Summer Wardrobe Switch-Over & Organization | Wardrobe Reset and Declutter Routine

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one of the primary reasons why we don't use the clothes in our closet is because we can't see them and we don't have access to them I think closet organization and figuring out a way to make your clothes easily accessible and appealing is a huge piece of slow fashion that is often overlooked so this is something that I'm going to talk to you about today I am switching over my closet from fall winter to spring summer yes I know it's it's fairly late in the game to be doing this but I've been busy and this is real life I think a lot of us have these great Ambitions to always have a perfectly edited closet that looks you know the way we think it should on the internet but I hope that this video gives you an idea of how to do a closet switch over fairly easily without being too complicated and without making it feel like a really daunting task that you never actually do so if you are interested in getting more wear out of your clothes without actually buying anything and saving a lot of money in the process I think doing a simple closet switch over so that the clothes that you're actually going to wear for your current season and your current lifestyle are front and center so you actually get to wear them on this channel I talk about slow fashion and ways to use creativity instead of overc consumption to find our personal style and to just you know look good and feel good most of the time if possible if that sounds like your jam let's get into it my closet Clos it is big enough to carry all of my seasonal items and even evening wear and occasion wear it spends the entire length of this wall here so all I'm going to do is move around the items in my closet reorganize them so that the seasonal pieces or the warmer pieces for spring and summer are front and center I also have one shelf in a guest room where I swap things out so I've got a little bit of extra space that I can use but if I wanted to I could probably still fit everything in here one thing that always triggers this kind of switch over or just a closet reorganization is when I'm feeling like I have too much choice in the morning or when things are feeling a little bit jammed whether or not there is a seasonal change over I will still find myself reorganizing and going through my closet when I'm feeling that overwhelm or when I'm just feeling like things are too packed too tightly this is a little bit more intuitive than following strict closet editing or capsule closet rules and I find this is easily as effective if you are more of an intuitive learner as well the first thing that you want to do with your closet reorg is figure out which part of your closet you go to automatically figure out what your behavior is before getting dressed what you want to do is place the majority of your clothing the go-to items the ones that are usually usually part of your regular spring summer uniform those are the pieces that are going to be in the kind of star spot in the spotlight of your closet I tend to gravitate to this left-handed section first so knowing this and knowing that my outfit formula consists usually of jeans and a light either tank or t-shirt or button-up shirt or a miniskirt and shorts and a long sleeve button-up situation or black I'm going to put all of my button-ups blouses and cammies and tank tops here and my denim here as well so now knowing what items I want to put in what section of my closet I'm going to do a little bit of like a declutter session as well for each section so what I did was I took all of my tank tops and t-shirts chemel and I put those on a small rack and went through them I'm going to get into decluttering in another video but I do feel like these two activities a declutter and a closet like switch over really do go hand inand and when I say declutter I don't mean you know just going through things and getting rid of them because that is equally problematic and wasteful if we're not doing it thoughtfully so once I've gone through each garment section the tank tops the t-shirts the blouses I've even got like my long sleeve shirts and I even went through Blazers here and I'm not a huge Blazer person but some something else that I like to use this closet switch over activity for is to put items that I want to wear that I want to push myself perhaps to style more creatively I put those in the spotlight section as well and I don't mind this because often times in the warmer weather Blazers become my jackets during this whole switch over process as you go through each section figuring out how you want to store them for things that are hanging that you're using at least the same hanger if possible they don't all have to be perfectly matching in color like you can see here I've got different colors but I'm using all of those like velvet hangers when I can the reason why I try and use hangers that are the same thickness or that are at least the same shape is so that everything is hanging at the same level and it looks more uniform so I'm not digging through all of these pieces and getting frustrated because things are kind of hanging all lops up Ed but it's a really really great method to help you see your clothes I also like to go by texture versus color so I go from lighter weight textures to heavier weight textures and then I organize it by color and Vibe and I do that for each section same thing you can see here with my denim pile it's going from dark and heaviest to light and what I've done here at the bottom I had a kind of a mixture of Long Winter skirts and some leather trousers down here but what I've done is I've moved those to the other side of the Wardrobe so that the only three skirts I have hanging here are the three skirts that I have for summer this middle section hasn't changed as much because a lot of it is accessories and things that I use all year round so just to give you a rundown I've got bathing suits eyeglasses cases and things like that pajamas belts all of these things are just season they're in such a handy little basket I don't really need to bring them up or anything or change them here I've got my sports bras leggings all that kind of stuff socks and hosery in here I just went through and decluttered all of my long sleeve T-shirts and these are all the finer weights so I've actually refolded them so that they are a little bit Marie condo style so that I can actually see all of them in this basket and here originally I had all of my heavier winter knitwear and a lot of my lighter knitwear was up on this section of the closet here I've got marinos cashmir and cardigans all in this basket I'm going to show you where I have my shorts they're technically a little bit farther than I would like you know what we're going to do this right now so here we go I'm going to put them this way so that they fit a little bit better and this shelf I didn't change at all this is loungewear and then in this basket here I've got undies and bras down here on my shoe rack I've actually switched to as many sort of Summer pumps and sandals and shoes as I can and I've kept it to mostly my lower heels or the high heels that I might reach for more often so I've got this small pile of sweaters here these are the more again like medium weight sweaters I've moved them away from that middle shelf and put them here and these are sort of lighter weight cashmir lighter weight marinos I might use them you know but this little section also I've switched over my running gear from my winter gear to spring summer and this was a case where I have another container in the guest room where my winter running gear goes here though is kind of the catch all section it's not the most beautiful because it contains all of my evening wear for winter summer all of those Seasons it's got my heavier winter sweaters and whatnot but it also has my spring summer trousers skirts and dresses I'm not a huge dress wearer in the summer at least I wasn't I don't have a choice in terms of where I put my dresses because this is the only L hanging section of my closet to be completely honest I'm starting to wear dresses more this year so I'm going to pay attention to that but right now I've got long spring summer trousers and again I switched all all the hangers so that they're all hanging at this level I've got one long skirt even though my philosophy was yes let me put all my summer skirts in that front section there I didn't want this skirt hanging with all of those chemal and things like that because it would have given me like that difference in height this would have kind of been getting Cott in all those tops I would rather have it hanging with my longer Silhouettes also having these longer Silhouettes grouped together is a prompt that I like to use when I'm getting dressed so I always get dressed from the lens of elements of style things like silhouette proportions textures color play and rather than starting to build an outfit from one garment which I find can get me kind of stuck I can start my day and say m I kind of feel like having my legs covered today so I can immediately go to this section and find all of my options for that element which is the longer proportion on the bottom the the other piece that I think is really important when you do your closet switch over especially if you have more limited space and maybe you don't have another room in which to you know put seasonal things I think we have to be okay with not having a picture perfect closet we have to be okay with having some textures that are just going to like stick out and feel a bit random I don't think it's realistic to expect to have a perfectly edited and curated closet at all times life can can be hectic and I think doing the best you can and just making sure that you can really see your pieces so that you get so much more joy out of them also when you've got you know hanging space and when your clothes have a little bit more room to breathe they're going to hang better and it's going to be so much more appealing because it won't be squished and wrinkled in the back and making your clothes more appealing and attractive to put on and get dressed Mak shopping your closet so so much more fun it actually feels like a little Boutique you know I hope you like this little switch over I hope it's given you some tips on how to organize your closet in a way that you get more use out of it if you've got any questions or anything pop them in the comments below I always love to hear from you you can also join my membership Community where we have so many more in-depth discussions about Style and what to do with our clothes and all of these really great Nuance topics that pop up in slow fashion I will leave a link for that in the descript description box below but in the meantime thank you so so much for watching I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day week or evening wherever you're at and I will see you in the next slow fashion video ciao
Channel: Alyssa Beltempo
Views: 28,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slow fashion, alyssa beltempo, shop your closet, shop your wardrobe, shop my closet, shop my wardrobe, closet declutter, closet organization, closet reset for summer, how i switch my closet over for summer, clutter free closet, tips to keep your closet clutter free, tips to seasonal switch your closet
Id: zgNkd38Qqrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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