Sully Movie : Hollywood vs Reality

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when I did the flight review movies on American-made and Flight starring Denzel Washington one of the most frequent comments that were left said do the Sully movie do the Sully movie so today I'm doing the Sully movie hey 74 crew what's going on welcome back if this is your first time to the channel my name is Kelsey I'm a 747 pilot my channel 74 gear is all about aviation so whether you're a pilot or an aviation enthusiast consider subscribing today I'm doing the Sully movie now Clint Eastwood did a great job in directing this film so there's not a lot of aviation errors like you saw in the movie flight but what I'm gonna do is pause the film as it goes along and explain some of what's actually going on and explain why we would do those things in the cockpit and at the end of the video I'm gonna give you two different bird stories that happen during my aviation career so stay tuned for that let's get into it no one said you are going to lose both engines at a lower altitude than any jet in history this was dual engine loss at 2,800 feet followed by an immediate water landing with 155 souls on board no one has ever trained for an incident like that our job is to investigate how a plane ended up in the Hudson River on it's not a crash it was a forced water landing simulations showed that you could make it back to the airport not possible I felt it go my aircraft aircraft how am I gonna know I did the best I could of course you did she saved everyone people call you a hero I don't feel like a hero there's been too much talking the press already overwhelmed by all this attention the left engine was still operating what if I did get this wrong what if I endangered the lives of all those passengers I got an a320 diving for the river you did everything you could have more than enough when's your last drink Captain Sullenburger and he had any troubles at home this is the captain brace for impact great heads down there were people of that plane and you were one of them over 40 years in the air but in the end I'm gonna be judged on 208 seconds I need a count passengers and crew all right so that's the trailer just to kind of refresh your memory of what the film is about I obviously like the part where the reporter calls them super Sully I think that's pretty pretty cool and the other thing that's interesting is that he says his whole career is gonna be judged basically on what happens here and sadly that's that's true in aviation you can have 30 or 40 years of doing everything perfect if you mess up something major then that's gonna be in your record permanently and while it's unfortunate that's a responsibility that you take when you become a pilot it's one of the thing that's really interesting that that Tom Cruise when he's portraying Sully that they actually point out in this movie but that's very accurate all right here we go I actually taken off on this runway in LaGuardia so I'm interested check out their fuel quality quantity 13,000 pounds before we got it on board 19,000 pounds of all right so he says 19,000 pounds required 21.8 onboard they're referring to the fuel so you're gonna get at the beginning of your flight the paperwork that you see always the pilots that are getting up in the terminal it's gonna say the amount of fuel that's required to safely complete the flight to its destination or what other requirements are necessary for the safe completion of the flight in this case 19,000 pounds of fuel is what's being required and both the first officer and the captain are verifying that so he's saying 19,000 pounds required 21.8 onboard meaning they have more than enough fuel to safely complete the flight and both are verifying it so that way there's never any issues that one guy saw and the other guy didn't see it and that's just going to be a protocol I guess that US Airways had at this time Cactus 1549 cleared for takeoff so he says TOGA TOGA stands for takeoff go-around it's essentially a power setting that is programmed in the computer which basically is setting the aircraft into the amount of thrust necessary or required or planned for the takeoff of the aircraft so again but one setting and the other one's verifying and it's again for a safety uh a redundancy factor to make sure that it's done correctly gear up please nice view of the Hudson I never get over how beautiful it is up here life's easier in the air birds we got both of them rolling back so when he's saying one rolling back and two rolling back he's basically saying the thrust that's been created by the engine is rolling back that's not specifically what he's looking at when it's going backwards but that's what it's telling him one rolling back and two rolling back it's basically saying engine one and now engine 2 the amount of thrust that's being created is now deteriorating and therefore there's not any thrust being created from either engine when the engines rolled back they stopped obviously bruising threats but that is also what is the source of electricity for the engines the engines of producing obviously thrust they're producing electricity for everything that's being run on the aircraft it's producing pressurization so those engines are doing a lot of different things with the engines are now shutting down you're obviously now losing the electricity that's why the cabin lights are turning off he says I'm gonna turn on the APU now the APU is the auxiliary power unit in the very back of a plane the next time you use the airport you'll see a cone at the back of that plane if it's running you'll see fumes coming out of it that little cone at the very tail of the aircraft that has fumes coming out of it that's a small turbine engine similar to what's on the wings but it's in the back it's used for a lot of different things that's on the aircraft but one of those things is electricity he's turning that on to give power again to the aircraft now almost never when you're in aviation are you gonna do something that's not as directed by the training manuals but in this case he deemed it was necessary for the safe completion of the flight so under captain's authority he decided he was going to turn it on now he's restored electrical power to the aircraft seat belts are fastened get out the QRH loss of thrust on both engines Mayday Mayday Mayday this is cactus 1549 we've hit birds the QRH is a quick reference handbook that's what I'm talking about when I referred to earlier as directed by the company manual so the quick reference handbook is basically that sitting usually in both pockets on both sides of the cockpit that both pilots have access to and from that you're able to grab that book and quickly reference things that are necessary for an emergency in flight captain Sully instructs him to get the dual engine failure checklist out of that quick reference handbook now later on you're gonna hear him asking to confirm things with Sully in that checklist you're gonna have things that if you're reading it you're going to be doing them while the other guy is handling the radios flying the aircraft and things like that there are other things that are more important that both people need to agree on it so you'll hear him say confirm and so they will say confirm or some other acknowledgement the reason that is is that way you don't do something wrong shut down the wrong engine or hit the wrong switch so you'll hear that later on and he's reading off of that QRH quick reference handbook maintain one 5,000 Delta 331 okay you need to return to the LaGuardia turn left heading to zero which engine did you lose sup I have an emergency what's the report both engines what both engines gone no thrust LaGuardia says go to runway 13 tower stop you departure got emergency returning 1549 bird strike he lost both engines returning immediately he lost thrust in both engines he said cactus 1549 if we can get a few do you want to try to land runway 13 we're unable we may end up in the Hudson I got an a320 diving for the river Al stack all the amount of the Guardia put a hold on the tower please come on guys stand point Teterboro tower I need a runway cactus 1549 needs to go the airport right now Newark Tower what have you got yes okay yeah off your right side is Teterboro Airport having 24 I don't think we can make any runway what about over to our right anything in New Jersey maybe Teterboro okay yeah off your right side is Teterboro Airport LaGuardia departure got emergency inbound cactus 1549 over the GW bridge he needs to go the airport right now yes bird strike can I get him in for runway 1 Cactus 1549 do you want to try Teterboro obstacle obstacle obstacle obstacle no relight after 30 seconds in your master wanted to confirm off off wait 30 seconds this is the captain brace for impact cactus 1549 turn right 280 you can land runway one Teterboro we can't make it okay which runway would you like at Teterboro go ahead try number one no we like we're gonna end up in the Hudson let's put the flaps down put the flaps down you don't try the other 1549 still got left's to you one more no that's good you got flaps 2 you want more available at Newark could it be two o'clock and 7 miles got any ideas actually not alright so there's the end of the video some of the things that I want to go over one the first thing was I want you to remember how ATC and them were working together ATC when he declared the emergency when he gave the Mayday Mayday Mayday call ATC gave him their full attention ATC is up there as your friend most of the time when you're a pilot there directing you on what to do but in time and emergency you're not gonna have a better friend and ATC they are gonna do whatever they can to help you safely get your aircraft to wherever you need to go now whether that's your flying your Cessna 152 or you're flying applying an a380 full of 600 people regardless of the situation they are there and they're gonna be your best help when you're really in a jam they're gonna help you out I want to say thank you to all the air traffic control for all the years of really helping me out you guys do a great job so if you're watching thank you thanks also for you pilots out there I want you to remember that if you're ever jammed up and you need help air traffic control they are your best friend they're always gonna be there to help you out now if afterwards you have to file a report or do something that is better than have an accident on your record or getting yourself hurt or the people on your aircraft hurt so just remember that they're there and they are your friend they're gonna help you out whenever they can so the next thing is on the crew Resource Management I talked about it in the flight movie with Denzel and what he was doing with the crew Resource Management the crew here you see the same thing the first officer is reading out speed as they're slowing down and getting over the Hudson he's trying to do what he can to help solely and solely on the other side is basically he asked him towards the end any ideas he's trying to work together as a team to see if there's any any ideas that this new first officer can do to help him and help recover the jet there's obviously not much you can do if you have both engines failing but using that crew resource management see if they can come up with an idea of how to do it so that's a good example of crm crew resource management the other thing is that I talked about it in flight aviate navigate communicate there's a few times ATC is calling him and he's busy talking with the first officer we're making an announcement to the passengers and in their actual flight that is also what happened air traffic control was calling him and he was busy figuring out how to get the plane safely where he needs to go so aviate first then navigate and then communicate he's doing it in that order and the result of this accident was a fantastic job by the crew when I say the crew that is everybody on board now obviously I'm talking about this section of the flight where the flight deck crew is doing an excellent job but don't forget if you're ever flying passengers the best help you're gonna get is gonna be from the flight attendants in the back there they're primarily for the safety of all the people are on board and they did an excellent job getting everybody evacuated safely my aunt was a flight attendant I remember when this accident happened one of the first things she was saying was man these flight attendants did a great job and that's because a lot of times they don't get the credit they deserve for what a great job they do and for the value and importance that they have in the event of an emergency a lot of times it's the flight attendants that end up saving more lives than the pilots do because they're busy doing other things at that time the flight attendants in this accident did a fantastic job as well or not accident sports water landing not a crash was a forced water land they also did a fantastic job that's another example of the CRM where he's working with the flight attendants to make sure that everybody gets off the plane safely so that's all I have on on that my two bird stories is the first one is is I know a lot of people are wondering if a bird goes in the engine is that engine automatically dead not necessarily it's gonna depend on the type of engine the size of the bird and a few other factors I've had a bird go straight into a turbine engine before and it chewed it up and you know it was making a weird noise but the engine was still producing thrust so it's not automatic that if a bird goes in that it's gonna lose the thrust and the engines going to die in this scenario there were so many birds there was so much damage on the engines the engine can't really survive the other one they had that was actually strangely awkwardly similar to this I was flying about 2,000 feet over Houston we were coming into land I was with another pilot named Matt Matt I don't know if he'll ever watch this video but he can confirm it I was not the flying pilot I was programming something into the GPS and out of the corner of my eye saw something go pass and I looked up and as I looked up we were in a flock of seagulls we like I said we were in Houston around two thousand feet both of us were just totally silent and for I would say about five or seven seconds we flew through an entire flock of birds like that seagulls not geese like what Sully had but seagulls and we were flying with them and by some miracle we flew through all those birds from about five to seven seconds and we came on the other side and we both looked at each other and I said are you joking with me right now I reported that we flew through a bunch of birds air traffic control didn't really seem to care and we came in and landed we both came out to look at the plane to see if we'd hit any because normally if you hit a bird you'll feel it we walked around that whole plane and there wasn't a single bird that we hit I don't know how that is possible but they were above us and below us I don't know if they could see out of the the rearview vision or what but they came I don't know they separated it was the craziest thing that's ever happened to me when it came to birds that's my bird story I don't know how we didn't hit a single one it's crazy so I haven't had many bird strikes I've had a couple that hit a wing or things like that but for the most part you're rarely gonna have bird strikes they want to survive and whenever possible they're gonna try to get out of the way alright crew that wraps up everything I have on this soli movie I hope you enjoyed it it is a great movie I'm gonna put a link to it in the description below if you want to get it and watch the movie Clint Eastwood did a fantastic job in directing it and I know Sully I believe was a technical adviser to make sure that everything was really accurate and obviously he did a fantastic job as well in the actual flight as well as this movie here in the comments section below I want you to tell me do you think solely is a hero or do you think he was just doing his job and doing the responsibilities that he was given as an airline pilot I look forward to hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 1,053,532
Rating: 4.798923 out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, sully, sully video, Sully movie clips, Sully movie trailer, Sully movie, Sully plane crash, Sully movie crash, sullenberger, Sully plane crash scene, Sully trailer, Miracle on the Hudson, Captain Sully, Captain sully movie, Hudson River crash, plane crash hudson river, tom hanks sully, airline pilot crash, water landing, Forced water landing, captain sully movie clips
Id: hXfWU_ER3Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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