are we got control of the match again now we can start seeing everybody he can sheep somebody maybe he'll make the next move oh did you see the Surplus did you see the Surplus ignore defense that's what I was talking about all right all right we get the point let's end this battle let's see this damage holy mackerel dude Sun Wukong just dishing out the Millie uh Granny's the only nuker so nothing to compare him with but you do that's what I was talking about in terms of that A2 like whoa whoa you can treat that as like a very formidable AOE attack in a lot of situations if you target the enemy who's close to dying right we can go in there I was Platinum at the start of this video but it's the end of the season at the time of this recording so I already fell out I apologize I'm just gonna go against the first team that I see here um I put him with Alika who I really like as well the thing about Alika is she's gonna go right ahead of him right and I so I built her a little bit faster not as a nuker but as a control Champion she doesn't have 100 crit rate but not as a nuker but she's gonna put skills on cooldown by two turns I like the idea of pairing him on a go if you're using him on a go first team I like the idea of pairing him with a champion like Basher or elika or if you have him a yameko or a warlord because the issue is with those block Buffs mythralla is everywhere so she could a resist and she could be come in and and cleanse everybody right we don't want that cleanse we want that block Buffs to be up there all the time so I like kind of pairing him with a champion like this who has uh increasing the cooldown of enemy skills by two turns and basically living alongside the block Buffs right uh anyway we have Yoshi the drunker and we have Arbiter right Yoshi has his A3 where he has increased attack and increase accuracy now if you don't have Arbor yet if you're new just starting out uh we could run him as the or Elite right and we can just have a speed booster in there like an apothecary okay uh but I'm running them both uh let's just see how we do here all right now keep in mind we can land that sheep even against Stone skin on that A2 okay uh so we're gonna battle toast that's gonna give him the increased accuracy we're gonna come in here just like we said and we're going to use disorient increased cooldowns of their skills and then they're only under one buff right now Stone skin so let's go ahead and use the A2 instead and go right in there that stone skin is gone and now he's a sheep what is he gonna do now you see what I'm saying this is a very there's so many things you can do with this Champion so now let's go after the reviver with a high value Target boom so the Drake's almost dead cool and come in here poke away at sod I love you sill and it is so freaking hot in here right now guys I apologize these lights are killing me right now that's what I was talking about with mythralla right there she's gonna resist sometimes right but get the counter attack we stun udk that's the retribution right not bad uh and when we get petrified he has the chance of doing deterrence of counter-attacking as well uh so we have no choice going to udk that's what I was talking about that's why I like the cooldown because mythralla gonna be a little bit of a pain that's what you should be watching out for this Champion right cleansers python mythralla the more popular ones Elva just be aware right obviously they're going to be a thorn in your side to some extent uh okay so here we go let's A1 we have no choice we have to go to udk because he's gonna take the hit no matter what anyway let's come in here with the A2 and yeah let's just battle toast it up again get that increased attack come in and well we're not gonna we might kill we might kill whoever we attack we're probably gonna kill her boom ah didn't really work there uh that was a weak hit because of the Affinity matchup okay that wasn't I know some of you guys are like whoa whoa whoa that wasn't an impressive at all Ash no it's just a week because of the Affinity don't worry don't worry all right high value Target dead King galcobar down next up here we go this team we're gonna keep working our way up to more tankier teams some other go first teams we're gonna have a nice variety here so I I think this guy could see end game action end game action uh because of the A2 A3 is great but because of the A2 keep in mind that A3 can also steal the stone skin right so come in here come in a two let's see if we can do it let's see if we can kill everybody with a surplus no big deal just just a nice little kill on everybody let's do that again let's go into another squishier team and do the exact same thing that was really fun all right so uh I think you can see some late game action for so many different reasons right uh reason number one is that that beautiful A2 reason number two is you're about to see it right now if we can keep the team alive well you're not about to see it right now I lied I was gonna say you're gonna see the uh him coming back to life as being incredibly advantageous all right all right all right okay keep in mind that coming back to life is three turns meaning boom oof oof meaning that three Champions have to take one turn each it's not like you have to you know wait for a don't confirm new players don't confuse a turn for a round right uh let's go after this squad here they have two cleansers on this team okay so we have to be cognizant of that of course you can't cleanse a sheep buff uh let's go in again same type of thing here now alika's not super instrumental to this team I want to come in here so what do I want to do I know if I place the block bus on everybody they're just gonna be cleansed I can get rid of somebody I can turn somebody into a sheep like a you know what let's just neutralize their uh we'll actually killed her we killed her we did Surplus damage but there's two Stone skins I actually really like going in with that A2 and then we can come in wait for them to buff up right and then we can come A3 and steal all their Buffs all right let's poke away at their reviver here uh keep in mind we do have a nice matchup against him as well A3 boom oof that's going to be ggs that's going to be GG's okay what the heck what point was I trying to make earlier you got a stun on the A1 that A2 though that's between the Surplus damage that we've already seen on a few occasions now this video and we haven't been going that long you add those both together that's that's really really cool stuff right uh he's just bringing so much and we haven't seen him really self-revive yet either uh hopefully that happens this turn let's see I'm gonna start again I'm Gonna Keep it going with with this difficult teams as we can find here look at this a lot of Buffs that sucks no it doesn't no it does let's steal them all look at look at my man you just got like eight Bops now or six but I mean he dies there but guess what oh no he's dead oh no well we have a reviver on the team but let's pretend we did this is kind of dangerous yeah I'm not sure if I could survive it let's let's survive let's revive I was gonna get cute and be like but let's pretend we didn't have a reviver and not revive here let's revive there's always the next battle right I'm not gonna let you guys go until he self-revives with a 100 turn meter very effective all right we come in here now he's gonna he's up right now and now they're all gonna be toast man I'm just gonna pick on their weakest person and everybody's dead that is powerful guys all right guys so I found the perfect team to attack before I let you go we counter udk we can turn him into a sheep we can steal his Stone skin we can stun him same thing with murder Macabre we could turn him to a sheep we can stun him uh we can steal all helicops bus we can steal his annoying block damage right this is the perfect team to attack uh and the more I play Alika on this squad too I'm not sure if she's the perfect fit I just kind of threw in there because I don't know why but I don't know if we absolutely need her I am going to use I'm gonna add the risk of activating Peril here we don't uh I'm gonna use the the A3 uh we're gonna open up with the A2 we're gonna steal this Stone skin and turn him into a sheep not steel I'm sorry turn him into a sheep we're not stealing the stone skin on the A2 uh but now now we're in a pretty good position here we're gonna wait for helicap to go the fear proct that was cool the true fear so now he's not gonna have I'm not sure how they haven't prioritized uh I don't want to risk touching uh more to Macabre so I will just come in with the A1 there and we'll play it safe here guys uh high value Target one down now I'd almost rather her not kill him that way he has a little bit of HP we can kill everybody on the Surplus except for morning become because of the stone skin anyway let's go ahead and revive come back in here turn meter boost everybody again and ah this is kind of an interesting point in the battle uh do I want to just try to steal one stone skin nah I want to wait so let's go after helicap we don't land the stun 50 chance he has no Buffs but that's almost for the better okay cool this is actually perfect because we want him to use his A3 here uh keep attacking there ah uses A2 they don't have them prioritized use A3 all right we're hanging on to life but even if we don't hang on to life it's not a big deal right uh let's go ahead and steal some stuff boom we don't steal the stone skin unfortunately and his Peril may have activated gonna be very careful here well he's either gonna kill us or ah let's see if we can still come through and win this huh all right it's gonna be on Miss Alika all right extra turn come in here it's too bad too because he would have obviously revived himself in three quick turns uh but we chanced it with the AOE attack and we had to pay the piper didn't we guys all right uh let's just get rid of mithralla uh okay as long as we don't activate Pearl right away I think we'll be okay here one turn away no Barrel no apparel okay good nothing there uh you know what minus let's just A1 weak hit and he might have gotten Peril let's go ahead and revive take the extra turn turn meter boost don't you dare okay good good good it was just the turn meter boost nothing else all right now it's a battle against morta Macabre for the video here guys uh okay still no apparel just the just the uh Terminator boost all right we're two turns away unfortunately we can't get a critical hit here on uh yeah let's try the A2 I don't think I'm gonna land a stun there all right okay good good okay I'm still waiting for the Peril to just be like bye-bye you're dead it's never it's never over till it's over with more than Macabre here guys is it all right let's battle toast come in okay we're right here we're right in position boom there we go there we go all right guys hopefully you've enjoyed this video as much as I have boy is this Champion good congratulations everybody you all have them you all have them congrats let me know what you think of this Champion stay tuned for much more content on sun woo Kong here on the channel much love and as always take care guys
Channel: ASH: RAID Shadow Legends
Views: 186,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raid shadow legends, raid, raid shadow legends strategy, raid shadow legends guide, raid shadow legends tips, raid shadow legends champion, raid shadow legends tier list, raid shadow legends youtube, raid sun wukong, raid shadow legends sun wukong build, raid shadow legends sun wukong masteries, raid shadow legends sun wukong, sun wukong masteries, sun wukong arena build, sun wukong, sun wukong gameplay, sun wukong raid, sun wukong raid shadow legends, sun wukong blessing
Id: QlOvsQWr_WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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