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What are you looking? I heard you failed the audition for Cheong-Ah. You've failed whenever you applied to, but you still have lingering feelings? Rather go to study abroad as my mom told you. Oh, Seok-kyung also flew to Italy. I don't want to run away. Everyone's saying I'm a daughter of the College Entrance Exam Murderer, Where can I run away to. Why do you read such comments, It's making you angry. Tell the people who are leaving bad comments to you without knowing anything to bring it on showing their social security numbers and even their faces. I'm reading them on purpose. To not forget it. To remember what happened to my mother. Mom, what brought you to school? I have good news. You know Wien Philharmonic Orchestra will have a concert in Korea next week, right. Clark Lee, the conductor there, is having a press conference at Cheong-Ah Art Hall. I'll arrange a meeting somehow, so you get ready to audition for Clark. Audition? Me? How? I was close to him when I was studying abroad. If Clark recognizes you, you'll get calls from world-class conductors. Then you can be on the world stage with Wien Philharmonic Orchestra. You'll be a prima donna in famous opera houses in Italy and Austria. I'm gonna be a prima donna for Clark's concerts? No matter what anyone says, your skills are the best. You won all domestic competitions, and Korea is too small for you in the future. Although I stayed in Korea, I will fully support you so that you can expand to the world. Can I do that? No one else can do it except you. Mom, can you hear my heart beating? What should I sing at the audition? You're gonna give me lessons, right? Of course. You have to get your best by next week somehow. It's going to be different from the audition you've been doing so far. You shouldn't just sing well to go to the world. You have to act with your hands, feet, and face with perfect emotion. You understand me, don't you? You must surpass me. That way, I'll be fully rewarded for the years I've lived. I never miss the opportunity you gave me. I love you, mom. As expected, you are my daughter. I thought you'd get yourself out of hell's memory. I'm glad I trusted you. Thank you. Welcome. Clark, how long has it been? I'm so happy to see you again. Nice to meet you, too. I think you've gotten more beautiful in the meantime? Congratulations on becoming the head of the center. Thank you so much for choosing us for the press conference. The reporters are waiting, Shall we move right away? Sure. Take good care of him. What about Eunbyul? She's practicing in the waiting room. Bring her backstage on time as soon as the press conference is over. Be careful so that reporters won't notice. The news that Chun Seo-jin, the head of the center, is returning to the vocal world is the biggest gift for me. I'm already excited thinking about meeting new singers with talent on this stage. It is an infinite honor to host the Wien Philharmonic Orchestra, led by the conductor Clark Lee, as the first performance at Cheong-Ah Art Center. We ask for your interest in making this a successful performance. Then let's wrap up the interview here. Reporters, please enjoy the refreshments prepared in the waiting room in front of the stage. Thank you. Thank you. Would you like to move over and have a cup of tea? Okay. What is it? Who is singing there without permission. Clark? Bae Rona. I'm sorry. A person with this talent should not prepare food here. I think I just discovered a great gem, Are you a resident musician here/. No. I didn't even have a chance to audition. I failed the document screening. Oh, someone who can make such a perfect high-F hasn't auditioned? No way. I think something's wrong with it, I can't miss this gem. If you trust my ears, give her one more chance. Would you do that? What's your name? My name is Bae Rona. Miss Bae Rona, may I interview you. You've been recognized by the world-renowned Clark Lee, How do you feel? Is it true that you gave me the chance to audition. Ms Cheon Seo-jin? I'd like to hear a definite answer. I can't help it because Clark asked it. I deeply appreciate the head of the center, Ms Cheon Seo-jin, for giving me a fair opportunity without prejudice against me. I'll prepare well and repay you for your kindness. How are you going to prepare for the audition in detail? Do you have any future plans? Bae Rona, you did it on purpose, didn't you? You were waiting backstage on purpose, right? To steal Eunbyul's opportunity. How did you know? Did your dead mom teach you that? How are you doing the same as your mom? You can't say that. Thanks to my mom's shadow singing, you successfully finished your 20th anniversary performance. The song my mom sang at that time was Una voce poco fa, remember? Perfect pitch high F. Because you were praised for showing the best skills that surpasses your heyday. Are you crazy? How dare you say that. I can't beat you without being brazen. Still, the sky seems to help me. I got a chance to be praised by a world-class conductor. It's all thanks to you. Shut up. I am no longer a child. So, don't be too confident. The truth will be unveiled someday. How dare she. I'll never let her do it. Eunbyul. Don't be too disappointed. We can arrange a meeting with Clark again. Why am I disappointed, Rona can't beat me anyway. How can a high school graduate beat a Seoul University Music college student. I'll do it at my own pace. I'll show my skills at the audition. Also, Eunbyul, you are so great. I was worried if you were discouraged. I'm going to see Clark off. Don't worry about it and go. Ms Jin, it's me. Can I see you tonight? Mom, how are you there? No one bothers you, no one hates you, and you feel comfortable, right? If you are happy, I'm happy, too. I miss you so much. Did you come all the way here? Are you auditioning? I have nothing more to lose. I'd do anything if your mother and you could be unhappy. Cheong-Ah has no intention of accepting you as a resident musician. It sounds like you've already been appointed as the grand prize winner? But it's gonna be hard. There are already a lot of articles. A breathtaking audition battle between the murderer's daughter and the victim. Bae Bae-na, a high school graduate, and Ha Eun-byul, a queen of Seoul National University. Who will be the final winner? What a fearless fool, You're the daughter of the college entrance exam killer. Don't insult my mom. I will definitely clear my mom. The more I go on a roll, the more crazy you'll be. I will make you suffer enough to want to die. Bae Rona. Can't you stop? Hello. What did you prepare for Eunbyul as a mom's help? Please make it high quality so that it's not too easy. Hey, Bae Rona, what did you just say. Eunbyul, don't get too mad. It's a game with a conclusion anyway. How? The audition song was chosen as the song where your strengths stand out the most. Really? Don't be nervous and just sing comfortably. The setting is already perfect. Now, we will start the audition for the resident musician of the Cheong-Ah Art Center. As already announced, the privilege of military exemption and the opportunity to study in Italy will be provided to the winner of the grand prize, and we will hold a recital at Cheong-Ah Art Hall 3 times a year for the winner. Then I'll draw a song among of the 10 opera arias recommended by the judges. Pick a cold ball. The drawn song is La Traviata, A Song of Toast. The song will be divided into male and female parts as if you perform an opera, and the person pointed by the pin light will continue to sing. The pin light may light one or several people. Your understanding of the song, pitch, expression, lyrics, acting, and concentration are all included in the score. Okay, let's get started. Why did the key go up? I think I heard the voice of an angel today. Bae Rona's skills were the best. But there was a cheat. The orchestra deliberately raised the key. Opera arias shall be sung in the original key, but this rule was violated, So this audition is invalid. Isn't that the ability to deal with crisis in performances? Bae Rona, you knew everything, didn't you? What do you mean? The accompanists definitely raised the key, but you didn't panic at all. Did you buy the accompanists? If so, what. It's cheating, You auditioned in an unfair way? I'm going to raise an objection. You'll be out. What. Are you all on the side of Bae Rona? Have you been fair? What? Can you be confident that you have been fair in all the competitions that you have swept the grand prizes so far. Shall we take issue with all the competitions so far? Hey, Lee Minhyuk. You have Seoul National University pride. Why are you taking their side? What about Seoul National University. Oh, is it Seoul National University that at least an expedient works? What expedient. Even before the audition began, you were already practicing A Song of Toast. If this isn't expedient, what is it? Your mother told you beforehand. It's you, not us, who should be eliminated. All of us here have given up grand prizes because of you. Is there any reason for us to have to audition fairly? What do you think, Ha Eunbyul? Don't be so upset. It's the way you've always used. Smile, Seojin. I can see your face that you don't want to give it to me. Congratulations, Rona. How dare you mock me? You worked hard to judge. Oh, no. It was so much fun. They were so good that I wondered if I should retire now. Thank you. Thanks to you, we finished the audition well. She was so good that I didn't have much to do. The most important thing is to set the standard fairly. I'm sure Bae Rona will become a world-class prima donna. She completely changed the atmosphere of the audition. Thanks to you, I've been doing well. Let's meet again next time with a better opportunity. You have to accept my invitation again next time. Oh, of course. You're welcome. Yes, Seokhoon. Call me as soon as you know where he is. I'll be waiting. Are you thinking of adopting Rona now? Instead of Min Seol-ah. Were you the one who invited Clark? Was it also your work that put Rona in the audition? It's not like you to use such a shameful method. What did I do? It was the children's self-defense to keep the minimum fairness. You're lying. You think I don't know that you've set up everything? How long do you think I will be taken in by you? I think you're trying hard to get Cheong-A Foundation back. You're the one who shook up the board, aren't you? You worked as a manager in a bar, right. I just revealed the truth. Truth. You like it. Madam Na. You even got rid of the surveillance cameras, It was pretty meticulous. I learned it from you, Destroying evidence. I guess you want to find Cheong-A Foundation back, but it won't be easy. I have no intention of passing it on. You shouldn't have touched the Cheong-A Foundation. Then, you and I wouldn't have come this far. You don't deserve it. What kind of educator are you who is still messing around behind the scenes. How can you be that confident without a single stake? Oh, are you bragging because of the stakes your dead lover has? Stay out of it if it is nothing to do with your child. I will surely make you regret today, Shim Soo-Ryun. Congratulations, Rona. Oh, what a brilliant trophy. Are you waiting for a call? You keep looking at your phone. No, nothing. You should have seen Ms Chun's face then, huh? What can she although she doesn't want to pick Rona. Rona is so good. The reporters were in a fuss about getting an interview with Rona. That's great, Rona. Your mom must be happy too. It's just the beginning. I will be recognized for my skills. You are so strong. At the finale, your high note was so amazing. You were so great, too? Really? Bae Rona, did you have to do that? Bad girl, bad girl, bad girl. Come out to the community. What else are you trying to show off calling me here? Does your mom know you're taking these pills? Why do you have that medicine? It's a tranquilizer I've been taking for a long time. I only take it when I'm very nervous. Did Ms Jin say so? Did you believe that, stupid? I thought it was a lie when you said you didn't remember anything the day my mom died. But you really couldn't remember anything, This medicine. is a memory-deleting drug. It's dangerous to keep taking it. You may have early-onset dementia. What a nonsense. Why would Ms Jin give me such a scary medicine. Didn't you lose your mind because of your mother? Don't ever call me for this. Get a hold of yourself, Ha Eunbyul. You should never take this kind of medicine, Ha Eun-byul. Yuncheol, it's me, Rona. I have something to tell you. Do you have a minute? Dad. Eunbyeol. It's been too long. Are you feeling well? How is uni? You're so curious about me, But why haven't you ever come to see me? Didn't you miss me? I'm sorry, Eunbyul. I have something to do. What's that. Is it something to do with Rona? To uncover the death of Rona's mother? Why do you do that. Because she married you? Oh, is she more important than me, your daughter? She's important to me. And you are no longer a child. I don't want to accept your childishness anymore. Tell me what you came to school for. This medicine. Why do you have this medicine? Did you take this medicine? Did Rona go to see you? Is that why you wanted to see me? It's a medicine that erases memories. The medicine you took after Rona's accident. Who gave you this? Is it Jin Bunhong? Or is it your mother? It's just a headache pill. You don't care. Eunbyul, what did you see when Rona's mom got into an accident. You know something, don't you? So you're trying to hide the truth even taking medicine, right? Did Rona ask you to find out? I don't know. I can't remember anything. You have to remember it. You can't pretend you don't know any more. Both of us. We can't do that to Rona anymore. How much more are you going to sin. If something really happened that day, If what I remember is something to do with Mom, what will you do? You have to remember though, whatever the truth is. I won't leave you no matter what. So trust me and tell me everything that happened that day, okay? Good girl, my daughter. You might even want to split my head open for Rona, Don't be ridiculous. I don't know anything. Eunbyul, Eunbyul, Eunbyul. Cheon Seojin, I'll take off the mask you're
Channel: SBS Catch
Views: 7,682,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 스브스캐치, 스브스캐치 드라마, 드라마 펜트하우스, SBS 펜트하우스, 펜트하우스 1회, 펜트하우스 명장면, 티저 영상, 드라마 티저, 펜트하우스 예고편, 펜트하우스 티저, 펜트하우스 유진, 펜트하우스 김소연, 펜트하우스 이지아, 펜트하우스 엄기준, 펜트하우스 봉태규, 드라마 요약, 드라마 추천, 펜트하우스 하이라이트
Id: 5pygFG30Kkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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